Justice Served: 'Trump Border Wall Victory'

This kid must either have brass balls or a death wish. Here in Hillsburitto, half the student body is Mexican. Heard on the news that his windfall is going to pay for his legal fees.
Are you saying Mexicans are violent people?
Poke someone and they might poke back.
------------------------------------------------------------ yep , they might POKE back with more Free Speech and thats legal and and is no problem Borilar . But what is the law on carrying a gun legally in this ' hillburrito' , if you know Borilar ??
They certainly wouldn’t be allowed on school grounds. Hopefully nothing comes of it. Hate to see anything bad happen because of a stupid stunt. The city is actually called Hillsboro. We just have a large population of migrant workers here.
---------------------------------- Thank for the info Borilar , time to send those ' mex' home if they cause trouble by not allowing Constitutional RIGHTS to be taught and exercised in public schools . From what i hear , the young American man is Graduated Borilar .
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This kid must either have brass balls or a death wish. Here in Hillsburitto, half the student body is Mexican. Heard on the news that his windfall is going to pay for his legal fees.
Are you saying Mexicans are violent people?
Poke someone and they might poke back.
------------------------------------------------------------ yep , they might POKE back with more Free Speech and thats legal and and is no problem Borilar . But what is the law on carrying a gun legally in this ' hillburrito' , if you know Borilar ??
They certainly wouldn’t be allowed on school grounds. Hopefully nothing comes of it. Hate to see anything bad happen because of a stupid stunt. The city is actually called Hillsboro. We just have a large population of migrant workers here.
it's what he said....'hillburrito'
Hopefully life fucks that stupid ass kid over.

That's a good way to get bad juju, brah.

And then you quintuple down on it, pwahahahahha!
Bad juju’s dead. Bad people are winning like never before.

Good is not bad, bad is not good, and losing is not winning.

Is this your planet?


Hopefully life fucks that stupid ass kid over.

That's a good way to get bad juju, brah.

And then you quintuple down on it, pwahahahahha!
Bad juju’s dead. Bad people are winning like never before.

Good is not bad, bad is not good, and losing is not winning.

Is this your planet?


A kid went to school and gave the middle finger to many of the people there. He is not good.
Hopefully life fucks that stupid ass kid over.

That's a good way to get bad juju, brah.

And then you quintuple down on it, pwahahahahha!
Bad juju’s dead. Bad people are winning like never before.

Good is not bad, bad is not good, and losing is not winning.

Is this your planet?


A kid went to school and gave the middle finger to many of the people there. He is not good.
I thought he wore a shirt. hmmmm.
Student Suspended for Trump Border Wall Shirt to Get $25G and Formal Apology
- Student Suspended for Trump Border Wall Shirt to Get $25G and Formal Apology

"An Oregon high school student who sued his school district after administrators said he couldn't wear a pro-Trump border wall T-shirt will be given a written apology and $25,000 in a settlement.

Liberty High School senior Addison Barnes,18,
was suspended earlier this year after he refused to cover up his “Donald J. Trump Border Wall Construction Co.” shirt.

The shirt -- which also features a 2016 Trump quote: “The wall just got 10 feet taller.” -- was worn by Barnes in his “People and Politics” class on a day where immigration would be discussed.

Barnes sued his school, the Hillsboro School District and Principal Greg Timmons, claiming his First Amendment rights had been violated."

The Judge Agreed!
Hopefully life fucks that stupid ass kid over.
the tolerant left everyone.......he really cares about people.....bwahahahahahaahahahahahhahahh
Hopefully life fucks that stupid ass kid over.

That's a good way to get bad juju, brah.

And then you quintuple down on it, pwahahahahha!
Bad juju’s dead. Bad people are winning like never before.

Good is not bad, bad is not good, and losing is not winning.

Is this your planet?


A kid went to school and gave the middle finger to many of the people there. He is not good.
awww...like your commie teachers who do the same shit.......go fuck yourself
A kid went to school and gave the middle finger to many of the people there. He is not good.
An American citizen went to school and exercised his Constitutional Right to free speech, and he was punished illegally by intolerant, Constitution-violating liberals who were easily offended by what was being expressed.

The courts RIGHTFULLY found in favor of the young man whose rights were trampled.

THIS time the 'assault' from the intolerant liberal left was settled in court.

Personally I slightly look forward to opening up the news one day to read where some snowflake douche bag decided he was going to illegally physically assault someone who disagrees with his ideology and is shot by someone with a concealed carry permit and a gun.

That seems to be the only thing that might stop the ever-growing violent march of the Democratic Socialist Party liberals / snowflakes.

You have the Constitutional Right to express your self...but you have no right to TOUCH anyone else. If they have to learn the hard way, so be it.
Hopefully life fucks that stupid ass kid over.

That's a good way to get bad juju, brah.

And then you quintuple down on it, pwahahahahha!
Bad juju’s dead. Bad people are winning like never before.

Good is not bad, bad is not good, and losing is not winning.

Is this your planet?


A kid went to school and gave the middle finger to many of the people there. He is not good.
----------------------------------- GOOD for the Winner kid and the 'mex' , well , they should be back in 'mexico' BlackFlag .
might be that this BlackFlag is a 'mexican anchor baby ' or imported legal 'mex' and a member of anti American and 'pro mex invasion' group or groups . Are you part of the 'mex' and 'fifth column' invasion of the USA BFlag ??

Or just another ultra racist hater
I think I asked him before if he had ANY white friends.
IIRC, he said some BS like..."well, I work with white people" or some crap like that.

Maybe Blackflag is Maxine Waters incognito
Student Suspended for Trump Border Wall Shirt to Get $25G and Formal Apology
- Student Suspended for Trump Border Wall Shirt to Get $25G and Formal Apology

"An Oregon high school student who sued his school district after administrators said he couldn't wear a pro-Trump border wall T-shirt will be given a written apology and $25,000 in a settlement.

Liberty High School senior Addison Barnes,18,
was suspended earlier this year after he refused to cover up his “Donald J. Trump Border Wall Construction Co.” shirt.

The shirt -- which also features a 2016 Trump quote: “The wall just got 10 feet taller.” -- was worn by Barnes in his “People and Politics” class on a day where immigration would be discussed.

Barnes sued his school, the Hillsboro School District and Principal Greg Timmons, claiming his First Amendment rights had been violated."

The Judge Agreed!
Hopefully life fucks that stupid ass kid over.

He's already proven he won't put up with that kind of shit. But you just proved what kind of a childish fuck you are.

If he’s going to college, I doubt that 25k will cover his books the first semester. :lol:
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If he’s going to college, I doubt that 25k will cover his book the first semester. :lol:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- looks tome that he is a WALLBUILDER , Construction guy like our President . Probably doesn't need or want college or time wasting MDK .
Hopefully life fucks that stupid ass kid over.


I love when 'tolerant', 'Constitution/Free Speech-Defending Snowflakes' throw hissy fits and tantrums!

Fuck tolerance. Totally failed policy.

In other words, you want to be the one who is in control, and "tolerate" others who disagree with you, but aren't getting what they want. When the tables turn, all of a sudden tolerance is failed policy and it's now okay for you (but not those who disagree with you) to turn ugly.

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