Justice for New Haven Firefighters

for example.. our soldiers didn't grow up in Bagdhad.. but they practice and train for it?? simple? newp! requires a little effort?? you betcha!

And despite their training, if you asked Iraqis or American soldiers living in Iraq about the area, Iraqis would know a lot more. Thats just a result of having lived in an area all your life v. only a few years.
Nope. Its one thing to patrol a place, its another to be asked detailed questions about an area you didn't grow up in.

I surely don't expect a man to patrol a place they know nothing about.. would you? or would you expect him to bone up and know something about that which he is expected to patrol???

There is some middle ground between knowing everything and knowing nothing.

well, in your world it's "cry racism" instead of fair competition.
I surely don't expect a man to patrol a place they know nothing about.. would you? or would you expect him to bone up and know something about that which he is expected to patrol???

There is some middle ground between knowing everything and knowing nothing.

well, in your world it's "cry racism" instead of fair competition.

wtf? This has nothing to do with the above point I made.
for example.. our soldiers didn't grow up in Bagdhad.. but they practice and train for it?? simple? newp! requires a little effort?? you betcha!

And despite their training, if you asked Iraqis or American soldiers living in Iraq about the area, Iraqis would know a lot more. Thats just a result of having lived in an area all your life v. only a few years.

of course,, they do, and there's nothing racist about it..or are you saying only black cops should patrol black neighborhoods?? That's a thought. Might cut down on the police brutality.
There is some middle ground between knowing everything and knowing nothing.

well, in your world it's "cry racism" instead of fair competition.

wtf? This has nothing to do with the above point I made.

it has everything to do with it. you just said the test would be "racist" if it asked questions about a strange neighborhood! It never once crossed you mind that the man should make the effort to learn about said neighborhood.
for example.. our soldiers didn't grow up in Bagdhad.. but they practice and train for it?? simple? newp! requires a little effort?? you betcha!

And despite their training, if you asked Iraqis or American soldiers living in Iraq about the area, Iraqis would know a lot more. Thats just a result of having lived in an area all your life v. only a few years.

of course,, they do, and there's nothing racist about it..or are you saying only black cops should patrol black neighborhoods?? That's a thought. Might cut down on the police brutality.

Thank you. So, as I said, even studying for a test, or living in an area for a few years, is different from living there all ones life. So no amount of studying is going to equalize the results if they decide to test only from black, or from white, areas.
well, in your world it's "cry racism" instead of fair competition.

wtf? This has nothing to do with the above point I made.

it has everything to do with it. you just said the test would be "racist" if it asked questions about a strange neighborhood! It never once crossed you mind that the man should make the effort to learn about said neighborhood.

Sure it did. But you just admitted that making the effort to learn about said neighborhood does not provide the same level of understanding as having grown up in the neighborhood.
wtf? This has nothing to do with the above point I made.

it has everything to do with it. you just said the test would be "racist" if it asked questions about a strange neighborhood! It never once crossed you mind that the man should make the effort to learn about said neighborhood.

Sure it did. But you just admitted that making the effort to learn about said neighborhood does not provide the same level of understanding as having grown up in the neighborhood.

so we are left, following your logic, with only one solution, to avoid racism, black cops will patrol black neighborhoods and white cops will patrol white neighborhoods, anything less will amount to racism! Good work counselor. good work.
it has everything to do with it. you just said the test would be "racist" if it asked questions about a strange neighborhood! It never once crossed you mind that the man should make the effort to learn about said neighborhood.

Sure it did. But you just admitted that making the effort to learn about said neighborhood does not provide the same level of understanding as having grown up in the neighborhood.

so we are left, following your logic, with only one solution, to avoid racism, black cops will patrol black neighborhoods and white cops will patrol white neighborhoods, anything less will amount to racism! Good work counselor. good work.

Or give tests that ask about the geography of mixed neighborhoods. Or take that section out of the test.

Well, that was easy.
Sure it did. But you just admitted that making the effort to learn about said neighborhood does not provide the same level of understanding as having grown up in the neighborhood.

so we are left, following your logic, with only one solution, to avoid racism, black cops will patrol black neighborhoods and white cops will patrol white neighborhoods, anything less will amount to racism! Good work counselor. good work.

Or give tests that ask about the geography of mixed neighborhoods. Or take that section out of the test.

Well, that was easy.

oh! so we cannot expect them to bone up and pass a test showing knowledge of the neighborhood but we can ask them to risk their lives patroling said neighborhood! I see! libral logic is lunaticical! :lol:
so we are left, following your logic, with only one solution, to avoid racism, black cops will patrol black neighborhoods and white cops will patrol white neighborhoods, anything less will amount to racism! Good work counselor. good work.

Or give tests that ask about the geography of mixed neighborhoods. Or take that section out of the test.

Well, that was easy.

oh! so we cannot expect them to bone up and pass a test showing knowledge of the neighborhood but we can ask them to risk their lives patroling said neighborhood! I see! libral logic is lunaticical! :lol:

Except that you admitted that no amount of studying will reach the same level of competency or knowledge as the people who grew up there.
Or give tests that ask about the geography of mixed neighborhoods. Or take that section out of the test.

