Kabul Airport suicide attacker was freed by Taliban after four years in CIA custody for New Delhi terror plot

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Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Kabul Airport suicide attacker was freed by Taliban after four years in CIA custody for New Delhi terror plot​

19 Sep 2021 ~~ By Praveen Swami
Abdul Rehman, a former engineering student with roots in Afghanistan’s Logar province and the son of a merchant who frequently visited New Delhi on business, was freed from Bagram prison on 15 August.
The Islamic State suicide bomber who killed at least 169 Afghan civilians and 13 United States soldiers outside Kabul airport last month was incarcerated in Afghanistan’s notorious Bagram prison for the past four years, thanks to Indian efforts, Firstpost has learnt through credible intelligence sources.
Senior Indian intelligence sources familiar with the case have told Firstpost that he was handed over to the United States' Central Intelligence Agency by the Research and Analysis Wing in September 2017. However, the jihadist walked free on 15 August along with thousands of other dangerous terrorists held in the high-security prison, taking advantage of the chaos that ensued in the aftermath of the United State's hurried exit and the Taliban's swift takeover of the entire country.
Identified as Abdul Rehman, the jihadist was a former student of an engineering college in India and hailed from Afghanistan’s Logar province. He was the son of an Afghan merchant who frequently visited India for business.
His arrest had led to the termination of a plot by the Islamic State of Khurasan Province (IS-K) -- the Islamic State’s regional wing in Afghanistan -- to stage suicide bombings in New Delhi and other cities across the region, probably on the behest of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI).
"America’s disorganized retreat from Afghanistan has led to hundreds of highly-competent and highly-committed terrorists being set free to rejoin the Islamic State, al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups," one officer who worked on the Abdul Rehman case said.
"Literally a decade’s work on counter-terrorism has been undone by the US' failure to secure key prisoners in Bagram," he said adding that the consequences of this failure will be "very far-reaching."

See Also:

Joey Xi Bai Dung's plan for Covid-19 will have murdered thousands before he's done with his vaccine mandates. He makes this scumbag look like an amateur by comparison. In fact, he'd like to make Stalin, Mao, and Hitler look like amateurs too when all is said and done...
"Biden and his lefty 'generals' continue to show their ignorance." By allowing how many of these sick psychotic 7th century tribal assassins on those planes they provided for these "refugees".
The TDS continues to infest this one strongly. Infantile blathering does NOT compensate for the the gross incompetence (purposeful malevolence) of the current fraudulent resident of the White House.
In addition, Blinken, Wynken and Nod have told us they will be sharing intelligence with the Taliban. This was just the warmup.

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Kabul Airport suicide attacker was freed by Taliban after four years in CIA custody for New Delhi terror plot​

19 Sep 2021 ~~ By Praveen Swami
Abdul Rehman, a former engineering student with roots in Afghanistan’s Logar province and the son of a merchant who frequently visited New Delhi on business, was freed from Bagram prison on 15 August.
The Islamic State suicide bomber who killed at least 169 Afghan civilians and 13 United States soldiers outside Kabul airport last month was incarcerated in Afghanistan’s notorious Bagram prison for the past four years, thanks to Indian efforts, Firstpost has learnt through credible intelligence sources.
Senior Indian intelligence sources familiar with the case have told Firstpost that he was handed over to the United States' Central Intelligence Agency by the Research and Analysis Wing in September 2017. However, the jihadist walked free on 15 August along with thousands of other dangerous terrorists held in the high-security prison, taking advantage of the chaos that ensued in the aftermath of the United State's hurried exit and the Taliban's swift takeover of the entire country.
Identified as Abdul Rehman, the jihadist was a former student of an engineering college in India and hailed from Afghanistan’s Logar province. He was the son of an Afghan merchant who frequently visited India for business.
His arrest had led to the termination of a plot by the Islamic State of Khurasan Province (IS-K) -- the Islamic State’s regional wing in Afghanistan -- to stage suicide bombings in New Delhi and other cities across the region, probably on the behest of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI).
"America’s disorganized retreat from Afghanistan has led to hundreds of highly-competent and highly-committed terrorists being set free to rejoin the Islamic State, al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups," one officer who worked on the Abdul Rehman case said.
"Literally a decade’s work on counter-terrorism has been undone by the US' failure to secure key prisoners in Bagram," he said adding that the consequences of this failure will be "very far-reaching."

See Also:

Joey Xi Bai Dung's plan for Covid-19 will have murdered thousands before he's done with his vaccine mandates. He makes this scumbag look like an amateur by comparison. In fact, he'd like to make Stalin, Mao, and Hitler look like amateurs too when all is said and done...
"Biden and his lefty 'generals' continue to show their ignorance." By allowing how many of these sick psychotic 7th century tribal assassins on those planes they provided for these "refugees".
The TDS continues to infest this one strongly. Infantile blathering does NOT compensate for the the gross incompetence (purposeful malevolence) of the current fraudulent resident of the White House.
In addition, Blinken, Wynken and Nod have told us they will be sharing intelligence with the Taliban. This was just the warmup.

