Justice Served: 'Trump Border Wall Victory'

Yes. If I wore this shirt around:

just to piss people off, it would be the same thing.

You didn't piss anyone off...you just identified yourself as a sore-loser, butt-hurt, traitor-supporting, anti-American 'threat to our democracy' (as Hillary said) a$$hole.
Student Suspended for Trump Border Wall Shirt to Get $25G and Formal Apology
- Student Suspended for Trump Border Wall Shirt to Get $25G and Formal Apology

"An Oregon high school student who sued his school district after administrators said he couldn't wear a pro-Trump border wall T-shirt will be given a written apology and $25,000 in a settlement.

Liberty High School senior Addison Barnes,18,
was suspended earlier this year after he refused to cover up his “Donald J. Trump Border Wall Construction Co.” shirt.

The shirt -- which also features a 2016 Trump quote: “The wall just got 10 feet taller.” -- was worn by Barnes in his “People and Politics” class on a day where immigration would be discussed.

Barnes sued his school, the Hillsboro School District and Principal Greg Timmons, claiming his First Amendment rights had been violated."

The Judge Agreed!
Hopefully life fucks that stupid ass kid over.

Easy there bud...there’s a damn good chance that kid will spoon feed many of your filthy pet human buddies in the coming years...he’s your future meal ticket.
Unlikely. The kid’s a troll and an ass, and people rarely change. He’ll grow up a white grievance warrior, blaming everyone else for his personal failures. He’ll probably move to a red state, which have the highest rate of welfare and food stamp participation.
--------------------------------------- hey , the kid won , now get out your checkbook as your 25 thousand and public recognition of the good work that he has done may inspire him to keep going after YOU anti freedom Lefties BFlag .
What, you stupid motherfucker? The money’s from your checkbook, too. All so a little Trump cultist can wear propaganda meant to spread discord when he’s supposed to be learning instead of trolling.
Student Suspended for Trump Border Wall Shirt to Get $25G and Formal Apology
- Student Suspended for Trump Border Wall Shirt to Get $25G and Formal Apology

"An Oregon high school student who sued his school district after administrators said he couldn't wear a pro-Trump border wall T-shirt will be given a written apology and $25,000 in a settlement.

Liberty High School senior Addison Barnes,18,
was suspended earlier this year after he refused to cover up his “Donald J. Trump Border Wall Construction Co.” shirt.

The shirt -- which also features a 2016 Trump quote: “The wall just got 10 feet taller.” -- was worn by Barnes in his “People and Politics” class on a day where immigration would be discussed.

Barnes sued his school, the Hillsboro School District and Principal Greg Timmons, claiming his First Amendment rights had been violated."

The Judge Agreed!
Hopefully life fucks that stupid ass kid over.

Easy there bud...there’s a damn good chance that kid will spoon feed many of your filthy pet human buddies in the coming years...he’s your future meal ticket.
Unlikely. The kid’s a troll and an ass, and people rarely change. He’ll grow up a white grievance warrior, blaming everyone else for his personal failures. He’ll probably move to a red state, which have the highest rate of welfare and food stamp participation.

Let me school you real quick...you’re welcome in advance.
Those “red states” you speak of have lots of blacks, beaners and white trash stoners dragging good people down. BUT remember, Mexifornia has 12% of the nations population and 33% of the nations welfare recipients. Thank God for SillyCon Valley, Hollyweird and all those elites you hate for being able to keep spoon feeding the filth huh?
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population at 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent

What else can I teach you?
Those red states are trash, and decades of racism and failed GOP policy have left them with the highest rates of welfare and food stamp participation. Fuck ‘em.

