Justice Neil Gorsuch Has Had Enough – Triggered A Complete Leftist Meltdown

Gorsuch publicly disagreed with his colleagues’ decision to pass up a challenge to the McCain-Feingold law’s ban on so-called soft money. He dissented from a ruling enforcing same-sex couple’s rights to have their names on their children’s birth certificates. He lamented the court’s refusal to hear a case about the right to carry a weapon in public. He took a strong stand in favor of churches’ right to public subsidies. And he signed an opinion saying he would have allowed President Donald Trump’s travel ban to go into effect now, in full.
Justice Neil Gorsuch Has Had Enough – Triggered A Complete Leftist Meltdown
Seems he is out of touch with our society

Yep, what sort of a bigoted moron has an issue with same-sex couple’s rights to have their names on their children’s birth certificates? is he from Alabama?

Ah, because they didn't actually give the kid birth???

Ahh, another one. You guys are like cockroaches. Adoptive parents did not actually give the kid birth yet in every state in the union their names are put on the birth certificate the day the adoption is official.

And nobody ever cared about that, not until same sex couples wanted the same legal rights and then all the homophones have been coming out of the woodwork

A birth certificate is a legal document recording the child's date and location of birth and the biological parents who gave him life. The adopting parents take legal custody, but they have no business on the BC; that is just another liberal fraud trying to validate the SSC as if they really WERE his parents! This crap is all coming to an end and you can take your cockroaches and shove them right back up your ass where they came from!

A birth certificate is a legal document recording the child's date and location of birth and the biological parents who gave him life.

It's not. It's a document declaring the legal parents of a child.
Seems he is out of touch with our society

Yep, what sort of a bigoted moron has an issue with same-sex couple’s rights to have their names on their children’s birth certificates? is he from Alabama?

Ah, because they didn't actually give the kid birth???

Ahh, another one. You guys are like cockroaches. Adoptive parents did not actually give the kid birth yet in every state in the union their names are put on the birth certificate the day the adoption is official.

And nobody ever cared about that, not until same sex couples wanted the same legal rights and then all the homophones have been coming out of the woodwork

A birth certificate is a legal document recording the child's date and location of birth and the biological parents who gave him life. The adopting parents take legal custody, but they have no business on the BC; that is just another liberal fraud trying to validate the SSC as if they really WERE his parents! This crap is all coming to an end and you can take your cockroaches and shove them right back up your ass where they came from!

The adoptive parents names have been going on birth certificate for at least 60 years that I know for sure, probably way more than that. People like you did not care till same sex couples asked for fair and equal treatment, now you act like it is the end of the world.

Also, if you were to actually get out your birth certificate and look at it you would find that it does not mention a thing about "biological". Never has, never will.

Funny how these dopes could tell Obama's birth certificate was "fake" when they don't understand the first thing about it. What losers.
Because they aren't their parents.

So what ... A child has two biological donors ... That is all that needs to be listed on the birth certificate.


A birth certificate is a legal record and not a certificate of biological ancestry.
It is intended as a legal certification of parentage. Nothing more.
It is supposed to be both, numskull.

It is supposed to be both, numskull.

It's not at all, dope.

My father was adopted. He's 85 this year.
Even In 1932 the adoptive parents were listed on the official, legal and only birth certificate issued by the county. Records of biological parents were kept at the adopting agency.

I know this as we have attempted several times, including in person, to retrieve records regarding his biological parents.
Threads like this are good for bringing out the homophobic bigots so you can ID them for future reference. Knowing that someone is both a homophobe and a bigot is important when dealing with them in the future.

You leftists believe that anybody that disagrees with leftist views are bigots, racists and homophobes. So who really cares what you think? You're going to think it anyway.

No, I assume anyone that uses terms like "queers" and wants a different set of laws for gay people than for everyone else to be bigots and homophobic. I feel pretty safe in that assumption.

Same set of laws? Well then, you would have no problem with brother and sister getting married? After all, we couldn't be bigoted enough to stop that. What about man and dog? And since gay marriage was mostly about government goodies, why not father and daughter? After all, if Dad is single, his daughter could sure use that extra SS money after Dad passes away.


Wow, so much content from a liberal; so much insight. Have any other brilliant comments you wish to make?
Really? So who is in jail now?

Just keep watching Mueller go. Indictments and plea deals. :)

Oh, you mean like when Hillary was going to clean Donald Trump's clock in the election? Or that the recount was going to show Russia hacked voting machines in three states?

