Justice Kennedy looking to retire in the next few months

Too fine! I'm not sure how much affect that'll have on past rulings already on the books but am more hopeful looking towards the future.

Future rulings can over rule past case law doctrines.

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The court is loathe to go there though particularly when the decision has stood for a long time.

It is very unlikely that any real changes will be made to overturn major past rulings. That does not change the importance that these seats have though.
Nine Clowns With Gavels and Gowns

Kennedy is the Reagan appointee who became the deciding vote in sanctifying Gayist marriage. Most of the Conservative Presidents' appointees have eventually sold us out, so there's no effective way the voters can control SCROTUS.

Must be queer-juice in the D.C. water.....Souter got caught hooking up with a boy in a park restroom in the middle of the night...got rolled, left the court.
His Nanny Was a Nancyboy

Fairyphile Anthony Kennedy had a mentor who was a Gayist; that's why he voted SSM.
That would be a huge victory for conservatives for the next 30 years.

Thomas, Roberts, Alito, Gorsuch and then replacing a liberal with a conservative would give the conservatives a 30 year conservative bloc.

Not to mention Ginsburg will drop dead within the next 8yrs (if not next 4 yrs).

A 6 justice conservative bloc should keep liberals up at night.

Opinion: Trump won’t decide Supreme Court’s future

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Did you even read the article you linked? No, Kennedy is not considering retiring in the next few months--not to anyone's knowledge, anyway. It's your own pipe dream, and everyone has been talking about the next replacement being the "big one" for months now. Replacing a conservative (Scalia) with another conservative is not going to change the nature of the court.

Well many on the left are shaking in their boots! With or without Kennedy, we are nearly assured to see a 5 conservative justice bloc on the bench: Thomas, Alito, Roberts, Gorsuch and the replaced to a deceased Ginsburg. She should have stepped down a decade ago, but she is stubborn. Her health is badly deteriorating, which is not good for someone her age. It is doubtful she makes it 4 more years no way she makes it 10.

I'm torn. On one hand I fear a far right view on abortion (no abortion for rape, incest or major birth defects babies), but I see the court turning right on voter ID, the birthright clause and illegal immigration. I do fear what happens with gun control. I am moderate on gun control.

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That would be a huge victory for conservatives for the next 30 years.

Thomas, Roberts, Alito, Gorsuch and then replacing a liberal with a conservative would give the conservatives a 30 year conservative bloc.

Not to mention Ginsburg will drop dead within the next 8yrs (if not next 4 yrs).

A 6 justice conservative bloc should keep liberals up at night.

Opinion: Trump won’t decide Supreme Court’s future

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Did you even read the article you linked? No, Kennedy is not considering retiring in the next few months--not to anyone's knowledge, anyway. It's your own pipe dream, and everyone has been talking about the next replacement being the "big one" for months now. Replacing a conservative (Scalia) with another conservative is not going to change the nature of the court.

Well many on the left are shaking in their boots! With or without Kennedy, we are nearly assured to see a 5 conservative justice bloc on the bench: Thomas, Alito, Roberts, Gorsuch and the replaced to a deceased Ginsburg. She should have stepped down a decade ago, but she is stubborn. Her health is badly deteriorating, which is not good for someone her age. It is doubtful she makes it 4 more years no way she makes it 10.

I'm torn. On one hand I fear a far right view on abortion (no abortion for rape, incest or major birth defects babies), but I see the court turning right on voter ID, the birthright clause and illegal immigration. I do fear what happens with gun control. I am moderate on gun control.

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I'm not too worried, because with the 5 justice "conservative block" we had while Scalia was in, there were no major movements toward the "right." The justices are not there to "vote" their politics. They interpret the Constitution and see if a law fits. That is all they do. The Supreme Court is not supposed to be a political body and I think it is obscene that EVERYONE including the POTUS is now viewing Scalia's replacement as a political appointment.
While, I'd like to see a conservative advantage, I am not particularly interested in a super majority.
Why not?

