Justices Agree on Right to Own Guns

I can see a national PS3 buyback scheme coming up in Australia :D

Fine I'll spell it out for you. Your argument isn't necessity at all. Your argument is in the distinction between a PS3 and an automatic weapon. Now what is that distinction?
I'm not following you.

The argument on this thread seems to be that we as individuals should have automatic weapons because there either a) shouldn't be a restriction on what type of weapons we have or b) should have them because the government, i.e. the military and police have them. Also, it seems to be argued that we must be capable of fending off a government gone wild. So if this government has nukes, should we not also have nukes?
Nope. I don't follow your reasoning. From what I got from your blog you say nukes aren't arms because the standing army doesn't use them...I'm not sure if that's what you said, but that's basically what I got out of it.
Irrelevant to the argument.

How am I wrong?

um, im a big fan of gun rights but.. if you are suggesting that the difference between nukes and guns is that the military doesn't have access to nukes then.. I'm thinking she just put you in check mate. No, it's not irrelevant to your rationalization.
I do think this could be used as an argument against allowing individual ownership of nukes:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States​

It would seem that limiting the spread of radiation to innocent bystanders, not to mention having them blown up when Billybob nukes Joe Public for screwing around with his wife, falls under the general welfare.

Another question I've never gotten a good answer for...if the 2nd amendment means anyone can own guns, why mention the well regulated militia at all?
Another question I've never gotten a good answer for...if the 2nd amendment means anyone can own guns, why mention the well regulated militia at all?
As if your "why is there no right to own a nuke" question wasn't given a good answer :rolleyes:

Its a preamble, explaining why the right of the people is protected from infringement --- the people must always retain access to the weapons necessary to exercise, individually or collectively, their right to self defense.
YOU didn't give me a good answer. Your claim that the army doesn't use nukes is ridiculous.

And this current answer just furthers the point that we should be allowed to have nukes. How does the people protect itself from a government that outguns it?

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