Kamala Harris Goes Full Commie, Threatens To ‘Snatch’ Drug Companies Patents

Patents are not private property. Patents would not exist if not for the government granting and issuing them. A patent is the government giving you protection against theft of your marketable ideas. American taxpayers pay for the patent office to issue and enforce your patents.

American patent holders have the strongest legal protections in the world, which is why drug companies and others file their patents in the USA and not their home countries. These patent rights will be protected and upheld by American courts and the American judicial system, which is also paid for by the American taxpayers.

So if American taxpayers are paying for the system which provides you with patent protection, and the judicial system which protects those patents for you, I think that they have the right to pull your patent protections if you have a life saving drug which costs $40 a dose to produce that you are selling to taxpayer funded hospitals, police departments and other public institutions for $4,000 a dose.

You bunch of dumb asses. Drug prices are cheap in other countries because America subsidizes the upfront cost of developing/testing new drugs. We do this because we are the only country wealthy enough to do it. So go ahead you stupid morons wipe out the drug companies then the poor in other countries will DIE because they can't afford the medications.

God you people are stupid. Avoid voting or operating an ice maker okay.

No they're not. Most of the drugs are being developed in Germany, Japan, and Europe and patented in the US. The development costs are being subsidized by their home governments. Only 36% of new drug patents are granted to American based companies. Americans buy 40% of all prescription drugs so that figure is in line with consumption.

US Pharmaceutical Innovation in an International Context

Before calling somone stupid, it might behove you to fact check before proving to the rest of us that you're a useless twat who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Insulin is a drug that is double the price in the USA to what it is in Canada. The patent for insulin was granted to Dr. Frederick Banting - a Canadian. The R&D was paid for by Banting and Best, in Canada. Banting donated the patent to the world. All of the R&D costs were paid in Canada
Move to Canada

I don't have to. I've lived here all of my life. I also don't have diabetes, but I have family and friends on both sides of the border who do and I know the costs.
Patents are not private property. Patents would not exist if not for the government granting and issuing them. A patent is the government giving you protection against theft of your marketable ideas. American taxpayers pay for the patent office to issue and enforce your patents.

American patent holders have the strongest legal protections in the world, which is why drug companies and others file their patents in the USA and not their home countries. These patent rights will be protected and upheld by American courts and the American judicial system, which is also paid for by the American taxpayers.

So if American taxpayers are paying for the system which provides you with patent protection, and the judicial system which protects those patents for you, I think that they have the right to pull your patent protections if you have a life saving drug which costs $40 a dose to produce that you are selling to taxpayer funded hospitals, police departments and other public institutions for $4,000 a dose.

You bunch of dumb asses. Drug prices are cheap in other countries because America subsidizes the upfront cost of developing/testing new drugs. We do this because we are the only country wealthy enough to do it. So go ahead you stupid morons wipe out the drug companies then the poor in other countries will DIE because they can't afford the medications.

God you people are stupid. Avoid voting or operating an ice maker okay.

No they're not. Most of the drugs are being developed in Germany, Japan, and Europe and patented in the US. The development costs are being subsidized by their home governments. Only 36% of new drug patents are granted to American based companies. Americans buy 40% of all prescription drugs so that figure is in line with consumption.

US Pharmaceutical Innovation in an International Context

Before calling somone stupid, it might behove you to fact check before proving to the rest of us that you're a useless twat who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Insulin is a drug that is double the price in the USA to what it is in Canada. The patent for insulin was granted to Dr. Frederick Banting - a Canadian. The R&D was paid for by Banting and Best, in Canada. Banting donated the patent to the world. All of the R&D costs were paid in Canada
Move to Canada

I don't have to. I've lived here all of my life. I also don't have diabetes, but I have family and friends on both sides of the border who do and I know the costs.
Well then, tell us why we should give a fuck what you think about American politics.
Patents are not private property. Patents would not exist if not for the government granting and issuing them. A patent is the government giving you protection against theft of your marketable ideas. American taxpayers pay for the patent office to issue and enforce your patents.

