Kamala Harris: I Want Reparations!

we need to legalize weed, AND, this is an AND not a BUT: we need to research the impact of weed on the developing brain, my friends.
The link was NOT actually about reparations. Given our deficits and increased spending, I wasn't a fan of the gop tax cuts. But at least these taxcuts are aimed at middle class people working and with kids. I'd trade Trump'scutsforfatcats for a middle class cut ...
That's all I've always heard from the black crybabies over the past decade: I WANT, I WANT, I WANT........never mind your WANTS, your wants make me SICK, the blacks' wants are no more than little piles of dogshit in the gutter.

Listen carefully, you sniveling race of entitled, spoiled brats: what you WANT in life is not necessarily what you GET! Regardless of what race you are.

Guess what, my African friends, this white devil WANTS to be 6 foot 5 tall and I WANT the ability to throw lightning bolts out of my fingertips. But that's never going to happen is it? You pitiful race of snivelers.
Well I don't know any slave or anyone who was a slave. I also don't know anyone who owned a slave since they would have been dead for a hundred years.

Harris can kiss my ass.
What about reparations for all the whites that died freeing slaves?

Anyways, it’s great when these Dems let their real feelings out. Putting a mic in front of them is the best advertisement any Republican could hope for.

Reparations is nothing more than one group of people that never were slaves demanding money from people that never owned slaves.
She has a point. Yes, certainly -- anybody who enslaved her owe her reparations.

Same goes to all the rest of the people who have been slaves.
Maybe she should demand reparations from Willie Brown. After all, she was his sex slave. Oh nevermind, he's black!

Every time I hear this from no matter which direction it comes, seems the money would be better spent ending the REST OF SLAVERY in the present world.. But that's just too rational.....

No interest in that. Is there???

I thought we weren't supposed to get involved with what other places do?
Too late Kamala! FDR and LBJ took care of that transfer decades ago, and it is ongoing. Let the Constitutionally ineligible Kamala Harris pay any further “reparations” she wishes, out of her own bank account. White people owe these people nothing!

Kamala – I Want Reparations… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

I'm a Christian and Christians were rounded up in the Sudan and Turkey for mass genocide.

Where is my cut?

The Irish will have a legit claim also.
Too late Kamala! FDR and LBJ took care of that transfer decades ago, and it is ongoing. Let the Constitutionally ineligible Kamala Harris pay any further “reparations” she wishes, out of her own bank account. White people owe these people nothing!

Kamala – I Want Reparations… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
I think we all know the real direction of america's societal wealth extraction, concentration and redistribution.

Not real sure how all those rich people you chastise can steal from the poor. Maybe you haven't heard. Poor people don't have anything to take.
She has a point. Yes, certainly -- anybody who enslaved her owes her reparations.

Same goes to all the rest of the people who have been slaves.

The entire concept of reparations centers around the mindset of people never having been slaves thinking those that never owned slaves owe them something.
That's all I've always heard from the black crybabies over the past decade: I WANT, I WANT, I WANT........never mind your WANTS, your wants make me SICK, the blacks' wants are no more than little piles of dogshit in the gutter.

Listen carefully, you sniveling race of entitled, spoiled brats: what you WANT in life is not necessarily what you GET! Regardless of what race you are.

Guess what, my African friends, this white devil WANTS to be 6 foot 5 tall and I WANT the ability to throw lightning bolts out of my fingertips. But that's never going to happen is it? You pitiful race of snivelers.

Let them shit in one hand, want in the other, then tell us which one fills up first.
Too late Kamala! FDR and LBJ took care of that transfer decades ago, and it is ongoing. Let the Constitutionally ineligible Kamala Harris pay any further “reparations” she wishes, out of her own bank account. White people owe these people nothing!

Kamala – I Want Reparations… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
S’matter little boy. The strong woman scares you?

Perhaps you might want to provide sources that aren’t garbage.

And who are “these people”, white trash?
She has a point. Yes, certainly -- anybody who enslaved her owe her reparations.

Same goes to all the rest of the people who have been slaves.
Maybe she should demand reparations from Willie Brown. After all, she was his sex slave. Oh nevermind, he's black!

Every time I hear this from no matter which direction it comes, seems the money would be better spent ending the REST OF SLAVERY in the present world.. But that's just too rational.....

No interest in that. Is there???

What slavery would that be?

And perhaps we are better off with white supremacist trash like the o/p being sent back to the dust bin of history instead of pretending they should be “debated” with.

Just saying

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