Kamala Harris Draws Blood At Senate Hearing

We have no idea what Barr did or did not do. "
Uh, put down the crack pipe and pay attention:

HARRIS: In reaching your conclusion, did you personally review all of the underlying evidence?

BARR: No, we took ...

HARRIS: Did Mr. Rosenstein?

BARR: No. We accepted the statements in the report as factual record. We did not go underneath it to see if it was accurate, we accepted it as accurate.

HARRIS: So, you accepted the report as the evidence.

BARR: Yes.

HARRIS: You did not question or look at the underlying evidence that supports the conclusions in the report?


And had he not accepted Mueller's conclusions as factual, how would you react?
The Republican Senators destroyed the despicable, anti-American, democrat scumbags.

No just the opposite, Dems won even when out numbered.

everyone sees what they wanna see....the righties say barr looked good,the lefties think the guy looked bad.....as Spock used to say.....fascinating....

Well the right wing are trampers and barr defended tramp.

and what are the lefties?...people who are trying to usurp an election?...
The Republican Senators destroyed the despicable, anti-American, democrat scumbags.

No just the opposite, Dems won even when out numbered.

everyone sees what they wanna see....the righties say barr looked good,the lefties think the guy looked bad.....as Spock used to say.....fascinating....

Well the right wing are trampers and barr defended tramp.

Barr is defending America against the Democrats' effort to mislead them about the report.

No Barr is defending tramp.

Only in your very troubled imagination.
Looks like Barr is a fat lazy slob like his Master Trump. He had the report for how long & didn't bother to read the whole thing? Too busy stuffing his yap on cheeseburgers with his buudy Trump, led by a leash. These are the assclowns making decisions for the rest of us.

And then we have Lyin' Ted today with his usual sniveling subservience to Trump & lisping Lindsey feigning outrage. The Republican party has turned into a bunch of whining cowards afraid of a blabbering, corrupt moron in Donald Trump, Pussy Grabber In Chief. What a pathetic state of affairs.

And here you guys were whining that he was taking too long. Can you make up your mind?
Looks like Barr is a fat lazy slob like his Master Trump. He had the report for how long & didn't bother to read the whole thing? Too busy stuffing his yap on cheeseburgers with his buudy Trump, led by a leash. These are the assclowns making decisions for the rest of us.

And then we have Lyin' Ted today with his usual sniveling subservience to Trump & lisping Lindsey feigning outrage. The Republican party has turned into a bunch of whining cowards afraid of a blabbering, corrupt moron in Donald Trump, Pussy Grabber In Chief. What a pathetic state of affairs.

And here you guys were whining that he was taking too long. Can you make up your mind?
Actually it was Trump & his goons like Guiliani who bitched & pissed & moaned about Mueller taking too long. Try again.
California Sen. Kamala Harris used her time in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with Attorney General William Barr to ask a few key questions about his handling of the Mueller report. Utilizing great precision, she peppered Barr with questions and was able to get him to admit something absolutely incredible: the sitting attorney general has not personally reviewed the underlying evidence laid out in the Mueller Report.

Sen. Harris gets AG Barr to admit he never even reviewed the underlying evidence in Mueller Report

Looks like Trumps Roy Cohn doesn't read anything either.
they only blood she got was her own democrats will go pound sand
California Sen. Kamala Harris used her time in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with Attorney General William Barr to ask a few key questions about his handling of the Mueller report. Utilizing great precision, she peppered Barr with questions and was able to get him to admit something absolutely incredible: the sitting attorney general has not personally reviewed the underlying evidence laid out in the Mueller Report.

Sen. Harris gets AG Barr to admit he never even reviewed the underlying evidence in Mueller Report

Looks like Trumps Roy Cohn doesn't read anything either.
If Kamala the slut Harris asks a question you can bet she is not seeking the truth. Go Trump.
Looks like Barr is a fat lazy slob like his Master Trump. He had the report for how long & didn't bother to read the whole thing? Too busy stuffing his yap on cheeseburgers with his buudy Trump, led by a leash. These are the assclowns making decisions for the rest of us.

And then we have Lyin' Ted today with his usual sniveling subservience to Trump & lisping Lindsey feigning outrage. The Republican party has turned into a bunch of whining cowards afraid of a blabbering, corrupt moron in Donald Trump, Pussy Grabber In Chief. What a pathetic state of affairs.

And here you guys were whining that he was taking too long. Can you make up your mind?
Actually it was Trump & his goons like Guiliani who bitched & pissed & moaned about Mueller taking too long. Try again.
On the first day of the Mueller investigation, he was taking too long since there was never a legitimate basis for appointing a special counsel.

Harris says: “No prosecutor worth her salt would make a decision about whether the president of the United States was involved in obstruction of justice without viewing the evidence.”

Meantime, isn't that EXACTLY what Comey said of Hillary? And he was not even a prosecutor! And AG Lynch took his advise and decided no prosecutor in the country would prosecute Hillary despite ACTUALLY BEING FOUND GUILTY of numerous felonies!!!

I wonder if Loretta ever even viewed any evidence?
The Republican Senators destroyed the despicable, anti-American, democrat scumbags.

No just the opposite, Dems won even when out numbered.

everyone sees what they wanna see....the righties say barr looked good,the lefties think the guy looked bad.....as Spock used to say.....fascinating....

Well the right wing are trampers and barr defended tramp.

Barr is defending America against the Democrats' effort to mislead them about the report.

No, he's defending Trump, which is not his job. Barr is not Spanky Trump's attorney. Officialy, that is. Barr has taken on the role of Trump's Roy Cohn, a two bit hack doing anything to get his guilty client off the hook.

Harris says: “No prosecutor worth her salt would make a decision about whether the president of the United States was involved in obstruction of justice without viewing the evidence.”