American patent holders have the strongest legal protections in the world, which is why drug companies and others file their patents in the USA and not their home countries. These patent rights will be protected and upheld by American courts and the American judicial system, which is also paid for by the American taxpayers.

So if American taxpayers are paying for the system which provides you with patent protection, and the judicial system which protects those patents for you, I think that they have the right to pull your patent protections if you have a life saving drug which costs $40 a dose to produce that you are selling to taxpayer funded hospitals, police departments and other public institutions for $4,000 a dose.

You bunch of dumb asses. Drug prices are cheap in other countries because America subsidizes the upfront cost of developing/testing new drugs. We do this because we are the only country wealthy enough to do it. So go ahead you stupid morons wipe out the drug companies then the poor in other countries will DIE because they can't afford the medications.

God you people are stupid. Avoid voting or operating an ice maker okay.

No they're not. Most of the drugs are being developed in Germany, Japan, and Europe and patented in the US. The development costs are being subsidized by their home governments. Only 36% of new drug patents are granted to American based companies. Americans buy 40% of all prescription drugs so that figure is in line with consumption.

US Pharmaceutical Innovation in an International Context

Before calling somone stupid, it might behove you to fact check before proving to the rest of us that you're a useless twat who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Insulin is a drug that is double the price in the USA to what it is in Canada. The patent for insulin was granted to Dr. Frederick Banting - a Canadian. The R&D was paid for by Banting and Best, in Canada. Banting donated the patent to the world. All of the R&D costs were paid in Canada
Move to Canada

Where people die waiting for a doctors appt.
Patents are not private property. Patents would not exist if not for the government granting and issuing them. A patent is the government giving you protection against theft of your marketable ideas. American taxpayers pay for the patent office to issue and enforce your patents.

American patent holders have the strongest legal protections in the world, which is why drug companies and others file their patents in the USA and not their home countries. These patent rights will be protected and upheld by American courts and the American judicial system, which is also paid for by the American taxpayers.

So if American taxpayers are paying for the system which provides you with patent protection, and the judicial system which protects those patents for you, I think that they have the right to pull your patent protections if you have a life saving drug which costs $40 a dose to produce that you are selling to taxpayer funded hospitals, police departments and other public institutions for $4,000 a dose.

You bunch of dumb asses. Drug prices are cheap in other countries because America subsidizes the upfront cost of developing/testing new drugs. We do this because we are the only country wealthy enough to do it. So go ahead you stupid morons wipe out the drug companies then the poor in other countries will DIE because they can't afford the medications.

God you people are stupid. Avoid voting or operating an ice maker okay.

No they're not. Most of the drugs are being developed in Germany, Japan, and Europe and patented in the US. The development costs are being subsidized by their home governments. Only 36% of new drug patents are granted to American based companies. Americans buy 40% of all prescription drugs so that figure is in line with consumption.

US Pharmaceutical Innovation in an International Context

Before calling somone stupid, it might behove you to fact check before proving to the rest of us that you're a useless twat who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Insulin is a drug that is double the price in the USA to what it is in Canada. The patent for insulin was granted to Dr. Frederick Banting - a Canadian. The R&D was paid for by Banting and Best, in Canada. Banting donated the patent to the world. All of the R&D costs were paid in Canada
Move to Canada

I don't have to. I've lived here all of my life. I also don't have diabetes, but I have family and friends on both sides of the border who do and I know the costs.
If the Canadian system is so good, why does your Canadian Premier come to the USA for heart surgery?

Canadian Premier to come U.S. for heart surgery
Patents are not private property. Patents would not exist if not for the government granting and issuing them. A patent is the government giving you protection against theft of your marketable ideas. American taxpayers pay for the patent office to issue and enforce your patents.

