Kamala Announces Her Brilliant Plan to Solve the Border Crisis

She want to pay migrants to stay in Mexico and plant trees.

You just can't make up this kind of incompetence.

It's supposed to come across as a novel and creative idea that addresses illegal immigration and climate change at the same time, but it's really just a dumb idea that won't work as effectively as simply building a border wall.

This administration isn't serious about curbing illegal immigration, that's clear. Mexican's aren't going to plant trees in Mexico when they can come here and get free benefits for doing nothing.

And Kamala's proposal to us US taxpayer money to start social welfare programs in other countries is just more globalism and failure to put Americans first.

It's not the border wall we need

If you want to end illegal immigration just up the level of scrutiny on employers. And increase fines so it's not worth it

Trying to secure the border is absurd. Will never happen.
We do need the border wall. It's not a one or the other. You can do both.

One is a giant waste of resources one is not

One will get results the other will not.

Can literally just dig a hole. Which the mexican cartels do constantly
The wall will get the results. But, that is a very nice try.

I find it amusing that people who have never committed a cirme in their life imagine they understand what will deter it

No border walls will not deter anyone.
I don't give a shit what you find amusing. The wall serves a purpose.

what purpose you simpleton?

Making you feel better? lol

Again you just dig a hole under it you dumb fuck

There are probably dozens of tunnels that funnel drugs and people being used as we speak.

There are dozens of tunnels you dimwitted fuck. It's a border wall. It keeps out those not using the tunnels.

Yea and if you had a proper border wall they'd just take the money they give coyotes and they'd use tunnels

They'd pay ever so slightly more

We'd pay billions to stop basically no one.
They won't "just use tunnels". It works. Get over it. Get the shit done.
She want to pay migrants to stay in Mexico and plant trees.

You just can't make up this kind of incompetence.

It's supposed to come across as a novel and creative idea that addresses illegal immigration and climate change at the same time, but it's really just a dumb idea that won't work as effectively as simply building a border wall.

This administration isn't serious about curbing illegal immigration, that's clear. Mexican's aren't going to plant trees in Mexico when they can come here and get free benefits for doing nothing.

And Kamala's proposal to us US taxpayer money to start social welfare programs in other countries is just more globalism and failure to put Americans first.

You can't make up your incompetent and false remarks, either. The tree thing did not come from Harris. Did it include migrants or Mexican farmers who I guess would hire the migrants?
She want to pay migrants to stay in Mexico and plant trees.

You just can't make up this kind of incompetence.

It's supposed to come across as a novel and creative idea that addresses illegal immigration and climate change at the same time, but it's really just a dumb idea that won't work as effectively as simply building a border wall.

This administration isn't serious about curbing illegal immigration, that's clear. Mexican's aren't going to plant trees in Mexico when they can come here and get free benefits for doing nothing.

And Kamala's proposal to us US taxpayer money to start social welfare programs in other countries is just more globalism and failure to put Americans first.

It's not the border wall we need

If you want to end illegal immigration just up the level of scrutiny on employers. And increase fines so it's not worth it

Trying to secure the border is absurd. Will never happen.
We do need the border wall. It's not a one or the other. You can do both.

One is a giant waste of resources one is not

we have no guard dog, that analogy would be shooting people. Which would work. But we won't do.

One will get results the other will not.

Can literally just dig a hole. Which the mexican cartels do constantly
The wall will get the results. But, that is a very nice try.

I find it amusing that people who have never committed a cirme in their life imagine they understand what will deter it

No border walls will not deter anyone.
Complete nonsense. As a teen I committed MANY crimes. I can tell you FIRST HAND a locked door or guard dog or a tall fence was ALWAYS a deterrent

A fence was a deterrent to a big payout? no lol
Fence with a dog? Every time. Why bother with the risk when I can walk two doors down to some morons house who left it unlocked?

The dog implies you're going to get shot by ICE, which will not happen. Your analogy is terrible

The fence is NEVER a real deterrent alone
A double fence separated by 30 yards with cameras that are monitored easily allows the patrol to capture them.
The problem with you leftists is you look for problems not solutions

So not just billions

you want hundreds of billions of dollars dumped into a fence when we could just shit on employers?

you're insane
You can't "shit" on employer's who pay cash ya moron.
you want hundreds of billions of dollars dumped into a fence when we could just shit on employers?
Not a fence. A fence is what the Democrats wanted in 2006. A wall. You had ample time to "just shit on employers" and you didn't.
She want to pay migrants to stay in Mexico and plant trees.

You just can't make up this kind of incompetence.

It's supposed to come across as a novel and creative idea that addresses illegal immigration and climate change at the same time, but it's really just a dumb idea that won't work as effectively as simply building a border wall.

