Justice Department To Probe Ferguson Police Force

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. will launch this week a broad civil rights investigation into the Ferguson, Mo., Police Department, according to two federal law enforcement officials.

The investigation, which could be announced as early as Thursday afternoon, will be conducted by the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division and follow a process similar to that used to investigate other police departments across the country, the officials said.

The announcement follows the shooting last month of Michael Brown, an 18-year-old African American, by a white Ferguson police officer, who claimed he acted in self-defense. Brown, who was unarmed, was shot at least six times on the afternoon of Aug. 9.

Holder’s decision will represent the Obama administration’s most aggressive step to address the Ferguson shooting, which set off days of often-violent clashes between police and demonstrators in the streets of the St. Louis suburb.

The federal officials said the probe will look at not only Ferguson, but other police departments in St. Louis County. Some, like Ferguson, are predominantly white departments serving majority African-American communities. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a pending investigation.

The investigation is in addition to a Justice Department probe into whether Officer Darren Wilson, who fired the fatal shots, violated Brown’s civil rights. The new probe will look more broadly at whether the department employed policies and practices that resulted in a pattern of civil rights violations.

The Washington Post reported Sunday that five current and one former member of the police force face pending federal lawsuits claiming they used excessive force. The lawsuits, as well as more than a half-dozen internal investigations, include claims that individual officers separately hog-tied a 12-year-old boy who was checking his family mailbox, pistol-whipped children, and Tasered a mentally-ill man to death.

More: Justice Dept. to probe Ferguson police force - The Washington Post

This is great news. Ferguson needs a good probing.
Saw this coming from the racist pos holder. Funny how he only does something when a black thug is shot. Idiots.
The graze wound to Browns hand could only happen with his thumb pointing towards the gun. There is no way that could happen with his hands up. The shots struck with his thumbs pointing towards the Officer & head lowered. This seems to be a charging stance.

It could have also been a falling stance.
He was not falling because he ran away after the first shot & the second was a graze to the forearm from 6 shots while he was still running away. The last 4 shots were very rapid allowing no time to fall. The gun rises with every shot, so the last 4 were likely hand, upper arm, eye, top of head kill shot with the last bullet he had left. This fits a Brown charging scenario.
The graze wound to Browns hand could only happen with his thumb pointing towards the gun. There is no way that could happen with his hands up. The shots struck with his thumbs pointing towards the Officer & head lowered. This seems to be a charging stance.

It could have also been a falling stance.
He was not falling because he ran away after the first shot & the second was a graze to the forearm likely while he was still running away. The last 4 shots were very rapid allowing no time to fall. The gun rises with every shot, so the last 4 were likely hand, upper arm, eye, top of head kill shot with the last bullet he had left. This fits a Brown charging scenario.

How do you know the sequence of hits?
The graze wound to Browns hand could only happen with his thumb pointing towards the gun. There is no way that could happen with his hands up. The shots struck with his thumbs pointing towards the Officer & head lowered. This seems to be a charging stance.

It could have also been a falling stance.
He was not falling because he ran away after the first shot & the second was a graze to the forearm likely while he was still running away. The last 4 shots were very rapid allowing no time to fall. The gun rises with every shot, so the last 4 were likely hand, upper arm, eye, top of head kill shot with the last bullet he had left. This fits a Brown charging scenario.

How do you know the sequence of hits?
You obviously don't pay attention, that has been reported. Of course it goes against the idiotic lefts narrative.
The graze wound to Browns hand could only happen with his thumb pointing towards the gun. There is no way that could happen with his hands up. The shots struck with his thumbs pointing towards the Officer & head lowered. This seems to be a charging stance.

It could have also been a falling stance.
He was not falling because he ran away after the first shot & the second was a graze to the forearm likely while he was still running away. The last 4 shots were very rapid allowing no time to fall. The gun rises with every shot, so the last 4 were likely hand, upper arm, eye, top of head kill shot with the last bullet he had left. This fits a Brown charging scenario.

How do you know the sequence of hits?
You obviously don't pay attention, that has been reported. Of course it goes against the idiotic lefts narrative.

I have not heard the final FBI reports. Have you?
Neither did Ted Bundy.

Michael Brown's good boy front when compared with what we all saw in the convenience store video clearly shows he was slick enough to know when to play it cool. But pictures are worth a thousand words and there is no way to deny that Michael Brown's essential disposition was that of a bullying young thug.