American patent holders have the strongest legal protections in the world, which is why drug companies and others file their patents in the USA and not their home countries. These patent rights will be protected and upheld by American courts and the American judicial system, which is also paid for by the American taxpayers.

So if American taxpayers are paying for the system which provides you with patent protection, and the judicial system which protects those patents for you, I think that they have the right to pull your patent protections if you have a life saving drug which costs $40 a dose to produce that you are selling to taxpayer funded hospitals, police departments and other public institutions for $4,000 a dose.

You bunch of dumb asses. Drug prices are cheap in other countries because America subsidizes the upfront cost of developing/testing new drugs. We do this because we are the only country wealthy enough to do it. So go ahead you stupid morons wipe out the drug companies then the poor in other countries will DIE because they can't afford the medications.

God you people are stupid. Avoid voting or operating an ice maker okay.

No they're not. Most of the drugs are being developed in Germany, Japan, and Europe and patented in the US. The development costs are being subsidized by their home governments. Only 36% of new drug patents are granted to American based companies. Americans buy 40% of all prescription drugs so that figure is in line with consumption.

US Pharmaceutical Innovation in an International Context

Before calling somone stupid, it might behove you to fact check before proving to the rest of us that you're a useless twat who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Insulin is a drug that is double the price in the USA to what it is in Canada. The patent for insulin was granted to Dr. Frederick Banting - a Canadian. The R&D was paid for by Banting and Best, in Canada. Banting donated the patent to the world. All of the R&D costs were paid in Canada
Move to Canada

I don't have to. I've lived here all of my life. I also don't have diabetes, but I have family and friends on both sides of the border who do and I know the costs.
Well then, tell us why we should give a fuck what you think about American politics.

Canada should shut it or we'll invade and take over their country. Probably only take a couple of days.
Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris on if drug companies do not comply with her mandatory set drug prices: “I will snatch their patent so that we will take over”

Audience asks: “can we do that?”

“Yes, we can do that! Yes, we can do that! ... I have the will to do it”


Nothing restores our sacred norms quite like the government seizing private property.
Blatant violation of the Constitution. Both patents and private property are explicitly mentioned in the Constitution.

Americans invented patent law, and while letters patent had been around since the 14th century in Europe, there was no effective system of enforcement or laws offering strict protections.

I just love how you keep saying that the government has to keep their hands off people's patent's because all of the rights and privileges of ownership and exclusivity, and the enforcement of those rights, comes directly from the government intervention to stop other business people to take your ideas and do their own version of them in competition with you.

All of you true believers in unfettered free market economics best remember that in a free market, there is no patent protection. If somebody takes your idea and does it cheaper or better, and you lose, well that's how a "free" market really works. And you small government types - ditto. Without the patent office, the judicial system, all funded by taxpayers, there are no intellectual property protections.

This is why corporations and the wealthy need to pay their fair share. The protections and infrastructure which underpins American and supports American businesses is large and expensive to maintain. The American military bases you rail about are there not to protect your allies, but to protect the property owned by American businesses in foreign countries.

Americans are in Saudi Arabia because American petroleum corporations own refineries, and extensive properties there. Ditto Japan, Europe and the Philippines.The USA has never intervened in foreign politics absent any large American corporate investment in that immediate region. Trump moved the troops in Syria from protecting the Kurds, to protecting the oil. Nobody got to come home.
Patents are not private property. Patents would not exist if not for the government granting and issuing them. A patent is the government giving you protection against theft of your marketable ideas. American taxpayers pay for the patent office to issue and enforce your patents.

American patent holders have the strongest legal protections in the world, which is why drug companies and others file their patents in the USA and not their home countries. These patent rights will be protected and upheld by American courts and the American judicial system, which is also paid for by the American taxpayers.

So if American taxpayers are paying for the system which provides you with patent protection, and the judicial system which protects those patents for you, I think that they have the right to pull your patent protections if you have a life saving drug which costs $40 a dose to produce that you are selling to taxpayer funded hospitals, police departments and other public institutions for $4,000 a dose.