This administration isn't serious about curbing illegal immigration, that's clear. Mexican's aren't going to plant trees in Mexico when they can come here and get free benefits for doing nothing.

And Kamala's proposal to us US taxpayer money to start social welfare programs in other countries is just more globalism and failure to put Americans first.

It's not the border wall we need

If you want to end illegal immigration just up the level of scrutiny on employers. And increase fines so it's not worth it

Trying to secure the border is absurd. Will never happen.
We do need the border wall. It's not a one or the other. You can do both.

One is a giant waste of resources one is not

we have no guard dog, that analogy would be shooting people. Which would work. But we won't do.

One will get results the other will not.

Can literally just dig a hole. Which the mexican cartels do constantly
The wall will get the results. But, that is a very nice try.

I find it amusing that people who have never committed a cirme in their life imagine they understand what will deter it

No border walls will not deter anyone.
Complete nonsense. As a teen I committed MANY crimes. I can tell you FIRST HAND a locked door or guard dog or a tall fence was ALWAYS a deterrent

A fence was a deterrent to a big payout? no lol
Fence with a dog? Every time. Why bother with the risk when I can walk two doors down to some morons house who left it unlocked?

The dog implies you're going to get shot by ICE, which will not happen. Your analogy is terrible

The fence is NEVER a real deterrent alone
A double fence separated by 30 yards with cameras that are monitored easily allows the patrol to capture them.
The problem with you leftists is you look for problems not solutions

So not just billions

you want hundreds of billions of dollars dumped into a fence when we could just shit on employers?

you're insane
You can't "shit" on employer's who pay cash ya moron.

Yes you can, you can fine them.

It's easy as pie.

You're paying people cash under the table? That's a fine too

We give up all sorts of liberties to run a business in this country. Yes it's infinitely easier to shit on them in commerce than it is in their private life while maintaining a relatively free society.

We got ICE agents busting into homes, we can just put them to task harassing businesses and get much better results.

Make life so bad they want to self deport
Well, that's naïve as hell.

Oh noes..........a fine.

That's how business works dude

If i'm not unlikely to eat a 25k fine, hiring illegals is no longer worth it for my little lawn mowing crew. Or if i'm going to get a 5 million dollar fine it's not worth it for my meat packing plant.

If you think this won't work you not only don't understand criminals. You don't understand your average straight laced capitalist either. As long as the fine is big enough and has a possibility to hit you. It'll affect your decisions.

The goal is for them to look at America and not see their earnings increase 10x if they make it here*. If you change that calculus you end illegal immigration. If you can't then you won't be able to end it. The change in quality of life is too big. And the other alternatives aren't on the table. Like shooting anyone who tries to come in
Well, that's naïve as hell.

Oh noes..........a fine.

That's how business works dude

If i'm likely to eat a 25k fine, hiring illegals is no longer worth it for my little lawn mowing crew

You have a lot to learn.

About what pleb?

You're some white trash who thinks a border wall matters. No doubt very poorly educated

Just fuck off and know your place.

White trash like you are exactly why we can't get this problem under control. The Chamber of Commerce sells you shit that won't change the cheap labor flowing in. They've sold you on a lie.

Pathetic *****

Go take your vaccine like Trump told you to, lol
Harris' office said in a statement that the meeting will focus on “the common goals of prosperity, good governance and addressing the root causes of migration.” It did not mention the tree-planting initiative.

López Obrador pitched his “Planting Life” program, which aims to pay farmers to plant 1 billion fruit and timber trees in Mexico, to U.S. President Joe Biden at Thursday’s climate change summit. The program has been extended to El Salvador, and Mexico wants U.S. funding to further extend it to Honduras and Guatemala.

Mexican leader to talk with Kamala Harris on migration - ABC News (go.com)
read real news!! not daily mail.
> read real news!! not daily mail.

Can't you read? This is verbatim from your link...

" Mexico’s top diplomat said the video meeting will focus on Mexico’s questioned tree-planting program. "

Since you like Leftist Democrat propaganda sites for your news, here's NewsWeek...

Ya, um this article says it is the Mexican presidents plan not Biden nor Harris plan
Well, that's naïve as hell.

Oh noes..........a fine.

That's how business works dude

If i'm likely to eat a 25k fine, hiring illegals is no longer worth it for my little lawn mowing crew

You have a lot to learn.

About what pleb?

You're some white trash who thinks a border wall matters. No doubt very poorly educated

Just fuck off and know your place.

White trash like you are exactly why we can't get this problem under control. The Chamber of Commerce sells you shit that won't change the cheap labor flowing in. They've sold you on a lie.

