Kamala Harris Draws Blood At Senate Hearing

"Draws blood"? Is this part of the crazy left wing fantasy world these days?
California Sen. Kamala Harris used her time in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with Attorney General William Barr to ask a few key questions about his handling of the Mueller report. Utilizing great precision, she peppered Barr with questions and was able to get him to admit something absolutely incredible: the sitting attorney general has not personally reviewed the underlying evidence laid out in the Mueller Report.

Sen. Harris gets AG Barr to admit he never even reviewed the underlying evidence in Mueller Report

Looks like Trumps Roy Cohn doesn't read anything either.
Hey shitforbrains, he simply followed SOP and accepted Muller's report as gospel. What was he supposed to do, pissbaway another two years and millions of dollars to find yet again that there was never anything there.
Me thinks Barr has better plans to start investigations into avenues that are much more likely to actually find wrong doing and that is into the democratic plan at an attempted but failed coup.
Ooooh look, another coup talking point. Boy you guys really hate this Country dontcha's? A coup attempt against a second rate braindead fool such as Trump? I don't think so! Trump could fuck up a one car funeral & to think people would waste their time attempting a coup against that idiot proves that anyone who believes that talking point aren't the sharpest pencil in the desk drawer. Keep listening to the Hannity/Trump cabal & see where it gets you.
California Sen. Kamala Harris used her time in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with Attorney General William Barr to ask a few key questions about his handling of the Mueller report. Utilizing great precision, she peppered Barr with questions and was able to get him to admit something absolutely incredible: the sitting attorney general has not personally reviewed the underlying evidence laid out in the Mueller Report.

Sen. Harris gets AG Barr to admit he never even reviewed the underlying evidence in Mueller Report

Looks like Trumps Roy Cohn doesn't read anything either.
Did you read your own link?

BARR: We accepted the statements in the report as factual record. We did not go underneath it to see if it was accurate, we accepted it as accurate.​
Another Trumptard speaks

I didn't vote for Trump. In fact I posted HEAVILY against him before the election.

Not throwing a tempertantrum about him winning anyhow =/= Trumptard.

Having said that using the word Trumptard does in fact = YOU being an immature loser.

Now go scream at the sky while you wait for the hostess to seat you at your nearest safe space.

She should scare the hell out of you and yet serve as an example as to just how unethical and corrupt the legal system has become. As an attorney she is a disgrace to her profession which in fact appears to be the standard. So yes she is a whore in the sense that she can be bought and sold to the highest bidder.
She established that Barr decided not to charge Trump despite not reviewing the evidence.

Breaking news: Barr is a Trump stooge
Harris just made a fool out of herself. Period.

Barr answered their questions and he won't be appearing tomorrow. He told them to pound sand.

The dweebs on that committee don't like the Mueller report because it cleared Trump and his campaign. They are grasping at straws and pretty much paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.

Barr will start his investigation looking for the who, what, where, when and how. Should be one interesting report.

The Dems on that committee sure looked like deer caught in the headlights when Barr mentioned that investigation.
Looks like Barr is a fat lazy slob like his Master Trump. He had the report for how long & didn't bother to read the whole thing? Too busy stuffing his yap on cheeseburgers with his buudy Trump, led by a leash. These are the assclowns making decisions for the rest of us.

And then we have Lyin' Ted today with his usual sniveling subservience to Trump & lisping Lindsey feigning outrage. The Republican party has turned into a bunch of whining cowards afraid of a blabbering, corrupt moron in Donald Trump, Pussy Grabber In Chief. What a pathetic state of affairs.

And here you guys were whining that he was taking too long. Can you make up your mind?
Actually it was Trump & his goons like Guiliani who bitched & pissed & moaned about Mueller taking too long. Try again.
I was talking about Barr, but I think you knew that.
California Sen. Kamala Harris used her time in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with Attorney General William Barr to ask a few key questions about his handling of the Mueller report. Utilizing great precision, she peppered Barr with questions and was able to get him to admit something absolutely incredible: the sitting attorney general has not personally reviewed the underlying evidence laid out in the Mueller Report.