Well......I guess you don't have much to look forward to besides Christmas and all these prosecutions, so keep up a good chin.

I never claimed Hillary would win. I've said from day one I never supported her. You need to find a different argument to hang your hat on. Trump and his team have said the Mueller investigation will be over by Christmas, it's not happening.

22 more days left. We'll see. The thing has been falling apart for over a month now.

Falling apart? 2 indictments and 2 plea deals is falling apart?

Yep. Bullshit and nothing to do with Trump. You'll see............
Threads like this are good for bringing out the homophobic bigots so you can ID them for future reference. Knowing that someone is both a homophobe and a bigot is important when dealing with them in the future.

You leftists believe that anybody that disagrees with leftist views are bigots, racists and homophobes. So who really cares what you think? You're going to think it anyway.

No, I assume anyone that uses terms like "queers" and wants a different set of laws for gay people than for everyone else to be bigots and homophobic. I feel pretty safe in that assumption.

Same set of laws? Well then, you would have no problem with brother and sister getting married? After all, we couldn't be bigoted enough to stop that. What about man and dog? And since gay marriage was mostly about government goodies, why not father and daughter? After all, if Dad is single, his daughter could sure use that extra SS money after Dad passes away.


Wow, so much content from a liberal; so much insight. Have any other brilliant comments you wish to make?

Same sex marriages are every bit as legal traditional. Get over it , loser.
You leftists believe that anybody that disagrees with leftist views are bigots, racists and homophobes. So who really cares what you think? You're going to think it anyway.

No, I assume anyone that uses terms like "queers" and wants a different set of laws for gay people than for everyone else to be bigots and homophobic. I feel pretty safe in that assumption.

Same set of laws? Well then, you would have no problem with brother and sister getting married? After all, we couldn't be bigoted enough to stop that. What about man and dog? And since gay marriage was mostly about government goodies, why not father and daughter? After all, if Dad is single, his daughter could sure use that extra SS money after Dad passes away.


Wow, so much content from a liberal; so much insight. Have any other brilliant comments you wish to make?

Same sex marriages are every bit as legal traditional. Get over it , loser.

There is nothing "traditional" about queer marriages. And after we load the SC with real constitutional judges, we'll see what happens with gay marriage.
Yeah, they can and do.
No they don't, turd. It's impossible.

Nope, another poster already explained it to you.

Just a thought but maybe sometimes you should just read and keep a low profile.

The other poster stated quite planely that a woman was one of the actual biological parents. The gay couple did not supply all the DNA to conceive the child.

Is this a legal question in traditional families who adopt?

A same sex family is legally the same, retard.

Not really, and it certainly isn't biologically the same. In a real family, the children have DNA from both parents, not from strangers.

I'm talking adoption, dope.
No, I assume anyone that uses terms like "queers" and wants a different set of laws for gay people than for everyone else to be bigots and homophobic. I feel pretty safe in that assumption.

Same set of laws? Well then, you would have no problem with brother and sister getting married? After all, we couldn't be bigoted enough to stop that. What about man and dog? And since gay marriage was mostly about government goodies, why not father and daughter? After all, if Dad is single, his daughter could sure use that extra SS money after Dad passes away.


Wow, so much content from a liberal; so much insight. Have any other brilliant comments you wish to make?

Same sex marriages are every bit as legal traditional. Get over it , loser.

There is nothing "traditional" about queer marriages. And after we load the SC with real constitutional judges, we'll see what happens with gay marriage.

I clearly differentiated between same sex and traditional, dope.
Gorsuch is illegitimate. He was confirmed with only 51 votes instead of the usual 60 votes for SCOTUS - after Merrick Garland was held up for a year and never received a vote.

Fuck Gorsuch! Fuck Mitch McConnell. Hail Merrick Garland.
Landslide? He won by three states with a combined total of around 3%.

Yes, a landslide.

As I said....

Donald Trump won in a landslide. That's hard for you to swallow after the FAKE NEWS and the Clinton campaign had said they were going to win 400 electoral votes out of 531 total. Instead, Hillary was shocked when all she pulled was 221 votes to President Trumps 304.

Get over it, she lost, fair and square, she got trounced.

Boasted they were going to win 400 Electoral votes and went down in flames with 221. Yep, that's a landslide.
I'm talking adoption, dope.


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