Kamala wants executive action to outlaw guns. that is a declaration of war against all Americans

Well, if Kamala, I'll fuck you're brains out if you can do something for me, Harris, wants to try an EO order that attempts to usurp the Constitution, well, let her have it. It would NEVER fly. On it's face it's absolutely absurd. SCOTUS would strike it down immediately, or even maybe a lower court. It just isn't going to happen. She's PANDERING to her extreme radical leftist base, that's all.

Not to mention, the day our government starts demanding mass gun confiscation, is the day we see states secede and Civil War II.
"This is a national epidemic. If Congress fails to act to address gun violence within my first 100 days in office, I will take executive action to keep our kids and communities safe."

Action on Gun Violence in Kamala Harris’ First 100 Days

Everything Harris said about guns at the CNN Town Hall, how they are sold, who can buy them, ATF enforcing laws, etc. is false

Lessee, crime is way way down but guns are a national epidemic because 0.00003% of them are used in violent crimes, but illegal immigration, at an all time high, which CAUSES much of the gun crime ISN'T a national epidemic?
<snip>There are about 12,000 gun homicides committed by AMERICANS every year. You have been very deliberately programmed to be a bigot.

So says the perennial moron, who would disarm 50 million law abiding peaceful citizens because of the actions of a minute few. And of course ignoring all the crime and homicides that guns PREVENT because the victim was able to defend and fend off their attacker. You'd do far more good to go after causes of malaria, cupcake.

Leading causes of death.png
"This is a national epidemic. If Congress fails to act to address gun violence within my first 100 days in office, I will take executive action to keep our kids and communities safe."

Action on Gun Violence in Kamala Harris’ First 100 Days

Everything Harris said about guns at the CNN Town Hall, how they are sold, who can buy them, ATF enforcing laws, etc. is false

Lessee, crime is way way down but guns are a national epidemic because 0.00003% of them are used in violent crimes, but illegal immigration, at an all time high, which CAUSES much of the gun crime ISN'T a national epidemic?
<snip>There are about 12,000 gun homicides committed by AMERICANS every year. You have been very deliberately programmed to be a bigot.

So says the perennial moron, who would disarm 50 million law abiding peaceful citizens because of the actions of a minute few. And of course ignoring all the crime and homicides that guns PREVENT because the victim was able to defend and fend off their attacker. You'd do far more good to go after causes of malaria, cupcake.

View attachment 257616
I would not disarm the 50 million law abiding citizens. I am one of them, dumbass.

Do you think those who want to stop the drug companies from feeding the opioid epidemic are against giving pain pills to terminal cancer patients? Because that's how retarded you sound right now.
Why do you keep calling her a whore? Necause she screwed a guy that advanced her career?
A woman (or man) who has sex for benefit - either monetary of other - is usually called a 'whore'....or 'prostitute'. Again, she does not seem to have a problem with having done it ... so why are snowflakes so upset about it?
My point was, you dont know why they messed around. Maybe he helped her after they fucked? Who knows?
Its ok to joke about it but you are serious as hell.
"This is a national epidemic. If Congress fails to act to address gun violence within my first 100 days in office, I will take executive action to keep our kids and communities safe."

Action on Gun Violence in Kamala Harris’ First 100 Days

Everything Harris said about guns at the CNN Town Hall, how they are sold, who can buy them, ATF enforcing laws, etc. is false

Lessee, crime is way way down but guns are a national epidemic because 0.00003% of them are used in violent crimes, but illegal immigration, at an all time high, which CAUSES much of the gun crime ISN'T a national epidemic?
There are about 12,000 gun homicides committed by AMERICANS every year.

If Fox News reported every gun homicide by an American with as much vigor and outrage and breathlessness, with as much doom music, as they do each crime committed by a Mexican, their coverage would be wall-to-wall homicides by guns by American citizens.

There literally would not be enough time in the day for that kind of coverage of gun homicides on par with homicides by Mexicans.

You have been very deliberately programmed to be a bigot.
If they reported every murder done by gun, they would be considered racist. We know where a majority of those crimes are committed at...

Don't you know the gun was created like sickle-cell, to exterminate the Black race? :laughing0301:
"This is a national epidemic. If Congress fails to act to address gun violence within my first 100 days in office, I will take executive action to keep our kids and communities safe."

Action on Gun Violence in Kamala Harris’ First 100 Days

Everything Harris said about guns at the CNN Town Hall, how they are sold, who can buy them, ATF enforcing laws, etc. is false

Lessee, crime is way way down but guns are a national epidemic because 0.00003% of them are used in violent crimes, but illegal immigration, at an all time high, which CAUSES much of the gun crime ISN'T a national epidemic?
There are about 12,000 gun homicides committed by AMERICANS every year.