Sen. Harris gets AG Barr to admit he never even reviewed the underlying evidence in Mueller Report

Looks like Trumps Roy Cohn doesn't read anything either.
OMG. I JUST wrote those very words in another post. She drew blood.
Stupid Democrats wanted his report done as soon as he got it, yet, they wanted them to completely review a 2 year investigation in a matter of days?
Blows my mind how people can be this fucking dumb.
No shit.

It makes perfect sense when you remember the narrative. Every action must be decried, even when it meets previous demands.
California Sen. Kamala Harris used her time in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with Attorney General William Barr to ask a few key questions about his handling of the Mueller report. Utilizing great precision, she peppered Barr with questions and was able to get him to admit something absolutely incredible: the sitting attorney general has not personally reviewed the underlying evidence laid out in the Mueller Report.

Sen. Harris gets AG Barr to admit he never even reviewed the underlying evidence in Mueller Report

Looks like Trumps Roy Cohn doesn't read anything either.
OMG. I JUST wrote those very words in another post. She drew blood.
If he took the time to completely go over a 2 year investigation, it would take time. The slimy, fake dems would have his head for stalling and shit.
She didnt draw blood, she made herself look like a complete fuckin moron.
If he took the time to completely go over a 2 year investigation, it would take time.
Really? How much time? 25 days is not enough? How much then? We are lucky to have an expert here.

So now Barr cares about democrats saying mean things? And that is the basis of your defense for why he didn't review the evidence before making a decision?

And you think that sounds.... What? Valid? Smart?
California Sen. Kamala Harris used her time in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with Attorney General William Barr to ask a few key questions about his handling of the Mueller report. Utilizing great precision, she peppered Barr with questions and was able to get him to admit something absolutely incredible: the sitting attorney general has not personally reviewed the underlying evidence laid out in the Mueller Report.

Sen. Harris gets AG Barr to admit he never even reviewed the underlying evidence in Mueller Report

Looks like Trumps Roy Cohn doesn't read anything either.
OMG. I JUST wrote those very words in another post. She drew blood.
If he took the time to completely go over a 2 year investigation, it would take time. The slimy, fake dems would have his head for stalling and shit.
She didnt draw blood, she made herself look like a complete fuckin moron.
I've already gone on record this morning saying all these Senate hearings are "dog and pony shows" that waste time and accomplish nothing. But Kamala Harris had a few points she wanted to make and she did it better than anyone else I saw try it yesterday. She had Barr stammering and waffling and unsure what to say. She's brilliant like that. That's all I'm saying. I think the Dems are wasting their time on this.
Looks like Barr is a fat lazy slob like his Master Trump. He had the report for how long & didn't bother to read the whole thing? Too busy stuffing his yap on cheeseburgers with his buudy Trump, led by a leash. These are the assclowns making decisions for the rest of us.

And then we have Lyin' Ted today with his usual sniveling subservience to Trump & lisping Lindsey feigning outrage. The Republican party has turned into a bunch of whining cowards afraid of a blabbering, corrupt moron in Donald Trump, Pussy Grabber In Chief. What a pathetic state of affairs.

He read the report.
He did not look into the underlying evidence.
Why should he?
If he took the time to completely go over a 2 year investigation, it would take time.
Really? How much time? 25 days is not enough? How much then? We are lucky to have an expert here.

So now Barr cares about democrats saying mean things? And that is the basis of your defense for why he didn't review the evidence before making a decision?

And you think that sounds.... What? Valid? Smart?
Why isnt muellers word enough? It was day before yesterday.
You folks are fuckin pathetic.
Looks like Barr is a fat lazy slob like his Master Trump. He had the report for how long & didn't bother to read the whole thing? Too busy stuffing his yap on cheeseburgers with his buudy Trump, led by a leash. These are the assclowns making decisions for the rest of us.

And then we have Lyin' Ted today with his usual sniveling subservience to Trump & lisping Lindsey feigning outrage. The Republican party has turned into a bunch of whining cowards afraid of a blabbering, corrupt moron in Donald Trump, Pussy Grabber In Chief. What a pathetic state of affairs.

He read the report.
He did not look into the underlying evidence.
Why should he?
Investigate the investigator! Lol this thread has to be a dang joke and all these leftists are just playing around

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