Justice for raped women!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
I'm tired of the politicizing of allegedly raped women. When it is pointed out that Bill Clinton is also accused of raping women, just as Donald Trump, then it is mentioned that Bill Clinton is not running for President.

WTF? What about actually holding him accountable for the accused rapes?

It is also interesting that these stories remained buried until a month before the election. Why sit on a story for soooo long?

And lastly, we all know that neither Donald nor Bill will face any jail time for these accusation, whether they be truth or a lie. All of this is just slinging poo, which is all they do in Washington. No one cares about truth or justice, which is why the country is in the state it is in today.

We all know that when Donald loses the election, all of this will simply vanish from view, just like it did for Bill.

Disgusting. As for these women, you are on your own. No one cares.
Who's accusing Trump of rape? The 11 women who have said "Oh, yeah? It's not just TALK" in response to his tape haven't been talking about rape. All they're saying is, he's taking inappropriate advantage of women he doesn't know because they're pretty and he's horny, and he's overstepping his bounds.

It's the reaction from Trump's supporters that has actually opened this can of worms. In their defense of the Donald, it seems they either don't think there's anything wrong with his attitude, or without any evidence either way, they are slandering the women who came forward.

It's not okay, what Donald says he does. It's not okay, what these women say he did. It's not okay for a good portion of our citizens to say "So what, boys will be boys" or whatever they're saying.
That's all it's about.

FYI, I was actually a lot more upset when I saw that tape than might have seemed "logical." I'm not a prude and I didn't just fall off the turnip truck, either. It's not about that. I'll just refer you to Michelle's comments for the details.
Who's accusing Trump of rape? The 11 women who have said "Oh, yeah? It's not just TALK" in response to his tape haven't been talking about rape. All they're saying is, he's taking inappropriate advantage of women he doesn't know because they're pretty and he's horny, and he's overstepping his bounds.

It's the reaction from Trump's supporters that has actually opened this can of worms. In their defense of the Donald, it seems they either don't think there's anything wrong with his attitude, or without any evidence either way, they are slandering the women who came forward.

It's not okay, what Donald says he does. It's not okay, what these women say he did. It's not okay for a good portion of our citizens to say "So what, boys will be boys" or whatever they're saying.
That's all it's about.

FYI, I was actually a lot more upset when I saw that tape than might have seemed "logical." I'm not a prude and I didn't just fall off the turnip truck, either. It's not about that. I'll just refer you to Michelle's comments for the details.
Who's accusing Trump of rape? The 11 women who have said "Oh, yeah? It's not just TALK" in response to his tape haven't been talking about rape. All they're saying is, he's taking inappropriate advantage of women he doesn't know because they're pretty and he's horny, and he's overstepping his bounds.

It's the reaction from Trump's supporters that has actually opened this can of worms. In their defense of the Donald, it seems they either don't think there's anything wrong with his attitude, or without any evidence either way, they are slandering the women who came forward.

It's not okay, what Donald says he does. It's not okay, what these women say he did. It's not okay for a good portion of our citizens to say "So what, boys will be boys" or whatever they're saying.
That's all it's about.

FYI, I was actually a lot more upset when I saw that tape than might have seemed "logical." I'm not a prude and I didn't just fall off the turnip truck, either. It's not about that. I'll just refer you to Michelle's comments for the details.
Who's accusing Trump of rape? The 11 women who have said "Oh, yeah? It's not just TALK" in response to his tape haven't been talking about rape. All they're saying is, he's taking inappropriate advantage of women he doesn't know because they're pretty and he's horny, and he's overstepping his bounds.

It's the reaction from Trump's supporters that has actually opened this can of worms. In their defense of the Donald, it seems they either don't think there's anything wrong with his attitude, or without any evidence either way, they are slandering the women who came forward.

It's not okay, what Donald says he does. It's not okay, what these women say he did. It's not okay for a good portion of our citizens to say "So what, boys will be boys" or whatever they're saying.
That's all it's about.

FYI, I was actually a lot more upset when I saw that tape than might have seemed "logical." I'm not a prude and I didn't just fall off the turnip truck, either. It's not about that. I'll just refer you to Michelle's comments for the details.
Michelle Obama? What did she say? It wasn't another line of saying a slutty racist was a good role model for her kids, was it? LD
I'm tired of the politicizing of allegedly raped women. When it is pointed out that Bill Clinton is also accused of raping women, just as Donald Trump, then it is mentioned that Bill Clinton is not running for President.

WTF? What about actually holding him accountable for the accused rapes?

It is also interesting that these stories remained buried until a month before the election. Why sit on a story for soooo long?

