Justice Neil Gorsuch Has Had Enough – Triggered A Complete Leftist Meltdown

It's been an issue many times before. Why was it a big deal this year? Because Russia used the fact that a small handful of states, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin swung the ENTIRE election. Those three states are worth 46 electoral votes. It's called playing the margins. Trump won Wisconsin by 1% point. Trump won Michigan by .3% percentage points. Trump won Pennsylvania by 1.2% percentage points. Going into the election it was well known those states were going to be close calls and Russia focused their propaganda campaign to focus in those areas...

"Warner said in the latest case, the paid trolls apparently focused on swing states in an attempt to influence votes there — Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania — where people were “reading during the waning days of the election that “‘Clinton is sick,’ or ‘Clinton is taking money from whoever for some source’ … fake news.”"

1,000 Paid Russian Trolls Spread Fake News On Hillary Clinton, Senate Intelligence Heads Told | HuffPost

So you'd rather have a flawed system where something like this could happen rather than just having the entire country vote and the one that gets the most votes wins.

Nobody pays attention to crap like that. Russia had nothing to do with it. People who were going to vote Democrat did and people who were going to vote Republican did. On both sides, a lot of people stayed home because they were unhappy with the candidates, but Trump brought in new blood to replace the old blood so he won. He had a message that resinated with the public; something Hillary didn't have.

But you ran a candidate that was under FBI investigation, a candidate that was let off the hook because she was part of the club, a candidate who was totally careless with top government information, and a candidate that disobeyed the US Congress in an investigation. But it was Russia's fault. Give me a break.

Sure they don't. Did you hear how many times fake news stories on Facebook were shared?

How many followers did some fake Russian accounts have on Twitter and instagram?

"@TEN_GOP gained a large following that reached 136,000 followers "

Twitter took a year to close a fake GOP account run by Russians

People in Trump's team even re-tweeted information tweeted from THIS account.

So just stop it with the "No one paid attention to that stuff" bullshit.

You don't give your fellow citizens too much credit, do you? Who gets their news from FaceBook for crying out loud? Who would use anything posted there to make a decision on a President?

Why can't you just admit you ran a completely failed candidate? One who had more baggage than an airport. Not only was she suspicious, but she was not liked personally either. She is known to be a bitch and an alcoholic. She couldn't even attend a 911 ceremony without being rushed off and collapsing before she got into her van. She was so drunk on election night she couldn't even make a concession speech.

Who gets their news from Facebook? More people than you realize. When 25% of the U.S. population believes in the Geocentric theory, some people still believe the world is flat, and more people can identify the members of the Three Stooges than the three branches of government.

Hillary Clinton was a horrible candidate, but if you can't see that there are dumbasses out there that will believe some stupid shit and can be influenced to vote a certain way because of these stories, then you might be one of them.

Yeah, right, because the media was so pro Donald Trump.

Donald Trump was right. He got incredibly negative press coverage.

He deserved the negative attention he got in the media... because he constantly lied, and he said off the wall shit on purpose to get into the news. He admitted it and begged for attention because he said it was free campaigning, without him having to spend money.
Nobody pays attention to crap like that. Russia had nothing to do with it. People who were going to vote Democrat did and people who were going to vote Republican did. On both sides, a lot of people stayed home because they were unhappy with the candidates, but Trump brought in new blood to replace the old blood so he won. He had a message that resinated with the public; something Hillary didn't have.

But you ran a candidate that was under FBI investigation, a candidate that was let off the hook because she was part of the club, a candidate who was totally careless with top government information, and a candidate that disobeyed the US Congress in an investigation. But it was Russia's fault. Give me a break.

Sure they don't. Did you hear how many times fake news stories on Facebook were shared?

How many followers did some fake Russian accounts have on Twitter and instagram?

"@TEN_GOP gained a large following that reached 136,000 followers "

Twitter took a year to close a fake GOP account run by Russians

People in Trump's team even re-tweeted information tweeted from THIS account.

So just stop it with the "No one paid attention to that stuff" bullshit.

You don't give your fellow citizens too much credit, do you? Who gets their news from FaceBook for crying out loud? Who would use anything posted there to make a decision on a President?

