Justifiable use of deadly force or not?

Justifiable use of deadly force or not?

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  • No

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Yelling is not a crime

I don't think that's even true.

Remember a couple weeks ago when some leftist woman caught Steve Bannon in a used bookstore and was howling away at him? The bookstore owner called the cops on her and she disappeared.

If someone started howling and shrieking at me in the middle of the supermarket, don't you think they'd call the police? It's threatening, it's disturbing the peace --- yeah, it's against the law and it ought to be. I'd call the police: help definitely needed.

This guy was definitely breaking the law terrorizing this woman and little kids in the parking lot; he just thought he could get away with it.

I guess he did, too, and achieved his lifetime ambition of killing someone.
Yelling is not a crime

I don't think that's even true.

Remember a couple weeks ago when some leftist woman caught Steve Bannon in a used bookstore and was howling away at him? The bookstore owner called the cops on her and she disappeared.

If someone started howling and shrieking at me in the middle of the supermarket, don't you think they'd call the police? It's threatening, it's disturbing the peace --- yeah, it's against the law and it ought to be.

This guy was definitely breaking the law terrorizing this woman and little kids in the parking lot; he just thought he could get away with it.

I guess he did, too, and achieved his lifetime ambition of killing someone.

was she charged with a crime?

the book store was private property and the owners of the store had every right to have anyone removed.
Yeah, the punishment should fit the crime. You are fucking arguing that the guy deserved the death penalty for pushing the guy down. You fucking believe in the Constitution or not. It's based on the same principle.

I am arguing no such thing

A civilian has no authority to pass either bail or sentences for crimes therefore the 8th amendment does not apply

He shot in self defense the law states that he now has to justify that shooting or be convicted of a crime

YOU have stated YOU think that someone who simply pushes someone to the ground DESERVES to be shot to death. So YOU either believe in the principle the 8th Amendment is based on, against Cruel and Unusual Punishment, or YOU don't think everyone deserves equal rights... or you think we should just be the wild west where you can just shoot and kill whoever you want even if you don't feel your life is really at risk. I'm just going by what YOU have said.

Where did I say that?

Quote it.

The 8th amendment applies to bail and sentences set by the courts not to individual citizens

And you don't know how the guy who got blindsided by a much larger man felt do you?

How would you feel if some guy a head taller and 100 lbs heavier than you blindsided you ?

Would you maybe feel your life might be in danger?

The 8th Amendment refers to Cruel and Unusual Punishment.

Do you honestly not know that?

Wow you really don't know that the Bill of rights applies to the government not the citizens?

People cannot set bail or pass sentences for crimes only the government can do that

I do know, that's why I said they share the same principle. Do you not know what that means?

Hell you keep saying the 8th Amendment is just about bail. No the 8th Amendment's MAIN topic is Cruel and Unusual Punishment. Do you know what that means? That means the punishment should fit the crime... and that everyone should be punished equally. So when you say that a guy that pushed a guy to the ground deserves to die, you show how little morals you have. Then if you want to say that, but then the next minute say you support the Constitution, then you just admit your a hypocrite.

So, what is it then? You are either stupid, racist, a hypocrite, a troll, or a liar based on the comments you've made in this thread.

I'll let you chose.
Yes it is easy to assault people when they don't see it coming

That doesn't make it legal

The guy was defending his wife and kids from some psycho that was yelling at them over a parking space. The guy that got shot and killed, actually had more justification to use deadly force than the guy that got pushed down.

Defending people who were safely locked in a car while a guy yelled at them?


The guy yelling committed no crime

Again you just proved you didn't watch the video. When the shooter was pushed to the ground, the wife had gotten out of the car and the shooter stepped into her face.

Seriously, at this point watch the fucking video before you comment anymore. You are just wasting people's time.

HE did not touch the woman

he was yelling at her

and I'm sure she was also yelling at him

He stepped up into her face as he was yelling at her. He's a man. She's a woman... with KIDS in the car. Really odd how you guys are fucking saying how defenseless the shooter was, but you don't give a shit about the woman and the kids. What scumbags.

I never said the shooter was defenseless.

He shot AFTER he was violently assaulted by a much larger man.

She could have driven away at any time
was she charged with a crime?

the book store was private property and the owners of the store had every right to have anyone removed.

