Justifiable use of deadly force or not?

Justifiable use of deadly force or not?

  • Yes

  • No

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By the definition of the SYG law, the man that shoved the shooter did not break the law. He was obviously defending the safety of his wife.

Glad to see you only think the shooter fits under that.


The cops think that too. Don't forget them.
In case you didn't realize it the guy that blindsided him and knocked him down is the one who started it

The other guy was doing nothing but yelling

So maybe people should not be assaulting people for yelling
If you push someone away from your woman, you shouldnt expect death. Thats some serious psychotic mentality which alludes to the fact that not everyone is responsible enough to take gun ownership seriously.

If you blindside someone and knock them violently to the ground you shouldn't expect not to be shot
I'll gladly expect that because most humans arent unga bunga cavemen and can use rational force versus death for a shove.
Then you are an idiot

but hey go ahead and tackle everyone you see and see what happens
I'll tackle any man screaming at my woman so badly that a patron runs into the store to tell someone about it, and the person screaming in her face like a jackass will likely be less of a caveman than the lot of your psychos that think that any physical altercation is just means for execution.

You dont belong in a civilized society.

Cool so don't whine of you get your ass shot for doing it
Self defense is assuring that no one can cause you grievous bodily harm or death
If you are a pussy and cant use your hands like a grown ass man, theres several other options for you.

Use your gun as a deterrant, which means pull it and tell the assailant to step the fuck back.

He pulled it alright..

the man stepped the fuck back, alright..

and was shot as he did so.

THATS a bitch move, and its murder.

Other options include: dont start shit with people that will whoop your fuckin ass in a fair one..

dont body guard a parking spot like an abject retard on meth, with a gun in your pocket

In case you didn't realize it the guy that blindsided him and knocked him down is the one who started it

The other guy was doing nothing but yelling

So maybe people should not be assaulting people for yelling
If you push someone away from your woman, you shouldnt expect death. Thats some serious psychotic mentality which alludes to the fact that not everyone is responsible enough to take gun ownership seriously.

If you blindside someone and knock them violently to the ground you shouldn't expect not to be shot

Bullshit! The guy was obviously not injured, so he had no right to shoot his attacker.

The guy who shoved him was wrong, but he didn't deserve to die for it.

There is no stipulation in self defense law that you must be injured before you act

Tell me if a much larger guy blindsided you and knocked you to the ground would you not think you just might be in danger?

It's real easy to be an armchair quarterback
If you push someone away from your woman, you shouldnt expect death. Thats some serious psychotic mentality which alludes to the fact that not everyone is responsible enough to take gun ownership seriously.

If you blindside someone and knock them violently to the ground you shouldn't expect not to be shot
I'll gladly expect that because most humans arent unga bunga cavemen and can use rational force versus death for a shove.
Then you are an idiot

but hey go ahead and tackle everyone you see and see what happens
I'll tackle any man screaming at my woman so badly that a patron runs into the store to tell someone about it, and the person screaming in her face like a jackass will likely be less of a caveman than the lot of your psychos that think that any physical altercation is just means for execution.

You dont belong in a civilized society.

Cool so don't whine of you get your ass shot for doing it
Mental illness is not that widespread, depending on who you ask, so I think I'll be alright
No they don't. How come you didn't answer my question on the example of calling off work?

Because I missed in all the unrealted static you post. I assure I was not ducking you.

Post # ?

or please repeat the question.

If your work has a policy that if you miss work or are late you need to have an excuse.

The next day you come in late, and you tell them it is because you were arguing with people online and lost track of time.

Do you think they are going to not punish you since you had an excuse?
The attacker walked up to the scene and there was no physical contact between the victim and the attackers girlfriend...all physical constact was initiated by the black guy, and he pulled up his shorts as he moved forward....and as the gun came up he didn't put up his hands...

Again.... you guys really, really need to understand self defense and what happens in those situations..... you are making judgements based on a video that flattens the distance between the 2 men, from an angle that hides what the victim actually sees, and you are not the one on the ground looking at the attacker....

You don't know what you are talking about.

Um, no.

I know this guy lived your dream of shooting a darkie, but this was murder.

The store owner even said the shooter was deranged and harrassed his customers frequently.

And yet he never called the cops to have him removed from the premises

How did he know the shooter was even out there? Assume much?

Everyone obviously heard the guy yelling

and I'm sure the woman in the car had a cell phone

The store owner said he was there all the time but yet he never got the guy kicked off the property
If your work has a policy that if you miss work or are late you need to have an excuse.

The next day you come in late, and you tell them it is because you were arguing with people online and lost track of time.

Do you think they are going to not punish you since you had an excuse?

They would question the validity of my excuse.
If you blindside someone and knock them violently to the ground you shouldn't expect not to be shot
I'll gladly expect that because most humans arent unga bunga cavemen and can use rational force versus death for a shove.
Then you are an idiot

but hey go ahead and tackle everyone you see and see what happens
I'll tackle any man screaming at my woman so badly that a patron runs into the store to tell someone about it, and the person screaming in her face like a jackass will likely be less of a caveman than the lot of your psychos that think that any physical altercation is just means for execution.

You dont belong in a civilized society.

Cool so don't whine of you get your ass shot for doing it
Mental illness is not that widespread, depending on who you ask, so I think I'll be alright

Time will tell

As long as you don't whine if you get shot IDGAF
If your work has a policy that if you miss work or are late you need to have an excuse.

The next day you come in late, and you tell them it is because you were arguing with people online and lost track of time.

Do you think they are going to not punish you since you had an excuse?

They would question the validity of my excuse.

