Justice Department not going after McCabe

...If you lose the rule of law and allow Trump to weaponize the Department of Justice, democracies don't come back from shit like this.

I think I see the problem.... you think the empire is actually a democracy and the 'rule of law' applies to everyone equally... reality is a bit different though..



I think you Trumpers will be fantasizing about 500 investigations being done in secret...
....as opposed to the '500' secret illegal investigations run by the Democrats / Obama's criminal organization that we have been and are still learning about....the ones the House Dems conducted...and the ones they still promise to do as they are talking about continuing to Impeach until they get one right?
In your desperation to claim both sides do it -- you still fail to show an example of it....

Do you know why?

Because there isn't any.....

This Trump worship will not age well for you sycophants

In the halls of justice, the only justice is in the halls.
Trump wrongly fires a man seconds before he qualifies for retirement out of spite, while lying to the nation about him, and the investigation HE asked for turns up nothing.

He lied to congress, he admitted lying to congress, and the ig report said he lied to congress.
You of all people should demand justice, but you're just a hack.

You guys do not follow it as close as I do I assume, so let me tell you what is really going on in case you missed it----------->

Mcabe and Comey now have plausible deniability, and the DOJ investigation gave it to them. Oh sure, Mcabe could be prosecuted for lying to congress or leaks, but his defense would be extremely strong as he would just insist that the information he had from upper agencies proved that he had to do something. And if he was convicted, he would turn into a martyr as he was DECEIVED. Mcabe is NOT the person you would want to come out of the box with to prove conspiracy if that was your goal, as he to was mislead.

Besides folks, if you REALLY want to "bring the house of cards down," prosecuting someone who was duped gets you no closer to the powers that be who pulled this off. It would become a "he said, he said," and that is NOT what you want.

Sooooooooooooo, what changed that would have the DOJ and the Trump Administrations deciding to bypass Mcabe?

BIGGER FISH that WILL bring the "house of cards" down around all of their heads, and quickly!

And let me say before continuing, that Strozk and Paige are also in the reasonably safe boat with Mcabe at this time.

So then, larger fish? Who could that be?

Leftists refuse to, or put blinders on when adding 2 and 2 together. All you need do is ask-----------> what else came out that would show a much larger fish, and have Barr and friends divert their gaze from those who were the tools of this conspiracy fiasco, but are not seen as the master minds?

THIS--------------->John Durham investigating ex-CIA Director John Brennan as part of review of FBI Russia probe, New York Times reports - CNNPolitics

This guy will give Barr the keys to the Obama Whitehouse-) As you can see by the testimony of Paige and Strozk, NEITHER of them were ever at a cabinet meeting, so have no direct knowledge of high up this stuff goes, Brennan was, as was Comey.

This whole exercise in Juris Prudence, is not about tying this conspiracy to lowly FBI agents and lawyers, but about tying it to THE DEMOCRATS and the former Administration.

Now I ask you conservatives a simple question as I end this post-----------------> Knowing everything you as of today know about Barr; if the only ones he could successfully prosecute were Mcabe, Strozk, and Paige...….after saying on more than one occasion that basically, "there is really something wrong here," he would just let it pass? And Trump would sign off on this since it is obvious; especially in Mcabes situation, they could easily get a conviction?

Nah, all of you know better, lol. Let the Left take a victory lap on this one, even as they try and tell everyone the race is over. Their checkered flag is very premature-)

Yeah, sorry but people who are pissed about McCabe getting off for crime are done with "trust the plan" and "getting bigger fish" stuff. We heard all that before with the Hillary investigations.
...If you lose the rule of law and allow Trump to weaponize the Department of Justice, democracies don't come back from shit like this.

I think I see the problem.... you think the empire is actually a democracy and the 'rule of law' applies to everyone equally... reality is a bit different though..



I think you Trumpers will be fantasizing about 500 investigations being done in secret...
....as opposed to the '500' secret illegal investigations run by the Democrats / Obama's criminal organization that we have been and are still learning about....the ones the House Dems conducted...and the ones they still promise to do as they are talking about continuing to Impeach until they get one right?
In your desperation to claim both sides do it -- you still fail to show an example of it....

Do you know why?

Because there isn't any.....

This Trump worship will not age well for you sycophants

In the halls of justice, the only justice is in the halls.
Trump wrongly fires a man seconds before he qualifies for retirement out of spite, while lying to the nation about him, and the investigation HE asked for turns up nothing.

He lied to congress, he admitted lying to congress, and the ig report said he lied to congress.
You of all people should demand justice, but you're just a hack.

You guys do not follow it as close as I do I assume, so let me tell you what is really going on in case you missed it----------->

Mcabe and Comey now have plausible deniability, and the DOJ investigation gave it to them. Oh sure, Mcabe could be prosecuted for lying to congress or leaks, but his defense would be extremely strong as he would just insist that the information he had from upper agencies proved that he had to do something. And if he was convicted, he would turn into a martyr as he was DECEIVED. Mcabe is NOT the person you would want to come out of the box with to prove conspiracy if that was your goal, as he to was mislead.

Besides folks, if you REALLY want to "bring the house of cards down," prosecuting someone who was duped gets you no closer to the powers that be who pulled this off. It would become a "he said, he said," and that is NOT what you want.

Sooooooooooooo, what changed that would have the DOJ and the Trump Administrations deciding to bypass Mcabe?

BIGGER FISH that WILL bring the "house of cards" down around all of their heads, and quickly!

And let me say before continuing, that Strozk and Paige are also in the reasonably safe boat with Mcabe at this time.

So then, larger fish? Who could that be?

Leftists refuse to, or put blinders on when adding 2 and 2 together. All you need do is ask-----------> what else came out that would show a much larger fish, and have Barr and friends divert their gaze from those who were the tools of this conspiracy fiasco, but are not seen as the master minds?

THIS--------------->John Durham investigating ex-CIA Director John Brennan as part of review of FBI Russia probe, New York Times reports - CNNPolitics

This guy will give Barr the keys to the Obama Whitehouse-) As you can see by the testimony of Paige and Strozk, NEITHER of them were ever at a cabinet meeting, so have no direct knowledge of high up this stuff goes, Brennan was, as was Comey.