Pathetic *****

Go take your vaccine like Trump told you to, lol

Bitch, please. I can out dance you on my bad days.

Build the wall.
Signs like this with a wall would greatly reduce the flow illegal immigrants.

“To protect the environment, days ago, I announced that the United States will join the One Trillion Trees Initiative, an ambitious effort to bring together government and the private sector to plant new trees in America and all around the world,” he said said at his State of the Union on Tuesday night.

Since Trump first mentioned the initiative, Republican legislators have started drafting a bill to fund it and the founder of Salesforce launched a slick platform to manage the project all as part trying to position themselves as searching for climate solutions. That’s nice and all, but President Trump and Congressional Republicans’ other actions to-date show they don’t give a shit about trees or the climate crisis, really.
Trump's Vow to Help Plant a Trillion Trees Is Worse Than Stupid (gizmodo.com)
Trump was not talking about paying foreigners to plant trees in their native lands, He was talking about planting trees in the United States
>Trump was not talking about paying foreigners to plant trees in their native lands, He was talking about planting trees in the United States

Right, and it's just a deflection anyway - a failed attempt to say Trump had the idea first. We all know that Trump had effective policies that worked at the border including...

  • Building over 400 miles of new border wall
  • Cancelling catch & release
  • Forcing Mexico to help enforce the border with thousands of their own troops
  • Most importantly, sending a clear message not to come, or you will be deported.
Mexico’s US $30-million grant for El Salvador kicks off Central America plan

Money will fund a tree-planting program designed to create 20,000 jobs

Published on Friday, June 21, 2019

The federal government announced that it will provide a US $30-million grant to El Salvador for a reforestation program as part of a development plan that aims to improve economic and social conditions in Central America and slow migration to the United States.

President López Obrador and Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele signed a cooperation agreement for the program in Tapachula, Chiapas, a city just north of the border with Guatemala through which tens of thousands of migrants have passed in recent months.
US $30-million grant for El Salvador kicks off Central America plan (mexiconewsdaily.com)

by the way what did tramp run on:

Mexico will pay for the wall.
Last edited:
She want to pay migrants to stay in Mexico and plant trees.

You just can't make up this kind of incompetence.

It's supposed to come across as a novel and creative idea that addresses illegal immigration and climate change at the same time, but it's really just a dumb idea that won't work as effectively as simply building a border wall.

This administration isn't serious about curbing illegal immigration, that's clear. Mexican's aren't going to plant trees in Mexico when they can come here and get free benefits for doing nothing.

And Kamala's proposal to us US taxpayer money to start social welfare programs in other countries is just more globalism and failure to put Americans first.

It's not the border wall we need

If you want to end illegal immigration just up the level of scrutiny on employers. And increase fines so it's not worth it

Trying to secure the border is absurd. Will never happen.

Much easier to just institute proper e verify and then fine the shit out of anyone caught flaunting the rules. Any "solution" not mostly centered on punishing employers will not work.
I strongly disagree.

Firstly, large walls are quite effective. The Democrats seem to love them, but only when they are used to control American citizens (E.g., the US Capitol, their mansions).



Israel began construction of its border wall in 2002. Its effectiveness is undeniable...


Regarding your suggestion to do it with e verify, isn't that already the law? It will also do nothing to address the illegal immigrants who come here looking for benefits, not work.

She want to pay migrants to stay in Mexico and plant trees.

You just can't make up this kind of incompetence.

It's supposed to come across as a novel and creative idea that addresses illegal immigration and climate change at the same time, but it's really just a dumb idea that won't work as effectively as simply building a border wall.

This administration isn't serious about curbing illegal immigration, that's clear. Mexican's aren't going to plant trees in Mexico when they can come here and get free benefits for doing nothing.

And Kamala's proposal to us US taxpayer money to start social welfare programs in other countries is just more globalism and failure to put Americans first.

It's not the border wall we need

If you want to end illegal immigration just up the level of scrutiny on employers. And increase fines so it's not worth it

Trying to secure the border is absurd. Will never happen.
We do need the border wall. It's not a one or the other. You can do both.

One is a giant waste of resources one is not

we have no guard dog, that analogy would be shooting people. Which would work. But we won't do.

One will get results the other will not.

Can literally just dig a hole. Which the mexican cartels do constantly
The wall will get the results. But, that is a very nice try.

I find it amusing that people who have never committed a cirme in their life imagine they understand what will deter it

No border walls will not deter anyone.
Complete nonsense. As a teen I committed MANY crimes. I can tell you FIRST HAND a locked door or guard dog or a tall fence was ALWAYS a deterrent

A fence was a deterrent to a big payout? no lol
Fence with a dog? Every time. Why bother with the risk when I can walk two doors down to some morons house who left it unlocked?

