Justice for New Haven Firefighters

As if I give a flying fuck about the Repudlicans.

If latinos don't like the fact that a truly just decision was made, fuck them.

This case was about whites & LATINO'S that passed the examination. The debate was over blacks that didn't pass the exam. It became political between the Mayor & some black church pastor that stated it was unfair & eventually ended up in the Supreme Court.

I believe this is the 4th time that one of Sotomayor's decisions were overturned by the U.S. Supreme court.

I also believe that if this was any other administration than the Obama administration--they would already be looking for another nominee. With this senate--a (loaded democrat senate)--she will be confirmed & that's what is scary.

Remember we were just ONE single vote away from reverse discrimination--that would have affected every job in this country. "That's scary"

Yeah, so the Spanish speakers and the whites passed ... another perfect example of you proving yourself wrong.

Another example of your inability to read. I didn't say that, and even if I did, it doesn't prove anything.
I don't have time to read the whole thing, but has anyone posted evidence that the test was racially slanted against the blacks?
No. Shes claimed its NOT racially biased. Read the thread, asshat.

I did prove it, I proved that you can't come up with even one question that is racially biased.

Next you'll try to claim asking someone what 2+2 is racially biased.

Again. Lack of proof for my claim does NOT prove your claim.

Aaah ... but this time it does, proving whether something exists or not is the sole responsibility of the one claiming it does exist to prove, a lack of proof is proof of it not existing because if something does not exist then there is no proof of it's existence.
Thank god your not one of my students, I don't give a shit how much money you gave me, I would not try to teach you shit. Its really quite scary that people who are as stupid as you exist. God, I hope you don't vote.

I am done with this shit. You are a complete idiot KK. You can't even understand the basic shit I am trying to tell you, can't even cognize simple hypos and you say moronic shit like "if something can't be proved, it doesn't exist". Oy. This is middle school stuff, I feel like I am trying to teach a child.
I did prove it, I proved that you can't come up with even one question that is racially biased.

Next you'll try to claim asking someone what 2+2 is racially biased.

Again. Lack of proof for my claim does NOT prove your claim.

Aaah ... but this time it does, proving whether something exists or not is the sole responsibility of the one claiming it does exist to prove, a lack of proof is proof of it not existing because if something does not exist then there is no proof of it's existence.

A lack of proof is NEVER proof of something not existing. As I said, middle school shit.
Thank god your not one of my students, I don't give a shit how much money you gave me, I would not try to teach you shit. Its really quite scary that people who are as stupid as you exist. God, I hope you don't vote.

I am done with this shit. You are a complete idiot KK. You can't even understand the basic shit I am trying to tell you, can't even cognize simple hypos and you say moronic shit like "if something can't be proved, it doesn't exist". Oy. This is middle school stuff, I feel like I am trying to teach a child.

Hmm ... just because I won't give black folk any special treatment ... bad reason to fail, I am glad you are not my teacher or I would have sued ... :eusa_whistle:

It is you proving you are completely brain dead and biased, extremely biased, and should not be any where near a student. Prove it exists, prove there is racially biased questions on ANY test, unless you do your whole argument only demonstrates that you think black folk are inherently inferior to everyone else ... which though I disagree with that as well, at least it would fit your claim.
This was a good day for common sense.

Let's hope the same common sense will apply to Cap n Trade and national health care - both need to be defeated.
Thank god your not one of my students, I don't give a shit how much money you gave me, I would not try to teach you shit. Its really quite scary that people who are as stupid as you exist. God, I hope you don't vote.

I am done with this shit. You are a complete idiot KK. You can't even understand the basic shit I am trying to tell you, can't even cognize simple hypos and you say moronic shit like "if something can't be proved, it doesn't exist". Oy. This is middle school stuff, I feel like I am trying to teach a child.

When you write your papers in law school do they accept your when you mean you're
This was a good day for common sense.

Let's hope the same common sense will apply to Cap n Trade and national health care - both need to be defeated.

Too bad it won't, the environuts and their preacher Mr. Gore have bribed too many government officials in too many governments.

And really really pathetic bullshit at that.

psst. Your agenda whoring is showing
Correct me if I'm wrong. SCOTUS merely said that the city cannot throw out the test results because they fear being sued.

That implies the lawsuit can go forward and the city cannot use its own best judgment on who they promote.

You're wrong.

But you know that already.
Awesome. Remember your appeal to authority thread? Apparently dcon looks to you as an authority. :lol::lol::lol:
btw, KK, as far as I can tell none of the black candidates ever raised the issue of racism as you've claimed on this thread. The city feared they might but saying they did is incorrect.
Change my post as you will but it doesn't change the fact that SCOTUS is telling the city whom they may or may not promote.


And really really pathetic bullshit at that.

psst. Your agenda whoring is showing

Actually she is actually right.

Actually, she is wrong, as well as you are wrong. This really isn't that hard. Conducting a witchhunt based on nothing but a lameass accusation every time some minority doesn't get what he/she wants is allowing political correctness to dictate who and won't be hired rather than actual qualification.

I'll stick with the qualification and the Supreme Court's common sense ruling. Qualifications are determined by the job, and the test is determined by those qualifications. Ethnicity and/or gender are irrelevant to qualification. You pass the test and qualify or you don't.

Too damned bad if that doesn't meet your PC, affirmative action mindset. In case of fire, I want a firefighter that is qualified to fight fires (DUH!), not one chose arbitrarily regardless qualification because of the color of his/her skin. It's no more complicated than THAT.
Do you agree with the statement. YES or NO. One or the other. I don't need your petty explanations. Its a yes or no answer.

You didn't make a statement, so I did ... which would have been a yes to the statement I made ... need it repeated again?

"I don't give a fuck what color their skin is, I would however prefer a well trained and capable fire chief over anyone who can't pass their test."

Oy. Dealing with you is like dealing with a mentally ill child. Ok, I'll take it real simple.

I am about to say the statement.

The point, quite simply, is that you don't need to know exactly how something works to know that it exists. Do you disagree with this statement?

I just said the statement. Do you disagree with the statement. Yes. Or. No.

God, how complicated can this be?

It isn't complicated at all. You're wrong. Next?
You didn't make a statement, so I did ... which would have been a yes to the statement I made ... need it repeated again?

"I don't give a fuck what color their skin is, I would however prefer a well trained and capable fire chief over anyone who can't pass their test."

Oy. Dealing with you is like dealing with a mentally ill child. Ok, I'll take it real simple.

I am about to say the statement.

The point, quite simply, is that you don't need to know exactly how something works to know that it exists. Do you disagree with this statement?

I just said the statement. Do you disagree with the statement. Yes. Or. No.

God, how complicated can this be?

It doesn't have a yes or no answer ... if something exists it has to have an explanation, otherwise it is nothing but a dream. If it did exist you would be able to prove it. You are being dishonest and changing the topic as well as goal posts.

Agreed. Now where in the results of the tests does discrimination exist? Only in actual qualification does it exist, as it does in ALL tests. Tests are purposefully discriminatory. Pass, you win; fail, you lose. There's your explanation.

NOTHING about that indicates ANYTHING else; thus, your "dream." There is no racial discrimination in the design of the test. Only academic and/or practical application, as any test is designed.

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