And lastly, we all know that neither Donald nor Bill will face any jail time for these accusation, whether they be truth or a lie. All of this is just slinging poo, which is all they do in Washington. No one cares about truth or justice, which is why the country is in the state it is in today.

We all know that when Donald loses the election, all of this will simply vanish from view, just like it did for Bill.

Disgusting. As for these women, you are on your own. No one cares.

I don't know how old you are but Bill Clinton was fully investigated and clear by the Ken Starr team of any illegal Sexual Misconduct.

All three women who Trump brought to the debate were interviewed... Ken Starr (a man who was at the time deemed way over zealous) stated that those accusation were without merit and hadn't a chance to hold up in any court.

So you are right they should be investigated on Bill Clinton and they have and been cleared...

Now can we have the same on Trump...
Who's accusing Trump of rape? The 11 women who have said "Oh, yeah? It's not just TALK" in response to his tape haven't been talking about rape. All they're saying is, he's taking inappropriate advantage of women he doesn't know because they're pretty and he's horny, and he's overstepping his bounds.

It's the reaction from Trump's supporters that has actually opened this can of worms. In their defense of the Donald, it seems they either don't think there's anything wrong with his attitude, or without any evidence either way, they are slandering the women who came forward.

It's not okay, what Donald says he does. It's not okay, what these women say he did. It's not okay for a good portion of our citizens to say "So what, boys will be boys" or whatever they're saying.
That's all it's about.

FYI, I was actually a lot more upset when I saw that tape than might have seemed "logical." I'm not a prude and I didn't just fall off the turnip truck, either. It's not about that. I'll just refer you to Michelle's comments for the details.
Michelle Obama? What did she say? It wasn't another line of saying a slutty racist was a good role model for her kids, was it? LD
I think the OP was referring to that first, wonderous speech wherein Michelle gave it to Trump right between the eyes.
Who's accusing Trump of rape? The 11 women who have said "Oh, yeah? It's not just TALK" in response to his tape haven't been talking about rape. All they're saying is, he's taking inappropriate advantage of women he doesn't know because they're pretty and he's horny, and he's overstepping his bounds.

It's the reaction from Trump's supporters that has actually opened this can of worms. In their defense of the Donald, it seems they either don't think there's anything wrong with his attitude, or without any evidence either way, they are slandering the women who came forward.

It's not okay, what Donald says he does. It's not okay, what these women say he did. It's not okay for a good portion of our citizens to say "So what, boys will be boys" or whatever they're saying.
That's all it's about.

FYI, I was actually a lot more upset when I saw that tape than might have seemed "logical." I'm not a prude and I didn't just fall off the turnip truck, either. It's not about that. I'll just refer you to Michelle's comments for the details.
Michelle Obama? What did she say? It wasn't another line of saying a slutty racist was a good role model for her kids, was it? LD
I think the OP was referring to that first, wonderous speech wherein Michelle gave it to Trump right between the eyes.
Michelle doesn't give it to anyone. She has no credibility. She is full of shit.
Who's accusing Trump of rape? The 11 women who have said "Oh, yeah? It's not just TALK" in response to his tape haven't been talking about rape. All they're saying is, he's taking inappropriate advantage of women he doesn't know because they're pretty and he's horny, and he's overstepping his bounds.

It's the reaction from Trump's supporters that has actually opened this can of worms. In their defense of the Donald, it seems they either don't think there's anything wrong with his attitude, or without any evidence either way, they are slandering the women who came forward.

It's not okay, what Donald says he does. It's not okay, what these women say he did. It's not okay for a good portion of our citizens to say "So what, boys will be boys" or whatever they're saying.
That's all it's about.

FYI, I was actually a lot more upset when I saw that tape than might have seemed "logical." I'm not a prude and I didn't just fall off the turnip truck, either. It's not about that. I'll just refer you to Michelle's comments for the details.

Lawyer in Donald Trump child rape case speaks out
Who's accusing Trump of rape? The 11 women who have said "Oh, yeah? It's not just TALK" in response to his tape haven't been talking about rape. All they're saying is, he's taking inappropriate advantage of women he doesn't know because they're pretty and he's horny, and he's overstepping his bounds.

It's the reaction from Trump's supporters that has actually opened this can of worms. In their defense of the Donald, it seems they either don't think there's anything wrong with his attitude, or without any evidence either way, they are slandering the women who came forward.

It's not okay, what Donald says he does. It's not okay, what these women say he did. It's not okay for a good portion of our citizens to say "So what, boys will be boys" or whatever they're saying.
That's all it's about.