Well, that was easy.

oh! so we cannot expect them to bone up and pass a test showing knowledge of the neighborhood but we can ask them to risk their lives patroling said neighborhood! I see! libral logic is lunaticical! :lol:

Except that you admitted that no amount of studying will reach the same level of competency or knowledge as the people who grew up there.

yep! I'm agreeing with ya.. only black cops should patrol black neighborhoods, and only black lawyers should have black clients,, we should segregate cause we weren't raised in the same neighborhoods.. So much for diversity.. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
oh! so we cannot expect them to bone up and pass a test showing knowledge of the neighborhood but we can ask them to risk their lives patroling said neighborhood! I see! libral logic is lunaticical! :lol:

Except that you admitted that no amount of studying will reach the same level of competency or knowledge as the people who grew up there.

yep! I'm agreeing with ya.. only black cops should patrol black neighborhoods, and only black lawyers should have black clients,, we should segregate cause we weren't raised in the same neighborhoods.. So much for diversity.. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Too bad thats not what I said. As usual the right has nothing so they just make shit up, eh?
I have a Masters in Education and have taken several courses in assessment. Great pains are taken to ensure that tests are not racial or gender biased. I would be curious to see which questions on this test are being challenged. My guess is none. Only the results.
I highly doubt this is over. And DavidS, you obviously have no idea what the case was about.

I'm no fan of DS... but on this one, he merely stated that the case was about a court which set aside the best candidate, the objective standards which deduced such and did so on NOTHING BUT THE SUBJECTIVE FEELINGS OF THE IDEOLOGICAL LEFTISTS WHO HEARD THE CASE... and who "DECIDED" in favor of the minorities for NO OTHER REASON, than the perceived socio-circumstances which their racial minority status represented.

Which is the purest essence of RACISM... PERIOD

To even TRY and suggest that this case was ANYTHING BUT, Affirmative Action run amuk is either ignorance or DELUSION.
I have no doubt few, if any, of you will comprehend this. But I'm going to try a new, simpler hypo.

New York City wants to test their cops for promotions. One part of the test has to do with geography. They can either ask about the geography in the West Village or the geography in Harlem. If they choose West Village, whites will score better. If they choose Harlem, blacks will score better. How is this not racist?

You actually think people sit around in back rooms and think of ways to fail black applicants....:cuckoo:

Why is it that the ONLY group of people who scream about "racist" tests are black people. You never see Asians, Indians, whites or hispanics.......moan and groan because they didn't pass a test. WHY IS THAT?????????

No one knows what the questions on the test were, I would assume they're general knowledge though and the black applicants simply failed to study. The hispanics afterall, had no problem passing. Next time they should study.

Remember to wear you tinfoil hat shiney side out.

Umm, because you have people like William Joyce around?
except people like him are few and not in power
because when people like him are in power they tend to expose themselves and are voted out of office
You actually think people sit around in back rooms and think of ways to fail black applicants....:cuckoo:

Why is it that the ONLY group of people who scream about "racist" tests are black people. You never see Asians, Indians, whites or hispanics.......moan and groan because they didn't pass a test. WHY IS THAT?????????

No one knows what the questions on the test were, I would assume they're general knowledge though and the black applicants simply failed to study. The hispanics afterall, had no problem passing. Next time they should study.

Remember to wear you tinfoil hat shiney side out.

Umm, because you have people like William Joyce around?
except people like him are few and not in power
because when people like him are in power they tend to expose themselves and are voted out of office

Like Strom Thurmond was, right?

Sadly, they aren't few and far between. WJ is just one of the strange ones who are open about their dislike for blacks. The rest of you assholes hide it behind condemning affirmative action, and anything else that might benefit blacks.
Umm, because you have people like William Joyce around?
except people like him are few and not in power
because when people like him are in power they tend to expose themselves and are voted out of office

Like Strom Thurmond was, right?

Sadly, they aren't few and far between. WJ is just one of the strange ones who are open about their dislike for blacks. The rest of you assholes hide it behind condemning affirmative action, and anything else that might benefit blacks.
fuck off asshole
you are more racist than me
you assume that the tests are not fair because some blacks didnt pass
fuck off asshole
you are more racist than me
you assume that the tests are not fair because some blacks didnt pass

A) True, he is an asshole who should fuck off.

B) True, he is more racist than you

C) Strictly speaking, false. It wasn't a matter of not passing the test, it was a matter of not achieving a high enough percentile to be eligible for promotion. A subtle distinction I know, but one that in many ways makes all the difference.
I don't have time to read the whole thing, but has anyone posted evidence that the test was racially slanted against the blacks?
In a wonderful orwellian twist the proof the test is baised against blacks appears to be blacks failed it.

Thus we learn that anything blacks fail at is indeed racist.

At least according to Ms Sodamayor, the USSC saw it differently, at least some of them did.
In reality she ruled based on binding precedent...only SCOTUS had the authority to rule differently.

But don't let a good slur slow you down.

where do you and nik get the idea that she ruled based on precedent? she didn't cite one case in the summary opinion....therefore, what is this precedent you and nik are referring to....what case....what case did the district court cite that you allege satomayor could not overturn....

my quick read of the case shows it to more factual findings than actual legal reasons for denying relief...she was even admonished in the scotus opinion (not her personally) for such a mindless ruling

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