Kamala Harris "Hurricane relief will be based on equity and given to communties of color"

400 years of oppression is not a racist corner. It's a matter of factual history. Get a clue.
You act like the last 400 years were a dream for anyone. The US isn’t even that old. You aren’t that old. Your failures don’t matter to me. You had an equal chance.
You act like the last 400 years were a dream for anyone. The US isn’t even that old. You aren’t that old. Your failures don’t matter to me. You had an equal chance.
I did, that's true, blacks did not. And they still do not.
So, the more you post, the more we realize what a racist you are.

What you do when a racist liberal extremist troll calls you a 'racist' in defense of his racist political masters:

laughing hilariously.jpg
Funny, I don't hear anything about "whites come last".

These people are conditioned to just make up their own paranoid fantasies on the fly and post them for each other on the internet.

Then the lies spread like wildfire.
She said that people of color come first

VP Harris says to focus hurricane rescue funds to blacks….whites come last​

Are you stupid? Where did Harris say whites come last?

You said it in an earlier post. We need to focus the money on communities of color. It’s what she said. It’s what you repeated. And it’s racist as hell.
She is simply stating not to leave those people out of the loop.
Trying to spin that because you and someone else doesn't like her seems to be nothing but a personal issue.
You'd never don't that to Trump.
You said it in an earlier post. We need to focus the money on communities of color. It’s what she said. It’s what you repeated. And it’s racist as hell.
AND LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES. What part of that can you not read, and hear from Harris? Are you that fucking stupid?
Is there anything these racists won’t view through the prism of race? Here, Harris says that low-income communities of color are most impacted by the hurricane so funds should be prioritized there for ”equity.” I saw a LOT of seemingly poor whites on TV today who have suffered horrific losses, but I guess they can wait. Wrong color. Why not just say low-income people have been most impacted? Why interject color into everything?

What I wonder is how all these journalists stand around in the room listening to that crap without speaking up saying something?
How about put 'those in most need' first...

How about helping everyone - if Biden can.pull $400 Billion to Un-Constitutionally pay off student loanheouy of hia arse he can put everyone in a new house / new car / etc...

I did, that's true, blacks did not. And they still do not.
What the hell do you think you need? You’ve never lived through slavery, or Jim Crow, your entire life has given you opportunities through quotas and special programs to help you. What the fuck did you do wrong?

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