If Fox News reported every gun homicide by an American with as much vigor and outrage and breathlessness, with as much doom music, as they do each crime committed by a Mexican, their coverage would be wall-to-wall homicides by guns by American citizens.

There literally would not be enough time in the day for that kind of coverage of gun homicides on par with homicides by Mexicans.

You have been very deliberately programmed to be a bigot.
If they reported every murder done by gun, they would be considered racist. We know where a majority of those crimes are committed at...

Don't you know the gun was created like sickle-cell, to exterminate the Black race? :laughing0301:
Not so.

But no one gives a shit that blacks are suffering the brunt of the problem. Nothing is done until it starts affecting white people in large numbers.

"This is a national epidemic. If Congress fails to act to address gun violence within my first 100 days in office, I will take executive action to keep our kids and communities safe."

Action on Gun Violence in Kamala Harris’ First 100 Days

Everything Harris said about guns at the CNN Town Hall, how they are sold, who can buy them, ATF enforcing laws, etc. is false

Lessee, crime is way way down but guns are a national epidemic because 0.00003% of them are used in violent crimes, but illegal immigration, at an all time high, which CAUSES much of the gun crime ISN'T a national epidemic?
There are about 12,000 gun homicides committed by AMERICANS every year.

If Fox News reported every gun homicide by an American with as much vigor and outrage and breathlessness, with as much doom music, as they do each crime committed by a Mexican, their coverage would be wall-to-wall homicides by guns by American citizens.

There literally would not be enough time in the day for that kind of coverage of gun homicides on par with homicides by Mexicans.

You have been very deliberately programmed to be a bigot.
If they reported every murder done by gun, they would be considered racist. We know where a majority of those crimes are committed at...

Don't you know the gun was created like sickle-cell, to exterminate the Black race? :laughing0301:
Not so.

But no one gives a shit that blacks are suffering the brunt of the problem. Nothing is done until it starts affecting white people in large numbers.

Outlaw gangs and poor people!
"This is a national epidemic. If Congress fails to act to address gun violence within my first 100 days in office, I will take executive action to keep our kids and communities safe."

Action on Gun Violence in Kamala Harris’ First 100 Days

Everything Harris said about guns at the CNN Town Hall, how they are sold, who can buy them, ATF enforcing laws, etc. is false
Shes prison industrial complex stooge

everyone in figging NJ was supposed to turn in their larger capacity magazines. ammo land got the NJ state police to confirm on the record NO ONE TURNED IN A SINGLE ONE local cops are reporting the same
ANd that was just magazines
good luck nation wide

NJ has the most orange people with funny hair
"This is a national epidemic. If Congress fails to act to address gun violence within my first 100 days in office, I will take executive action to keep our kids and communities safe."

Action on Gun Violence in Kamala Harris’ First 100 Days

Everything Harris said about guns at the CNN Town Hall, how they are sold, who can buy them, ATF enforcing laws, etc. is false

Lessee, crime is way way down but guns are a national epidemic because 0.00003% of them are used in violent crimes, but illegal immigration, at an all time high, which CAUSES much of the gun crime ISN'T a national epidemic?
<snip>There are about 12,000 gun homicides committed by AMERICANS every year. You have been very deliberately programmed to be a bigot.

So says the perennial moron, who would disarm 50 million law abiding peaceful citizens because of the actions of a minute few. And of course ignoring all the crime and homicides that guns PREVENT because the victim was able to defend and fend off their attacker. You'd do far more good to go after causes of malaria, cupcake.

View attachment 257616
Do you think those who want to stop the drug companies from feeding the opioid epidemic are against giving pain pills to terminal cancer patients? Because that's how retarded you sound right now.

Everything sounds retarded to a retard. Look at my chart again and look how far down drug related deaths are. There is no opiod crisis fool. Another great lie floating out there. You want to know how many opioids I've consumed this past year due to surgeries and the like? I've eaten the shit like candy on and off, even taken them past their recommended dosages. And guess what? 0 addiction, 0 side affects, 0 problems, I'm still here fool, and if I never take another one I could care less. But boy, you should have seen the hurdles I had to go through to get them because of the FUCKING GOVERNMENT, even though they were deemed medically necessary and appropriate!
Actually, it would highlight the fact our gun manufacturers deliberately produce guns they know will be used in homicides. Just like pharmaceuticals deliberately produce pills they know will be used by addicts.

All to keep the stock price up.
How would it do that?
I wonder how many gun murders in america are done by legally possessed weapons?
Duuhhhhhh...I wonder how many drug overdoses are done by legally possessed drugs...