That's who he was. And the older he got the worse he would be. So the cop who shot him did a lot of people in Brown's future a big favor.
The graze wound to Browns hand could only happen with his thumb pointing towards the gun. There is no way that could happen with his hands up. The shots struck with his thumbs pointing towards the Officer & head lowered. This seems to be a charging stance.

It could have also been a falling stance.
He was not falling because he ran away after the first shot & the second was a graze to the forearm likely while he was still running away. The last 4 shots were very rapid allowing no time to fall. The gun rises with every shot, so the last 4 were likely hand, upper arm, eye, top of head kill shot with the last bullet he had left. This fits a Brown charging scenario.

How do you know the sequence of hits?
You obviously don't pay attention, that has been reported. Of course it goes against the idiotic lefts narrative.

I have not heard the final FBI reports. Have you?

Listen to the gunshot audio that captured the last 10 of 11 shots fired. The gun held 10 in the mag + 1 in chamber = 11 shots. Match those to the autopsy & witness statements.

Johnson said the first shot from inside the SUV struck Brown in the right chest. The autopsy shows that flesh wound to the right chest that also hit right arm.

3 witnesses say he was hit once as he ran off. The autopsy shows the only wound that could be is the grazed forearm. The audio recorded 6 very rapid shots that match the sequence of him running away. The 6 shots were far to rapid to include the one fired inside the SUV. So he was only grazed once in that rapid fire 6 shot volley due to the greater distance, cop shaking off the punch to the face, getting out of vehicle & chasing them round the back of his SUV.

That only leaves the last 4 rapid fire volley shots to make the 4 remaining wounds. This indicates the officer was steady & distance was much closer because he hit 4 for 4 & they were all facing him with hands & head lowered.
The graze wound to Browns hand could only happen with his thumb pointing towards the gun. There is no way that could happen with his hands up. The shots struck with his thumbs pointing towards the Officer & head lowered. This seems to be a charging stance.

It could have also been a falling stance.
He was not falling because he ran away after the first shot & the second was a graze to the forearm likely while he was still running away. The last 4 shots were very rapid allowing no time to fall. The gun rises with every shot, so the last 4 were likely hand, upper arm, eye, top of head kill shot with the last bullet he had left. This fits a Brown charging scenario.

How do you know the sequence of hits?
You obviously don't pay attention, that has been reported. Of course it goes against the idiotic lefts narrative.

I have not heard the final FBI reports. Have you?

Listen to the gunshot audio that captured the last 10 of 11 shots fired. The gun held 10 in the mag + 1 in chamber = 11 shots. Match those to the autopsy & witness statements.

Johnson said the first shot from inside the SUV struck Brown in the right chest. The autopsy shows that flesh wound to the right chest that also hit right arm.

3 witnesses say he was hit once as he ran off. The autopsy shows the only wound that could be is the grazed forearm. The audio recorded 6 very rapid shots that match the sequence of him running away. They were far to rapid to include the one fired inside the SUV. So he was only grazed once in that rapid fire 6 shot volley due to the greater distance, cop shaking off the punch to the face, getting out of vehicle & chasing them round the back of his SUV.

That only leaves the last 4 rapid fire volley shots to make the 4 remaining wounds. This indicates the officer was steady & distance was much closer because he hit 4 for 4 & they were all facing him with hands & head lowered.

Maybe begging Wilson for mercy?
The graze wound to Browns hand could only happen with his thumb pointing towards the gun. There is no way that could happen with his hands up. The shots struck with his thumbs pointing towards the Officer & head lowered. This seems to be a charging stance.

It could have also been a falling stance.
Hard to tell the difference by one who has just been punched in the face by a 300 pound goon and is both disoriented and fearful of a resumed attack.

That punch in the face is the pivot which will exonerate Wilson.
The graze wound to Browns hand could only happen with his thumb pointing towards the gun. There is no way that could happen with his hands up. The shots struck with his thumbs pointing towards the Officer & head lowered. This seems to be a charging stance.

It could have also been a falling stance.
Hard to tell the difference by one who has just been punched in the face by a 300 pound goon and is both disoriented and fearful of a resumed attack.

That punch in the face is the pivot which will exonerate Wilson.

Nope, as long as Brown wasn't surrendering Wilson is good.
Listen to the gunshot audio that captured the last 10 of 11 shots fired. The gun held 10 in the mag + 1 in chamber = 11 shots. Match those to the autopsy & witness statements.

