Kamala Harris Draws Blood At Senate Hearing

We have no idea what Barr did or did not do. "
Uh, put down the crack pipe and pay attention:

HARRIS: In reaching your conclusion, did you personally review all of the underlying evidence?

BARR: No, we took ...

HARRIS: Did Mr. Rosenstein?

BARR: No. We accepted the statements in the report as factual record. We did not go underneath it to see if it was accurate, we accepted it as accurate.

HARRIS: So, you accepted the report as the evidence.

BARR: Yes.

HARRIS: You did not question or look at the underlying evidence that supports the conclusions in the report?


:abgg2q.jpg: So her argument is that after two years and 30 million dollars, we can't even go by what Mueller tells us? Too funny! Then no point having him testify either! Barr might as well draw his OWN conclusions! :oops8: He did.
Bottom line is Harris didn't trust Mueller's repost and Barr did. Go figure.
I'm ashamed of the democrats today....to think that those fools are making decisions that involve our well being should scare the hell out of everyone....Barr made them look like school girls today....
Barr gave Kamala a spanking like she was back under Willie Browns deck sucking her way up the chain of command
So NOW mueller isnt good enough.
You stupid mother fuckers make me sick

According to Barr, it was a bit " snitty ", probably written by one of his staffers.

Yeah. That's it. Snit. :26:
Actually, Barr suggested that Mueller became inappropriately political in his comments on his findings about not exonerating the President since Mueller never had the legal authority to exonerate anyone. Either Mueller didn't understand what exonerate means in the legal sense or he had a grandiose vision of his role in history.
she's a DUMB racist whore--plain and simple
she is so full of HATE that she could not add 1 + 1 with the Smollet hoax
stupid racist bitch
and you praise her ????!!!!!!
If anyone ever hires Harris to defend them in court...they have a fool for an attorney....
No one would ever hire her. She was a career prosecutor.

Kamala Harris spent a lot of time and money running for senator. She filled the donkey heads with all kind of marshmallows as to what she would do as senator and how hard she would work. Harris was a senator for 16 days before she become a full time presidential candidate. Kamala Harris never was a functioning senator. Not for one day.

Well, the joke is on her, as she won't be a functioning president for even a single day either....
You have to wonder about the critical thinking skills of someone who would post such a silly, misleading OP.

Gee, Barr hasn't read every single page of the thousands of pages of the Mueller team's evidence?! Outrage! I'll bet you really good money that few, if any, of those demagogic Senators whining about this have read every page of that evidence either.
California Sen. Kamala Harris used her time in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with Attorney General William Barr to ask a few key questions about his handling of the Mueller report. Utilizing great precision, she peppered Barr with questions and was able to get him to admit something absolutely incredible: the sitting attorney general has not personally reviewed the underlying evidence laid out in the Mueller Report.

Sen. Harris gets AG Barr to admit he never even reviewed the underlying evidence in Mueller Report

Looks like Trumps Roy Cohn doesn't read anything either.
Why would he waste a half year reviewing over 2 years of evidence? Would they accept his judgement then? No. Would his testimony mean any more than it does now? No. This whole thing is theater designed to slander and impugn our great President Trump. Best President since Eisenhower
We have no idea what Barr did or did not do. "
Uh, put down the crack pipe and pay attention:

HARRIS: In reaching your conclusion, did you personally review all of the underlying evidence?

BARR: No, we took ...

HARRIS: Did Mr. Rosenstein?

BARR: No. We accepted the statements in the report as factual record. We did not go underneath it to see if it was accurate, we accepted it as accurate.

HARRIS: So, you accepted the report as the evidence.

BARR: Yes.

HARRIS: You did not question or look at the underlying evidence that supports the conclusions in the report?


:abgg2q.jpg: So her argument is that after two years and 30 million dollars, we can't even go by what Mueller tells us? Too funny! Then no point having him testify either! Barr might as well draw his OWN conclusions! :oops8: He did.
Bottom line is Harris didn't trust Mueller's repost and Barr did. Go figure.
Kinda like before the election when they lectured Trump that they hoped he would be a fair loser and accept the election results rather than dispute them.
The Mueller report they fought and fought to defend through its completion.
. . . . until they read it.
We have no idea what Barr did or did not do. "
Uh, put down the crack pipe and pay attention:

HARRIS: In reaching your conclusion, did you personally review all of the underlying evidence?

