Kamala Harris: I Want Reparations!

She is a fraud and a liar who slept her way into her position.

She has no credibility.
it’s pretty simple Kamala....if you graduated in ‘86, then you didn’t listen to Tupac and Snoop you lying corrupt & confused Liberal But go ahead... keep talking about your weed smoking days ... this outta get even better , we’re all ears
I hope this lie about her smoking weed and listening to Snoop and Tupac in college is remembered for the campaign.

It’s a straight up lie.

She is a prosecutor who put many people of color behind bars.
Too late Kamala! FDR and LBJ took care of that transfer decades ago, and it is ongoing. Let the Constitutionally ineligible Kamala Harris pay any further “reparations” she wishes, out of her own bank account. White people owe these people nothing!

Kamala – I Want Reparations… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
I have no problem with reparations for former slaves. Everyone who owned slaves can pay into a GOFUNDME account, and anyone who was a slave can file an application to withdraw funds, but only an equal percentage of all the other applicants.

All they have to do is prove they were alive from 1776-1865.
Well look, I think that we have got to address that again, it’s back to the inequities. There, through–look, America has a history of 200 years of slavery. We had Jim Crow. We had legal segregation in America for a very long time. The Voting Rights Act was only strong for 50 years and then they wiped it out with this United States Supreme Court in the Shelby decision, to the point that 22 states immediately thereafter put in place laws that one court found were crafted with surgical precision to have black people not be able to vote.”

So we’ve got to recognize, back to that earlier point, people aren’t starting out on the same base, in terms of their ability to succeed and so we have got to recognize that and give people a lift up. And, there are a number of ways to do it. Part of my initiative again around the ‘Lift Act’ is that same point–you lifting people up who are making less than a hundred thousand dollars a year. What I want to do about rent is the same thing. What we need to do around education and understanding disparities, what we need to do around HBCUs. But we have a history of racism in America.

Charlamagne asked again, “So you are for some type of reparations?”

“Yes I am, yes I am,” Harris responded.


Uuuuuu...that swawy
I personally LOVE Kamala Harris' call for Reparations and think we need to pass a bill into law calling for it and sending out the money IMMEDIATELY.

On January 16, 1865, The United States Government - specifically Union General William Tecumseh Sherman, (for 'agrarian reform') promised former enslaved black farmers FORTY (40) ACRES & A MULE.
*** Forty acres and a mule - Wikipedia

That promise still remains an UN-FULFILLED promise to freed black slaves.
(...showing also that when it comes to lying and broken promises, the United States government is not racist or prejudicial in any way - they lie to EVERYONE :p )

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr stated in his 'I Have A Dream Speech':
“It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked ‘insufficient funds.’”

I believe the United States Government should begin keeping its promises to the American people AND hold itself accountable for the heinous social injustices of the past. The best way to do that, it seems, is to embrace Harris' - and other Liberal members of Congress' - call to award reparations to those to whom they are due.

1st of all, would the reparations be 'forty acres and a mule' as promised? NO. Instead, we need to calculate today's value of '40 acres and a mule'. Lucky for us, a calculation for this has already been figured out:

"It begins with a calculation that King made if America would stand by its promise of 40 acres and a mule, which is $20 a week since the late 1700s for 4 million slaves. The total was $800 billion, which in today’s dollars is $6.4 trillion."
('Just to put it in perspective, 2015’s federal budget is projected at $3.9 trillion. U.S. gross domestic product in 2014 was $17.4 trillion.')

(The Case For Reparations: 40 Acres and a Mule Would Cost America at Least $6.4 Trillion Today)

So we owe approx. $6.4 TRILLION in Reparations....LET'S PAY UP!

To start this ball rolling and figure our EXACTLY how much in reparations will have to pay out, all we need is for every one of those freed slaves still alive to contact the US Federal Government, provide them with a name, proof of who they are, and an address to where to send their check.

The only real question about Kamila is did she spit or swallow to get where she is now?
Same question for that cute girl with dimples who is a 'reporter' on CNN.
If Harris is an 'EQUAL Social Justice Warrior' Socialist Democrat, meaning she is not just trying to racially look out after blacks but wants to 'right the wrongs' of Social Injustice the US Govt committed against ALL groups / people, then she will agree that once we start down the road of paying reparations to people then we need to start in historic order.

THAT would mean Blacks would take a back seat to Native Americans. Despite the argument that the 'Great White Father' has already 'paid them back' by 'allowing' them to have Casinos on their own reservations, let's not forget that the US Govt killed off or conquered the Native Americans, stole their most choicest pieces of land, & shoved them onto some of the worst land they could find that no one else would want. A couple of Casinos hardly count as 'reparations'.

In 1887 The US Govt, through the Dawes Act (24 Stat. 388-391), promised each Indian family head was to be allotted a 160 acre farm out of reservation lands. Like with 'all' 'treaties' / promises to Native Americans, the 'Great White father' lied and in 1934 rescinded that practice through the 1934 Indian Re-organization Act.

Once Pandora's Box is opened up, Harris and others can not argue against giving reparations to others without coming across as extremely Racist. If you want to go down this road, there ARE others:

Native Americans
Japanese (Internment Camps)
Chinese / Irish / etc... (Railroad Workers / Slaves...)

At this point, realistically, the only REAL thing we can do is look back and say, 'Life is a bitch & Schit Happens', learn from our past mistakes, make sure it doesn't happen again in the future, and move forward refusing to let our past define us or continue to keep us divided....embrace the words 'ONE Nation' and 'UNITED we stand, divided we fall'!


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