This whole exercise in Juris Prudence, is not about tying this conspiracy to lowly FBI agents and lawyers, but about tying it to THE DEMOCRATS and the former Administration.

Now I ask you conservatives a simple question as I end this post-----------------> Knowing everything you as of today know about Barr; if the only ones he could successfully prosecute were Mcabe, Strozk, and Paige...….after saying on more than one occasion that basically, "there is really something wrong here," he would just let it pass? And Trump would sign off on this since it is obvious; especially in Mcabes situation, they could easily get a conviction?

Nah, all of you know better, lol. Let the Left take a victory lap on this one, even as they try and tell everyone the race is over. Their checkered flag is very premature-)

Yeah, sorry but people who are pissed about McCabe getting off for crime are done with "trust the plan" and "getting bigger fish" stuff. We heard all that before with the Hillary investigations.

There was nothing to get with Hillary just as there is nothing now. You guys keep allowing yourselves to get played.
Hopefully it's not over.

Top Mueller prosecutor: DOJ starting new investigation into James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and Peter Strzok

Top Mueller prosecutor: DOJ starting new investigation into James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and Peter Strzok

It's unbelievable for those involved in the failed hoax Russia investigation to be whining about now being the targets of investigation. They illegally spied on Carter Page and accused him of being a spy for Russia for 2 years. These same people had no issue with setting up Flynn or suggesting using a wire to record the president, but now want to play the victim. :haha:

There was no Russia hoax.
...If you lose the rule of law and allow Trump to weaponize the Department of Justice, democracies don't come back from shit like this.

I think I see the problem.... you think the empire is actually a democracy and the 'rule of law' applies to everyone equally... reality is a bit different though..



I think you Trumpers will be fantasizing about 500 investigations being done in secret...
....as opposed to the '500' secret illegal investigations run by the Democrats / Obama's criminal organization that we have been and are still learning about....the ones the House Dems conducted...and the ones they still promise to do as they are talking about continuing to Impeach until they get one right?
In your desperation to claim both sides do it -- you still fail to show an example of it....

Do you know why?

Because there isn't any.....

This Trump worship will not age well for you sycophants

In the halls of justice, the only justice is in the halls.
Trump wrongly fires a man seconds before he qualifies for retirement out of spite, while lying to the nation about him, and the investigation HE asked for turns up nothing.

He lied to congress, he admitted lying to congress, and the ig report said he lied to congress.
You of all people should demand justice, but you're just a hack.

You guys do not follow it as close as I do I assume, so let me tell you what is really going on in case you missed it----------->

Mcabe and Comey now have plausible deniability, and the DOJ investigation gave it to them. Oh sure, Mcabe could be prosecuted for lying to congress or leaks, but his defense would be extremely strong as he would just insist that the information he had from upper agencies proved that he had to do something. And if he was convicted, he would turn into a martyr as he was DECEIVED. Mcabe is NOT the person you would want to come out of the box with to prove conspiracy if that was your goal, as he to was mislead.

Besides folks, if you REALLY want to "bring the house of cards down," prosecuting someone who was duped gets you no closer to the powers that be who pulled this off. It would become a "he said, he said," and that is NOT what you want.

Sooooooooooooo, what changed that would have the DOJ and the Trump Administrations deciding to bypass Mcabe?

BIGGER FISH that WILL bring the "house of cards" down around all of their heads, and quickly!

And let me say before continuing, that Strozk and Paige are also in the reasonably safe boat with Mcabe at this time.

So then, larger fish? Who could that be?

Leftists refuse to, or put blinders on when adding 2 and 2 together. All you need do is ask-----------> what else came out that would show a much larger fish, and have Barr and friends divert their gaze from those who were the tools of this conspiracy fiasco, but are not seen as the master minds?

THIS--------------->John Durham investigating ex-CIA Director John Brennan as part of review of FBI Russia probe, New York Times reports - CNNPolitics

This guy will give Barr the keys to the Obama Whitehouse-) As you can see by the testimony of Paige and Strozk, NEITHER of them were ever at a cabinet meeting, so have no direct knowledge of high up this stuff goes, Brennan was, as was Comey.

This whole exercise in Juris Prudence, is not about tying this conspiracy to lowly FBI agents and lawyers, but about tying it to THE DEMOCRATS and the former Administration.

Now I ask you conservatives a simple question as I end this post-----------------> Knowing everything you as of today know about Barr; if the only ones he could successfully prosecute were Mcabe, Strozk, and Paige...….after saying on more than one occasion that basically, "there is really something wrong here," he would just let it pass? And Trump would sign off on this since it is obvious; especially in Mcabes situation, they could easily get a conviction?

Nah, all of you know better, lol. Let the Left take a victory lap on this one, even as they try and tell everyone the race is over. Their checkered flag is very premature-)

Durham ain't going to give Barr the keys to his car, much less the Obama white house. There is nothing there.
...If you lose the rule of law and allow Trump to weaponize the Department of Justice, democracies don't come back from shit like this.

I think I see the problem.... you think the empire is actually a democracy and the 'rule of law' applies to everyone equally... reality is a bit different though..



I think you Trumpers will be fantasizing about 500 investigations being done in secret...
....as opposed to the '500' secret illegal investigations run by the Democrats / Obama's criminal organization that we have been and are still learning about....the ones the House Dems conducted...and the ones they still promise to do as they are talking about continuing to Impeach until they get one right?
In your desperation to claim both sides do it -- you still fail to show an example of it....

Do you know why?

Because there isn't any.....

This Trump worship will not age well for you sycophants

In the halls of justice, the only justice is in the halls.
Trump wrongly fires a man seconds before he qualifies for retirement out of spite, while lying to the nation about him, and the investigation HE asked for turns up nothing.

He lied to congress, he admitted lying to congress, and the ig report said he lied to congress.
You of all people should demand justice, but you're just a hack.