You bunch of dumb asses. Drug prices are cheap in other countries because America subsidizes the upfront cost of developing/testing new drugs. We do this because we are the only country wealthy enough to do it. So go ahead you stupid morons wipe out the drug companies then the poor in other countries will DIE because they can't afford the medications.

God you people are stupid. Avoid voting or operating an ice maker okay.

No they're not. Most of the drugs are being developed in Germany, Japan, and Europe and patented in the US. The development costs are being subsidized by their home governments. Only 36% of new drug patents are granted to American based companies. Americans buy 40% of all prescription drugs so that figure is in line with consumption.

US Pharmaceutical Innovation in an International Context

Before calling somone stupid, it might behove you to fact check before proving to the rest of us that you're a useless twat who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Insulin is a drug that is double the price in the USA to what it is in Canada. The patent for insulin was granted to Dr. Frederick Banting - a Canadian. The R&D was paid for by Banting and Best, in Canada. Banting donated the patent to the world. All of the R&D costs were paid in Canada
Move to Canada

I don't have to. I've lived here all of my life. I also don't have diabetes, but I have family and friends on both sides of the border who do and I know the costs.
If the Canadian system is so good, why does your Canadian Premier come to the USA for heart surgery?

Canadian Premier to come U.S. for heart surgery

This really was a huge scandal in Canada

He said that if he had had the surgery at home, he would have been accused of "jumping the line", because his was an urgent case and he would have had zero wait time, at a time when wait times were at crisis points. People would have claimed he didn't have to wait because he was rich and important. And he's right. They would have said that.

We have a "triage" system here. The Premier was sick enough that he needed to have the surgery yesterday. There would be no wait at all. So he opted to go to the USA and pay for it out of his own pocket. No one could claim abuse of power when he had heart surgery, even though he knew that he would be slammed for running from care in Canada.

He felt that being accused of snubbing Canadian health care was the lesser of two evils.

ETA: I used to have life threatening asthma. I went to hospital in extreme breathing distress once or twice a week in summer during those years. When the nurses saw me come in the door, they would take me immediately and leave everyone else in the waiting room who had been sitting there for hours. My husband completed my admitting papers. I couldn't talk anyway. If you can't breathe, you can't talk either..

If you have to wait - it's a good thing. It means you're not going to die. Triage.
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You bunch of dumb asses. Drug prices are cheap in other countries because America subsidizes the upfront cost of developing/testing new drugs. We do this because we are the only country wealthy enough to do it. So go ahead you stupid morons wipe out the drug companies then the poor in other countries will DIE because they can't afford the medications.

God you people are stupid. Avoid voting or operating an ice maker okay.

No they're not. Most of the drugs are being developed in Germany, Japan, and Europe and patented in the US. The development costs are being subsidized by their home governments. Only 36% of new drug patents are granted to American based companies. Americans buy 40% of all prescription drugs so that figure is in line with consumption.

US Pharmaceutical Innovation in an International Context

Before calling somone stupid, it might behove you to fact check before proving to the rest of us that you're a useless twat who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Insulin is a drug that is double the price in the USA to what it is in Canada. The patent for insulin was granted to Dr. Frederick Banting - a Canadian. The R&D was paid for by Banting and Best, in Canada. Banting donated the patent to the world. All of the R&D costs were paid in Canada
Move to Canada

I don't have to. I've lived here all of my life. I also don't have diabetes, but I have family and friends on both sides of the border who do and I know the costs.
If the Canadian system is so good, why does your Canadian Premier come to the USA for heart surgery?

Canadian Premier to come U.S. for heart surgery

This really was a huge scandal in Canada

He said that if he had had the surgery at home, he would have been accused of "jumping the line", because his was an urgent case and he would have had zero wait time, at a time when wait times were at crisis points. People would have claimed he didn't have to wait because he was rich and important. And he's right. They would have said that.