FYI, I was actually a lot more upset when I saw that tape than might have seemed "logical." I'm not a prude and I didn't just fall off the turnip truck, either. It's not about that. I'll just refer you to Michelle's comments for the details.

Lawyer in Donald Trump child rape case speaks out
I had heard of that one, but doesn't it seem she was a paid prostitute at Epstein's party? I'm not saying it was right, and it was wholly illegal, but wasn't sex what she was there to provide? I obviously don't know details, but the OP seemed to be complaining about the 11 accusers who are talking about his groping and grabbing, not rape.
Who's accusing Trump of rape? The 11 women who have said "Oh, yeah? It's not just TALK" in response to his tape haven't been talking about rape. All they're saying is, he's taking inappropriate advantage of women he doesn't know because they're pretty and he's horny, and he's overstepping his bounds.

It's the reaction from Trump's supporters that has actually opened this can of worms. In their defense of the Donald, it seems they either don't think there's anything wrong with his attitude, or without any evidence either way, they are slandering the women who came forward.

It's not okay, what Donald says he does. It's not okay, what these women say he did. It's not okay for a good portion of our citizens to say "So what, boys will be boys" or whatever they're saying.
That's all it's about.

FYI, I was actually a lot more upset when I saw that tape than might have seemed "logical." I'm not a prude and I didn't just fall off the turnip truck, either. It's not about that. I'll just refer you to Michelle's comments for the details.

Lawyer in Donald Trump child rape case speaks out
I had heard of that one, but doesn't it seem she was a paid prostitute at Epstein's party? I'm not saying it was right, and it was wholly illegal, but wasn't sex what she was there to provide? I obviously don't know details, but the OP seemed to be complaining about the 11 accusers who are talking about his groping and grabbing, not rape.

Groper Don and his rubes have no idea how badly their argument is backfiring on them.

It's the argument of a five year old. "Billy did it, too!"

Not only that, back when Billy was being accused, Donny rushed to his side to defend him. "Paula Jones is a loser." Probably because Donny was in the middle of his own rape lawsuit at the time. A lawsuit Donald "I Never Settle" Trump settled out of court.

Women voters see right through this creep, and they are going to kick the groper's balls right over the moon.
I'm tired of the politicizing of allegedly raped women. When it is pointed out that Bill Clinton is also accused of raping women, just as Donald Trump, then it is mentioned that Bill Clinton is not running for President.

WTF? What about actually holding him accountable for the accused rapes?

It is also interesting that these stories remained buried until a month before the election. Why sit on a story for soooo long?

And lastly, we all know that neither Donald nor Bill will face any jail time for these accusation, whether they be truth or a lie. All of this is just slinging poo, which is all they do in Washington. No one cares about truth or justice, which is why the country is in the state it is in today.

We all know that when Donald loses the election, all of this will simply vanish from view, just like it did for Bill.

Disgusting. As for these women, you are on your own. No one cares.

I don't know how old you are but Bill Clinton was fully investigated and clear by the Ken Starr team of any illegal Sexual Misconduct.

All three women who Trump brought to the debate were interviewed... Ken Starr (a man who was at the time deemed way over zealous) stated that those accusation were without merit and hadn't a chance to hold up in any court.

So you are right they should be investigated on Bill Clinton and they have and been cleared...

Now can we have the same on Trump...

He wasn't CLEARED, you lunatic. In fact, he committed PERJURY while testifying regarding the criminal sexual assault charges that were leveled against him via Paula Jones, and was busted for that...which led to his impeachment. TWO SEPARATE EVENTS you fucking tool.

STARR wasn't investigating the sexual harassment charges. STARR investigated OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, two PERJURY charges, as well as one for ABUSE OF POWER that came about as a result of the Jones sexual harassment suit and the subsequent issue of his grooming and sexually abusing young interns.

This led to his impeachment.

After that, it wasn't a matter of "clearing". The senate voted, and the ones who viewed him as a criminal (which he is) did not amount to a 2/3 vote.

So shut your filthy, lying, misogynistic mouth and wait to be killed by your heroes.
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I'm tired of the politicizing of allegedly raped women. When it is pointed out that Bill Clinton is also accused of raping women, just as Donald Trump, then it is mentioned that Bill Clinton is not running for President.

WTF? What about actually holding him accountable for the accused rapes?

It is also interesting that these stories remained buried until a month before the election. Why sit on a story for soooo long?

And lastly, we all know that neither Donald nor Bill will face any jail time for these accusation, whether they be truth or a lie. All of this is just slinging poo, which is all they do in Washington. No one cares about truth or justice, which is why the country is in the state it is in today.

We all know that when Donald loses the election, all of this will simply vanish from view, just like it did for Bill.

