Justice for New Haven Firefighters

I'm being dishonest?

You want to have a different standard for this and "general" cases. As if you can just make up rules that only apply to this case and not explain them. Sorry, but if you want to create standards out of your ass, you need to justify those standards.

You are incredibly simple minded. You don't realize that although I don't know HOW its biased, I can demonstrate evidence that it IS biased. Just as I don't know HOW a car works, I can demonstrate that it DOES work. Simple concept, really, what is the reason for your cognitive failure?

There's where you are being dishonest, I never said there were "general cases" ... each case is unique ... as I have always said and will always say, it depends on what you are talking about. You have not demonstrated bias from tests, and you cannot, all you can offer is some circumstantial evidence, and that is not evidence, it is actually worthless. Show proof or admit you are being dishonest in an attempt to paint the "white man" as evil.

Actually you used general terms here.

if something exists it has to have an explanation, otherwise it is nothing but a dream. If it did exist you would be able to prove it. You are being dishonest and changing the topic as well as goal posts

Again. Tell me why if it existed here I would be able to prove it. And explain why this case is different from, say, the car example I gave. Explain it or admit that you are racist and want to justify acts of racism.

How about you just admit you are brainwashed, numbnuts? There is no racism involved. You qualify or you don't by passing the test. Simple as THAT. Anything else, to include your red herring rabbit chasing car story is just blowing smoke.
Ricci has a reading disability. He had to have all the books put on tape and that's how he studied. Claiming blacks are not smart enough to pass the test, while a handicapped person can, is - what's the word - oh yeah. RACIST!

The soft bigotry of low expectations...
Thank god your not one of my students, I don't give a shit how much money you gave me, I would not try to teach you shit. Its really quite scary that people who are as stupid as you exist. God, I hope you don't vote.

I am done with this shit. You are a complete idiot KK. You can't even understand the basic shit I am trying to tell you, can't even cognize simple hypos and you say moronic shit like "if something can't be proved, it doesn't exist". Oy. This is middle school stuff, I feel like I am trying to teach a child.

Hmm ... just because I won't give black folk any special treatment ... bad reason to fail, I am glad you are not my teacher or I would have sued ... :eusa_whistle:

It is you proving you are completely brain dead and biased, extremely biased, and should not be any where near a student. Prove it exists, prove there is racially biased questions on ANY test, unless you do your whole argument only demonstrates that you think black folk are inherently inferior to everyone else ... which though I disagree with that as well, at least it would fit your claim.

That's EXACTLY what this is all about. It isn't about ethnic discrimination. It's about a demand for preferential treatment by unqualified persons hiding behind their ethnicity as an excuse.

There is no ethnic discrimination here. The test is designed to discriminate between qualified and unqualified. You either do or you don't.
Correct me if I'm wrong. SCOTUS merely said that the city cannot throw out the test results because they fear being sued.

That implies the lawsuit can go forward and the city cannot use its own best judgment on who they promote.

You're wrong.

But you know that already.
Awesome. Remember your appeal to authority thread? Apparently dcon looks to you as an authority. :lol::lol::lol:

Non Sequitur.

Appeal to authority is irrelevant. The capability or lack thereof to pass a generic test is what's relevant.

Your argument is full of shit. Perhaps divecon is appealing to common sense and logic and I have nothing to do with it?
Ricci has a reading disability. He had to have all the books put on tape and that's how he studied. Claiming blacks are not smart enough to pass the test, while a handicapped person can, is - what's the word - oh yeah. RACIST!

The soft bigotry of low expectations...

Another lame attempt at deflection. I said nothing about race nor "handicap." You're qualified or you are not. Simple as that.

The only people I claim can't pass the test are the ones who can't pass the test. I could care less what their skin color or gender is.

Y'all keep flailing about with this lame accusation that's going nowhere.
You're wrong.

But you know that already.
Awesome. Remember your appeal to authority thread? Apparently dcon looks to you as an authority. :lol::lol::lol:

Non Sequitur.

Appeal to authority is irrelevant. The capability or lack thereof to pass a generic test is what's relevant.

Your argument is full of shit. Perhaps divecon is appealing to common sense and logic and I have nothing to do with it?
Perhaps you're so emotional that you can't resist misinterpreting something I've posted to Mani.

Are you this hair-trigger in real life?
Awesome. Remember your appeal to authority thread? Apparently dcon looks to you as an authority. :lol::lol::lol:

Non Sequitur.

Appeal to authority is irrelevant. The capability or lack thereof to pass a generic test is what's relevant.

Your argument is full of shit. Perhaps divecon is appealing to common sense and logic and I have nothing to do with it?
Perhaps you're so emotional that you can't resist misinterpreting something I've posted to Mani.

Are you this hair-trigger in real life?