We have a "triage" system here. The Premier was sick enough that he needed to have the surgery yesterday. There would be no wait at all. So he opted to go to the USA and pay for it out of his own pocket. No one could claim abuse of power when he had heart surgery, even though he knew that he would be slammed for running from care in Canada.

He felt that being accused of snubbing Canadian health care was the lesser of two evils.

ETA: I used to have life threatening asthma. I went to hospital in extreme breathing distress once or twice a week in summer during those years. When the nurses saw me come in the door, they would take me immediately and leave everyone else in the waiting room who had been sitting there for hours. My husband completed my admitting papers. I couldn't talk anyway. If you can't breathe, you can't talk either..

If you have to wait - it's a good thing. It means you're not going to die. Triage.

So to translate: You stupid plebes need to suck it up and die with this horrid healthcare that we've offered you but not us, the ones who gave you this horrid crap.
as i read about all the different candidates, one thought grips me: Kamala does not belong among them. she's horrible and must drop out

i'm still fightin for Beto though, even though he dropped out too! BETO 2024!
We have used our laws to protect drug companies. More than any other country.

To repay us, drug companies have escalated drug prices and held patients and insurance companies hostage

Why again does insulin, a drug available for a hundred years, suddenly cost three times as much?
Don't you folks realize you're all the pharmacabals b*tch if you get sick?


Notice how the libs go all out commie when their campaign starts to crash and burn. This is who they really are.
Well, it never was going to be much of a chance of success, Not enough time to blow that many potential voters
Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris on if drug companies do not comply with her mandatory set drug prices: “I will snatch their patent so that we will take over”

Audience asks: “can we do that?”

“Yes, we can do that! Yes, we can do that! ... I have the will to do it”


Nothing restores our sacred norms quite like the government seizing private property.

Patents are not private property. Patents would not exist if not for the government granting and issuing them. A patent is the government giving you protection against theft of your marketable ideas. American taxpayers pay for the patent office to issue and enforce your patents.

American patent holders have the strongest legal protections in the world, which is why drug companies and others file their patents in the USA and not their home countries. These patent rights will be protected and upheld by American courts and the American judicial system, which is also paid for by the American taxpayers.

So if American taxpayers are paying for the system which provides you with patent protection, and the judicial system which protects those patents for you, I think that they have the right to pull your patent protections if you have a life saving drug which costs $40 a dose to produce that you are selling to taxpayer funded hospitals, police departments and other public institutions for $4,000 a dose.
Ignoramus, the Patent office only issues patents, it does zero enforcement. That’s the job of civil courts. And thanks for confirming Commies like you do love the idea of stealing private property.
No they're not. Most of the drugs are being developed in Germany, Japan, and Europe and patented in the US. The development costs are being subsidized by their home governments. Only 36% of new drug patents are granted to American based companies. Americans buy 40% of all prescription drugs so that figure is in line with consumption.

US Pharmaceutical Innovation in an International Context

Before calling somone stupid, it might behove you to fact check before proving to the rest of us that you're a useless twat who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Insulin is a drug that is double the price in the USA to what it is in Canada. The patent for insulin was granted to Dr. Frederick Banting - a Canadian. The R&D was paid for by Banting and Best, in Canada. Banting donated the patent to the world. All of the R&D costs were paid in Canada
Move to Canada

I don't have to. I've lived here all of my life. I also don't have diabetes, but I have family and friends on both sides of the border who do and I know the costs.
If the Canadian system is so good, why does your Canadian Premier come to the USA for heart surgery?

Canadian Premier to come U.S. for heart surgery

This really was a huge scandal in Canada

He said that if he had had the surgery at home, he would have been accused of "jumping the line", because his was an urgent case and he would have had zero wait time, at a time when wait times were at crisis points. People would have claimed he didn't have to wait because he was rich and important. And he's right. They would have said that.

We have a "triage" system here. The Premier was sick enough that he needed to have the surgery yesterday. There would be no wait at all. So he opted to go to the USA and pay for it out of his own pocket. No one could claim abuse of power when he had heart surgery, even though he knew that he would be slammed for running from care in Canada.