Johnson said the first shot from inside the SUV struck Brown in the right chest. The autopsy shows that flesh wound to the right chest that also hit right arm.

3 witnesses say he was hit once as he ran off. The autopsy shows the only wound that could be is the grazed forearm. The audio recorded 6 very rapid shots that match the sequence of him running away. They were far to rapid to include the one fired inside the SUV. So he was only grazed once in that rapid fire 6 shot volley due to the greater distance, cop shaking off the punch to the face, getting out of vehicle & chasing them round the back of his SUV.

That only leaves the last 4 rapid fire volley shots to make the 4 remaining wounds. This indicates the officer was steady & distance was much closer because he hit 4 for 4 & they were all facing him with hands & head lowered.

Maybe begging Wilson for mercy?

Not with thumb lowered pointed forward. It was not in front of his body either or the bullet that grazed his hand would have hit his torso.

None of these wounds were serious until the final shot, which happened to be the last bullet in the gun. This left the Officer no choice but make it a fatal kill shot.

None of the 3 investigating agencies have charged Officer Wilson. This is a good indication that he did nothing wrong.
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Eric Holder will, one day soon, get the chance to see the other side of the criminal justice system.

I hope they don't put him away with any tough guys. He will be an easy mark.
I predict that there will be negative findings against the FPD, simply due to the fact that prosecutors do not announce an investigation of this kind without having ample evidence in hand.

They do not announce investigation if there isn't a certainty of guilt, otherwise it opes them up to negative press, and possible lawsuits.
This is great news. Ferguson needs a good probing.

Det. Frank Shartpico said:
There's actually really nothing newsworthy about it.

Anyone above room-temperature IQ shoulda seen this comin' as far back as a month ago.

lakhota said:
Yeah, we knew it "should" be coming. Now, it's really here. With Holder, one never knows.Glad he had the balls to follow through.

I wonder when he'll get the balls to investigate himself, hmmf? :badgrin:

Yup. Barry saved Holders ass on FF with his EO bullshit.

Holder shouldn't be investigating anyone unless its himself.

Mayby he should investigate all the looters and destroyers who tore Fergusen apart.

Holders an asshole who should have lost his job over FF.
Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. will launch this week a broad civil rights investigation into the Ferguson, Mo., Police Department, according to two federal law enforcement officials.

The investigation, which could be announced as early as Thursday afternoon, will be conducted by the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division and follow a process similar to that used to investigate other police departments across the country, the officials said.

The announcement follows the shooting last month of Michael Brown, an 18-year-old African American, by a white Ferguson police officer, who claimed he acted in self-defense. Brown, who was unarmed, was shot at least six times on the afternoon of Aug. 9.

Holder’s decision will represent the Obama administration’s most aggressive step to address the Ferguson shooting, which set off days of often-violent clashes between police and demonstrators in the streets of the St. Louis suburb.

The federal officials said the probe will look at not only Ferguson, but other police departments in St. Louis County. Some, like Ferguson, are predominantly white departments serving majority African-American communities. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a pending investigation.

The investigation is in addition to a Justice Department probe into whether Officer Darren Wilson, who fired the fatal shots, violated Brown’s civil rights. The new probe will look more broadly at whether the department employed policies and practices that resulted in a pattern of civil rights violations.

The Washington Post reported Sunday that five current and one former member of the police force face pending federal lawsuits claiming they used excessive force. The lawsuits, as well as more than a half-dozen internal investigations, include claims that individual officers separately hog-tied a 12-year-old boy who was checking his family mailbox, pistol-whipped children, and Tasered a mentally-ill man to death.

More: Justice Dept. to probe Ferguson police force - The Washington Post

This is great news. Ferguson needs a good probing.
Holder should do what any libtard does best. Probe himself.
The graze wound to Browns hand could only happen with his thumb pointing towards the gun. There is no way that could happen with his hands up. The shots struck with his thumbs pointing towards the Officer & head lowered. This seems to be a charging stance.

It could have also been a falling stance.
Or maybe a two and a half forward tumble with a twist...a difficulty level of 9.5.
I predict that there will be negative findings against the FPD, simply due to the fact that prosecutors do not announce an investigation of this kind without having ample evidence in hand.

They do not announce investigation if there isn't a certainty of guilt, otherwise it opes them up to negative press, and possible lawsuits.
Actually since it is ILLEGAL to leak the information it is probably an attempt to save face after no charges on Wilson.

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