You guys do not follow it as close as I do I assume, so let me tell you what is really going on in case you missed it----------->

Mcabe and Comey now have plausible deniability, and the DOJ investigation gave it to them. Oh sure, Mcabe could be prosecuted for lying to congress or leaks, but his defense would be extremely strong as he would just insist that the information he had from upper agencies proved that he had to do something. And if he was convicted, he would turn into a martyr as he was DECEIVED. Mcabe is NOT the person you would want to come out of the box with to prove conspiracy if that was your goal, as he to was mislead.

Besides folks, if you REALLY want to "bring the house of cards down," prosecuting someone who was duped gets you no closer to the powers that be who pulled this off. It would become a "he said, he said," and that is NOT what you want.

Sooooooooooooo, what changed that would have the DOJ and the Trump Administrations deciding to bypass Mcabe?

BIGGER FISH that WILL bring the "house of cards" down around all of their heads, and quickly!

And let me say before continuing, that Strozk and Paige are also in the reasonably safe boat with Mcabe at this time.

So then, larger fish? Who could that be?

Leftists refuse to, or put blinders on when adding 2 and 2 together. All you need do is ask-----------> what else came out that would show a much larger fish, and have Barr and friends divert their gaze from those who were the tools of this conspiracy fiasco, but are not seen as the master minds?

THIS--------------->John Durham investigating ex-CIA Director John Brennan as part of review of FBI Russia probe, New York Times reports - CNNPolitics

This guy will give Barr the keys to the Obama Whitehouse-) As you can see by the testimony of Paige and Strozk, NEITHER of them were ever at a cabinet meeting, so have no direct knowledge of high up this stuff goes, Brennan was, as was Comey.

This whole exercise in Juris Prudence, is not about tying this conspiracy to lowly FBI agents and lawyers, but about tying it to THE DEMOCRATS and the former Administration.

Now I ask you conservatives a simple question as I end this post-----------------> Knowing everything you as of today know about Barr; if the only ones he could successfully prosecute were Mcabe, Strozk, and Paige...….after saying on more than one occasion that basically, "there is really something wrong here," he would just let it pass? And Trump would sign off on this since it is obvious; especially in Mcabes situation, they could easily get a conviction?

Nah, all of you know better, lol. Let the Left take a victory lap on this one, even as they try and tell everyone the race is over. Their checkered flag is very premature-)

Yeah, sorry but people who are pissed about McCabe getting off for crime are done with "trust the plan" and "getting bigger fish" stuff. We heard all that before with the Hillary investigations.

Bullshit. What you hear time and time again with Hillary is "There is no evidence of her commiting any crimes. There are no witnesses, and there is no evidence that a crime was committed". More than 20 investigations - all with the same result. The same thing that is happening with the people Trump is now accusing. No evidence, no witnesses and no crimes.

Trump is acquitted in a Senate trials, and he continues flouting the Constitution and attacking the rule of law. While his trial was going on, Guliani was still in the Ukraine, looking for dirt, real or forged, on the Bidens.

Trump commits his crimes out in the open for all to see, and you claim he's not doing anything wrong. Trumpists have no credibility whatsoever.
Hopefully it's not over.

Top Mueller prosecutor: DOJ starting new investigation into James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and Peter Strzok

Top Mueller prosecutor: DOJ starting new investigation into James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and Peter Strzok

It's unbelievable for those involved in the failed hoax Russia investigation to be whining about now being the targets of investigation. They illegally spied on Carter Page and accused him of being a spy for Russia for 2 years. These same people had no issue with setting up Flynn or suggesting using a wire to record the president, but now want to play the victim. :haha:

There was no Russia hoax.
Hopefully it's not over.

Top Mueller prosecutor: DOJ starting new investigation into James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and Peter Strzok

Top Mueller prosecutor: DOJ starting new investigation into James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and Peter Strzok

It's unbelievable for those involved in the failed hoax Russia investigation to be whining about now being the targets of investigation. They illegally spied on Carter Page and accused him of being a spy for Russia for 2 years. These same people had no issue with setting up Flynn or suggesting using a wire to record the president, but now want to play the victim. :haha:

There was no Russia hoax.
Heed your own words son.
...If you lose the rule of law and allow Trump to weaponize the Department of Justice, democracies don't come back from shit like this.

I think I see the problem.... you think the empire is actually a democracy and the 'rule of law' applies to everyone equally... reality is a bit different though..



I think you Trumpers will be fantasizing about 500 investigations being done in secret...
....as opposed to the '500' secret illegal investigations run by the Democrats / Obama's criminal organization that we have been and are still learning about....the ones the House Dems conducted...and the ones they still promise to do as they are talking about continuing to Impeach until they get one right?
In your desperation to claim both sides do it -- you still fail to show an example of it....

Do you know why?

Because there isn't any.....

This Trump worship will not age well for you sycophants

In the halls of justice, the only justice is in the halls.
Trump wrongly fires a man seconds before he qualifies for retirement out of spite, while lying to the nation about him, and the investigation HE asked for turns up nothing.

He lied to congress, he admitted lying to congress, and the ig report said he lied to congress.
You of all people should demand justice, but you're just a hack.

You guys do not follow it as close as I do I assume, so let me tell you what is really going on in case you missed it----------->

Mcabe and Comey now have plausible deniability, and the DOJ investigation gave it to them. Oh sure, Mcabe could be prosecuted for lying to congress or leaks, but his defense would be extremely strong as he would just insist that the information he had from upper agencies proved that he had to do something. And if he was convicted, he would turn into a martyr as he was DECEIVED. Mcabe is NOT the person you would want to come out of the box with to prove conspiracy if that was your goal, as he to was mislead.

Besides folks, if you REALLY want to "bring the house of cards down," prosecuting someone who was duped gets you no closer to the powers that be who pulled this off. It would become a "he said, he said," and that is NOT what you want.

Sooooooooooooo, what changed that would have the DOJ and the Trump Administrations deciding to bypass Mcabe?

BIGGER FISH that WILL bring the "house of cards" down around all of their heads, and quickly!

And let me say before continuing, that Strozk and Paige are also in the reasonably safe boat with Mcabe at this time.

So then, larger fish? Who could that be?

