CDZ Just what do you expect out of Cops?

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
I can reply to this question because I was one to long and tend to be bias. I can how ever say that there to good cops and bad. It takes temperament, common sense, quick actions just for starters.
A better question is What should be expected of cops as opposed to what we can expect from cops. Two vastly different things.
I expect cops to enforce the law without killing people if they can.
I expect nothing.
But if you are need of help, will call them and expect what?
I'll expect them to show up after the fact and take notes then never do anything about the crime

You forgot the part about the donuts.
Bulldog, I do not agree with your humor. We have a serious problem on this board and in this nation.
Yes, lots of problems. Arrogant cops who don;t think rules apply to them is one of the biggest.
I expect nothing.
But if you are need of help, will call them and expect what?
I'll expect them to show up after the fact and take notes then never do anything about the crime
What have you experienced that brings you to your conclusion?
Let's see

When I lived in the city as a college student on my own in a little apartment and one daysome piece of shit broke down my door with an ax stole nearly everything I owned including my only pair of winter boots and most of my clothes and worst of all my father's watch. SO I went to the corner and called the cops on a payphone

The fucking asswipe accused me of being a drug dealer and I asked him what drug dealer do you know that doesn't have a phone? This was before cell phones btw

SO the asswipe took notes and left. Never heard from the fuckign cops again and never got any of my stuff back.
I expect nothing.
But if you are need of help, will call them and expect what?

If I need help and call them, odds are that by the time they arrive I will be either dead or wondering who took my shit. At that point I expect them to investigate the crime and solve it. It is not often, in my experience, that the police actually prevent a crime, save some sort of traffic crime. Most of what they do happens after the fact. And please do not interpret that as a slam or that I have no respect for the police, quite the opposite. In fact, I came very close to joining up. Scored very high in the oral with the LAPD when I was a much younger man. They squawked me on 5lbs.
I expect nothing.
But if you are need of help, will call them and expect what?
I'll expect them to show up after the fact and take notes then never do anything about the crime
What have you experienced that brings you to your conclusion?
Let's see

When I lived in the city as a college student on my own in a little apartment and one daysome piece of shit broke down my door with an ax stole nearly everything I owned including my only pair of winter boots and most of my clothes and worst of all my father's watch. SO I went to the corner and called the cops on a payphone

The fucking asswipe accused me of being a drug dealer and I asked him what drug dealer do you know that doesn't have a phone? This was before cell phones btw

SO the asswipe took notes and left. Never heard from the fuckign cops again and never got any of my stuff back.
Well, I can say I have had experience with the police, too. One time in the very early times in the morning, my house alarms went off, indicating someone was ring to enter my home or broke a window. The company that monitors my alarm and fire system asked if I wanted the police to be called. Two units came and said it was probably due to the winds that night, but they would search my property and make sure I was safe.

I appreciated their effort to make sure me and my family were safe.
I can reply to this question because I was one to long and tend to be bias. I can how ever say that there to good cops and bad. It takes temperament, common sense, quick actions just for starters.

To write a decent report.

To take care of themselves.

It would also be peachy if every call that was responded to had some type of report written by the individual responding.

Of course there are good cops and bad cops. There are good people and people that suck. Sometimes they suck for a short time and others suck on a full time basis permanently.
I can reply to this question because I was one to long and tend to be bias. I can how ever say that there to good cops and bad. It takes temperament, common sense, quick actions just for starters.

Can you be more particular?

In general I expect cops to get paid only decently for dealing with domestic disturbances and the like day in and day out. Like everyone I expect them to be honest and do their jobs.

I also figure just like every night someone is the worst baseball player on the team, every night someone is the worst cop on the street and I MIGHT be the lucky fellow pulled over by them so I better do nothing scary.

In response to some of the others, no matter who you call they are going to show up AFTER your alarm goes off or someone robs you. You just have to be realistic in expectations.
I can reply to this question because I was one to long and tend to be bias. I can how ever say that there to good cops and bad. It takes temperament, common sense, quick actions just for starters.
It is a sad day when anyone meets a bad cop.

And a good day when anyone meets a good cop.

Except of course for Michael Brown. He met a good cop who was an especially good shot -- 11 for 11. That's really good !!!
I can reply to this question because I was one to long and tend to be bias. I can how ever say that there to good cops and bad. It takes temperament, common sense, quick actions just for starters.
It is a sad day when anyone meets a bad cop.

And a good day when anyone meets a good cop.

Except of course for Michael Brown. He met a good cop who was an especially good shot -- 11 for 11. That's really good !!!

The wheels for my Mustang came from Zisser Tire which was looted in the riots. At one point I considered myself quite well read on the incident.

My take was Michael Brown goofed and got himself shot and Officer Wilson not have the best few moments of policing ever by any stretch.

To judge an incident like this you have to immerse yourself live time. Usually I am on the side of law enforcement. This may seem random but it ties in....My father was amazed ladies would want to be patrol officers. He repeatedly told me not screw up and scare a female cop into shooting my big self.

Was Wilson convictable in the case? Maybe. Is there an excuse to let him free? Maybe. Regardless the situation got out of control.
I can reply to this question because I was one to long and tend to be bias. I can how ever say that there to good cops and bad. It takes temperament, common sense, quick actions just for starters.
It is a sad day when anyone meets a bad cop.

And a good day when anyone meets a good cop.

Except of course for Michael Brown. He met a good cop who was an especially good shot -- 11 for 11. That's really good !!!

The wheels for my Mustang came from Zisser Tire which was looted in the riots. At one point I considered myself quite well read on the incident.

My take was Michael Brown goofed and got himself shot and Officer Wilson not have the best few moments of policing ever by any stretch.

To judge an incident like this you have to immerse yourself live time. Usually I am on the side of law enforcement. This may seem random but it ties in....My father was amazed ladies would want to be patrol officers. He repeatedly told me not screw up and scare a female cop into shooting my big self.

Was Wilson convictable in the case? Maybe. Is there an excuse to let him free? Maybe. Regardless the situation got out of control.

I have rarely been more afraid than I was when a woman cop pulled me over for speeding 10 miles over the limit. She was shaking, sweating, and had her hand on her gun the whole time. Obviously, I as one of her first solo traffic stops. I was relieved when another cop car pulled up to the scene.

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