No, she wouldn't stop yelling when the bookstore guy asked and said he'd call the police, but when he started to dial 911, she bugged out.
No his current actions did a great job enough of that. No past required...
Victim blaming now? Maybe the rape victim should have dressed less provocatively as well, eh?
Your Demon-crat is showing, best cover up.
You're taking everything into account except for the fact that the guy that got shot was defending his girlfriend, who was being threatened by an armed man. Where is her self defense rights?

Where are the self defense rights of the guy that got shot?
She was verbally attacked no right to lethal self-defense.

Guy that got shot initiated a hands on attack Thats what got him shot, No right to lethal self-defense.

Well that's good because the self-defense used on him wasn't lethal. He was just pushed down.
Because the assault on him wasn’t committed in defense of “self”. Are you even trying to be serious?
Self defense of his woman means nothing eh ?? Remember this, before you choose to use self defense in regards to another person being assaulted or attacked you best think twice, because if you intervene you could be the one killed, and unless you are willing to risk life and limb, then just stay home and never go anywhere.
“His” woman? Misogynist much? And assaulting someone for saying something to someone, in a way you don’t like; does not legally give you the right to assault someone...
Quit trying to move the goal post or change the subject with your pettyness. If a man is verbally assaulting your wife, girlfriend, woman, old lady or whatever she desires to be reffered to as, then you have the right to defend her honor.

If the (husband, her man, boyfriend, Boo or whatever he desires to be called by her), felt that his wife, girlfriend, woman, cutie pie, family member or associate was being threatened by a dangerous person in his mind, then his actions to remove that person from his wife, girlfriend etc could have been warranted.
The guy was defending his wife and kids from some psycho that was yelling at them over a parking space. The guy that got shot and killed, actually had more justification to use deadly force than the guy that got pushed down.

Defending people who were safely locked in a car while a guy yelled at them?


The guy yelling committed no crime

Again you just proved you didn't watch the video. When the shooter was pushed to the ground, the wife had gotten out of the car and the shooter stepped into her face.

Seriously, at this point watch the fucking video before you comment anymore. You are just wasting people's time.

HE did not touch the woman

he was yelling at her

and I'm sure she was also yelling at him

He stepped up into her face as he was yelling at her. He's a man. She's a woman... with KIDS in the car. Really odd how you guys are fucking saying how defenseless the shooter was, but you don't give a shit about the woman and the kids. What scumbags.

I never said the shooter was defenseless.

He shot AFTER he was violently assaulted by a much larger man.

She could have driven away at any time

Being pushed to the ground because he was intimidating a woman, is NOT defenseless. If he had been minding his own business and not trying to intimidate a woman, then he wouldn't have gotten knocked on his ass.

Looks to me like the guy only had the balls to yell at her because he thought it was just her and the kids. If the guy that got shot had been out there with them, the shooter wouldn't have said shit.
I am arguing no such thing

A civilian has no authority to pass either bail or sentences for crimes therefore the 8th amendment does not apply

He shot in self defense the law states that he now has to justify that shooting or be convicted of a crime

YOU have stated YOU think that someone who simply pushes someone to the ground DESERVES to be shot to death. So YOU either believe in the principle the 8th Amendment is based on, against Cruel and Unusual Punishment, or YOU don't think everyone deserves equal rights... or you think we should just be the wild west where you can just shoot and kill whoever you want even if you don't feel your life is really at risk. I'm just going by what YOU have said.

Where did I say that?

Quote it.

The 8th amendment applies to bail and sentences set by the courts not to individual citizens

And you don't know how the guy who got blindsided by a much larger man felt do you?

How would you feel if some guy a head taller and 100 lbs heavier than you blindsided you ?

Would you maybe feel your life might be in danger?

The 8th Amendment refers to Cruel and Unusual Punishment.

Do you honestly not know that?

Wow you really don't know that the Bill of rights applies to the government not the citizens?

People cannot set bail or pass sentences for crimes only the government can do that

I do know, that's why I said they share the same principle. Do you not know what that means?

Hell you keep saying the 8th Amendment is just about bail. No the 8th Amendment's MAIN topic is Cruel and Unusual Punishment. Do you know what that means? That means the punishment should fit the crime... and that everyone should be punished equally. So when you say that a guy that pushed a guy to the ground deserves to die, you show how little morals you have. Then if you want to say that, but then the next minute say you support the Constitution, then you just admit your a hypocrite.

So, what is it then? You are either stupid, racist, a hypocrite, a troll, or a liar based on the comments you've made in this thread.

I'll let you chose.

They don't share the same principal at all.