Leftists refuse to, or put blinders on when adding 2 and 2 together. All you need do is ask-----------> what else came out that would show a much larger fish, and have Barr and friends divert their gaze from those who were the tools of this conspiracy fiasco, but are not seen as the master minds?

THIS--------------->John Durham investigating ex-CIA Director John Brennan as part of review of FBI Russia probe, New York Times reports - CNNPolitics

This guy will give Barr the keys to the Obama Whitehouse-) As you can see by the testimony of Paige and Strozk, NEITHER of them were ever at a cabinet meeting, so have no direct knowledge of high up this stuff goes, Brennan was, as was Comey.

This whole exercise in Juris Prudence, is not about tying this conspiracy to lowly FBI agents and lawyers, but about tying it to THE DEMOCRATS and the former Administration.

Now I ask you conservatives a simple question as I end this post-----------------> Knowing everything you as of today know about Barr; if the only ones he could successfully prosecute were Mcabe, Strozk, and Paige...….after saying on more than one occasion that basically, "there is really something wrong here," he would just let it pass? And Trump would sign off on this since it is obvious; especially in Mcabes situation, they could easily get a conviction?

Nah, all of you know better, lol. Let the Left take a victory lap on this one, even as they try and tell everyone the race is over. Their checkered flag is very premature-)

Yeah, sorry but people who are pissed about McCabe getting off for crime are done with "trust the plan" and "getting bigger fish" stuff. We heard all that before with the Hillary investigations.

There was nothing to get with Hillary just as there is nothing now. You guys keep allowing yourselves to get played.

...If you lose the rule of law and allow Trump to weaponize the Department of Justice, democracies don't come back from shit like this.

I think I see the problem.... you think the empire is actually a democracy and the 'rule of law' applies to everyone equally... reality is a bit different though..



....as opposed to the '500' secret illegal investigations run by the Democrats / Obama's criminal organization that we have been and are still learning about....the ones the House Dems conducted...and the ones they still promise to do as they are talking about continuing to Impeach until they get one right?
In your desperation to claim both sides do it -- you still fail to show an example of it....

Do you know why?

Because there isn't any.....

This Trump worship will not age well for you sycophants

Trump wrongly fires a man seconds before he qualifies for retirement out of spite, while lying to the nation about him, and the investigation HE asked for turns up nothing.

He lied to congress, he admitted lying to congress, and the ig report said he lied to congress.
You of all people should demand justice, but you're just a hack.

You guys do not follow it as close as I do I assume, so let me tell you what is really going on in case you missed it----------->

Mcabe and Comey now have plausible deniability, and the DOJ investigation gave it to them. Oh sure, Mcabe could be prosecuted for lying to congress or leaks, but his defense would be extremely strong as he would just insist that the information he had from upper agencies proved that he had to do something. And if he was convicted, he would turn into a martyr as he was DECEIVED. Mcabe is NOT the person you would want to come out of the box with to prove conspiracy if that was your goal, as he to was mislead.

Besides folks, if you REALLY want to "bring the house of cards down," prosecuting someone who was duped gets you no closer to the powers that be who pulled this off. It would become a "he said, he said," and that is NOT what you want.

Sooooooooooooo, what changed that would have the DOJ and the Trump Administrations deciding to bypass Mcabe?

BIGGER FISH that WILL bring the "house of cards" down around all of their heads, and quickly!

And let me say before continuing, that Strozk and Paige are also in the reasonably safe boat with Mcabe at this time.

So then, larger fish? Who could that be?

Leftists refuse to, or put blinders on when adding 2 and 2 together. All you need do is ask-----------> what else came out that would show a much larger fish, and have Barr and friends divert their gaze from those who were the tools of this conspiracy fiasco, but are not seen as the master minds?

THIS--------------->John Durham investigating ex-CIA Director John Brennan as part of review of FBI Russia probe, New York Times reports - CNNPolitics

This guy will give Barr the keys to the Obama Whitehouse-) As you can see by the testimony of Paige and Strozk, NEITHER of them were ever at a cabinet meeting, so have no direct knowledge of high up this stuff goes, Brennan was, as was Comey.

This whole exercise in Juris Prudence, is not about tying this conspiracy to lowly FBI agents and lawyers, but about tying it to THE DEMOCRATS and the former Administration.

Now I ask you conservatives a simple question as I end this post-----------------> Knowing everything you as of today know about Barr; if the only ones he could successfully prosecute were Mcabe, Strozk, and Paige...….after saying on more than one occasion that basically, "there is really something wrong here," he would just let it pass? And Trump would sign off on this since it is obvious; especially in Mcabes situation, they could easily get a conviction?

Nah, all of you know better, lol. Let the Left take a victory lap on this one, even as they try and tell everyone the race is over. Their checkered flag is very premature-)

Yeah, sorry but people who are pissed about McCabe getting off for crime are done with "trust the plan" and "getting bigger fish" stuff. We heard all that before with the Hillary investigations.

There was nothing to get with Hillary just as there is nothing now. You guys keep allowing yourselves to get played.

3 of over 16,000 lies told by trump.
"The Justice Department said Friday it will not pursue criminal charges against former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, after a nearly two-year-long investigation into accusations brought by the agency's independent watchdog who found that he lacked "candor" when questioned about leaking to the media."

** DOJ won't pursue criminal charges against McCabe

The DOJ announced it will not move to Indict former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for his 'lack of candor' during his testimony.

YES, the DOJ just admitted McCabe's part in the failed Obama administration coup attempt, his crime of Omission, fro withholding exculpatory evidence that proved there was no Russian collusion before Mueller had ever been hired as Special Counsel.

'Lack of Candor'
"A lack of candor specifically implies dishonesty by omission… It means that you said nothing when you should have said something. To be more to the point, candor is the quality of being forthcoming, more so than it is being honest."
** https://www.quora.com/What-is-meant-by-lack-of-candor

Hiding / refusing to present exculpatory evidence (evidence proving someone is innocent, information that debunks your lies / false claims) is a 'lack of candor'.