Thanks for unintentionally highlighting my point, retard. :lol:

Also, the fact these horrors disproportionately affect the poor would certainly be highlighted.
The answer isnt very high, dumb dumb.
It isnt the pharmaceutical industries fault people are ODing. They dont sell to end users. Same with gun manufacturers. Im not sure what your point was even bringing thag up.
For years, TN, the Big Pharm reps were telling doctors that these opiate pain killers were not addictive, were the best thing since sliced bread, etc....typical salesman talk.
It took the docs awhile to figure out that they had a bunch of addicts on their hands. And many of them STILL believe that throwing a pill at everyone with an ache or pain is the right thing to do. Doctors are there to alleviate suffering, yes, but often there are other ways to address pain. NOT always, of course. The pills have an important place in pharmacology. Just not the overemphasized role they played for so many years while patients quietly became desperately addicted and when cut off turned to heroin.
I watched a documentary the other day that told about how memphis is turning into heroine utopia because all the crackheads have turned to it. The cocaine kingpin got busted and heroine moved in. Cocaine was too hard to find that wasnt cut up.
Our opiate epidemic here began years before it really hit the rest of Maine. It was oxycodone, right up until probably six or seven years ago. Then as the state found more and more ways to tighten up on the oxy's, the gangs from NYC and Boston started running nice cheap heroin up here. A decade before that happened, the Sheriff told us flat out that would happen. And it did. We have a good methadone program and good suboxone providers, and anyone who wants help can get it, although there are waiting lists for inpatient and outpatient treatment and counseling.
Yeah, it's awful. So many of my clients were addicts that I can spot one a mile away now.
How would it do that?
I wonder how many gun murders in america are done by legally possessed weapons?
Duuhhhhhh...I wonder how many drug overdoses are done by legally possessed drugs...

Thanks for unintentionally highlighting my point, retard. :lol:

Also, the fact these horrors disproportionately affect the poor would certainly be highlighted.
The answer isnt very high, dumb dumb.
It isnt the pharmaceutical industries fault people are ODing. They dont sell to end users. Same with gun manufacturers. Im not sure what your point was even bringing thag up.
A drug company sells millions and millions of opioids to a town of three thousand, and you are actually stupid enough to bleev they aren't responsible for drug abuse.

The same is true for gun makers and homicides. People are finally figuring that out.
Drug companies sell to towns?
Okay, you've gotten too stupid and obtuse to bother with any more.

TRANSLATION: Another Libtard bows out when he shoots his own mouth with off with stupidity even he cannot figure out how to dance away from.
How would it do that?
I wonder how many gun murders in america are done by legally possessed weapons?
Duuhhhhhh...I wonder how many drug overdoses are done by legally possessed drugs...

Thanks for unintentionally highlighting my point, retard. :lol:

Also, the fact these horrors disproportionately affect the poor would certainly be highlighted.
The answer isnt very high, dumb dumb.
It isnt the pharmaceutical industries fault people are ODing. They dont sell to end users. Same with gun manufacturers. Im not sure what your point was even bringing thag up.
For years, TN, the Big Pharm reps were telling doctors that these opiate pain killers were not addictive, were the best thing since sliced bread, etc....typical salesman talk.
It took the docs awhile to figure out that they had a bunch of addicts on their hands. And many of them STILL believe that throwing a pill at everyone with an ache or pain is the right thing to do. Doctors are there to alleviate suffering, yes, but often there are other ways to address pain. NOT always, of course. The pills have an important place in pharmacology. Just not the overemphasized role they played for so many years while patients quietly became desperately addicted and when cut off turned to heroin.
I watched a documentary the other day that told about how memphis is turning into heroine utopia because all the crackheads have turned to it. The cocaine kingpin got busted and heroine moved in. Cocaine was too hard to find that wasnt cut up.
Our opiate epidemic here began years before it really hit the rest of Maine. It was oxycodone, right up until probably six or seven years ago. Then as the state found more and more ways to tighten up on the oxy's, the gangs from NYC and Boston started running nice cheap heroin up here. A decade before that happened, the Sheriff told us flat out that would happen. And it did. We have a good methadone program and good suboxone providers, and anyone who wants help can get it, although there are waiting lists for inpatient and outpatient treatment and counseling.
Yeah, it's awful. So many of my clients were addicts that I can spot one a mile away now.
I lost a buddy to it. He was so smart and ambitious.
He is nothing now.
My point was, you dont know why they messed around. Maybe he helped her after they fucked? Who knows?
Its ok to joke about it but you are serious as hell.

You are trying to legalistically split hairs in defense of someone who admitted to having sex that resulted in political gain. Sorry, I don't play the 'Bill Clinton' 'Definition of the word 'Is' Game. I also don't waste my time considering someone who openly declares they will violate the Constitution to strip Americans of their right to own guns the 1st chance they get, on their own after while by-passing Congress to do so. Such a person is an admitted threat to the United States - why would you hesitate / waste time to consider such a person as a legitimate candidate?
Duuhhhhhh...I wonder how many drug overdoses are done by legally possessed drugs...

