Justice Department To Probe Ferguson Police Force

All I care about is the truth. If, after all investigations are completed and reported, Wilson is exonerated of the murder of Michael Brown - so be it. I can live with that. However, based on the witness reports so far, I do not view Wilson as innocent.

From your first link

He told the Post-Dispatch that he could not tell whether or not there had been a struggle between Officer Darren Wilson and Brown, but that he saw Wilson chasing Brown and shooting him while Brown had his hands up.

First of all under Missouri law, it is LEGAL for a police officer to shoot a fleeing felon.

Second of all, it doesn't even make sense that he was fleeing, but had his hands in the air. Fleeing felons don't have their hands in the air .

Third of all, having your hands in the air alone does NOT denote surrender, especially if you are running away.

Lakhota, I have made THOUSANDS of arrests over my career , and NONE of what this guy claims he saw is logical.
All I care about is the truth. If, after all investigations are completed and reported, Wilson is exonerated of the murder of Michael Brown - so be it. I can live with that. However, based on the witness reports so far, I do not view Wilson as innocent.

So, he's guilty until proven innocent eh? at least you admit it.
My question is who's probing Holder and DOJ.

As a black man - Holder's been "probed" his entire life.
Yet again you cannot resort to anything but race considering that you have been proven to hold an erroneous and asinine 'conclusion' completely devoid of any actual facts or evidence. Then you had the gall to claim that you care about the truth - that is absolutely laughable.

The truth never mattered to you in this case - only the ability for you to outrage over being a race whore.
Here is a bump.

The whole thing has blown off the front page. No charges yet.

Looks like Holder wasted our money on another wild goose chase.
Here is a bump.

The whole thing has blown off the front page. No charges yet.

Looks like Holder wasted our money on another wild goose chase.

Looks like you're full of shit - as usual. A thorough investigation is ongoing.

So all your claims of guilt are just you talking out your ass.

It's off the front pages now.

Soon it will go the way of Michael Brown.
Here is a bump.

The whole thing has blown off the front page. No charges yet.

Looks like Holder wasted our money on another wild goose chase.

Looks like you're full of shit - as usual. A thorough investigation is ongoing.

So all your claims of guilt are just you talking out your ass.

It's off the front pages now.

Soon it will go the way of Michael Brown.

Seriously, have you not been watching the news during the last couple days?
Here is a bump.

The whole thing has blown off the front page. No charges yet.

Looks like Holder wasted our money on another wild goose chase.

Looks like you're full of shit - as usual. A thorough investigation is ongoing.

So all your claims of guilt are just you talking out your ass.

It's off the front pages now.

Soon it will go the way of Michael Brown.

Seriously, have you not been watching the news during the last couple days?

Since when did you ever want to do anything serious.....asswipe.
Here is a bump.

The whole thing has blown off the front page. No charges yet.

Looks like Holder wasted our money on another wild goose chase.

Looks like you're full of shit - as usual. A thorough investigation is ongoing.

So all your claims of guilt are just you talking out your ass.

It's off the front pages now.

Soon it will go the way of Michael Brown.

Seriously, have you not been watching the news during the last couple days?
Still upset that nothing is coming of this?

Not surprised.

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