The US IG pointed out that one of the FBI committed FISA Court Abuses was to withhold exculpatory evidence' - through their 'lack of candor' to the FISA Court. Withholding such information is a CRIME!

McCabe was aware of evidence, as other evidence and testimony proves, that debunked the entire Trump claims early on, prior to Mueller being appointed Special Counsel. McCabe knew there was nothing to the 'Russian Collusion Delusion' claims yet withheld that evidence, allowed the entire coup attempt to go forward.....resulting in billions of dollars wasted, false accusations, illegal spying, prosecutorial misconduct , bankrupt / ruined lives when he knew it was all BS.

"“We are pleased that Andrew McCabe and his family can go on with their lives without this cloud hanging over them.”

Yeah, I am so glad another Conspirator gets to go free unscathed after he helped destroy so many lives / families and facilitated the coup by keeping his mouth shut and going along with the coup.

The DOJ admitted no such thing. They found no evidence of any wrongdoing by McCabe and that is the bottom line whether you like it or not. It also proves the IG had no clue what he is talking about. McCabe withheld nothing. The Mueller investigation was a continuation of a investigation started by the FBI. There was no coup and Trump was responsible for the investigations and no one else.

Where is a statute regarding lack of candor?
18 U.S. Code § 1621.
That was third world bullshit from the start. The whole investigation was an exercise in political intimidation. The weaponization of the DOJ to discredit a career FBI agent because he refused to kowtow to Trump.

DOJ drops probe into former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe

The Orange Idiot is apparently unhinged over this news. So what else is new.
Does that mean he gets his retirement back?
He got screwed, iirc, on his benefits when he left.

You don't need to be prosecuted for a crime to be fired.
This isn't about McCabe being found innocent. This is about not finding enough evidence to indict or convict. You don't want a justice system where a person can be investigated without reasonable cause, or arrested and indicted if the evidence is insufficient as far as the rules of evidence in a court dictate. I couldn't say whether McCabe actually committed a provable crime, with the emphasis on 'provable', so no charges will be filed. That's the way it is supposed to work; sadly, it doesn't sometimes as politics and money tilts the scales of justice.
Funny though, isn't it that the IG found enough evidence to make it a CRIMINAL REFERAL....One would ASSUME that in order for that, there would be MORE THAN ENOUGH EVIDENCE TO CONVICT....UNLESS something like SEDITION AT A MINIMUM, or Treason was STILL ON THE MINDS of the AG....Makes sense to me. Other left wing, anti-Americans would disagree!

The Justice Department on Friday informed legal counsel for former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe that it would not seek to file criminal charges against McCabe over his misleading federal investigators in connection with a 2016 press leak.
DOJ Declines to Pursue Criminal Charges against Andrew McCabe | National Review

Either he cut a deal to rat out other miscreants or the fact is that they couldn't prove he lied under oath. IOW, what he said probably could have been interpreted in more than one way. But I don't think this means he's out of the woods just yet, the DOJ can file other charges or even this one again if new information surfaces. Double jeopardy does not apply if you weren't indicted.

This only clears him for leaking to the press. It doesn't clear him of submitting false documents to the FISA court. He is still on the hook for that crime.
...If you lose the rule of law and allow Trump to weaponize the Department of Justice, democracies don't come back from shit like this.

I think I see the problem.... you think the empire is actually a democracy and the 'rule of law' applies to everyone equally... reality is a bit different though..



I think you Trumpers will be fantasizing about 500 investigations being done in secret...
....as opposed to the '500' secret illegal investigations run by the Democrats / Obama's criminal organization that we have been and are still learning about....the ones the House Dems conducted...and the ones they still promise to do as they are talking about continuing to Impeach until they get one right?
In your desperation to claim both sides do it -- you still fail to show an example of it....

Do you know why?

Because there isn't any.....

This Trump worship will not age well for you sycophants

In the halls of justice, the only justice is in the halls.
Trump wrongly fires a man seconds before he qualifies for retirement out of spite, while lying to the nation about him, and the investigation HE asked for turns up nothing.

He lied to congress, he admitted lying to congress, and the ig report said he lied to congress.
You of all people should demand justice, but you're just a hack.

You guys do not follow it as close as I do I assume, so let me tell you what is really going on in case you missed it----------->

Mcabe and Comey now have plausible deniability, and the DOJ investigation gave it to them. Oh sure, Mcabe could be prosecuted for lying to congress or leaks, but his defense would be extremely strong as he would just insist that the information he had from upper agencies proved that he had to do something. And if he was convicted, he would turn into a martyr as he was DECEIVED. Mcabe is NOT the person you would want to come out of the box with to prove conspiracy if that was your goal, as he to was mislead.

Besides folks, if you REALLY want to "bring the house of cards down," prosecuting someone who was duped gets you no closer to the powers that be who pulled this off. It would become a "he said, he said," and that is NOT what you want.

Sooooooooooooo, what changed that would have the DOJ and the Trump Administrations deciding to bypass Mcabe?

BIGGER FISH that WILL bring the "house of cards" down around all of their heads, and quickly!

And let me say before continuing, that Strozk and Paige are also in the reasonably safe boat with Mcabe at this time.

So then, larger fish? Who could that be?

Leftists refuse to, or put blinders on when adding 2 and 2 together. All you need do is ask-----------> what else came out that would show a much larger fish, and have Barr and friends divert their gaze from those who were the tools of this conspiracy fiasco, but are not seen as the master minds?

THIS--------------->John Durham investigating ex-CIA Director John Brennan as part of review of FBI Russia probe, New York Times reports - CNNPolitics

This guy will give Barr the keys to the Obama Whitehouse-) As you can see by the testimony of Paige and Strozk, NEITHER of them were ever at a cabinet meeting, so have no direct knowledge of high up this stuff goes, Brennan was, as was Comey.

This whole exercise in Juris Prudence, is not about tying this conspiracy to lowly FBI agents and lawyers, but about tying it to THE DEMOCRATS and the former Administration.