You’re just gonna pretend you didn’t see the facts I just exposed you to?
Is that the new “Liberal way”....oh wait, that’s always been the Liberal way.
unless the school has some kind of dress code thing---precluding political statements on T-shirts-----then the
principal has to be a JERK
Frigid has lots of complaints on Americas voting system . just a comment but i don't even think that you are an American that can vote are you Frigid ??
unless the school has some kind of dress code thing---precluding political statements on T-shirts-----then the
principal has to be a JERK
---------------------------------------------------------- most all these public schools , teachers and higher up TEACH lefty and do it for the Money . They do it for the taxpayer paid money . They do it for the easy work , vacation , benefits , money and many are lefties themselves . And then , many teachers also like their young male students 'cacks' Rosie .
Student Suspended for Trump Border Wall Shirt to Get $25G and Formal Apology
- Student Suspended for Trump Border Wall Shirt to Get $25G and Formal Apology

"An Oregon high school student who sued his school district after administrators said he couldn't wear a pro-Trump border wall T-shirt will be given a written apology and $25,000 in a settlement.

Liberty High School senior Addison Barnes,18,
was suspended earlier this year after he refused to cover up his “Donald J. Trump Border Wall Construction Co.” shirt.

The shirt -- which also features a 2016 Trump quote: “The wall just got 10 feet taller.” -- was worn by Barnes in his “People and Politics” class on a day where immigration would be discussed.

Barnes sued his school, the Hillsboro School District and Principal Greg Timmons, claiming his First Amendment rights had been violated."

The Judge Agreed!
Hopefully life fucks that stupid ass kid over.

Easy there bud...there’s a damn good chance that kid will spoon feed many of your filthy pet human buddies in the coming years...he’s your future meal ticket.
Unlikely. The kid’s a troll and an ass, and people rarely change. He’ll grow up a white grievance warrior, blaming everyone else for his personal failures. He’ll probably move to a red state, which have the highest rate of welfare and food stamp participation.
--------------------------------------- hey , the kid won , now get out your checkbook as your 25 thousand and public recognition of the good work that he has done may inspire him to keep going after YOU anti freedom Lefties BFlag .
What, you stupid motherfucker? The money’s from your checkbook, too. All so a little Trump cultist can wear propaganda meant to spread discord when he’s supposed to be learning instead of trolling.
------------------------------------- yep , but my money is a DONATION to further Freedom while the kid and people like me HAPPILY beat your money [Donation] [chuckle] out of YOU BFlag .
feck discord , illegal aliens in taxpayer funded public schools should be made to get used to the discord of FREE SPEECH BFlag .
FREE SPEECH is a Freedom and a Right in the USA , if you didn't know BFlag .
This kid must either have brass balls or a death wish. Here in Hillsburitto, half the student body is Mexican. Heard on the news that his windfall is going to pay for his legal fees.
------------------------------ EXTRA good for the AMERICAN kid then Borilar .
This kid must either have brass balls or a death wish. Here in Hillsburitto, half the student body is Mexican. Heard on the news that his windfall is going to pay for his legal fees.
------------------------------ EXTRA good for the AMERICAN kid then Borilar .
---------------------- and it would make good news reporting if the American kid is messed with because of his exercise of Free Speech Borilar .
and WHAT could those possible consequences for exercising Free Speech be BFlag eh ??
and GOOD , if there are 'illegal or legal mexicans' in that town they can also take part in paying the 25 thousand dollar donation to the kid while they learn about Free Speech in America BFlag .
This kid must either have brass balls or a death wish. Here in Hillsburitto, half the student body is Mexican. Heard on the news that his windfall is going to pay for his legal fees.
Are you saying Mexicans are violent people?
Student Suspended for Trump Border Wall Shirt to Get $25G and Formal Apology
- Student Suspended for Trump Border Wall Shirt to Get $25G and Formal Apology

"An Oregon high school student who sued his school district after administrators said he couldn't wear a pro-Trump border wall T-shirt will be given a written apology and $25,000 in a settlement.

Liberty High School senior Addison Barnes,18,
was suspended earlier this year after he refused to cover up his “Donald J. Trump Border Wall Construction Co.” shirt.

The shirt -- which also features a 2016 Trump quote: “The wall just got 10 feet taller.” -- was worn by Barnes in his “People and Politics” class on a day where immigration would be discussed.

Barnes sued his school, the Hillsboro School District and Principal Greg Timmons, claiming his First Amendment rights had been violated."

The Judge Agreed!

This student has a bright future ahead. Well played!

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