He felt that being accused of snubbing Canadian health care was the lesser of two evils.

ETA: I used to have life threatening asthma. I went to hospital in extreme breathing distress once or twice a week in summer during those years. When the nurses saw me come in the door, they would take me immediately and leave everyone else in the waiting room who had been sitting there for hours. My husband completed my admitting papers. I couldn't talk anyway. If you can't breathe, you can't talk either..

If you have to wait - it's a good thing. It means you're not going to die. Triage.

So to translate: You stupid plebes need to suck it up and die with this horrid healthcare that we've offered you but not us, the ones who gave you this horrid crap.

You didn't give Canadians ANYTHING. We built our own healthcare system which has better outcomes, longer life expectancy, and universal coverage. No system is perfect, but our system isn't for sale. I'm constantly being told how nobody is going to Germany or Canada or France for their health care, but people come from all over the world for American treatment. That's because you can't go to France or Germany or Canada for treatment. Our taxpayer funded hospitals are not allowed to sell their services to non- citizens. Lot of Americans used to sneak across the border for "free" health care in Canada, but photo ID health cards put an end to that.
Move to Canada

I don't have to. I've lived here all of my life. I also don't have diabetes, but I have family and friends on both sides of the border who do and I know the costs.
If the Canadian system is so good, why does your Canadian Premier come to the USA for heart surgery?

Canadian Premier to come U.S. for heart surgery

This really was a huge scandal in Canada

He said that if he had had the surgery at home, he would have been accused of "jumping the line", because his was an urgent case and he would have had zero wait time, at a time when wait times were at crisis points. People would have claimed he didn't have to wait because he was rich and important. And he's right. They would have said that.

We have a "triage" system here. The Premier was sick enough that he needed to have the surgery yesterday. There would be no wait at all. So he opted to go to the USA and pay for it out of his own pocket. No one could claim abuse of power when he had heart surgery, even though he knew that he would be slammed for running from care in Canada.

He felt that being accused of snubbing Canadian health care was the lesser of two evils.

ETA: I used to have life threatening asthma. I went to hospital in extreme breathing distress once or twice a week in summer during those years. When the nurses saw me come in the door, they would take me immediately and leave everyone else in the waiting room who had been sitting there for hours. My husband completed my admitting papers. I couldn't talk anyway. If you can't breathe, you can't talk either..

If you have to wait - it's a good thing. It means you're not going to die. Triage.

So to translate: You stupid plebes need to suck it up and die with this horrid healthcare that we've offered you but not us, the ones who gave you this horrid crap.

You didn't give Canadians ANYTHING. We built our own healthcare system which has better outcomes, longer life expectancy, and universal coverage. No system is perfect, but our system isn't for sale. I'm constantly being told how nobody is going to Germany or Canada or France for their health care, but people come from all over the world for American treatment. That's because you can't go to France or Germany or Canada for treatment. Our taxpayer funded hospitals are not allowed to sell their services to non- citizens. Lot of Americans used to sneak across the border for "free" health care in Canada, but photo ID health cards put an end to that.
Is that why Canadians come to America for medical treatment and Americans avoid going to Canada?

2 years to wait in excruciating pain for a hip replacement is the pinnacle of government ‘caring’!!!
We have used our laws to protect drug companies. More than any other country.

To repay us, drug companies have escalated drug prices and held patients and insurance companies hostage

Why again does insulin, a drug available for a hundred years, suddenly cost three times as much?
If you believe insulin was cheaper 100 years ago, you are incredibly naive. Prior to the age of genetic engineering, the only way to get insulin was to refine it from the pancreases of horses. It takes a lot of horses to make one vial of insulin. Idiots like you whine about the price of drugs, but the ones that were around prior to genetic engineering are a small fraction of the price now. Many other life saving drugs didn't even exist then.

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