Now I ask you conservatives a simple question as I end this post-----------------> Knowing everything you as of today know about Barr; if the only ones he could successfully prosecute were Mcabe, Strozk, and Paige...….after saying on more than one occasion that basically, "there is really something wrong here," he would just let it pass? And Trump would sign off on this since it is obvious; especially in Mcabes situation, they could easily get a conviction?

Nah, all of you know better, lol. Let the Left take a victory lap on this one, even as they try and tell everyone the race is over. Their checkered flag is very premature-)

Yeah, sorry but people who are pissed about McCabe getting off for crime are done with "trust the plan" and "getting bigger fish" stuff. We heard all that before with the Hillary investigations.

Bullshit. What you hear time and time again with Hillary is "There is no evidence of her commiting any crimes. There are no witnesses, and there is no evidence that a crime was committed". More than 20 investigations - all with the same result. The same thing that is happening with the people Trump is now accusing. No evidence, no witnesses and no crimes.

Trump is acquitted in a Senate trials, and he continues flouting the Constitution and attacking the rule of law. While his trial was going on, Guliani was still in the Ukraine, looking for dirt, real or forged, on the Bidens.

Trump commits his crimes out in the open for all to see, and you claim he's not doing anything wrong. Trumpists have no credibility whatsoever.

What are you talking about, even Comey said Hillary committed crimes, she got off because Comey claimed it wasn't enough to get a conviction. He was right there was no way Hillary was going to get locked up. That's why I don't think Durham will lead to any major convictions. If people like McCabe, Strozk and Comey aren't going to faces any charges there is no way Brennen, Clapper, or any high level Obama people will be charged.
The only reason Mueller was able to get the convictions he did was because the judicial system is corrupt and elected republicans were more concerned with condemning TRUMP's tweets then they were about the FBI abusing the FISA courts.
...If you lose the rule of law and allow Trump to weaponize the Department of Justice, democracies don't come back from shit like this.

I think I see the problem.... you think the empire is actually a democracy and the 'rule of law' applies to everyone equally... reality is a bit different though..



....as opposed to the '500' secret illegal investigations run by the Democrats / Obama's criminal organization that we have been and are still learning about....the ones the House Dems conducted...and the ones they still promise to do as they are talking about continuing to Impeach until they get one right?
In your desperation to claim both sides do it -- you still fail to show an example of it....

Do you know why?

Because there isn't any.....

This Trump worship will not age well for you sycophants

Trump wrongly fires a man seconds before he qualifies for retirement out of spite, while lying to the nation about him, and the investigation HE asked for turns up nothing.

He lied to congress, he admitted lying to congress, and the ig report said he lied to congress.
You of all people should demand justice, but you're just a hack.

You guys do not follow it as close as I do I assume, so let me tell you what is really going on in case you missed it----------->

Mcabe and Comey now have plausible deniability, and the DOJ investigation gave it to them. Oh sure, Mcabe could be prosecuted for lying to congress or leaks, but his defense would be extremely strong as he would just insist that the information he had from upper agencies proved that he had to do something. And if he was convicted, he would turn into a martyr as he was DECEIVED. Mcabe is NOT the person you would want to come out of the box with to prove conspiracy if that was your goal, as he to was mislead.

Besides folks, if you REALLY want to "bring the house of cards down," prosecuting someone who was duped gets you no closer to the powers that be who pulled this off. It would become a "he said, he said," and that is NOT what you want.

Sooooooooooooo, what changed that would have the DOJ and the Trump Administrations deciding to bypass Mcabe?

BIGGER FISH that WILL bring the "house of cards" down around all of their heads, and quickly!

And let me say before continuing, that Strozk and Paige are also in the reasonably safe boat with Mcabe at this time.

So then, larger fish? Who could that be?

Leftists refuse to, or put blinders on when adding 2 and 2 together. All you need do is ask-----------> what else came out that would show a much larger fish, and have Barr and friends divert their gaze from those who were the tools of this conspiracy fiasco, but are not seen as the master minds?

THIS--------------->John Durham investigating ex-CIA Director John Brennan as part of review of FBI Russia probe, New York Times reports - CNNPolitics

This guy will give Barr the keys to the Obama Whitehouse-) As you can see by the testimony of Paige and Strozk, NEITHER of them were ever at a cabinet meeting, so have no direct knowledge of high up this stuff goes, Brennan was, as was Comey.

This whole exercise in Juris Prudence, is not about tying this conspiracy to lowly FBI agents and lawyers, but about tying it to THE DEMOCRATS and the former Administration.

Now I ask you conservatives a simple question as I end this post-----------------> Knowing everything you as of today know about Barr; if the only ones he could successfully prosecute were Mcabe, Strozk, and Paige...….after saying on more than one occasion that basically, "there is really something wrong here," he would just let it pass? And Trump would sign off on this since it is obvious; especially in Mcabes situation, they could easily get a conviction?

Nah, all of you know better, lol. Let the Left take a victory lap on this one, even as they try and tell everyone the race is over. Their checkered flag is very premature-)

Yeah, sorry but people who are pissed about McCabe getting off for crime are done with "trust the plan" and "getting bigger fish" stuff. We heard all that before with the Hillary investigations.

There was nothing to get with Hillary just as there is nothing now. You guys keep allowing yourselves to get played.

You seem like a fairly smart person so I am going to appeal to your intellect for a moment....

In ANY other realm of your personal life, would you be this willing to blindly follow a person who lies to the extent that Trump does?? Serious question?

If your church pastor was caught scamming millions from the church fund, would you still follow his preaching every Sunday??

If your spouse was caught writing 200K worth of personal checks from your joint account in order to pay off a prostitute "that he had unprotected sex with WHILE you were married" -- would you ignore it and blindly follow him because you think it would piss off your parents??

Why is it when it comes to politics -- are you folks so willing to practice this level of cognitive dissonance??
I think I see the problem.... you think the empire is actually a democracy and the 'rule of law' applies to everyone equally... reality is a bit different though..



In your desperation to claim both sides do it -- you still fail to show an example of it....

Do you know why?

Because there isn't any.....

This Trump worship will not age well for you sycophants

He lied to congress, he admitted lying to congress, and the ig report said he lied to congress.
You of all people should demand justice, but you're just a hack.