Another TaliBiden success story!
Make you wonder why the old Trumpybear reduced our troops to a mere 2500 just days before leaving office, forcing the incoming administration to either rely heavily on the Afghan Army, or re-deploy thousand of young American soldiers to protect the withdrawing forces.

Kabul Airport suicide attacker was freed by Taliban after four years in CIA custody for New Delhi terror plot​

19 Sep 2021 ~~ By Praveen Swami
Abdul Rehman, a former engineering student with roots in Afghanistan’s Logar province and the son of a merchant who frequently visited New Delhi on business, was freed from Bagram prison on 15 August.
The Islamic State suicide bomber who killed at least 169 Afghan civilians and 13 United States soldiers outside Kabul airport last month was incarcerated in Afghanistan’s notorious Bagram prison for the past four years, thanks to Indian efforts, Firstpost has learnt through credible intelligence sources.
Senior Indian intelligence sources familiar with the case have told Firstpost that he was handed over to the United States' Central Intelligence Agency by the Research and Analysis Wing in September 2017. However, the jihadist walked free on 15 August along with thousands of other dangerous terrorists held in the high-security prison, taking advantage of the chaos that ensued in the aftermath of the United State's hurried exit and the Taliban's swift takeover of the entire country.
Identified as Abdul Rehman, the jihadist was a former student of an engineering college in India and hailed from Afghanistan’s Logar province. He was the son of an Afghan merchant who frequently visited India for business.
His arrest had led to the termination of a plot by the Islamic State of Khurasan Province (IS-K) -- the Islamic State’s regional wing in Afghanistan -- to stage suicide bombings in New Delhi and other cities across the region, probably on the behest of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI).
"America’s disorganized retreat from Afghanistan has led to hundreds of highly-competent and highly-committed terrorists being set free to rejoin the Islamic State, al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups," one officer who worked on the Abdul Rehman case said.
"Literally a decade’s work on counter-terrorism has been undone by the US' failure to secure key prisoners in Bagram," he said adding that the consequences of this failure will be "very far-reaching."

See Also:

Joey Xi Bai Dung's plan for Covid-19 will have murdered thousands before he's done with his vaccine mandates. He makes this scumbag look like an amateur by comparison. In fact, he'd like to make Stalin, Mao, and Hitler look like amateurs too when all is said and done...
"Biden and his lefty 'generals' continue to show their ignorance." By allowing how many of these sick psychotic 7th century tribal assassins on those planes they provided for these "refugees".
The TDS continues to infest this one strongly. Infantile blathering does NOT compensate for the the gross incompetence (purposeful malevolence) of the current fraudulent resident of the White House.
In addition, Blinken, Wynken and Nod have told us they will be sharing intelligence with the Taliban. This was just the warmup.

Who is Abdul Rehman Al-Loghri?(ISIS claim responsibility ...
ISIS-K’s Abdul Rehman Al-Loghri was the suicide bomber responsible for the explosion at Abbey Gate, according to ISIS. The Gate is manned by American and British troops. The explosions killed at least 72 people, including 12 US servicemen, and injured more than 140 more. Founded in 2015, ISIS-K supporters aim to establish an Islamic caliphate in Khorasan (hence the initial ‘K’), a historic region that covers Pakistan and Afghanistan along with …
Make you wonder why the old Trumpybear reduced our troops to a mere 2500 just days before leaving office, forcing the incoming administration to either rely heavily on the Afghan Army, or re-deploy thousand of young American soldiers to protect the withdrawing forces.

This happened under Biden.
Who is Abdul Rehman Al-Loghri?(ISIS claim responsibility ...
ISIS-K’s Abdul Rehman Al-Loghri was the suicide bomber responsible for the explosion at Abbey Gate, according to ISIS. The Gate is manned by American and British troops. The explosions killed at least 72 people, including 12 US servicemen, and injured more than 140 more. Founded in 2015, ISIS-K supporters aim to establish an Islamic caliphate in Khorasan (hence the initial ‘K’), a historic region that covers Pakistan and Afghanistan along with …

I guess they were founded before your TDS and funded by the Obama ransom for Beau Bergdahl.
I guess they were founded before your TDS and funded by the Obama ransom for Beau Bergdahl.

NO .. ISIS came out of Camp Bucca prison in Iraq in 2004.. ISIS in Pakistan and Afghanistan was much later.. I think towards the end of the Obama years... 2015 or so.

You do know that Taliban and ISIS are enemies.
This happened under Biden.
Not really. The President ordered the Jan 15 draw down to 2500 troops soon after the networks announced his loss to Joe Biden. Actually he flip-flopped on that because originally he ordered all the troop out by then. But the military frightfucked him into not doing the full withdrawal.
OP violates Clean Start.

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