They are supposed to make sure everyone follows the Constitution not ignores it.

Ginsberg, Sotomayor, Kagan, and Breyer have been ignoring the Constitution since they took their seats.
Nine Clowns With Gavels and Gowns

Kennedy is the Reagan appointee who became the deciding vote in sanctifying Gayist marriage. Most of the Conservative Presidents' appointees have eventually sold us out, so there's no effective way the voters can control SCROTUS.

Must be queer-juice in the D.C. water.....Souter got caught hooking up with a boy in a park restroom in the middle of the night...got rolled, left the court.
Have anything resembling proof?

Thought not.
Too fine! I'm not sure how much affect that'll have on past rulings already on the books but am more hopeful looking towards the future.

Future rulings can over rule past case law doctrines.

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There is no recourse from a SCOTUS decision.

And the SCOTUS justices can vote anyway that they want.

First the majority of them need to agree to take a case. Otherwise the lower circuit court of appeals governs.

Then the majority makes the law.

There is no appeal nor recourse from the powers of the majority on the SCOTUS. It is the most powerful job in the USA and they serve for life or as long as they want to.
Nine Clowns With Gavels and Gowns

Kennedy is the Reagan appointee who became the deciding vote in sanctifying Gayist marriage. Most of the Conservative Presidents' appointees have eventually sold us out, so there's no effective way the voters can control SCROTUS.

Must be queer-juice in the D.C. water.....Souter got caught hooking up with a boy in a park restroom in the middle of the night...got rolled, left the court.
Have anything resembling proof?

Thought not.

Interesting gossip.

I don't think Congress would impeach him just for homosexuality.

Pedophilia yes. Homosexuality no.
That would be a huge victory for conservatives for the next 30 years.

Thomas, Roberts, Alito, Gorsuch and then replacing a liberal with a conservative would give the conservatives a 30 year conservative bloc.

Not to mention Ginsburg will drop dead within the next 8yrs (if not next 4 yrs).

A 6 justice conservative bloc should keep liberals up at night.

Opinion: Trump won’t decide Supreme Court’s future

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Did you even read the article you linked? No, Kennedy is not considering retiring in the next few months--not to anyone's knowledge, anyway. It's your own pipe dream, and everyone has been talking about the next replacement being the "big one" for months now. Replacing a conservative (Scalia) with another conservative is not going to change the nature of the court.

Well many on the left are shaking in their boots! With or without Kennedy, we are nearly assured to see a 5 conservative justice bloc on the bench: Thomas, Alito, Roberts, Gorsuch and the replaced to a deceased Ginsburg. She should have stepped down a decade ago, but she is stubborn. Her health is badly deteriorating, which is not good for someone her age. It is doubtful she makes it 4 more years no way she makes it 10.

I'm torn. On one hand I fear a far right view on abortion (no abortion for rape, incest or major birth defects babies), but I see the court turning right on voter ID, the birthright clause and illegal immigration. I do fear what happens with gun control. I am moderate on gun control.

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Your fear for abortion is a fallacy.

The SCOTUS is/are most likely to enforce states' rights on the issue, therefore each state can do as they please. Roe V. Wade is bad law based on a fallacy.

So the ultra Baptist and Mormon states like Texas, Arkansas, and Utah will simply not allow it. Most of the other states will limit it somehow.

Nobody can really conscience partial birth abortion. That is flat out infanticide.
That would be a huge victory for conservatives for the next 30 years.

Thomas, Roberts, Alito, Gorsuch and then replacing a liberal with a conservative would give the conservatives a 30 year conservative bloc.

Not to mention Ginsburg will drop dead within the next 8yrs (if not next 4 yrs).

A 6 justice conservative bloc should keep liberals up at night.

Opinion: Trump won’t decide Supreme Court’s future

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Did you even read the article you linked? No, Kennedy is not considering retiring in the next few months--not to anyone's knowledge, anyway. It's your own pipe dream, and everyone has been talking about the next replacement being the "big one" for months now. Replacing a conservative (Scalia) with another conservative is not going to change the nature of the court.

