Justice Dept. Opens New Asylum Gate For Guatemalans


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Justice Dept. Opens New Asylum Gate For Guatemalans
Daily Caller ^ | 08/26/2014 | Neil Munro

The Department of Justice’s board of immigration appeals has decided to let Guatemalan women win asylum in the United States if they claim to be victims of domestic violence.

The decision creates a huge new incentive for Guatemalan women to cross the U.S. border, because if their asylum claim is accepted, their children get U.S. citizenship, plus the use of federal health, education and retirement programs, regardless of their initial education and work skills.

The new decision also means that many of the Guatemalan women who have already crossed the border this year have a new claim for asylum.

Coyotes and migrants in Central America are exploiting the administration’s lax policies. From Oct. 1 to July 31, 55,420 adults and children from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras crossed the border to file asylum claims following the White House’s 2010 decisions to relax enforcement. Another 57,525 “unaccompanied alien minors” were brought by coyotes to the U.S. border, in the expectation that federal agencies will deliver the minors to their parents and relatives already living in the United States.

Few of those who have crossed the border have been sent home.

Since 2010, the administration has relaxed immigration enforcement even though the annual supply of new labor — 4 million Americans youths, roughly 600,000 working-age immigrants and roughly 800,000 foreign guest-workers — far exceeds companies’ demand for extra labor. In response, household wages have dropped since 2010, and nearly all of the income gains since 2010 have gone to the wealthiest investors.

Outside the United States, hundreds of millions of women suffer from domestic violence, according to an advocacy report by the United Nations’ World Health Organization. “Overall, 35% of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence,” said the 2013 report, which is titled “Global and regional estimates of violence against women.”
Allie, allie in free!...

Obama Says He Will Unilaterally Legalize Illegal Aliens
September 6, 2014 - President Barack Obama said in a press conference in Wales on Friday afternoon that although his "preference is to see Congress act," he intends to take unilateral action to give illegal aliens “some path” to “be legal” if Congress does not enact the sort immigration legislation he wants.
The Associated Press reported on Saturday that unnamed White House officials had told the news organization that Obama would wait until after the midterm elections to make his move on immigration. The Constitution of the United States gives Congress—not the Executive--authority over immigration. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution says: “Congress shall have power…to establish a uniform rule of naturalization.” The president announced his intention to unilaterally grant immigration lawbreakers living illegally in the United States “some path…to be legal” in a wordy, multipronged answer to a reporter’s question. Here is the verbatim transcript of the reporter’s question and the president’s answer, as posted by the White House:

Colleen Nelson, Wall Street Journal: “Thank you, Mr. President. Some say that Democrats who are facing tough races in November have asked you to delay action on immigration. How have the concerns of other Democrats influenced your thinking? And do you see any downside at this point to delaying until after the election?”

President Obama: “I have to tell you that this week I’ve been pretty busy, focused on Ukraine and focused on ISIL and focused on making sure that NATO is boosting its commitments, and following through on what’s necessary to meet 21st century challenges.

“Jeh Johnson and Eric Holder have begun to provide me some of their proposals and recommendations. I’ll be reviewing them. And my expectation is that fairly soon I’ll be considering what the next steps are. “What I’m unequivocal about is that we need immigration reform; that my overriding preference is to see Congress act. We had bipartisan action in the Senate. The House Republicans have sat on it for over a year. That has damaged the economy, it has held America back. It is a mistake. And in the absence of congressional action, I intend to take action to make sure that we’re putting more resources on the border, that we’re upgrading how we process these cases, and that we find a way to encourage legal immigration and give people some path so that they can start paying taxes and pay a fine and learn English and be able to not look over their shoulder but be legal, since they’ve been living here for quite some time.


See also:

Illegal Alien, Unborn Child Die after Being Abandoned by Smugglers
September 5, 2014 -- Two alleged illegal alien smugglers, Fernando Armenta-Romero and Carlos Hernandez-Palma were arrested last weekend for allegedly abandoning a pregnant illegal immigrant woman in the Otay Mountains in southeastern San Diego County last year while attempting to smuggle her and her husband into the United States. Both the woman and her unborn child died.
According to a press release from the Department of Justice, Border Patrol Search Trauma and Rescue responded on Dec. 29 to a report of a woman in medical distress, called in by the woman’s husband, Baltazar Razo-Barreto, who is an illegal alien. “Mr. Razo identified himself as the husband of the 32-year-old woman, who he identified as Jaqueline Capistran-Ochoa,” the report stated. “He told the agents that Ms. Capistran had been in medical distress when he left her in the care of others while he sought help.”