You guys do not follow it as close as I do I assume, so let me tell you what is really going on in case you missed it----------->

Mcabe and Comey now have plausible deniability, and the DOJ investigation gave it to them. Oh sure, Mcabe could be prosecuted for lying to congress or leaks, but his defense would be extremely strong as he would just insist that the information he had from upper agencies proved that he had to do something. And if he was convicted, he would turn into a martyr as he was DECEIVED. Mcabe is NOT the person you would want to come out of the box with to prove conspiracy if that was your goal, as he to was mislead.

Besides folks, if you REALLY want to "bring the house of cards down," prosecuting someone who was duped gets you no closer to the powers that be who pulled this off. It would become a "he said, he said," and that is NOT what you want.

Sooooooooooooo, what changed that would have the DOJ and the Trump Administrations deciding to bypass Mcabe?

BIGGER FISH that WILL bring the "house of cards" down around all of their heads, and quickly!

And let me say before continuing, that Strozk and Paige are also in the reasonably safe boat with Mcabe at this time.

So then, larger fish? Who could that be?

Leftists refuse to, or put blinders on when adding 2 and 2 together. All you need do is ask-----------> what else came out that would show a much larger fish, and have Barr and friends divert their gaze from those who were the tools of this conspiracy fiasco, but are not seen as the master minds?

THIS--------------->John Durham investigating ex-CIA Director John Brennan as part of review of FBI Russia probe, New York Times reports - CNNPolitics

This guy will give Barr the keys to the Obama Whitehouse-) As you can see by the testimony of Paige and Strozk, NEITHER of them were ever at a cabinet meeting, so have no direct knowledge of high up this stuff goes, Brennan was, as was Comey.

This whole exercise in Juris Prudence, is not about tying this conspiracy to lowly FBI agents and lawyers, but about tying it to THE DEMOCRATS and the former Administration.

Now I ask you conservatives a simple question as I end this post-----------------> Knowing everything you as of today know about Barr; if the only ones he could successfully prosecute were Mcabe, Strozk, and Paige...….after saying on more than one occasion that basically, "there is really something wrong here," he would just let it pass? And Trump would sign off on this since it is obvious; especially in Mcabes situation, they could easily get a conviction?

Nah, all of you know better, lol. Let the Left take a victory lap on this one, even as they try and tell everyone the race is over. Their checkered flag is very premature-)

Yeah, sorry but people who are pissed about McCabe getting off for crime are done with "trust the plan" and "getting bigger fish" stuff. We heard all that before with the Hillary investigations.

There was nothing to get with Hillary just as there is nothing now. You guys keep allowing yourselves to get played.

3 of over 16,000 lies told by trump.

Looks like the plan to fire McCabe hours before retirement to cheat him out of his retirement and have him charged on "trumped up" charges failed. He is free and clear and will be collecting his $2,000,000 retirement pay after all.
'trumped up charges'?

The US IG gave evidence of him lying under oath 4 times and leaking classified, which Comey himself testified to under oath.

The DOJ saying it will not pursue Indictment is not the same as saying he is innocent of all charges / accusations.

McCabe withheld exculpatory evidence, helping to bankrupt / destroy other people's / family's lives...the SOB deserved the same and to go to jail.
McCabe TOTALLY EXONERATED suck on that!
And yet..........still under investigation by the DOJ on other crimes.

...If you lose the rule of law and allow Trump to weaponize the Department of Justice, democracies don't come back from shit like this.

I think I see the problem.... you think the empire is actually a democracy and the 'rule of law' applies to everyone equally... reality is a bit different though..



....as opposed to the '500' secret illegal investigations run by the Democrats / Obama's criminal organization that we have been and are still learning about....the ones the House Dems conducted...and the ones they still promise to do as they are talking about continuing to Impeach until they get one right?
In your desperation to claim both sides do it -- you still fail to show an example of it....

Do you know why?

Because there isn't any.....

This Trump worship will not age well for you sycophants

Trump wrongly fires a man seconds before he qualifies for retirement out of spite, while lying to the nation about him, and the investigation HE asked for turns up nothing.

He lied to congress, he admitted lying to congress, and the ig report said he lied to congress.
You of all people should demand justice, but you're just a hack.

You guys do not follow it as close as I do I assume, so let me tell you what is really going on in case you missed it----------->

Mcabe and Comey now have plausible deniability, and the DOJ investigation gave it to them. Oh sure, Mcabe could be prosecuted for lying to congress or leaks, but his defense would be extremely strong as he would just insist that the information he had from upper agencies proved that he had to do something. And if he was convicted, he would turn into a martyr as he was DECEIVED. Mcabe is NOT the person you would want to come out of the box with to prove conspiracy if that was your goal, as he to was mislead.

Besides folks, if you REALLY want to "bring the house of cards down," prosecuting someone who was duped gets you no closer to the powers that be who pulled this off. It would become a "he said, he said," and that is NOT what you want.

Sooooooooooooo, what changed that would have the DOJ and the Trump Administrations deciding to bypass Mcabe?

BIGGER FISH that WILL bring the "house of cards" down around all of their heads, and quickly!

And let me say before continuing, that Strozk and Paige are also in the reasonably safe boat with Mcabe at this time.

So then, larger fish? Who could that be?

Leftists refuse to, or put blinders on when adding 2 and 2 together. All you need do is ask-----------> what else came out that would show a much larger fish, and have Barr and friends divert their gaze from those who were the tools of this conspiracy fiasco, but are not seen as the master minds?

THIS--------------->John Durham investigating ex-CIA Director John Brennan as part of review of FBI Russia probe, New York Times reports - CNNPolitics

This guy will give Barr the keys to the Obama Whitehouse-) As you can see by the testimony of Paige and Strozk, NEITHER of them were ever at a cabinet meeting, so have no direct knowledge of high up this stuff goes, Brennan was, as was Comey.

This whole exercise in Juris Prudence, is not about tying this conspiracy to lowly FBI agents and lawyers, but about tying it to THE DEMOCRATS and the former Administration.