Well many on the left are shaking in their boots! With or without Kennedy, we are nearly assured to see a 5 conservative justice bloc on the bench: Thomas, Alito, Roberts, Gorsuch and the replaced to a deceased Ginsburg. She should have stepped down a decade ago, but she is stubborn. Her health is badly deteriorating, which is not good for someone her age. It is doubtful she makes it 4 more years no way she makes it 10.

I'm torn. On one hand I fear a far right view on abortion (no abortion for rape, incest or major birth defects babies), but I see the court turning right on voter ID, the birthright clause and illegal immigration. I do fear what happens with gun control. I am moderate on gun control.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I'm not too worried, because with the 5 justice "conservative block" we had while Scalia was in, there were no major movements toward the "right." The justices are not there to "vote" their politics. They interpret the Constitution and see if a law fits. That is all they do. The Supreme Court is not supposed to be a political body and I think it is obscene that EVERYONE including the POTUS is now viewing Scalia's replacement as a political appointment.
They are political appointees though and the fact is that the two sides here have a major difference in opinion of how the constitution is to be interpreted. There is no way of avoiding the fact that the president (and those that support his party) are going to want to appoint judges that interpret the constitution in the 'correct' manner.
It would be incredible to get 3 Justices in on Trump's watch. But i think it'll be more like 2. And that would still be significant. That's assuming Trump appoints genuine Conservative Constitutionalist Justices. I'm always wary. Bush appointee John Roberts has been a big disappointment. So i guess we'll have to wait and see. But 3 Justices would be a real Coup for Trump.
That would be a huge victory for conservatives for the next 30 years.

Thomas, Roberts, Alito, Gorsuch and then replacing a liberal with a conservative would give the conservatives a 30 year conservative bloc.

Not to mention Ginsburg will drop dead within the next 8yrs (if not next 4 yrs).

A 6 justice conservative bloc should keep liberals up at night.

Opinion: Trump won’t decide Supreme Court’s future

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Did you even read the article you linked? No, Kennedy is not considering retiring in the next few months--not to anyone's knowledge, anyway. It's your own pipe dream, and everyone has been talking about the next replacement being the "big one" for months now. Replacing a conservative (Scalia) with another conservative is not going to change the nature of the court.

Well many on the left are shaking in their boots! With or without Kennedy, we are nearly assured to see a 5 conservative justice bloc on the bench: Thomas, Alito, Roberts, Gorsuch and the replaced to a deceased Ginsburg. She should have stepped down a decade ago, but she is stubborn. Her health is badly deteriorating, which is not good for someone her age. It is doubtful she makes it 4 more years no way she makes it 10.

I'm torn. On one hand I fear a far right view on abortion (no abortion for rape, incest or major birth defects babies), but I see the court turning right on voter ID, the birthright clause and illegal immigration. I do fear what happens with gun control. I am moderate on gun control.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I'm not too worried, because with the 5 justice "conservative block" we had while Scalia was in, there were no major movements toward the "right." The justices are not there to "vote" their politics. They interpret the Constitution and see if a law fits. That is all they do. The Supreme Court is not supposed to be a political body and I think it is obscene that EVERYONE including the POTUS is now viewing Scalia's replacement as a political appointment.

There was no 5 justice block. There was 4 with a swing vote in Kennedy.

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It would be incredible to get 3 Justices in on Trump's watch. But i think it'll be more like 2. And that would still be significant. That's assuming Trump appoints genuine Conservative Constitutionalist Justices. I'm always wary. Bush appointee John Roberts has been a big disappointment. So i guess we'll have to wait and see. But 3 Justices would be a real Coup for Trump.

Gorsuch is knocking it out if the house. He will get confirmed without the nuclear option. When Ginsburg croaks or Kennedy retires, it will be a battle and nuke will more than likely have to be dropped, unless they gain 60 votes in 2018.

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