Justifiable use of deadly force or not?

Justifiable use of deadly force or not?

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  • No

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Ahhh I see.
You're following me around trolling my posts.

Great, just hit the "Like" button.
Following me around and trolling my posts means I hit a nerve with you.
I'm gettin to ya :itsok:


Following you around to troll your posts? Two posts I responded to one of which was you replying to me?

That's what you call following you around?

No. An innocent man was shot and killed and you are trying to deflect to parking in a handicap spot as an argument. That's fucking pathetic. No one is arguing if it is ok for a person who is not handicapped to park in a handicap spot. NO ONE. But by you trying to make that the focus of this thread is fucking pathetic. That's why I am laughing at you. Now you are trying to go off topic again by saying I'm following you for TWO responses.
I carry and I know how to use a firearm.
If somebody was to physically attack me or someone from my family they had better be prepared to have a bad day.
However, now having said that, I don't think I would kill somebody just for shoving me down. But not everybody is as disciplined as me.

I rarely ever get bothered. I guess I've got that look.
I have a general rule....if there's any hostility...or I sense hostility....don't come inside my 5 ft circle.
If you pay attention, you can usually tell if someone's up to something by the look in their eyes, posture, motions or proximity.
If you're in a situation with person A or A&B, stay alert for person C or C&D
Being aware of your situation is the key.

IN this case, the guy who did the shoving was wrong. Scolding someone for doing something isn't assault & battery and is perfectly legal.
No. An innocent man was shot and killed and you are trying to deflect to parking in a handicap spot as an argument. That's fucking pathetic. No one is arguing if it is ok for a person who is not handicapped to park in a handicap spot. NO ONE. But by you trying to make that the focus of this thread is fucking pathetic. That's why I am laughing at you. Now you are trying to go off topic again by saying I'm following you for TWO responses.

TBH, any moron who posts one meme/emoji/gif or whatever a dozen times in one post is an idiot to begin with.
With that out of the way.....

Innocent? You don't consider assault & battery a crime?

How the fuck was the guy who did the shoving "innocent".
What the hell is your problem?

Not only that, they could have deprived some poor handicapped person a place to park conveniently. And the fuckwads already admitted they do it all the time.

You're probably defending them because YOU do the same shit.
Maybe this is your Maxine Waters side coming out.
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No. An innocent man was shot and killed and you are trying to deflect to parking in a handicap spot as an argument. That's fucking pathetic. No one is arguing if it is ok for a person who is not handicapped to park in a handicap spot. NO ONE. But by you trying to make that the focus of this thread is fucking pathetic. That's why I am laughing at you. Now you are trying to go off topic again by saying I'm following you for TWO responses.

TBH, any moron who posts one meme a dozen times is an idiot to begin with.
With that out of the way.....

Innocent? You don't consider assault & battery a crime?

How the fuck was the guy who did the shoving "innocent".
What the hell is your problem?

Not only that, they could have deprived some poor handicapped person a place to park conveniently. And the fuckwads already admitted they do it all the time.

You're probably defending them because YOU do the same shit.
Maybe this is your Maxine Waters side coming out.

It's not a meme. How stupid do you have to be to not know the difference between an emoji/gif and a meme?
I NEVER park in a handicap spot and I HATE when others do, but fucking using that as a distraction in a thread about a guy showing that people who legally own a gun can still be a danger to society is a chicken shit move.

When I lived in Ohio, I volunteered for a Bingo Hall in Franklin, Ohio that was for handicap citizens for almost 4 years. Two nights of the week. It was called Society for Handicap Citizens.


You are barking up the wrong fucking tree.
I NEVER park in a handicap spot and I HATE when others do, but fucking using that as a distraction in a thread about a guy showing that people who legally own a gun can still be a danger to society is a chicken shit move.

When I lived in Ohio, I volunteered for a Bingo Hall in Franklin, Ohio that was for handicap citizens for almost 4 years. Two nights of the week. It was called Society for Handicap Citizens.


You are barking up the wrong fucking tree.

Was that court ordered Community Service by any chance? (I'm serious)

Then why did you attack my post DEFENDING HANDICAPPED PEOPLE?
Like I said, he probably didn't deserve to die for shoving the other man. You seemed to think it was funny.

I'm all for discussion, but when someone gets asinine and juvenile all bets are off.
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It's not a meme. How stupid do you have to be to not know the difference between an emoji/gif and a meme?

Just stop this BS if you want to be taken seriously.
I didn't feel like spelling out emoji/gif or whatever else it might be called. You KNOW what was meant.
This is showing your ass. It's not important to the discussion.
I never claimed to be infallible or that I can never make a mistake.
Is that how you see me?

I have a college education and more, but fuck knowing everything or never making ANY mistakes.
I NEVER park in a handicap spot and I HATE when others do, but fucking using that as a distraction in a thread about a guy showing that people who legally own a gun can still be a danger to society is a chicken shit move.

When I lived in Ohio, I volunteered for a Bingo Hall in Franklin, Ohio that was for handicap citizens for almost 4 years. Two nights of the week. It was called Society for Handicap Citizens.


You are barking up the wrong fucking tree.