Once alerted to the situation, it took Border Patrol agents two days to find the woman’s body, the report said. “After an extensive search of the mountainous area over a period of two days, Mr. Razo eventually led Border Patrol agents to an area where they discovered the body of a woman, who Mr. Razo identified at the scene as his wife, Ms. Capistran,” the release stated. After arriving at the scene, agents found Capistran already dead with signs of rigor mortis, the press release reported. Officials determined that Capistran’s death was caused in part by diabetic hyperglycemia and hypothermia from environmental exposure.

The report also noted Capistran was around three months pregnant. The report explained Capistran and her husband had planned the trek to the United States in advance with the smugglers, who they knew only as “Carlos” and “Armenta.” “According to court documents, Mr. Razo and his wife, Ms. Capistran, made arrangements with smugglers in Mexico to be brought illegally into the United States in December 2013,” the report explained, adding the couple had agreed to pay $12,000 to be smuggled into the United States. “During their discussion, the smugglers explained that the journey from Mexico into the United States would take 1.5 to 2 days, including frequent breaks,” the report continued, adding the smugglers had told the couple the terrain into the United States was “mostly flat” and that “the hardest part was climbing the U.S.-Mexico border fence.”

The report also stated the alleged smugglers had debated bringing Capistran to the United States because she was diabetic and “appeared overweight and tired.” At the time, Capistran and her husband “suspected that she might be pregnant.’ “The smugglers argued about whether she could make the smuggling trek. Despite their misgivings, they decided to take the chance given the promised payment,” officials reported. The report also explained: “On or about December 26, 2013, [the defendants] smuggled Mr. Razo and Ms. Capistran into the United States by climbing over the U.S./Mexico boundary fence in Tijuana, Mexico.”

Granny says tell `em to blow it out dey's ear...

Latinos furious at Obama on immigration delay, vow more pressure
7 Sept.`14: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hispanic lawmakers and immigration advocates harshly criticized President Barack Obama's decision to delay executive action on immigration and vowed to keep pressuring him to make bold changes.
Democratic Representatives Luis Gutierrez and Tony Cardenas on Sunday accused Obama of playing politics the day after the president said he would wait until after November's congressional elections to change policy on immigration. The announcement marked a reversal for Obama, who publicly promised to act by the end of summer. "Playing it safe might win an election," Gutierrez said on ABC's "This Week" program. "But it almost never leads to fairness, to justice and to good public policy that you can be proud of."

Senate Democrats at risk of losing their seats in the November elections pressed the White House to hold off an executive order. Though many immigration advocates have been pushing hard for the White House to ease up on deportations of undocumented immigrations, wariness among the broader public began to build this summer, fueled by Republican accusations that executive actions would mark an overstepping of Obama's authority. Democrats worry that an executive action could cause them to lose control of the Senate in November.

Gutierrez, a member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and a passionate advocate of immigration reform, said he had called Obama and White House officials after hearing the executive action would be delayed. He said he expects to meet with administration officials this week on the issue. Cardenas, who is also part of the Hispanic Caucus, said of Obama: "we all are frustrated with him right now because he's taken way too long to take his executive actions." "I don't like what the president's advisers may be telling him. I can only speculate that they've encouraged them to wait. I would prefer he do it now," Cardenas told the CNN's "State of the Union" program.

Immigrant advocacy groups also criticized the delay. "The president's latest broken promise is another slap to the face of the Latino and immigrant community," Cristina Jimenez, managing director for United We Dream, said in a statement on Saturday. United We Dream asked supporters on social media to use the hashtag, "#deporterinchief," to urge Obama to pull back from deporting undocumented immigrants. The Senate last year passed a sweeping immigration bill that would have provided a path to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants within the United States. But the bill stalled in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. Republican opponents of the Senate bill have labeled it "amnesty" for people who entered the country illegally.

I'm trying to be sarcastic Matthew . USA gov recognizing all sorts of silliness to just let anyone into the USA and most of the time doing it against the American peoples wishes.
Justice Dept. Opens New Asylum Gate For Guatemalans
Daily Caller ^ | 08/26/2014 | Neil Munro
Since 2010, the administration has relaxed immigration enforcement even though the annual supply of new labor — 4 million Americans youths, roughly 600,000 working-age immigrants and roughly 800,000 foreign guest-workers — far exceeds companies’ demand for extra labor. In response, household wages have dropped since 2010, and nearly all of the income gains since 2010 have gone to the wealthiest investors.

"since 2010"??
Wages have been stagnant or dropping since 1970!
This is in direct correlation to free trade agreements, offshoring and illegal immigration.

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