Justice Served: 'Trump Border Wall Victory'

yeah , first thing a legal age kid with this young mans American Constitutional mindset would do is get a Concealed Carry License so that he can legally carry a gun and be PREPARED for unwanted and unwarranted violence BFlag .
So is this a new conservative thing? Getting a concealed carry permit, then going around trying to piss people off so if they do anything he can shoot them?
QUIT yer spin . Guns are an AMERICAN's RIGHT and if this young American is legal age one of the first things he'd do is Exercise his RIGHTS and thats ALL of his RIGHTS Borilar .
Student Suspended for Trump Border Wall Shirt to Get $25G and Formal Apology
- Student Suspended for Trump Border Wall Shirt to Get $25G and Formal Apology

"An Oregon high school student who sued his school district after administrators said he couldn't wear a pro-Trump border wall T-shirt will be given a written apology and $25,000 in a settlement.

Liberty High School senior Addison Barnes,18,
was suspended earlier this year after he refused to cover up his “Donald J. Trump Border Wall Construction Co.” shirt.

The shirt -- which also features a 2016 Trump quote: “The wall just got 10 feet taller.” -- was worn by Barnes in his “People and Politics” class on a day where immigration would be discussed.

Barnes sued his school, the Hillsboro School District and Principal Greg Timmons, claiming his First Amendment rights had been violated."

The Judge Agreed!

Schools can set dress codes.
yeah , first thing a legal age kid with this young mans American Constitutional mindset would do is get a Concealed Carry License so that he can legally carry a gun and be PREPARED for unwanted and unwarranted violence BFlag .
So is this a new conservative thing? Getting a concealed carry permit, then going around trying to piss people off so if they do anything he can shoot them?
----------------------------------- is it lefty 'mex' style when 'mexicans' in American schools get pizzed off about an AMERICAN exercising his RIGHT to Free Speech 'senor Borilar'
Student Suspended for Trump Border Wall Shirt to Get $25G and Formal Apology
- Student Suspended for Trump Border Wall Shirt to Get $25G and Formal Apology

"An Oregon high school student who sued his school district after administrators said he couldn't wear a pro-Trump border wall T-shirt will be given a written apology and $25,000 in a settlement.

Liberty High School senior Addison Barnes,18,
was suspended earlier this year after he refused to cover up his “Donald J. Trump Border Wall Construction Co.” shirt.

The shirt -- which also features a 2016 Trump quote: “The wall just got 10 feet taller.” -- was worn by Barnes in his “People and Politics” class on a day where immigration would be discussed.

Barnes sued his school, the Hillsboro School District and Principal Greg Timmons, claiming his First Amendment rights had been violated."

The Judge Agreed!

Schools can set dress codes.
-------------------------------- so let them RDave . But for now lefties LOST RealDave . [and its going to get worse for YOU lefties as regards guns and gun laws from what i hear. [Go TRUMP and Judge Kavanaugh]
Most likely anyone with a CCW will mind his own business and respect his fellow American and his exercise of FREE SPEECH Borilar .
So is this a new conservative thing? Getting a concealed carry permit, then going around trying to piss people off so if they do anything he can shoot them?

If your pissed you still cant put your hands on people. That is what causes trouble. It is what every kindergartner knows.
So is this a new conservative thing? Getting a concealed carry permit, then going around trying to piss people off so if they do anything he can shoot them?

If your pissed you still cant put your hands on people. That is what causes trouble. It is what every kindergartner knows.
--------------------------------- 'trayvon' never went to kindergarten i guess eh OODA .
yeah , first thing a legal age kid with this young mans American Constitutional mindset would do is get a Concealed Carry License so that he can legally carry a gun and be PREPARED for unwanted and unwarranted violence BFlag .
So is this a new conservative thing? Getting a concealed carry permit, then going around trying to piss people off so if they do anything he can shoot them?
---------------------------------- people oughta Mind their own business rather than getting Pizzed Off Borilar .
Student Suspended for Trump Border Wall Shirt to Get $25G and Formal Apology
- Student Suspended for Trump Border Wall Shirt to Get $25G and Formal Apology

"An Oregon high school student who sued his school district after administrators said he couldn't wear a pro-Trump border wall T-shirt will be given a written apology and $25,000 in a settlement.

Liberty High School senior Addison Barnes,18,
was suspended earlier this year after he refused to cover up his “Donald J. Trump Border Wall Construction Co.” shirt.

The shirt -- which also features a 2016 Trump quote: “The wall just got 10 feet taller.” -- was worn by Barnes in his “People and Politics” class on a day where immigration would be discussed.

Barnes sued his school, the Hillsboro School District and Principal Greg Timmons, claiming his First Amendment rights had been violated."

The Judge Agreed!
Hopefully life fucks that stupid ass kid over.
No better display of the character of your average leftist; than to wish ruin, and Ill fortune on children. Hell... That’s their entire platform!
This kid wishes that on more people than I did. Fuck ‘im.

Now THAT displays maturity. Excusing bad behavior on the basis that a kid somewhere did something you didn't like.
...The kid’s a troll and an ass, and people rarely change. He’ll grow up a white grievance warrior, blaming everyone else for his personal failures. He’ll probably move to a red state, which have the highest rate of welfare and food stamp participation.

Typical LibTard response after criticism of their obsession with standing alongside Illegal Aliens rather than their own countrymen...
Student Suspended for Trump Border Wall Shirt to Get $25G and Formal Apology
- Student Suspended for Trump Border Wall Shirt to Get $25G and Formal Apology

"An Oregon high school student who sued his school district after administrators said he couldn't wear a pro-Trump border wall T-shirt will be given a written apology and $25,000 in a settlement.

Liberty High School senior Addison Barnes,18,
was suspended earlier this year after he refused to cover up his “Donald J. Trump Border Wall Construction Co.” shirt.

The shirt -- which also features a 2016 Trump quote: “The wall just got 10 feet taller.” -- was worn by Barnes in his “People and Politics” class on a day where immigration would be discussed.

Barnes sued his school, the Hillsboro School District and Principal Greg Timmons, claiming his First Amendment rights had been violated."

The Judge Agreed!
Hopefully life fucks that stupid ass kid over.
You couldn't be any more of a terrible person.
Yes I could. I could wish death or starvation on refugees like the kid you're defending does.
yeah , first thing a legal age kid with this young mans American Constitutional mindset would do is get a Concealed Carry License so that he can legally carry a gun and be PREPARED for unwanted and unwarranted violence BFlag .
So is this a new conservative thing? Getting a concealed carry permit, then going around trying to piss people off so if they do anything he can shoot them?

If you NEED a CCL to practice free speech in this country -- we're pretty much doomed. But thanks to Antifa and the other mob enforcers of newspeak, this just MIGHT be the case..

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