Disgusting. As for these women, you are on your own. No one cares.

I don't know how old you are but Bill Clinton was fully investigated and clear by the Ken Starr team of any illegal Sexual Misconduct.

All three women who Trump brought to the debate were interviewed... Ken Starr (a man who was at the time deemed way over zealous) stated that those accusation were without merit and hadn't a chance to hold up in any court.

So you are right they should be investigated on Bill Clinton and they have and been cleared...

Now can we have the same on Trump...

What about Monica? Here you have a intern under him. Even if he has consent, ethically there is no defense for his behavior.

When someone is that promiscuous, the line between consent and otherwise becomes blurred. OJ and Michael Jackson were found innocent as well, but it does not mean they were, it just means they were rich and powerful.

As I said, Trump will be cleared as well. But of course, you could care less. All you care about is the election.
Who's accusing Trump of rape? The 11 women who have said "Oh, yeah? It's not just TALK" in response to his tape haven't been talking about rape. All they're saying is, he's taking inappropriate advantage of women he doesn't know because they're pretty and he's horny, and he's overstepping his bounds.

It's the reaction from Trump's supporters that has actually opened this can of worms. In their defense of the Donald, it seems they either don't think there's anything wrong with his attitude, or without any evidence either way, they are slandering the women who came forward.

It's not okay, what Donald says he does. It's not okay, what these women say he did. It's not okay for a good portion of our citizens to say "So what, boys will be boys" or whatever they're saying.
That's all it's about.

FYI, I was actually a lot more upset when I saw that tape than might have seemed "logical." I'm not a prude and I didn't just fall off the turnip truck, either. It's not about that. I'll just refer you to Michelle's comments for the details.
Michelle Obama? What did she say? It wasn't another line of saying a slutty racist was a good role model for her kids, was it? LD
I think the OP was referring to that first, wonderous speech wherein Michelle gave it to Trump right between the eyes.
Michelle doesn't give it to anyone. She has no credibility. She is full of shit.

Hardley, she spanked your boy and put him to bed without dinner, like his mother should've long, long ago. And the planet witnessed it.
I'm tired of the politicizing of allegedly raped women. When it is pointed out that Bill Clinton is also accused of raping women, just as Donald Trump, then it is mentioned that Bill Clinton is not running for President.

WTF? What about actually holding him accountable for the accused rapes?

It is also interesting that these stories remained buried until a month before the election. Why sit on a story for soooo long?

And lastly, we all know that neither Donald nor Bill will face any jail time for these accusation, whether they be truth or a lie. All of this is just slinging poo, which is all they do in Washington. No one cares about truth or justice, which is why the country is in the state it is in today.

We all know that when Donald loses the election, all of this will simply vanish from view, just like it did for Bill.

Disgusting. As for these women, you are on your own. No one cares.

poor loon. your wackjobs spent 70 million dollars of our money investigating bill Clinton in the 90;s. and last I checked he isn't running for president.

now dumb Donald the internet troll as presidential candidate has an active lawsuit where he raped a 13 year old girl.

now shut up and stop proving the fact that the only demographic dumb Donald wins is angry uneducated white males.

Who's accusing Trump of rape? The 11 women who have said "Oh, yeah? It's not just TALK" in response to his tape haven't been talking about rape. All they're saying is, he's taking inappropriate advantage of women he doesn't know because they're pretty and he's horny, and he's overstepping his bounds.

It's the reaction from Trump's supporters that has actually opened this can of worms. In their defense of the Donald, it seems they either don't think there's anything wrong with his attitude, or without any evidence either way, they are slandering the women who came forward.

It's not okay, what Donald says he does. It's not okay, what these women say he did. It's not okay for a good portion of our citizens to say "So what, boys will be boys" or whatever they're saying.
That's all it's about.

FYI, I was actually a lot more upset when I saw that tape than might have seemed "logical." I'm not a prude and I didn't just fall off the turnip truck, either. It's not about that. I'll just refer you to Michelle's comments for the details.
Michelle Obama? What did she say? It wasn't another line of saying a slutty racist was a good role model for her kids, was it? LD
I think the OP was referring to that first, wonderous speech wherein Michelle gave it to Trump right between the eyes.
Michelle doesn't give it to anyone. She has no credibility. She is full of shit.

only to hacks like you.
Michelle Obama? What did she say? It wasn't another line of saying a slutty racist was a good role model for her kids, was it? LD
I think the OP was referring to that first, wonderous speech wherein Michelle gave it to Trump right between the eyes.
Michelle doesn't give it to anyone. She has no credibility. She is full of shit.

only to hacks like you.
So you want your daughters to grow up idolizing racist sluts?

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