Kamala Harris 2026

With Biden's mental decline, I predict he won't make it through another term. I don't think he'll die or anything. But I do think he'll become so mentally unfit that Kamala will have to take his place in the White House.
Old Joe can't hard speak without mumbling, slurring his words or losing his train of thought. His brain works faster than his mouth. Both of them are slow, but his lips are moving at turtle speed, while his mind is moving at the speed of faster turtle.

So, I honestly think that if democrats don't really like Kamala (as you proved in the 2020 primaries), then you might wanna start pushing the DNC to open up the primaries and allow more competition. And force them to have MSNBC & CNN start talking about other candidates. So far, they almost completely ignore any competition Joe has. And it shows up in the polls.

That is unless you now like Kamala.

Kamala would be very bad, worse than Biden for illegals. There is no limit to the repopulation plans the dems have in mind for the USA. In this 2019 interview with NPR, Kamala said she is open to 60 million + asylum seekers coming into the country.

It is near the end of the 7 minute audio...

dem dick.jpg
It is you and your supposed thinking fellow Sheeple who behave like kids .

Politics is a contrived game of misinformation and lies to stop the Sheeple seeing the obvious .
You are the Gullibles -- playing the game with their rules and never winning .

Obviously you've never read many of my posts.
If there was institutional White supremacy then these so-called blacks wouldn't be allowed to run for public office. Not only do they run, but they pretend to be black.
What a goofy statement. What it means is that "White supremacy" is not as strong today as sixty years ago, Homer.
and just what was Trumps policies that hurt the US eh ?

He increased the debt ceiling twice, with no future spending cut mandates
He suspended it for 2 full years
He assaulted our 2A
He struck a deal with US, Saudi and Mexico to DECREASE oil production
He only vetoed 1 spending bill in 4 years, helping to create the $8 trillion increase in debt and helping increase inflation to over 8%.
His border policies never once addressed why they come here. So there'd be no way to stop them.
He shoved the vaccines in our faces and allowed Fauci to initiate the lock downs
He endorsed McCarthy.

Do you need more? Because I have more.

BTW, I'm not just some broken hearted liberal. I'm still a fiscal conservative who's never once cast a vote for a democrat. And never would. But be damned if I'm going to let you RINO supporting RINO's get away with destroying fiscal conservatism in this country and more than you already have.
He increased the debt ceiling twice, with no future spending cut mandates
He suspended it for 2 full years
He assaulted our 2A
He struck a deal with US, Saudi and Mexico to DECREASE oil production
He only vetoed 1 spending bill in 4 years, helping to create the $8 trillion increase in debt and helping increase inflation to over 8%.
His border policies never once addressed why they come here. So there'd be no way to stop them.
He shoved the vaccines in our faces and allowed Fauci to initiate the lock downs
He endorsed McCarthy.

Do you need more? Because I have more.

BTW, I'm not just some broken hearted liberal. I'm still a fiscal conservative who's never once cast a vote for a democrat. And never would. But be damned if I'm going to let you RINO supporting RINO's get away with destroying fiscal conservatism in this country and more than you already have.

Most prosperous period in modern American history.
What a goofy statement. What it means is that "White supremacy" is not as strong today as sixty years ago, Homer.

LMAO.. White supremacy?

You're getting that mixed up with white people sick of being called the devil. Non racist white people being called racist.
White people can't braid their hair without getting ridicules and accused of cultural appropriations.

Most prosperous period in modern American history.

Yes sir. And I don't get how in TF Trump, after all that leftist crap he shoved down our throats, is leading the GOP pack in the polls. Had Biden or Obama done those things, they'd be screaming their head off. But somehow, Trumps got them thinking that that shit was conservatism.

We just went through a debt ceiling increase. That, and a few other things got McCarthy throw out of his chair. But when Trump did it, barely a word was said.
Hell, they didn't even hold Trump accountable for endorsing McCarthy.

He's got some sort of voo doo on his supporters. They don't know their right from their left.
Not rehashing that asshole for you. Look up all previous posts if you want.
I can't decide what is more pathetic; your refusal to defend your own words or your protection from being ignored.
Biden and Harris are being controlled by some external force. Most say it's shitstain obama. Enemy democrats cannot count on someone else being so accommodating. They will hang onto these failures until the bitter end or until someone else makes a deal.
I think it started with Obama running the show, but his clowns were usurped by degenerate queers and ultra-radical leftists. Obama is an America hating idiot, but he is still politically savvy. Whoever is running the show for Biden now is just stupid at every level.
I can't decide what is more pathetic; your refusal to defend your own words or your protection from being ignored.
You have been here since 2012, so you were definitely here when I start denouncing Trump on here in 2019 through 2023. You ain't "new kid on the block". If you care, look it up yourself. I owe you nothing. If you don't like what I write, feel free to skip to the next poster on any thread. It won't bother me at all.
What a goofy statement. What it means is that "White supremacy" is not as strong today as sixty years ago, Homer.
Pitchfork Skewerables

There is only Birth-Class Supremacy, which, as Sunni Man claims about THE JEWS!!!, is never talked about. The only Whites who voted for Obama just because he was Black were graduates of our unAmerican prep schools.

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