Kamala Harris Hopes You'll Forget Her Record as a Drug Warrior & Draconian Prosecutor


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2018

If she gets elected...let's hope what she does what she promises now - rather then what she (apparently) used to do (in the legal field).

These are not the most important things to me (which are balanced budgets, bring the troops home, ending the Fed's 'full employment' mandate. etc.).

But I don't like candidates that do one thing but then - later - promise something else just to get votes (though almost every politician seems to do it).
She is your typical politician. Corrupt, owned by the .01%, very slick, and a good liar.

I find it strange that these traits are so common in our political class.

Oh well the MSM loves her, so she will dupe millions.
With all the hatred for whites I see expressed here there and in the political world I would be hard pressed to vote for a black person! When and if they ever get over that cop hating while supremicist bs I will re consider! And I would never vote for a socialist tax hiking green energy climate change scammer either!
She is your typical politician. Corrupt, owned by the .01%, very slick, and a good liar.

I find it strange that these traits are so common in our political class.

Oh well the MSM loves her, so she will dupe millions.
All you have to do is revisit her behavior in the Kavanaugh hearings to know exactly who she is!
She is your typical politician. Corrupt, owned by the .01%, very slick, and a good liar.

I find it strange that these traits are so common in our political class.

Oh well the MSM loves her, so she will dupe millions.
All you have to do is revisit her behavior in the Kavanaugh hearings to know exactly who she is!
Thing is many D voters find her behavior in those hearings, entirely appropriate.
She is your typical politician. Corrupt, owned by the .01%, very slick, and a good liar.

I find it strange that these traits are so common in our political class.

Oh well the MSM loves her, so she will dupe millions.
All you have to do is revisit her behavior in the Kavanaugh hearings to know exactly who she is!
Thanks, Willow Tree. I think the Kavanaugh hearings were the lamest political smearing campaign leveled against an innocent American man for the egregious lies that were presented as a heart-wrenching truth by sick people in a sick party that puts itself ahead of the truth, which is what the justice department is supposed to be about finding.

If her putting her career on the line in order to garner national attention, It is only the unfavorable attention she will get for engaging in a conspiracy against a man and his family of a wife and innocent children who were entirely disengaged from the false witness that Christine Blasey Ford proved to be, the unwarranted use of confused Democrat hate to get rid of a man who might make America right again, and the lame attempt to use the Kavanaugh choice as a weapon against President Donald Trump.

They had full force of the lying, bullshitting leftist lockstep media behind them, and it failed, because the American people caught on shortly after this miserable pus follicle exploded right back in the faces of the Senators and Representatives who believed that nobody would guess the Ford woman was lying the most incriminatingly convincing lie ever foisted on the American public.

And Kamala Harris was at the center of this shameful spectacle politically directed at decimating the Republican Party, American conservativism, Republican President Donald Trump, and a very innocent Juris Doctor, Brett Kavanaugh, now Supreme Court Justice, thanks to the people of America when they realized, like Senator Lindsay Graham, that they had been super-duped.
She is your typical politician. Corrupt, owned by the .01%, very slick, and a good liar.

I find it strange that these traits are so common in our political class.

Oh well the MSM loves her, so she will dupe millions.
All you have to do is revisit her behavior in the Kavanaugh hearings to know exactly who she is!
Thing is many D voters find her behavior in those hearings, entirely appropriate.
That's because their college professors and attitude in general brainwashed them into thinking if an egregious charge is leveled even in the largest power-play schema in American history, there must be some truth in the compelling lies Christine Blasey Ford was spewing in her greatly-rehearsed load of human hubris to get power for her political allies. The big mistake of those people was realizing that not only is a false witness a bad idea, it's pushing the envelope on criminal behavior ruling in America.


If she gets elected...let's hope what she does what she promises now - rather then what she (apparently) used to do (in the legal field).

These are not the most important things to me (which are balanced budgets, bring the troops home, ending the Fed's 'full employment' mandate. etc.).

But I don't like candidates that do one thing but then - later - promise something else just to get votes (though almost every politician seems to do it).

McRocket, don't foist a liar on the American public, please..
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How could BLM and #MeToo stomach Harris? She was an ardent prosecutor and she slept her way to the top!

Pretending to care about women is central to the Democrat Party, so I think they will pick a woman. But who?

Gillibrand is Wall Street's candidate. Warren is an awkward phony and a joke.
As someone who isn't likely to vote for Trump, I just don't care for her. Another partisan hack; like we need more of those around. Booker is the same way. Such a phony.

If she gets elected...let's hope what she does what she promises now - rather then what she (apparently) used to do (in the legal field).

These are not the most important things to me (which are balanced budgets, bring the troops home, ending the Fed's 'full employment' mandate. etc.).

But I don't like candidates that do one thing but then - later - promise something else just to get votes (though almost every politician seems to do it).

Harris is just the 'Flavor of the Day'...it's a LONG time until the Democratic Convention.

If she gets elected...let's hope what she does what she promises now - rather then what she (apparently) used to do (in the legal field).

These are not the most important things to me (which are balanced budgets, bring the troops home, ending the Fed's 'full employment' mandate. etc.).

But I don't like candidates that do one thing but then - later - promise something else just to get votes (though almost every politician seems to do it).

The dem clown car is a freakfest of epic proportions. She's in there with them.

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