Was that court ordered Community Service by any chance?

Then why did you attack my post DEFENDING HANDICAPPED PEOPLE?
Like I said, he probably didn't deserve to die for shoving the other man. You seemed to think it was funny.

I'm all for discussion, but when someone gets asinine and juvenile all bets are off.

Uh no? My high school friends uncle was handicapped so bad he had to stay at the home. So I decided to do it... 4 hours a night, 2 days a week. So your faked outrage over the handicap spot is pretty easy to spot as a red herring in this thread.

I've never been arrested or spent a day in jail. :abgg2q.jpg:

Sucks when people you want to hate and argue with aren't the bad people you want to make them out to be doesn't it?
From the press conference:

Question: What about this man needing to protect his family ?

Sheriff: There is no evidence of that.

Turn the lights out.
It's not a meme. How stupid do you have to be to not know the difference between an emoji/gif and a meme?

Just stop this BS if you want to be taken seriously.
I didn't feel like spelling out emoji/gif or whatever else it might be called. You KNOW what was meant.
This is shoeing your ass. It's not important to his discussion.

No, because a meme is the bullshit trolling post Trump followers like to use.

Uh no? My high school friends uncle was handicapped so bad he had to stay at the home. So I decided to do it... 4 hours a night, 2 days a week. So your faked outrage over the handicap spot is pretty easy to spot as a red herring in this thread.
I've never been arrested or spent a day in jail. :abgg2q.jpg:

Sucks when people you want to hate and argue with aren't the bad people you want to make them out to be doesn't it?

"Faked outrage?"
You have no fucking CLUE what outrages me.

If you did that voluntarily just to benefit others then that was commendable.

I don't want to hate anyone. But again, answer the question please.

Why did you laugh when I came to the defense of handicapped people? Was it just a matter of your not comprehending the context? Or were you so wrapped up in the fact that a white man shot a black man?
Uh no? My high school friends uncle was handicapped so bad he had to stay at the home. So I decided to do it... 4 hours a night, 2 days a week. So your faked outrage over the handicap spot is pretty easy to spot as a red herring in this thread.
I've never been arrested or spent a day in jail. :abgg2q.jpg:

Sucks when people you want to hate and argue with aren't the bad people you want to make them out to be doesn't it?

"Faked outrage?"
You have no fucking CLUE what outrages me.

If you did that voluntarily just to benefit others then that was commendable.

I don't want to hate anyone. But again, answer the question please.

Why did you laugh when I came to the defense of handicapped people? Was it just a matter of your not comprehending the context? Or were you so wrapped up in the fact that a white man shot a black man?

I'm not laughing at the defense of handicap people. I did answer your question. I'm laughing at the fact an innocent man was shot and killed and that's what this thread is about, YET you want to minimize and victim blame here because of parking in a handicap space. Parking in a handicap space is shitty... and a parking violation. If we start killing people for vehicle violations we might as well just put cyanide in the water system and do a big Jim Jones across the entire country.
If we start killing people for vehicle violations we might as well just put cyanide in the water system and do a big Jim Jones across the entire country.
Yes but he didnt shoot him for a parking violation. He shot him for attacking him. Get that part straight.


Been trying to tell him that since my first post. Is he that dense or what?

He apparently FLAT REFUSES to acknowledge that the man that got shot physically ATTACKED the shooter? WTF?
If we start killing people for vehicle violations we might as well just put cyanide in the water system and do a big Jim Jones across the entire country.

Yes but he didnt shoot him for a parking violation. He shot him for attacking him. Get that part straight.

Attacking him? If he had actually attacked him, he might still be alive today. Instead he pushed him down away from his wife and then backed off... at which time he got shot and killed.
Attacking him? If he had actually attacked him, he might still be alive today. Instead he pushed him down away from his wife and then backed off... at which time he got shot and killed.

Uh, it's called ASSAULT & BATTERY by it's legal definition.

You're fucked up in your thinking. Sorry to have to tell ya.

The guy who did the SHOVING is NOT INNOCENT. He became a CRIMINAL the instant he laid hands on the other person....who by the way...had NOT touched him OR his wife first.

What he COULD have legally done is asked the man to back off.

WOW. Just wow
Attacking him? If he had actually attacked him, he might still be alive today. Instead he pushed him down away from his wife and then backed off... at which time he got shot and killed.

Not what happened. The video is at the link the investigators say no evidence of threat from eye witnesses.

I posted 29 minutes of the Sheriffs own words.
Attacking him? If he had actually attacked him, he might still be alive today. Instead he pushed him down away from his wife and then backed off... at which time he got shot and killed.

Uh, it's called ASSAULT & BATTERY by it's legal definition.

You're fucked up in your thinking. Sorry to have to tell ya.

The guy who did the SHOVING is NOT INNOCENT. He became a CRIMINAL the instant he laid hands on the other person....who by the way...had NOT touched him OR his wife first.

What he COULD have legally done is asked the man to back off.

WOW. Just wow

By the definition of the SYG law, the man that shoved the shooter did not break the law. He was obviously defending the safety of his wife.

Glad to see you only think the shooter fits under that.


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