But why? You fit within the policy by giving them an excuse.
Everyone obviously heard the guy yelling

and I'm sure the woman in the car had a cell phone

The store owner said he was there all the time but yet he never got the guy kicked off the property

The guy never gets within three feet of the window and makes no aggressive moves. Eyewitnesses claimed there was no threats just arguing.
You do not know how far away he was

and it's real easy to step back then step forward again

It's not that far to tell. It's not like we are trying to estimate how long a house is. If you can't get an idea of how far away he was based on that video, then I can understand why this subject is so difficult for you and why you don't just give up.
You do not know how far away and at what angle the camera was mounted

It's called spacial recognition. It takes intelligence to be able to figure it out. I's sorry you don't have it. You can learn to be better at it, and is why there are experts that are called into court quite often to dissect videos like this one.

You just have to be able to use your memory and then find familiar objects in the video that you know the size of and then use other ques like the parking lines to figure it out. I've just always been able to do it. That's why I ace test like the ASVAB and others that have is on them.

You do not know the focal length of the lens. It's most likely wide angle you do not know the distance or angle of the mount from the person

IOW you are just guessing and are most likely wrong

Talking out your ass again? Focal length? Hilarious!

You take an approximate measurement, such as the human foot, which we know is roughly about a foot in length and then compare that to the distance involved. Its middle school math, you simpleton!

you do know that a wide angle lens distorts the ratios of the image don;t you?

The angle the camera is mounted can also distort the image

and neither the distance of the camera from the person nor the angle of the mount is known

IOW it's a fucking guess
You do not know how far away he was

and it's real easy to step back then step forward again

It's not that far to tell. It's not like we are trying to estimate how long a house is. If you can't get an idea of how far away he was based on that video, then I can understand why this subject is so difficult for you and why you don't just give up.
You do not know how far away and at what angle the camera was mounted

It's called spacial recognition. It takes intelligence to be able to figure it out. I's sorry you don't have it. You can learn to be better at it, and is why there are experts that are called into court quite often to dissect videos like this one.

You just have to be able to use your memory and then find familiar objects in the video that you know the size of and then use other ques like the parking lines to figure it out. I've just always been able to do it. That's why I ace test like the ASVAB and others that have is on them.

You do not know the focal length of the lens. It's most likely wide angle you do not know the distance or angle of the mount from the person

IOW you are just guessing and are most likely wrong

I am? How many other threads are there I posted in about an idiot with a gun bigger than his brain who murdered someone on video?

Did you claim to know the distances between the people there too?
I'll gladly expect that because most humans arent unga bunga cavemen and can use rational force versus death for a shove.
Then you are an idiot

but hey go ahead and tackle everyone you see and see what happens
I'll tackle any man screaming at my woman so badly that a patron runs into the store to tell someone about it, and the person screaming in her face like a jackass will likely be less of a caveman than the lot of your psychos that think that any physical altercation is just means for execution.

You dont belong in a civilized society.

Cool so don't whine of you get your ass shot for doing it
Mental illness is not that widespread, depending on who you ask, so I think I'll be alright

Time will tell

As long as you don't whine if you get shot IDGAF
Its ok if you give a fuck, i wont tell anyone bro
You do not know how far away he was

and it's real easy to step back then step forward again

It's not that far to tell. It's not like we are trying to estimate how long a house is. If you can't get an idea of how far away he was based on that video, then I can understand why this subject is so difficult for you and why you don't just give up.
You do not know how far away and at what angle the camera was mounted

It's called spacial recognition. It takes intelligence to be able to figure it out. I's sorry you don't have it. You can learn to be better at it, and is why there are experts that are called into court quite often to dissect videos like this one.

You just have to be able to use your memory and then find familiar objects in the video that you know the size of and then use other ques like the parking lines to figure it out. I've just always been able to do it. That's why I ace test like the ASVAB and others that have is on them.

You do not know the focal length of the lens. It's most likely wide angle you do not know the distance or angle of the mount from the person

IOW you are just guessing and are most likely wrong

So sad to sit here and listen to you try to make excuses. You know you can teach yourself how to figure this shit out, that unless you lack the capability to learn.

Like I said let's see your math and make sure you account for all your assumptions
It's not that far to tell. It's not like we are trying to estimate how long a house is. If you can't get an idea of how far away he was based on that video, then I can understand why this subject is so difficult for you and why you don't just give up.
You do not know how far away and at what angle the camera was mounted

It's called spacial recognition. It takes intelligence to be able to figure it out. I's sorry you don't have it. You can learn to be better at it, and is why there are experts that are called into court quite often to dissect videos like this one.

You just have to be able to use your memory and then find familiar objects in the video that you know the size of and then use other ques like the parking lines to figure it out. I've just always been able to do it. That's why I ace test like the ASVAB and others that have is on them.

You do not know the focal length of the lens. It's most likely wide angle you do not know the distance or angle of the mount from the person

IOW you are just guessing and are most likely wrong

I am? How many other threads are there I posted in about an idiot with a gun bigger than his brain who murdered someone on video?

Did you claim to know the distances between the people there too?

It's no hard to get a good idea of. There are enough visual cues in the video to determine that. Really doesn't matter if it was 4 feet, 10 feet, or 100 feet. Physics says that when he is backing up and his momentum is going BACKWARDS, after 3 feet the guy on the ground is no longer in danger enough to take the time to pull out his gun, wait a few seconds to point it, and then shoot him down in cold blood.

Try a little experiment. Take your fingers and touch the finger tips to the wall. Now back up until you are as far from the wall as possible but your finger tips are still touching the wall. Now start to back up and try punching the wall. I bet you can't. :)

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