Why can't you just admit you ran a completely failed candidate? One who had more baggage than an airport. Not only was she suspicious, but she was not liked personally either. She is known to be a bitch and an alcoholic. She couldn't even attend a 911 ceremony without being rushed off and collapsing before she got into her van. She was so drunk on election night she couldn't even make a concession speech.

Who gets their news from Facebook? More people than you realize. When 25% of the U.S. population believes in the Geocentric theory, some people still believe the world is flat, and more people can identify the members of the Three Stooges than the three branches of government.

Hillary Clinton was a horrible candidate, but if you can't see that there are dumbasses out there that will believe some stupid shit and can be influenced to vote a certain way because of these stories, then you might be one of them.

Yeah, right, because the media was so pro Donald Trump.

Donald Trump was right. He got incredibly negative press coverage.

He deserved the negative attention he got in the media... because he constantly lied, and he said off the wall shit on purpose to get into the news. He admitted it and begged for attention because he said it was free campaigning, without him having to spend money.

The bottom line is that MSM did way more damage to Trump than Russia could ever dream of doing to Hillary on Facebook, so no, it had nothing to do with Russia. In the meantime, Hillary got all kinds of praise from the MSM.
Gorsuch publicly disagreed with his colleagues’ decision to pass up a challenge to the McCain-Feingold law’s ban on so-called soft money. He dissented from a ruling enforcing same-sex couple’s rights to have their names on their children’s birth certificates. He lamented the court’s refusal to hear a case about the right to carry a weapon in public. He took a strong stand in favor of churches’ right to public subsidies. And he signed an opinion saying he would have allowed President Donald Trump’s travel ban to go into effect now, in full.
Justice Neil Gorsuch Has Had Enough – Triggered A Complete Leftist Meltdown
Seems he is out of touch with our society

And no doubt the constitution.
Sure they don't. Did you hear how many times fake news stories on Facebook were shared?

How many followers did some fake Russian accounts have on Twitter and instagram?

"@TEN_GOP gained a large following that reached 136,000 followers "

Twitter took a year to close a fake GOP account run by Russians

People in Trump's team even re-tweeted information tweeted from THIS account.

So just stop it with the "No one paid attention to that stuff" bullshit.

You don't give your fellow citizens too much credit, do you? Who gets their news from FaceBook for crying out loud? Who would use anything posted there to make a decision on a President?

Why can't you just admit you ran a completely failed candidate? One who had more baggage than an airport. Not only was she suspicious, but she was not liked personally either. She is known to be a bitch and an alcoholic. She couldn't even attend a 911 ceremony without being rushed off and collapsing before she got into her van. She was so drunk on election night she couldn't even make a concession speech.

Who gets their news from Facebook? More people than you realize. When 25% of the U.S. population believes in the Geocentric theory, some people still believe the world is flat, and more people can identify the members of the Three Stooges than the three branches of government.

Hillary Clinton was a horrible candidate, but if you can't see that there are dumbasses out there that will believe some stupid shit and can be influenced to vote a certain way because of these stories, then you might be one of them.

Yeah, right, because the media was so pro Donald Trump.

Donald Trump was right. He got incredibly negative press coverage.

He deserved the negative attention he got in the media... because he constantly lied, and he said off the wall shit on purpose to get into the news. He admitted it and begged for attention because he said it was free campaigning, without him having to spend money.

The bottom line is that MSM did way more damage to Trump than Russia could ever dream of doing to Hillary on Facebook, so no, it had nothing to do with Russia. In the meantime, Hillary got all kinds of praise from the MSM.

Bullshit. You guys thought it was funny that Trump would say stupid shit to get attention from the media and praise him as a troll that triggered the left... now he's in office and you are crying saying that he was treated unfairly by negative information.

It's quite sad.
You don't give your fellow citizens too much credit, do you? Who gets their news from FaceBook for crying out loud? Who would use anything posted there to make a decision on a President?

Why can't you just admit you ran a completely failed candidate? One who had more baggage than an airport. Not only was she suspicious, but she was not liked personally either. She is known to be a bitch and an alcoholic. She couldn't even attend a 911 ceremony without being rushed off and collapsing before she got into her van. She was so drunk on election night she couldn't even make a concession speech.

