Justice Department sues Texas over restrictive abortion law

And thus, you agree that you your 'swing and miss' comment was misplaced.
No, I stand by my statement. Women have always been the ultimate target and if the anti-choice crowd cannot attack them directly, possibly because they have rights which can not be violated, then they take the indirect route, by harassing and now suing the providers into oblivion. This legislation forces the providers to take on unnecessary financial burdens and the resultant expenditures for legal consultations and time spent on fighting to defend themselves for things that they in all likelihood are not doing.

And I reiterate, all of this is very intrusive into the medical lives of women. The new law says the women can't be sued or prosecuted however you know how people are. If they can't get them legally they are not above harassing them or doxxing them or others forms of illegal activity.

If I weren't so busy currently there are things I could develop to assist them with dealing with this particular type of psychological and emotional harassment although The first thing I'd advise them to do BEFORE ever needing services if possible, is to get the hell out of Texas.
what does human pregnancy make?
A human pregnancy, depending on which stage of development we're discussing creates first it makes a zygote (a fertilized ovum), then an embryo, then a fetus and ultimately if the pregnancy goes to full term, a human baby, although it does become a baby before reaching the full term.

As has been previously stated, murder is a legal term which indicates the unlawful killing of one human being by another. An abortion is a medical procedure which terminates the development of the zygote, embryo or fetus.

I understand how that may not make a difference to you but there does exist a difference and as repugnant as the thought of this may be to you, the thought of attempting to force a woman under penalty of jail or lawsuit if she does not give birth to a child which she did not intend to conceive is just as repugnant, if not more so to so many others.

Image result for embryo
Image result for embryo
Image result for embryo

Embryo, the early developmental stage of an animal while it is in the egg or within the uterus of the mother. In humans the term is applied to the unborn child until the end of the seventh week following conception; from the eighth week the unborn child is called a fetus.
Embryo | human and animal


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No, I stand by my statement. Women have always been the ultimate target and if the anti-choice crowd cannot attack them directly, possibly because they have rights which can not be violated, then they take the indirect route, by harassing and now suing the providers into oblivion. This legislation forces the providers to take on unnecessary financial burdens and the resultant expenditures for legal consultations and time spent on fighting to defend themselves for things that they in all likelihood are not doing.

And I reiterate, all of this is very intrusive into the medical lives of women. The new law says the women can't be sued or prosecuted however you know how people are. If they can't get them legally they are not above harassing them or doxxing them or others forms of illegal activity.

If I weren't so busy currently there are things I could develop to assist them with dealing with this particular type of psychological and emotional harassment although The first thing I'd advise them to do BEFORE ever needing services if possible, is to get the hell out of Texas.
Well ,they shouldn't tramp around. But if they have to be tramps ,condoms should be used. I bet Planned Parenthood EATS the aborted babies. Pizza toppings.
Alot of harm to women can occur eh ??? Are you serious ??? So to hell with the poor baby that is alive with a beating heartbeat eh ? You are one sick human being just saying.

Infact it appears more and more that most leftist are misguided human beings that will face the consequences for their unholy reckless stance's in which they've taken up in this world.

Unit reckless stance.
Wow. Let the godbotherers run the country. Maybe God will strike them all dead.
Fellow Americans, expect fire and brimstone soon. The big Jesus guy is furious.

A human pregnancy, depending on which stage of development we're discussing creates first it makes a zygote (a fertilized ovum), then an embryo, then a fetus and ultimately if the pregnancy goes to full term, a human baby, although it does become a baby before reaching the full term.

As has been previously stated, murder is a legal term which indicates the unlawful killing of one human being by another. An abortion is a medical procedure which terminates the development of the zygote, embryo or fetus.

I understand how that may not make a difference to you but there does exist a difference and as repugnant as the thought of this may be to you, the thought of attempting to force a woman under penalty of jail or lawsuit if she does not give birth to a child which she did not intend to conceive is just as repugnant, if not more so to so many others.

