Kamala Harris: I Want Reparations!

True story, my ancestry says I’m 1% African. I want 1% Reparations. What you people did to my people was uncalled for. You enslaved my ancestors and I deserve to get paid out PHATT for it!!! Real talk. I want my money!!!!
Too late Kamala! FDR and LBJ took care of that transfer decades ago, and it is ongoing. Let the Constitutionally ineligible Kamala Harris pay any further “reparations” she wishes, out of her own bank account. White people owe these people nothing!

Kamala – I Want Reparations… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
S’matter little boy. The strong woman scares you?

Perhaps you might want to provide sources that aren’t garbage.

And who are “these people”, white trash?
There are not many strong women. As leaders of most ways of survival.
Too late Kamala! FDR and LBJ took care of that transfer decades ago, and it is ongoing. Let the Constitutionally ineligible Kamala Harris pay any further “reparations” she wishes, out of her own bank account. White people owe these people nothing!

Kamala – I Want Reparations… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
I am pro-reparations if it stops all the bitching.

I don't see how making one race pay another race for sins of their forefathers can do anything but cause more racial disharmony, but it's getting to the point where it doesn't even matter. Whitey is to blame for everything anyway. May as well be evil assholes if we are going to be accused of it on the daily.

Fuck the "Dream" of MLK. Let's pay the money and be hateful assholes for eternity.

She has a point. Yes, certainly -- anybody who enslaved her owe her reparations.

Same goes to all the rest of the people who have been slaves.
Maybe she should demand reparations from Willie Brown. After all, she was his sex slave. Oh nevermind, he's black!

Every time I hear this from no matter which direction it comes, seems the money would be better spent ending the REST OF SLAVERY in the present world.. But that's just too rational.....

No interest in that. Is there???

I thought we weren't supposed to get involved with what other places do?

Slavery kinda violates almost everyone's political principles. Even libertarians to some extent. Even tho it's not hurting me doesn't mean it isn't evil -- kinda thing. Guaranteed, if it was on TV every night INSTEAD of this GWarming Green Socialism, it would be fixed by now..

I mean --- let's be honest.. The ENTIRE UN is snoozing on this, it only gets lip service here in politics, and YOU'D THINK --- it would be a Black Caucus issue.. And you don't the Marines to fix this...

Just baffles me wasting time and energy and potentially "making it rain" money on redistribution of PAST guilt, when the same offense is ignored right in front of our faces..

Don't get this... Wouldn't be hard to make a huge dent...
She has a point. Yes, certainly -- anybody who enslaved her owe her reparations.

Same goes to all the rest of the people who have been slaves.
Maybe she should demand reparations from Willie Brown. After all, she was his sex slave. Oh nevermind, he's black!

Every time I hear this from no matter which direction it comes, seems the money would be better spent ending the REST OF SLAVERY in the present world.. But that's just too rational.....

No interest in that. Is there???

What slavery would that be?

And perhaps we are better off with white supremacist trash like the o/p being sent back to the dust bin of history instead of pretending they should be “debated” with.

Just saying

Here's People's Evidence #1 that Americans don't shit about what going on the world.. ^^^^

I'm not sure I believe the 40 MILLION # in the cite below -- but it's bad enough that folks should be "morally outraged" about something other than a "border wall".. Worrying about 40 Million kept as slaves is NOT as important to Jillian and her Resistance Sisters as pushing socialism to counter Trump's capitalism..

Slavery Today: Countries With the Highest Prevalence of Modern Slaves
Rank Country Estimated Number of Modern Slaves (Per 1,000 People)
1 North Korea 104.6
2 Eritrea 93
3 Burundi 40
4 Central African Republic 22.3
5 Afghanistan 22.2
6 Mauritania 21.4
7 South Sudan 20.5
8 Pakistan 16.8
9 Cambodia 16.8
10 Iran 16.2

Other countries mentioned would be some of our Mid East "allies" like Quatar.. Could fix that shit tomorrow....

43 ‘modern-day slaves’ forced to clean Ontario resorts freed
She has a point. Yes, certainly -- anybody who enslaved her owe her reparations.

Same goes to all the rest of the people who have been slaves.
Maybe she should demand reparations from Willie Brown. After all, she was his sex slave. Oh nevermind, he's black!

Every time I hear this from no matter which direction it comes, seems the money would be better spent ending the REST OF SLAVERY in the present world.. But that's just too rational.....

No interest in that. Is there???

What slavery would that be?

And perhaps we are better off with white supremacist trash like the o/p being sent back to the dust bin of history instead of pretending they should be “debated” with.

Just saying

Here's People's Evidence #1 that Americans don't shit about what going on the world.. ^^^^

I'm not sure I believe the 40 MILLION # in the cite below -- but it's bad enough that folks should be "morally outraged" about something other than a "border wall".. Worrying about 40 Million kept as slaves is NOT as important to Jillian and her Resistance Sisters as pushing socialism to counter Trump's capitalism..

Slavery Today: Countries With the Highest Prevalence of Modern Slaves
Rank Country Estimated Number of Modern Slaves (Per 1,000 People)
1 North Korea 104.6
2 Eritrea 93
3 Burundi 40
4 Central African Republic 22.3
5 Afghanistan 22.2
6 Mauritania 21.4
7 South Sudan 20.5
8 Pakistan 16.8
9 Cambodia 16.8
10 Iran 16.2

Other countries mentioned would be some of our Mid East "allies" like Quatar.. Could fix that shit tomorrow....

43 ‘modern-day slaves’ forced to clean Ontario resorts freed
And, Jill tends to know things (even though she is wrong all the time :lol: ...luv ya, Jill). Her ignorance here is very surprising.

I think we all know the real direction of america's societal wealth extraction, concentration and redistribution.

Don't go blaming this on Oprah...

She claimed she listened to Snoop Dog and Tupac while in college. She graduated in 86 and they didn't record their first albums until 91 and 93.
She is a joke.

She said she smoked weed in college while listening to Tupac and Snoop.

Problem is that she graduated college in 1989. Snoop’s music career started in 1992 and Tupac in 1991.

Oops. Kamala failed in trying to be COOL.

She was a prosecutor for many years. Odd that she doesn’t talk about how many blacks she put behind bars.
I find it rather curious that she calls herself 'black'.

Yet she is half Indian, her extended family is in India and from the age of 7, was raised by her Indian mother...who was Hindu.

Kamala Harris - Wikipedia

My point?

It's pretty obvious - to me anyway - that she identifies herself as 'black' because there are millions more votes to be gained in America calling yourself 'black' rather than 'Indian' or 'Indian/Black'.
Sorry, this woman strikes me as more and more slimy (politically speaking) the more I find out about her.
Nothing terrible...just a bit too much like a true politician. And I don't trust/like 'true politicians'.

BTW, reparations are fine with me. Just don't forget the native Indians either.
Too late Kamala! FDR and LBJ took care of that transfer decades ago, and it is ongoing. Let the Constitutionally ineligible Kamala Harris pay any further “reparations” she wishes, out of her own bank account. White people owe these people nothing!

Kamala – I Want Reparations… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
S’matter little boy. The strong woman scares you?

Perhaps you might want to provide sources that aren’t garbage.

And who are “these people”, white trash?
A video of Harris making the statements is a 'garbage' source????

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