Who gets their news from Facebook? More people than you realize. When 25% of the U.S. population believes in the Geocentric theory, some people still believe the world is flat, and more people can identify the members of the Three Stooges than the three branches of government.

Hillary Clinton was a horrible candidate, but if you can't see that there are dumbasses out there that will believe some stupid shit and can be influenced to vote a certain way because of these stories, then you might be one of them.

Yeah, right, because the media was so pro Donald Trump.

Donald Trump was right. He got incredibly negative press coverage.

He deserved the negative attention he got in the media... because he constantly lied, and he said off the wall shit on purpose to get into the news. He admitted it and begged for attention because he said it was free campaigning, without him having to spend money.

The bottom line is that MSM did way more damage to Trump than Russia could ever dream of doing to Hillary on Facebook, so no, it had nothing to do with Russia. In the meantime, Hillary got all kinds of praise from the MSM.

Bullshit. You guys thought it was funny that Trump would say stupid shit to get attention from the media and praise him as a troll that triggered the left... now he's in office and you are crying saying that he was treated unfairly by negative information.

It's quite sad.

And it's not sad that you are blaming Russia for Hillary's defeat??? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Who gets their news from Facebook? More people than you realize. When 25% of the U.S. population believes in the Geocentric theory, some people still believe the world is flat, and more people can identify the members of the Three Stooges than the three branches of government.

Hillary Clinton was a horrible candidate, but if you can't see that there are dumbasses out there that will believe some stupid shit and can be influenced to vote a certain way because of these stories, then you might be one of them.

Yeah, right, because the media was so pro Donald Trump.

Donald Trump was right. He got incredibly negative press coverage.

He deserved the negative attention he got in the media... because he constantly lied, and he said off the wall shit on purpose to get into the news. He admitted it and begged for attention because he said it was free campaigning, without him having to spend money.

The bottom line is that MSM did way more damage to Trump than Russia could ever dream of doing to Hillary on Facebook, so no, it had nothing to do with Russia. In the meantime, Hillary got all kinds of praise from the MSM.

Bullshit. You guys thought it was funny that Trump would say stupid shit to get attention from the media and praise him as a troll that triggered the left... now he's in office and you are crying saying that he was treated unfairly by negative information.

It's quite sad.

And it's not sad that you are blaming Russia for Hillary's defeat??? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

The Russia thing you think is so sad is sending people to jail.
I can't believe that twat still has a problem with same sex couples. it's 2017.
While I support the right of same sex couples, I believe he did not want to interfere with a State's right to determine how it issues birth certificates. He believes in the 9th and 10th Amendments.

Look, dope. They have the constitutional right to marry. They are legal spouses. They then both have equal right to be legal parents just as anyone else does. My state has no more right to determine that then they do for my wife and I.
I can't believe that twat still has a problem with same sex couples. it's 2017.

Millions have a problem with same-sex marriage. So What?

So was petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama as well as the Clinton Cabal.

Then they saw that Progressives were moving even further to the left so they changed their morals.
Gorsuch publicly disagreed with his colleagues’ decision to pass up a challenge to the McCain-Feingold law’s ban on so-called soft money. He dissented from a ruling enforcing same-sex couple’s rights to have their names on their children’s birth certificates. He lamented the court’s refusal to hear a case about the right to carry a weapon in public. He took a strong stand in favor of churches’ right to public subsidies. And he signed an opinion saying he would have allowed President Donald Trump’s travel ban to go into effect now, in full.
Justice Neil Gorsuch Has Had Enough – Triggered A Complete Leftist Meltdown

Oh good, a partisan on the Supreme Court, just what the country needs....
Gorsuch publicly disagreed with his colleagues’ decision to pass up a challenge to the McCain-Feingold law’s ban on so-called soft money. He dissented from a ruling enforcing same-sex couple’s rights to have their names on their children’s birth certificates. He lamented the court’s refusal to hear a case about the right to carry a weapon in public. He took a strong stand in favor of churches’ right to public subsidies. And he signed an opinion saying he would have allowed President Donald Trump’s travel ban to go into effect now, in full.
Justice Neil Gorsuch Has Had Enough – Triggered A Complete Leftist Meltdown
Seems he is out of touch with our society

Yep, what sort of a bigoted moron has an issue with same-sex couple’s rights to have their names on their children’s birth certificates? is he from Alabama?
Same sex couples don't have children.

