Kamala Harris "Hurricane relief will be based on equity and given to communties of color"

Sure fire way to launder money.....Give it to blacks....Well what they don't steal first.
Unfair characterization by labeling black's in this way, otherwise as if their skin color has anything to do with their group's action's or activities as to be based upon their color somehow.

Cultural trend's, brainwashing, low education, bad home life, single parent household's, and a multitude of issues are reeking havoc among citizen's that which their color's range anywhere from black to white etc these days.

Now in every situation there are group's that might make up a certain color, but that doesn't mean that the same color outside of the group or everyone in the group, should be thrown in to the same pot if they weren't involved in anything. Just my opinion is all.
She said POC come first. That only leaves Whites to come last unless you know about some race that isn’t either “colored” or white. As far as I know POC is a synonym for minority.
Are you hearing impaired;
Republicans should invest all their time fixing their lies. Kamala alone can destroy them on that, all by her lonesome.
Like Tulsi destroyed Kamala in the debates so bad the DNC changed the rules to leave her out of the next one?

And I'm a guy not a her I know gender confuses you shitlibs
Funny, I don't hear anything about "whites come last".

These people are conditioned to just make up their own paranoid fantasies on the fly and post them for each other on the internet.

Then the lies spread like wildfire.
Republicans should invest all their time fixing their lies. Kamala alone can destroy them on that, all by her lonesome.

Dude, you can't be fucking serious.

I mean, I can't stand the current iteration of the Republican Party, with their lies, fecklessness, snowflakeness, idiotic retarded conspiracy theories, and cult of personality.

But if you put Kamala up, you're risking disaster.

She's perhaps the worst VP I've ever seen.
Like Tulsi destroyed Kamala in the debates so bad the DNC changed the rules to leave her out of the next one?

And I'm a guy not a her I know gender confuses you shitlibs
Who's asking? Certainly not me.

By the way, nice dodge. Can you fix the OPs lies? I didn't think so.
Yep. 39 days from midterms.

Dumbest **** that ever lived.

I could see Sleepy Fucking Joe talking like this. He is old as shit and daft, and probably remembers when liberal politicians could give different speeches to the NAACP and Trip K's on the same evening during their campaigns.

But Ms. Harris is a young enough dame that she probably can't.
Who's asking? Certainly not me.

By the way, nice dodge. Can you fix the OPs lies? I didn't think so.
The OP is fine as its exactly what she said. Obviously you don't know what "equity" means when dems say it but it most certainly is code for "not white" especially when she said "people of color" connect simple dots you fucking moron
Dude, you can't be fucking serious.

I mean, I can't stand the current iteration of the Republican Party, with their lies, fecklessness, snowflakeness, idiotic retarded conspiracy theories, and cult of personality.

But if you put Kamala up, you're risking disaster.

She's perhaps the worst VP I've ever seen.
Are you going to rebut the lie the OP told about her? Of course not. It's on video. Harris said nothing any other reasonable human shouldn't have said. She was spot on.

If her comments are disastrous like this one, then show us, don't tell us. Man up boy, or get lost.
Are you going to rebut the lie the OP told about her? Of course not. It's on video. Harris said nothing any other reasonable human shouldn't have said. She was spot on.

If her comments are disastrous like this one, then show us, don't tell us. Man up boy, or get lost.
Imagine my shock, racist dems covering for racist dems
The OP is fine as its exactly what she said. Obviously you don't know what "equity" means when dems say it but it most certainly is code for "not white" especially when she said "people of color" connect simple dots you fucking moron
Negative! You are a liar like the OP.

It is our lowest incomes, and our communities of color. Those are her exact words. How is that isolating race only?

Kamala Harris "Hurricane relief will be based on equity and given to communties of color" This is the title to the thread.

Anyone who has a functioning brain, and is not a liar, who can read, understands the OP is not fine. She lied.

Understand something, your fantasies not with standing, no one said "not white". That's your invention.

Dude, you are straight full of shit, and I just proved it.

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