The guy who shot in what he considered to be self defense after being blindsided by a much larger person will not be charged with violating the 8th amendment.

He will be charged with some degree of murder and tried for it.

If he can justify the shooting he will walk
Yes it is easy to assault people when they don't see it coming

That doesn't make it legal

The guy was defending his wife and kids from some psycho that was yelling at them over a parking space. The guy that got shot and killed, actually had more justification to use deadly force than the guy that got pushed down.

Defending people who were safely locked in a car while a guy yelled at them?


The guy yelling committed no crime

Again you just proved you didn't watch the video. When the shooter was pushed to the ground, the wife had gotten out of the car and the shooter stepped into her face.

Seriously, at this point watch the fucking video before you comment anymore. You are just wasting people's time.

HE did not touch the woman

he was yelling at her

and I'm sure she was also yelling at him

He stepped up into her face as he was yelling at her. He's a man. She's a woman... with KIDS in the car. Really odd how you guys are fucking saying how defenseless the shooter was, but you don't give a shit about the woman and the kids. What scumbags.

Hey, a punk ass gun nut with a concealed carry permit considers women and children a fair fight.

Or a threat in this case.
Victim blaming now? Maybe the rape victim should have dressed less provocatively as well, eh?
Your Demon-crat is showing, best cover up.
She was verbally attacked no right to lethal self-defense.

Guy that got shot initiated a hands on attack Thats what got him shot, No right to lethal self-defense.

Well that's good because the self-defense used on him wasn't lethal. He was just pushed down.
Because the assault on him wasn’t committed in defense of “self”. Are you even trying to be serious?
Self defense of his woman means nothing eh ?? Remember this, before you choose to use self defense in regards to another person being assaulted or attacked you best think twice, because if you intervene you could be the one killed, and unless you are willing to risk life and limb, then just stay home and never go anywhere.
“His” woman? Misogynist much? And assaulting someone for saying something to someone, in a way you don’t like; does not legally give you the right to assault someone...
Quit trying to move the goal post or change the subject with your pettyness. If a man is verbally assaulting your wife, girlfriend, woman, old lady or whatever she desires to be reffered to as, then you have the right to defend her honor.

If the (husband, her man, boyfriend, Boo or whatever he desires to be called by her), felt that his wife, girlfriend, woman, cutie pie, family member or associate was being threatened by a dangerous person in his mind, then his actions to remove that person from his wife, girlfriend etc could have been warranted.
There is no legal term “verbal assault”, quit trying to appeal to emotion; and stick with the facts presented in the video.
Defending people who were safely locked in a car while a guy yelled at them?


The guy yelling committed no crime

Again you just proved you didn't watch the video. When the shooter was pushed to the ground, the wife had gotten out of the car and the shooter stepped into her face.

Seriously, at this point watch the fucking video before you comment anymore. You are just wasting people's time.

HE did not touch the woman

he was yelling at her

and I'm sure she was also yelling at him

He stepped up into her face as he was yelling at her. He's a man. She's a woman... with KIDS in the car. Really odd how you guys are fucking saying how defenseless the shooter was, but you don't give a shit about the woman and the kids. What scumbags.

I never said the shooter was defenseless.

He shot AFTER he was violently assaulted by a much larger man.

She could have driven away at any time

Being pushed to the ground because he was intimidating a woman, is NOT defenseless. If he had been minding his own business and not trying to intimidate a woman, then he wouldn't have gotten knocked on his ass.

Looks to me like the guy only had the balls to yell at her because he thought it was just her and the kids. If the guy that got shot had been out there with them, the shooter wouldn't have said shit.

I never said the shooter was defenseless.

Please stop making up quotes and attributing them to me.

Tell you what the next time you want to tell me what I said use the quote function
Quit trying to move the goal post or change the subject with your pettyness. If a man is verbally assaulting your wife, girlfriend, woman, old lady or whatever she desires to be reffered to as, then you have the right to defend her honor.

You have a right to defend her honor ?
She could have driven away at any time

What, and left her boyfriend behind? Just drove off and abandoned him to this furious screamer-killer? Migod, I would never do that, just drive off and leave your mate in danger? Would you do that??
The guy was defending his wife and kids from some psycho that was yelling at them over a parking space. The guy that got shot and killed, actually had more justification to use deadly force than the guy that got pushed down.

Defending people who were safely locked in a car while a guy yelled at them?


The guy yelling committed no crime

Again you just proved you didn't watch the video. When the shooter was pushed to the ground, the wife had gotten out of the car and the shooter stepped into her face.