Yeah, right, because the media was so pro Donald Trump.

Donald Trump was right. He got incredibly negative press coverage.

He deserved the negative attention he got in the media... because he constantly lied, and he said off the wall shit on purpose to get into the news. He admitted it and begged for attention because he said it was free campaigning, without him having to spend money.

The bottom line is that MSM did way more damage to Trump than Russia could ever dream of doing to Hillary on Facebook, so no, it had nothing to do with Russia. In the meantime, Hillary got all kinds of praise from the MSM.

Bullshit. You guys thought it was funny that Trump would say stupid shit to get attention from the media and praise him as a troll that triggered the left... now he's in office and you are crying saying that he was treated unfairly by negative information.

It's quite sad.

And it's not sad that you are blaming Russia for Hillary's defeat??? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

The Russia thing you think is so sad is sending people to jail.

Really? So who is in jail now?
He deserved the negative attention he got in the media... because he constantly lied, and he said off the wall shit on purpose to get into the news. He admitted it and begged for attention because he said it was free campaigning, without him having to spend money.

The bottom line is that MSM did way more damage to Trump than Russia could ever dream of doing to Hillary on Facebook, so no, it had nothing to do with Russia. In the meantime, Hillary got all kinds of praise from the MSM.

Bullshit. You guys thought it was funny that Trump would say stupid shit to get attention from the media and praise him as a troll that triggered the left... now he's in office and you are crying saying that he was treated unfairly by negative information.

It's quite sad.

And it's not sad that you are blaming Russia for Hillary's defeat??? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

The Russia thing you think is so sad is sending people to jail.

Really? So who is in jail now?

Just keep watching Mueller go. Indictments and plea deals. :)
Come one now, this is just stupid. As much as I dislike Trump he was elected with the same method of every other president since 1804. This sort of dumb shit really does not help at all.
Nothing wrong with acknowledging our way of electing Presidents is fucked up. It was designed to STOP a moron like Trump from becoming President, not enable it. It failed.

It actually stopped mob rule where a few cities or states have the ability to choose a President for the entire country.

View attachment 164141

So are we back to saying that some people are only worth 3/5ths of a person because of where they live?

Haven't they always been?

If you live in Rhode Island, you get two Senators to represent you. If you live in California, you only get two Senators to represent you. Or are you against that too?

We are less a country of people than we are a country of states. Each state gives their electoral votes to whoever wins the popular vote of that state. It's the fairest way to have an election because a President is not just the leader of the people, the President is also the leader of our land as well.

NYC alone has over seven million people. That's more people than our four least populated states. If we just let places like that decide who is going to run the country, what would be the use for everybody else to go out and vote?

No. I believe in the popular vote where everyone in the country has an equal vote. There is no reason why if I move to another state like New York, my vote no longer means as much as if I stayed in Kentucky.

This year proved something very important, and that is that the entire election can be swung by only concentrating on the vote totals of less than 5 states. It showed that the Electoral College robbed Peter to pay Paul. Instead of big states like Texas, California, and New York dominating the election, now the "swing states" like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin can swing the entire election.

Get over it, you lost. Isn't it time to move on to something of relevance? Something you can actually influence?

The only purpose this thread serves is to divert and take up space to keep legitimate threads off the front pages.
Nothing wrong with acknowledging our way of electing Presidents is fucked up. It was designed to STOP a moron like Trump from becoming President, not enable it. It failed.

It actually stopped mob rule where a few cities or states have the ability to choose a President for the entire country.

View attachment 164141

So are we back to saying that some people are only worth 3/5ths of a person because of where they live?

Haven't they always been?

If you live in Rhode Island, you get two Senators to represent you. If you live in California, you only get two Senators to represent you. Or are you against that too?