Stick to the issue and the facts huh? You keep trying to drag others in as some convoluted attempt to deflect from them. I haven't read divecon's posts, nor mani's. I read yours and refuted it, simple as that. Nothing hair trigger about it.

Learn to argue an actual point or go away.
Non Sequitur.

Appeal to authority is irrelevant. The capability or lack thereof to pass a generic test is what's relevant.

Your argument is full of shit. Perhaps divecon is appealing to common sense and logic and I have nothing to do with it?
Perhaps you're so emotional that you can't resist misinterpreting something I've posted to Mani.

Are you this hair-trigger in real life?

Stick to the issue and the facts huh? You keep trying to drag others in as some convoluted attempt to deflect from them. I haven't read divecon's posts, nor mani's. I read yours and refuted it, simple as that. Nothing hair trigger about it.

Learn to argue an actual point or go away.
LOL! You saw the word authority and assumed I was talking about you. You started it with your stupid misinterpretation of my comment to Mani.

You've refuted nothing.
btw, KK, as far as I can tell none of the black candidates ever raised the issue of racism as you've claimed on this thread. The city feared they might but saying they did is incorrect.

Between January and March of 2004, the city's Civil Service Commission — a group of mayoral appointees — held five hearings on whether or not to certify the tests. Tensions were high at the meetings. Dozens of people attended.

At one point, Rev. Boise Kimber — who heads First Calvary Baptist church, is a fire commissioner and an important vote getter for the mayor in the city's African American neighborhoods — suggested that since the civil service commission was composed of all whites and one Hispanic, the board wasn't qualified to make a decision on whether or not the test was racist.

At another point, Kimber said there would be political consequences if the whites were promoted. White firefighters threatened to sue if the city didn't certify the tests. Black firefighters threatened to sue if the city did
Hartford Advocate: News - Trial By Fire
Who said we shouldn't give stimulus jobs to white men?

Robert Reich said that.

Like 50 percent of the justices who voted against the white firefighters (Ginsburg and Breyer), Reich is Jewish.

Not that there's a pattern here or anything. It would be anti-Semitic to point that out.
I don't have time to read the whole thing, but has anyone posted evidence that the test was racially slanted against the blacks?
In a wonderful orwellian twist the proof the test is baised against blacks appears to be blacks failed it.

Thus we learn that anything blacks fail at is indeed racist.

At least according to Ms Sodamayor, the USSC saw it differently, at least some of them did.
Thank god your not one of my students, I don't give a shit how much money you gave me, I would not try to teach you shit. Its really quite scary that people who are as stupid as you exist. God, I hope you don't vote.

I am done with this shit. You are a complete idiot KK. You can't even understand the basic shit I am trying to tell you, can't even cognize simple hypos and you say moronic shit like "if something can't be proved, it doesn't exist". Oy. This is middle school stuff, I feel like I am trying to teach a child.

Hmm ... just because I won't give black folk any special treatment ... bad reason to fail, I am glad you are not my teacher or I would have sued ... :eusa_whistle:

It is you proving you are completely brain dead and biased, extremely biased, and should not be any where near a student. Prove it exists, prove there is racially biased questions on ANY test, unless you do your whole argument only demonstrates that you think black folk are inherently inferior to everyone else ... which though I disagree with that as well, at least it would fit your claim.

Keep lying KK, it fits your style well.

Why do you hate black people so much?
Thank god your not one of my students, I don't give a shit how much money you gave me, I would not try to teach you shit. Its really quite scary that people who are as stupid as you exist. God, I hope you don't vote.

I am done with this shit. You are a complete idiot KK. You can't even understand the basic shit I am trying to tell you, can't even cognize simple hypos and you say moronic shit like "if something can't be proved, it doesn't exist". Oy. This is middle school stuff, I feel like I am trying to teach a child.

When you write your papers in law school do they accept your when you mean you're

You generally don't write papers in law school.

And really really pathetic bullshit at that.

psst. Your agenda whoring is showing

Actually she is actually right.

Actually, she is wrong, as well as you are wrong. This really isn't that hard. Conducting a witchhunt based on nothing but a lameass accusation every time some minority doesn't get what he/she wants is allowing political correctness to dictate who and won't be hired rather than actual qualification.

I'll stick with the qualification and the Supreme Court's common sense ruling. Qualifications are determined by the job, and the test is determined by those qualifications. Ethnicity and/or gender are irrelevant to qualification. You pass the test and qualify or you don't.

Too damned bad if that doesn't meet your PC, affirmative action mindset. In case of fire, I want a firefighter that is qualified to fight fires (DUH!), not one chose arbitrarily regardless qualification because of the color of his/her skin. It's no more complicated than THAT.

Actually thats not what the USSC said. But then you might know that if you actually looked at the opinion instead of opening your dumbass mouth.

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