Embryo, the early developmental stage of an animal while it is in the egg or within the uterus of the mother. In humans the term is applied to the unborn child until the end of the seventh week following conception; from the eighth week the unborn child is called a fetus.​
At 20 weeks the infant can live outside the womb.. is that a baby?
'tWell ,they shouldn't tramp around. But if they have to be tramps ,condoms should be used. I bet Planned Parenthood EATS the aborted babies. Pizza toppings.
Just because men vomit at the sight of your fat arse, doesn't mean women cant' fuck who they want, when they want. Both parties need to take responsibility for contraception. And if the law says they can take the morning after pill, or get an abortion before the FOETUS (that's right, not a baby - words have meanings) is legitimately a baby, then that's on them.

The worst part about this shit is that the vast majority - VAST MAJORITY - who are anti-abortion are god botherers. Go peddle your fairy tale elsewhere.
No, I stand by my statement.
Your statement:
The patients aren't the ones who can be sued, another swing and miss of the anti-choice crowd
The reality:
Suing the providers is a means to an end; few will be willing to perform unnecessary abortions - else they be sued.

As the law is intended to halt unnecessary abortions, how is greatly reducing the number of doctors willing to perform such abortions a swing and a miss?
Women have always been the ultimate target
Obviously not.
Just because men vomit at the sight of your fat arse, doesn't mean women cant' fuck who they want, when they want. Both parties need to take responsibility for contraception. And if the law says they can take the morning after pill, or get an abortion before the FOETUS (that's right, not a baby - words have meanings) is legitimately a baby, then that's on them.

The worst part about this shit is that the vast majority - VAST MAJORITY - who are anti-abortion are god botherers. Go peddle your fairy tale elsewhere.
Still spreads VD and AIDS. Tramping around .
And that is why you loons lose, you think abortion on demand is good all the way to the 9th month
Totally untrue. I am against abortion. But I'm not that fussed about it either. ie, if a woman asks me for my opinion, I'd say keep it. Put it up for adoption if you don't want it. That would be my advice. If she had an abortion, I wouldn't really give a crap. And no, the VAST majority of people on the choice side don't think abortion on demand is a good idea, especially at 9 months. That's a myth created by the loony Christian lobby to make them feel good and make pro choice people look like they are nuts. Nice try, but no cigar. You take the most extreme example and make out it is the norm, when even those who are pro choice don't agree with abortion at that late stage (unless the mother might die - and if you think it is okay for the mother to die, then you're a special kind of fuckwit).
Your statement:
The patients aren't the ones who can be sued, another swing and miss of the anti-choice crowd
The reality:
Suing the providers is a means to an end; few will be willing to perform unnecessary abortions - else they be sued.

As the law is intended to halt unnecessary abortions, how is greatly reducing the number of doctors willing to perform such abortions a swing and a miss?

Obviously not.
How is this any different than allowing victims of gun violence to sue the manufacturers instead of going after the criminals, who generally have no assets to attach?

If the goal is to create an environment so hostile to "keeping and bearing arms" then causing problems for the suppliers of the weapons is one way to do it however by creating a shortage of firearms if the manufacturers pull out of the state, if affects everyone that uses or needs firearms, including law enforcement.

And what is your opinion is an "unnecessary" abortion, which is what you claim you're trying to reduce or eliminate. It's not the state's business and it's highly suspect that what is legal in many if not most states, is now only unlawful in Texas.

They did the same thing with laws against miscegenation - interracial marriages. The concept and act is not illegal, however the various states made them illegal.
If that logic stands. Every victim of gun violence has standing against gun manufacturers. All blue state governors should pass equal laws in those states.
The Second Amendment protects gun makers, and there are federal statutes that are usually used to defend it.

The Commerce Clause of the US Constitution, protects lawful commerce as well.

The Commerce Clause refers to Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution, which gives Congress the power “to regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes.

Commerce Clause
More importantly, the governors need to get out of women's vaginas.
I assume you mean the ones who are male and unfaithful to their own wives, of which I am sure there are a few, but promoting and compelling abortion, mayhem and infanticide as a substitute for healthcare is not a stand-in or a substitute for gun rights.
they're not 'misguided', they're sick little mentally defective gimps, almost always sexual deviants of some disgusting flavor or others, who glory in anti-social psychotic behavior, incapable of human empathy , so they band together with the other freaks and outliers nobody else likes, even their own families don't like most of them, and they run supporting any ridiculous sick thing they know the sane people find repulsive, including homicidal mass murders of babies, as revenge for not being 'accepted' except in prisons and street gangs and other bands of filthy feral animals.

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