BARR: No, we took ...

HARRIS: Did Mr. Rosenstein?

BARR: No. We accepted the statements in the report as factual record. We did not go underneath it to see if it was accurate, we accepted it as accurate.

HARRIS: So, you accepted the report as the evidence.

BARR: Yes.

HARRIS: You did not question or look at the underlying evidence that supports the conclusions in the report?

So the report is worthless ?
You have to wonder about the critical thinking skills of someone who would post such a silly, misleading OP.

Gee, Barr hasn't read every single page of the thousands of pages of the Mueller team's evidence?! Outrage! I'll bet you really good money that few, if any, of those demagogic Senators whining about this have read every page of that evidence either.

This is a big GOTCHA on Barr!

The same people screaming that he wasn't moving fast enough on releasing it are now saying he didn't go through and check Mueller's spelling, as if it was somehow his job, which it wasn't.

LOL. These guys look more ridiculous every single day.
Looks like Barr is a fat lazy slob like his Master Trump. He had the report for how long & didn't bother to read the whole thing? Too busy stuffing his yap on cheeseburgers with his buudy Trump, led by a leash. These are the assclowns making decisions for the rest of us.

And then we have Lyin' Ted today with his usual sniveling subservience to Trump & lisping Lindsey feigning outrage. The Republican party has turned into a bunch of whining cowards afraid of a blabbering, corrupt moron in Donald Trump, Pussy Grabber In Chief. What a pathetic state of affairs.
These are the assclowns making decisions for the rest of us.
only 2 of them...here is were it gets scarier....some of the rest are those assclowns asking the questions......
Just a few weeks ago, Mueller's word was beyond reproach for you moonbats.
The same Mueller complaining that Barr is misleading Americans?

that Mueller?
That is a lie....Mueller was concerned over the media reporting...not anything Barr said...get it right....
Mueller was concerned over the media? Lol! What Mueller is concerned about is his findings being twisted by Trump & his stooge Barr, that's what he's concerned about. Ya think Mueller documented his concerns in writing to Barr just for the hell of it? No, he put it in writing because he knows Barr is Trumps stooge & he wanted it documented in writing. Do ya think Mueller, a man of his caliber Trusts Trump or his goons to do the right thing after what he uncovered during the past 2 years? Nobody in their right mind would.
If anyone ever hires Harris to defend them in court...they have a fool for an attorney....
No one would ever hire her. She was a career prosecutor.

Kamala Harris spent a lot of time and money running for senator. She filled the donkey heads with all kind of marshmallows as to what she would do as senator and how hard she would work. Harris was a senator for 16 days before she become a full time presidential candidate. Kamala Harris never was a functioning senator. Not for one day.

And tramp was a reality tv personality. Not even a real actor.
The Republican Senators destroyed the despicable, anti-American, democrat scumbags.

No just the opposite, Dems won even when out numbered.

everyone sees what they wanna see....the righties say barr looked good,the lefties think the guy looked bad.....as Spock used to say.....fascinating....

Well the right wing are trampers and barr defended tramp.

Barr is defending America against the Democrats' effort to mislead them about the report.
The Republican Senators destroyed the despicable, anti-American, democrat scumbags.

No just the opposite, Dems won even when out numbered.

everyone sees what they wanna see....the righties say barr looked good,the lefties think the guy looked bad.....as Spock used to say.....fascinating....

Well the right wing are trampers and barr defended tramp.

Barr is defending America against the Democrats' effort to mislead them about the report.

No Barr is defending tramp.
If anyone ever hires Harris to defend them in court...they have a fool for an attorney....
No one would ever hire her. She was a career prosecutor.

Kamala Harris spent a lot of time and money running for senator. She filled the donkey heads with all kind of marshmallows as to what she would do as senator and how hard she would work. Harris was a senator for 16 days before she become a full time presidential candidate. Kamala Harris never was a functioning senator. Not for one day.

And tramp was a reality tv personality. Not even a real actor.
and everyone knew that going in.....so?....

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