Seriously, at this point watch the fucking video before you comment anymore. You are just wasting people's time.

HE did not touch the woman

he was yelling at her

and I'm sure she was also yelling at him

He stepped up into her face as he was yelling at her. He's a man. She's a woman... with KIDS in the car. Really odd how you guys are fucking saying how defenseless the shooter was, but you don't give a shit about the woman and the kids. What scumbags.

Hey, a punk ass gun nut with a concealed carry permit considers women and children a fair fight.

Or a threat in this case.
HE didn't shoot the woman or the kids

He shot the guy who assaulted him
Quit trying to move the goal post or change the subject with your pettyness. If a man is verbally assaulting your wife, girlfriend, woman, old lady or whatever she desires to be reffered to as, then you have the right to defend her honor.

You have a right to defend her honor ?

Yeah, I don't think it was her honor that needed defending. More that she and the children were about to be cold-cocked.
Victim blaming now? Maybe the rape victim should have dressed less provocatively as well, eh?
Your Demon-crat is showing, best cover up.
She was verbally attacked no right to lethal self-defense.

Guy that got shot initiated a hands on attack Thats what got him shot, No right to lethal self-defense.

Well that's good because the self-defense used on him wasn't lethal. He was just pushed down.
Because the assault on him wasn’t committed in defense of “self”. Are you even trying to be serious?
Self defense of his woman means nothing eh ?? Remember this, before you choose to use self defense in regards to another person being assaulted or attacked you best think twice, because if you intervene you could be the one killed, and unless you are willing to risk life and limb, then just stay home and never go anywhere.
“His” woman? Misogynist much? And assaulting someone for saying something to someone, in a way you don’t like; does not legally give you the right to assault someone...
Quit trying to move the goal post or change the subject with your pettyness. If a man is verbally assaulting your wife, girlfriend, woman, old lady or whatever she desires to be reffered to as, then you have the right to defend her honor.

If the (husband, her man, boyfriend, Boo or whatever he desires to be called by her), felt that his wife, girlfriend, woman, cutie pie, family member or associate was being threatened by a dangerous person in his mind, then his actions to remove that person from his wife, girlfriend etc could have been warranted.
Defending honor is a legal defense for assault now? Who knew? I guess a lot of Muslim fathers with a jar of acid handy are relieved to hear this...
YOU have stated YOU think that someone who simply pushes someone to the ground DESERVES to be shot to death. So YOU either believe in the principle the 8th Amendment is based on, against Cruel and Unusual Punishment, or YOU don't think everyone deserves equal rights... or you think we should just be the wild west where you can just shoot and kill whoever you want even if you don't feel your life is really at risk. I'm just going by what YOU have said.

Where did I say that?

Quote it.

The 8th amendment applies to bail and sentences set by the courts not to individual citizens

And you don't know how the guy who got blindsided by a much larger man felt do you?

How would you feel if some guy a head taller and 100 lbs heavier than you blindsided you ?

Would you maybe feel your life might be in danger?

The 8th Amendment refers to Cruel and Unusual Punishment.

Do you honestly not know that?

Wow you really don't know that the Bill of rights applies to the government not the citizens?

People cannot set bail or pass sentences for crimes only the government can do that

I do know, that's why I said they share the same principle. Do you not know what that means?

Hell you keep saying the 8th Amendment is just about bail. No the 8th Amendment's MAIN topic is Cruel and Unusual Punishment. Do you know what that means? That means the punishment should fit the crime... and that everyone should be punished equally. So when you say that a guy that pushed a guy to the ground deserves to die, you show how little morals you have. Then if you want to say that, but then the next minute say you support the Constitution, then you just admit your a hypocrite.

So, what is it then? You are either stupid, racist, a hypocrite, a troll, or a liar based on the comments you've made in this thread.

I'll let you chose.

They don't share the same principal at all.

The guy who shot in what he considered to be self defense after being blindsided by a much larger person will not be charged with violating the 8th amendment.

He will be charged with some degree of murder and tried for it.

If he can justify the shooting he will walk

They don't? If you break the law, the punishment you receive is dictated by the Bill of Rights in the 8th Amendment that you can not receive a punishment that the courts rule are cruel and unusual compared to the severity of the crime. That's EXACTLY the same principle. But see the issue here is you are a hypocrite that lacks morals. You'd rather defend and try to scapegoat a murderer, instead of admitting a legal gun carrying citizen abused his right.

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