Now I ask you conservatives a simple question as I end this post-----------------> Knowing everything you as of today know about Barr; if the only ones he could successfully prosecute were Mcabe, Strozk, and Paige...….after saying on more than one occasion that basically, "there is really something wrong here," he would just let it pass? And Trump would sign off on this since it is obvious; especially in Mcabes situation, they could easily get a conviction?

Nah, all of you know better, lol. Let the Left take a victory lap on this one, even as they try and tell everyone the race is over. Their checkered flag is very premature-)

Yeah, sorry but people who are pissed about McCabe getting off for crime are done with "trust the plan" and "getting bigger fish" stuff. We heard all that before with the Hillary investigations.

Bullshit. What you hear time and time again with Hillary is "There is no evidence of her commiting any crimes. There are no witnesses, and there is no evidence that a crime was committed". More than 20 investigations - all with the same result. The same thing that is happening with the people Trump is now accusing. No evidence, no witnesses and no crimes.

Trump is acquitted in a Senate trials, and he continues flouting the Constitution and attacking the rule of law. While his trial was going on, Guliani was still in the Ukraine, looking for dirt, real or forged, on the Bidens.

Trump commits his crimes out in the open for all to see, and you claim he's not doing anything wrong. Trumpists have no credibility whatsoever.

What are you talking about, even Comey said Hillary committed crimes, she got off because Comey claimed it wasn't enough to get a conviction. He was right there was no way Hillary was going to get locked up. That's why I don't think Durham will lead to any major convictions. If people like McCabe, Strozk and Comey aren't going to faces any charges there is no way Brennen, Clapper, or any high level Obama people will be charged.
The only reason Mueller was able to get the convictions he did was because the judicial system is corrupt and elected republicans were more concerned with condemning TRUMP's tweets then they were about the FBI abusing the FISA courts.
Hillary was investigated for the same thing you claim Comey let her off for just this past year.....Comey had nothing to do with it....this was all under Bill Barr...and guess what?

They closed that investigation too.....
Hopefully it's not over.

Top Mueller prosecutor: DOJ starting new investigation into James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and Peter Strzok

Top Mueller prosecutor: DOJ starting new investigation into James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and Peter Strzok

It's unbelievable for those involved in the failed hoax Russia investigation to be whining about now being the targets of investigation. They illegally spied on Carter Page and accused him of being a spy for Russia for 2 years. These same people had no issue with setting up Flynn or suggesting using a wire to record the president, but now want to play the victim. :haha:

There was no Russia hoax.
Ever heard the name Mueller? You are really uninformed, Simpleton.
...If you lose the rule of law and allow Trump to weaponize the Department of Justice, democracies don't come back from shit like this.

I think I see the problem.... you think the empire is actually a democracy and the 'rule of law' applies to everyone equally... reality is a bit different though..



I think you Trumpers will be fantasizing about 500 investigations being done in secret...
....as opposed to the '500' secret illegal investigations run by the Democrats / Obama's criminal organization that we have been and are still learning about....the ones the House Dems conducted...and the ones they still promise to do as they are talking about continuing to Impeach until they get one right?
In your desperation to claim both sides do it -- you still fail to show an example of it....

Do you know why?

Because there isn't any.....

This Trump worship will not age well for you sycophants

In the halls of justice, the only justice is in the halls.
Trump wrongly fires a man seconds before he qualifies for retirement out of spite, while lying to the nation about him, and the investigation HE asked for turns up nothing.

He lied to congress, he admitted lying to congress, and the ig report said he lied to congress.
You of all people should demand justice, but you're just a hack.

You guys do not follow it as close as I do I assume, so let me tell you what is really going on in case you missed it----------->

Mcabe and Comey now have plausible deniability, and the DOJ investigation gave it to them. Oh sure, Mcabe could be prosecuted for lying to congress or leaks, but his defense would be extremely strong as he would just insist that the information he had from upper agencies proved that he had to do something. And if he was convicted, he would turn into a martyr as he was DECEIVED. Mcabe is NOT the person you would want to come out of the box with to prove conspiracy if that was your goal, as he to was mislead.

Besides folks, if you REALLY want to "bring the house of cards down," prosecuting someone who was duped gets you no closer to the powers that be who pulled this off. It would become a "he said, he said," and that is NOT what you want.

Sooooooooooooo, what changed that would have the DOJ and the Trump Administrations deciding to bypass Mcabe?

BIGGER FISH that WILL bring the "house of cards" down around all of their heads, and quickly!

And let me say before continuing, that Strozk and Paige are also in the reasonably safe boat with Mcabe at this time.

So then, larger fish? Who could that be?

Leftists refuse to, or put blinders on when adding 2 and 2 together. All you need do is ask-----------> what else came out that would show a much larger fish, and have Barr and friends divert their gaze from those who were the tools of this conspiracy fiasco, but are not seen as the master minds?

THIS--------------->John Durham investigating ex-CIA Director John Brennan as part of review of FBI Russia probe, New York Times reports - CNNPolitics

This guy will give Barr the keys to the Obama Whitehouse-) As you can see by the testimony of Paige and Strozk, NEITHER of them were ever at a cabinet meeting, so have no direct knowledge of high up this stuff goes, Brennan was, as was Comey.

This whole exercise in Juris Prudence, is not about tying this conspiracy to lowly FBI agents and lawyers, but about tying it to THE DEMOCRATS and the former Administration.

Now I ask you conservatives a simple question as I end this post-----------------> Knowing everything you as of today know about Barr; if the only ones he could successfully prosecute were Mcabe, Strozk, and Paige...….after saying on more than one occasion that basically, "there is really something wrong here," he would just let it pass? And Trump would sign off on this since it is obvious; especially in Mcabes situation, they could easily get a conviction?

Nah, all of you know better, lol. Let the Left take a victory lap on this one, even as they try and tell everyone the race is over. Their checkered flag is very premature-)

Durham ain't going to give Barr the keys to his car, much less the Obama white house. There is nothing there.
Why are you so worried then?
James Q Comey drop.

How do you thank someone for turning States evidence? What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow? What's your favorite color? Usttray anplay. Igpay atinla

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