The dog implies you're going to get shot by ICE, which will not happen. Your analogy is terrible

The fence is NEVER a real deterrent alone
A double fence separated by 30 yards with cameras that are monitored easily allows the patrol to capture them.
The problem with you leftists is you look for problems not solutions

So not just billions

you want hundreds of billions of dollars dumped into a fence when we could just shit on employers?

you're insane
You can't "shit" on employer's who pay cash ya moron.

Yes you can, you can fine them.

It's easy as pie.

You're paying people cash under the table? That's a fine too

We give up all sorts of liberties to run a business in this country. Yes it's infinitely easier to shit on them in commerce than it is in their private life while maintaining a relatively free society.

We got ICE agents busting into homes, we can just put them to task harassing businesses and get much better results.

Make life so bad they want to self deport
You seem to be under the delusion that MANY illegals are not content to be homeless/poor in America rather than starve to death in their home countries.
Here there are countless organizations that give money/food/shelter no strings attached
Mexico’s US $30-million grant for El Salvador kicks off Central America plan

Money will fund a tree-planting program designed to create 20,000 jobs

Published on Friday, June 21, 2019

The federal government announced that it will provide a US $30-million grant to El Salvador for a reforestation program as part of a development plan that aims to improve economic and social conditions in Central America and slow migration to the United States.

President López Obrador and Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele signed a cooperation agreement for the program in Tapachula, Chiapas, a city just north of the border with Guatemala through which tens of thousands of migrants have passed in recent months.
US $30-million grant for El Salvador kicks off Central America plan (mexiconewsdaily.com)

by the way what did tramp run on:

Mexico will pay for the wall.
20 thousand one month jobs lol.
That's a real long term solution you got there.
She want to pay migrants to stay in Mexico and plant trees.

You just can't make up this kind of incompetence.

It's supposed to come across as a novel and creative idea that addresses illegal immigration and climate change at the same time, but it's really just a dumb idea that won't work as effectively as simply building a border wall.

This administration isn't serious about curbing illegal immigration, that's clear. Mexican's aren't going to plant trees in Mexico when they can come here and get free benefits for doing nothing.

And Kamala's proposal to us US taxpayer money to start social welfare programs in other countries is just more globalism and failure to put Americans first.

It's not the border wall we need

If you want to end illegal immigration just up the level of scrutiny on employers. And increase fines so it's not worth it

Trying to secure the border is absurd. Will never happen.
We do need the border wall. It's not a one or the other. You can do both.

One is a giant waste of resources one is not

we have no guard dog, that analogy would be shooting people. Which would work. But we won't do.

One will get results the other will not.

Can literally just dig a hole. Which the mexican cartels do constantly
The wall will get the results. But, that is a very nice try.

I find it amusing that people who have never committed a cirme in their life imagine they understand what will deter it

No border walls will not deter anyone.
Complete nonsense. As a teen I committed MANY crimes. I can tell you FIRST HAND a locked door or guard dog or a tall fence was ALWAYS a deterrent

A fence was a deterrent to a big payout? no lol
Fence with a dog? Every time. Why bother with the risk when I can walk two doors down to some morons house who left it unlocked?

The dog implies you're going to get shot by ICE, which will not happen. Your analogy is terrible

The fence is NEVER a real deterrent alone
A double fence separated by 30 yards with cameras that are monitored easily allows the patrol to capture them.
The problem with you leftists is you look for problems not solutions

So not just billions

you want hundreds of billions of dollars dumped into a fence when we could just shit on employers?

you're insane
You can't "shit" on employer's who pay cash ya moron.

Yes you can, you can fine them.

It's easy as pie.

You're paying people cash under the table? That's a fine too

We give up all sorts of liberties to run a business in this country. Yes it's infinitely easier to shit on them in commerce than it is in their private life while maintaining a relatively free society.

We got ICE agents busting into homes, we can just put them to task harassing businesses and get much better results.

Make life so bad they want to self deport
You seem to be under the delusion that MANY illegals are not content to be homeless/poor in America rather than starve to death in their home countries.
Here there are countless organizations that give money/food/shelter no strings attached

Well i agree with the general idea that if you don't lower it enough it won't work.

3x their standard of living is still pretty good relative to the 8x or whatever that's projected today if you come from venezuela or whatever.

You need to drop it as low as you can get it. Which won't happen wasting money on a border wall. Combine that with a fear of deportation and eventually the vast majority will see it as a bad play. What exactly it needs to be. 1.5x plus deportation. 3x. I don't know. But I do know that the only way to change that calculus substantively is attack employers

The higher you raise the punishment to employers the less money that can be justified hiring illegals. Which will hurt their wages and hurt their projected incomes.

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