We are less a country of people than we are a country of states. Each state gives their electoral votes to whoever wins the popular vote of that state. It's the fairest way to have an election because a President is not just the leader of the people, the President is also the leader of our land as well.

NYC alone has over seven million people. That's more people than our four least populated states. If we just let places like that decide who is going to run the country, what would be the use for everybody else to go out and vote?

No. I believe in the popular vote where everyone in the country has an equal vote. There is no reason why if I move to another state like New York, my vote no longer means as much as if I stayed in Kentucky.

This year proved something very important, and that is that the entire election can be swung by only concentrating on the vote totals of less than 5 states. It showed that the Electoral College robbed Peter to pay Paul. Instead of big states like Texas, California, and New York dominating the election, now the "swing states" like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin can swing the entire election.

Get over it, you lost. Isn't it time to move on to something of relevance? Something you can actually influence?

The only purpose this thread serves is to divert and take up space to keep legitimate threads off the front pages.

I lost? Funny I don't remember ever putting my name on any ballot.

I didn't support Hillary, but I still think the Electoral college is crap. All it did was move the level of importance of states like Texas, New York, and California, to states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. It's all the same. Just scrap it and give every citizen one equal vote each.
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The bottom line is that MSM did way more damage to Trump than Russia could ever dream of doing to Hillary on Facebook, so no, it had nothing to do with Russia. In the meantime, Hillary got all kinds of praise from the MSM.

Bullshit. You guys thought it was funny that Trump would say stupid shit to get attention from the media and praise him as a troll that triggered the left... now he's in office and you are crying saying that he was treated unfairly by negative information.

It's quite sad.

And it's not sad that you are blaming Russia for Hillary's defeat??? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

The Russia thing you think is so sad is sending people to jail.

Really? So who is in jail now?

Just keep watching Mueller go. Indictments and plea deals. :)

Oh, you mean like when Hillary was going to clean Donald Trump's clock in the election? Or that the recount was going to show Russia hacked voting machines in three states?

Well......I guess you don't have much to look forward to besides Christmas and all these prosecutions, so keep up a good chin.
Yep, what sort of a bigoted moron has an issue with same-sex couple’s rights to have their names on their children’s birth certificates? is he from Alabama?
Same sex couples don't have children.

Yeah, they can and do.
No they don't, turd. It's impossible.

Nope, another poster already explained it to you.

Just a thought but maybe sometimes you should just read and keep a low profile.

The other poster stated quite planely that a woman was one of the actual biological parents. The gay couple did not supply all the DNA to conceive the child.

Is this a legal question in traditional families who adopt?

A same sex family is legally the same, retard.
Bullshit. You guys thought it was funny that Trump would say stupid shit to get attention from the media and praise him as a troll that triggered the left... now he's in office and you are crying saying that he was treated unfairly by negative information.

It's quite sad.

And it's not sad that you are blaming Russia for Hillary's defeat??? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

The Russia thing you think is so sad is sending people to jail.

Really? So who is in jail now?

Just keep watching Mueller go. Indictments and plea deals. :)

Oh, you mean like when Hillary was going to clean Donald Trump's clock in the election? Or that the recount was going to show Russia hacked voting machines in three states?

Well......I guess you don't have much to look forward to besides Christmas and all these prosecutions, so keep up a good chin.

I never claimed Hillary would win. I've said from day one I never supported her. You need to find a different argument to hang your hat on. Trump and his team have said the Mueller investigation will be over by Christmas, it's not happening.
Gorsuch publicly disagreed with his colleagues’ decision to pass up a challenge to the McCain-Feingold law’s ban on so-called soft money. He dissented from a ruling enforcing same-sex couple’s rights to have their names on their children’s birth certificates. He lamented the court’s refusal to hear a case about the right to carry a weapon in public. He took a strong stand in favor of churches’ right to public subsidies. And he signed an opinion saying he would have allowed President Donald Trump’s travel ban to go into effect now, in full.
Justice Neil Gorsuch Has Had Enough – Triggered A Complete Leftist Meltdown
Seems he is out of touch with our society

Holy crap gorsuch is a winner

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