Justice Alito just telegraphed that red states could go after Biden for releasing money to Iran

Bwahhhhhhhhhahhhhhhhahhhhhhhh....OMG DID YOU REALLY JUST SAY THAT?

Oh I see, your little head can't quite handle separating questions of law from questions of morality.

As a legal matter, we are not at war with Iran. You'll just have to find some way to deal with that fact sanely.
How about getting on topic duck. The SCOTUS is leaning 8-1 in favor of reinstating Trump on the CO ballot. You're derailing the thread to irrelevant garbage.
There was never any doubt that the corrupt Scotus would side with Trump. And that's great! Biden threatens world peace and the D party won't allow him to get out of his mess by relenting on America's war of aggression against Russia.
We nearly always agree my friend, even though six legs motivates my reaction to stop for lunch.
He said it during the arguments in the Colorado case to keep Trump off the ballot. Biden should be alarmed at this news.

I heard Biden just laughed at that and said the Neo-GOP MAGANUTS don't the balls to stand up to Benedict Donald to protect our borders, much less have the cajones to declare war on Iran!

Oh I see, your little head can't quite handle separating questions of law from questions of morality.

As a legal matter, we are not at war with Iran. You'll just have to find some way to deal with that fact sanely.
Please lay out for the class, your Bona Fides to make statements of law, beyond being a dumb ass liberal progressive...
Oh I see, your little head can't quite handle separating questions of law from questions of morality.

As a legal matter, we are not at war with Iran. You'll just have to find some way to deal with that fact sanely.
Your opinion is becoming symbolic of the groundswell that is overtaking America!

That which we can now envision together on US relations with Iran is getting a lot more possible.

There's tremendous advantage for America and Iran to be neutrals with each other. That even makes Saudi possible too!
Please lay out for the class, your Bona Fides to make statements of law, beyond being a dumb ass liberal progressive...
A head on my shoulders dummy.

You should get one for yourself too, so you could put togather an argument worth a damn sometimes too.
Like hell we're not

We are the great Satan to them

Maybe if you turned off CNN, you'd know such things
Truthiness makes a triumphant return. It feels that way deep down in yore gut, don't it?

Declared war I believe is the term used by the lawyer today in his answer to the question. No criminal liability in distributing humanitarian aid to Iranians for that matter.
A head on my shoulders dummy.

You should get one for yourself too, so you could put togather an argument worth a damn sometimes too.
Oh no plebe…the point is you should refrain from such declarative statements, seeing how absolutely unqualified you are concerning the law.
Silly nonsense.

We are not at war with Iran, which is the standard of "aid to enemy"

Sure we are. Since you are being so obtuse, "war" is not only defined as armed conflict, but then again, we are bombing Iran linked targets.

War: a struggle or competition between opposing forces or for a particular end. (Palestinian State ring any bells?)
Warfare: Acts undertaken to destroy or undermine the strength of another.
No money was given to Iran from the US.

So what? We released their money to be used for humanitarian purposes, which of course freed up resources for them to further fund Hamas and other terrorist organizations. Under Biden's watch, the entire Middle East has become even less stable and Iran will become a nuclear power. Biden is a first class traitor and/or a complete idiot.

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