Meantime, isn't that EXACTLY what Comey said of Hillary? And he was not even a prosecutor! And AG Lynch took his advise and decided no prosecutor in the country would prosecute Hillary despite ACTUALLY BEING FOUND GUILTY of numerous felonies!!!

I wonder if Loretta ever even viewed any evidence?

Sure she did. Her voter registration card.
The TDS folks literally do not have their own minds! Rachel "Blinky" Maddow and other TDS, broadcasters apparently occupy the contents within their skulls. :p

I just hope American patriots and militia folks do not take any action against the treasonous, unAmerican, nasty democrats. Let the real investigation that General Barr alluded to take its course so Biden and Obama finally take the stand and tell the American people what they knew about the coup attempt and when did they know it!

Harris says: “No prosecutor worth her salt would make a decision about whether the president of the United States was involved in obstruction of justice without viewing the evidence.”

Meantime, isn't that EXACTLY what Comey said of Hillary? And he was not even a prosecutor! And AG Lynch took his advise and decided no prosecutor in the country would prosecute Hillary despite ACTUALLY BEING FOUND GUILTY of numerous felonies!!!

I wonder if Loretta ever even viewed any evidence?
No, Bill told her everything she needed to know during their private conference aboard her plane.

Harris says: “No prosecutor worth her salt would make a decision about whether the president of the United States was involved in obstruction of justice without viewing the evidence.”

Meantime, isn't that EXACTLY what Comey said of Hillary? And he was not even a prosecutor! And AG Lynch took his advise and decided no prosecutor in the country would prosecute Hillary despite ACTUALLY BEING FOUND GUILTY of numerous felonies!!!

I wonder if Loretta ever even viewed any evidence?
Hillary was found guilty of numerous felonies on what planet? This should be interesting.
The TDS folks literally do not have their own minds! Rachel "Blinky" Maddow and other TDS, broadcasters apparently occupy the contents within their skulls. :p

I just hope American patriots and militia folks do not take any action against the treasonous, unAmerican, nasty democrats. Let the real investigation that General Barr alluded to take its course so Biden and Obama finally take the stand and tell the American people what they knew about the coup attempt and when did they know it!
Obama & Biden concocted a coup attempt on Trump before idiot was even elected, that how it worked, fool? When everyone thought Hillary would win? On what planet?
Mueller was concerned over the media? Lol! What Mueller is concerned about is his findings being twisted by Trump & his stooge Barr, that's what he's concerned about. Ya think Mueller documented his concerns in writing to Barr just for the hell of it? No, he put it in writing because he knows Barr is Trumps stooge & he wanted it documented in writing. Do ya think Mueller, a man of his caliber Trusts Trump or his goons to do the right thing after what he uncovered during the past 2 years? Nobody in their right mind would.
Mueller is a big boy....if he felt his report was being bastardized by Barr he could say so anytime he wants....Mueller told Barr he had no objection to his handling of the report...Mueller just didn't like it that the people are beginning to ask why it took 2 years and cost 30 million bucks....in other words Mueller looks like a partisan hack and Barr should have done the swampy thing and covered for him....but Barr is not like Mueller and Comey and Brennan and Clapper and he doesn't work for a felon like Obama....
The Republican Senators destroyed the despicable, anti-American, democrat scumbags.

No just the opposite, Dems won even when out numbered.

everyone sees what they wanna see....the righties say barr looked good,the lefties think the guy looked bad.....as Spock used to say.....fascinating....

Well the right wing are trampers and barr defended tramp.

Barr is defending America against the Democrats' effort to mislead them about the report.

No, he's defending Trump, which is not his job. Barr is not Spanky Trump's attorney. Officialy, that is. Barr has taken on the role of Trump's Roy Cohn, a two bit hack doing anything to get his guilty client off the hook.

Try to be rational about this. Mueller didn't claim anything Barr said was inaccurate and the Democrats are only upset that his handling of the report made it difficult for them to spin it to their political advantage, so Barr can only be rationally accused of defending Trump if you think the Democrats have the right to mislead the public about the report and Barr made it difficult for them to do that.
She also said that people can’t support themselves with a minimum wage job, and is supporting doubling it. She doesn’t acknowledge that high school and college kids are supposed to be working minimum wage jobs. She also didn’t suggest getting two minimum wage jobs, or obtaining higher education in order to earn more money. She’ll basically say anything to get what she wants. When she becomes president, she will change the world.

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No just the opposite, Dems won even when out numbered.
everyone sees what they wanna see....the righties say barr looked good,the lefties think the guy looked bad.....as Spock used to say.....fascinating....

Well the right wing are trampers and barr defended tramp.
Barr is defending America against the Democrats' effort to mislead them about the report.
No, he's defending Trump, which is not his job. Barr is not Spanky Trump's attorney. Officialy, that is. Barr has taken on the role of Trump's Roy Cohn, a two bit hack doing anything to get his guilty client off the hook.

Try to be rational about this. Mueller didn't claim anything Barr said was inaccurate and the Democrats are only upset that his handling of the report made it difficult for them to spin it to their political advantage, so Barr can only be rationally accused of defending Trump if you think the Democrats have the right to mislead the public about the report and Barr made it difficult for them to do that.
Awesome! Barr didn't read the full report or the underlying findings then declares his Master Trump innocent! How convenient & telling why Trump picked him for AG. His foregone conclusion of what he would do for Trump should scare the beejezus out of anyone. Sooooo, how are we to believe in the end result of any of the upcoming investigations into the FBI, DOJ or anyone else that Barr has alluded to? Anything Barr concludes in the future is now suspect due to his documented loyalty to Trump.

Be careful what ya wish for & your support of William Barr.

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