Thanks for unintentionally highlighting my point, retard. :lol:

Also, the fact these horrors disproportionately affect the poor would certainly be highlighted.
The answer isnt very high, dumb dumb.
It isnt the pharmaceutical industries fault people are ODing. They dont sell to end users. Same with gun manufacturers. Im not sure what your point was even bringing thag up.
For years, TN, the Big Pharm reps were telling doctors that these opiate pain killers were not addictive, were the best thing since sliced bread, etc....typical salesman talk.
It took the docs awhile to figure out that they had a bunch of addicts on their hands. And many of them STILL believe that throwing a pill at everyone with an ache or pain is the right thing to do. Doctors are there to alleviate suffering, yes, but often there are other ways to address pain. NOT always, of course. The pills have an important place in pharmacology. Just not the overemphasized role they played for so many years while patients quietly became desperately addicted and when cut off turned to heroin.
I watched a documentary the other day that told about how memphis is turning into heroine utopia because all the crackheads have turned to it. The cocaine kingpin got busted and heroine moved in. Cocaine was too hard to find that wasnt cut up.
Our opiate epidemic here began years before it really hit the rest of Maine. It was oxycodone, right up until probably six or seven years ago. Then as the state found more and more ways to tighten up on the oxy's, the gangs from NYC and Boston started running nice cheap heroin up here. A decade before that happened, the Sheriff told us flat out that would happen. And it did. We have a good methadone program and good suboxone providers, and anyone who wants help can get it, although there are waiting lists for inpatient and outpatient treatment and counseling.
Yeah, it's awful. So many of my clients were addicts that I can spot one a mile away now.
I lost a buddy to it. He was so smart and ambitious.
He is nothing now.
I'm sorry TN
The answer isnt very high, dumb dumb.
It isnt the pharmaceutical industries fault people are ODing. They dont sell to end users. Same with gun manufacturers. Im not sure what your point was even bringing thag up.
For years, TN, the Big Pharm reps were telling doctors that these opiate pain killers were not addictive, were the best thing since sliced bread, etc....typical salesman talk.
It took the docs awhile to figure out that they had a bunch of addicts on their hands. And many of them STILL believe that throwing a pill at everyone with an ache or pain is the right thing to do. Doctors are there to alleviate suffering, yes, but often there are other ways to address pain. NOT always, of course. The pills have an important place in pharmacology. Just not the overemphasized role they played for so many years while patients quietly became desperately addicted and when cut off turned to heroin.
I watched a documentary the other day that told about how memphis is turning into heroine utopia because all the crackheads have turned to it. The cocaine kingpin got busted and heroine moved in. Cocaine was too hard to find that wasnt cut up.
Our opiate epidemic here began years before it really hit the rest of Maine. It was oxycodone, right up until probably six or seven years ago. Then as the state found more and more ways to tighten up on the oxy's, the gangs from NYC and Boston started running nice cheap heroin up here. A decade before that happened, the Sheriff told us flat out that would happen. And it did. We have a good methadone program and good suboxone providers, and anyone who wants help can get it, although there are waiting lists for inpatient and outpatient treatment and counseling.
Yeah, it's awful. So many of my clients were addicts that I can spot one a mile away now.
I lost a buddy to it. He was so smart and ambitious.
He is nothing now.
I'm sorry TN
It was his decision to do it. Itbwas his decision to do it after a year in jail and rehab too.
I dont have sympathy for him anymore.
"This is a national epidemic. If Congress fails to act to address gun violence within my first 100 days in office, I will take executive action to keep our kids and communities safe."

Action on Gun Violence in Kamala Harris’ First 100 Days

Everything Harris said about guns at the CNN Town Hall, how they are sold, who can buy them, ATF enforcing laws, etc. is false
Told you kids this would happen.
It happened under The Obama.
For years, TN, the Big Pharm reps were telling doctors that these opiate pain killers were not addictive, were the best thing since sliced bread, etc....typical salesman talk.
It took the docs awhile to figure out that they had a bunch of addicts on their hands. And many of them STILL believe that throwing a pill at everyone with an ache or pain is the right thing to do. Doctors are there to alleviate suffering, yes, but often there are other ways to address pain. NOT always, of course. The pills have an important place in pharmacology. Just not the overemphasized role they played for so many years while patients quietly became desperately addicted and when cut off turned to heroin.
I watched a documentary the other day that told about how memphis is turning into heroine utopia because all the crackheads have turned to it. The cocaine kingpin got busted and heroine moved in. Cocaine was too hard to find that wasnt cut up.
Our opiate epidemic here began years before it really hit the rest of Maine. It was oxycodone, right up until probably six or seven years ago. Then as the state found more and more ways to tighten up on the oxy's, the gangs from NYC and Boston started running nice cheap heroin up here. A decade before that happened, the Sheriff told us flat out that would happen. And it did. We have a good methadone program and good suboxone providers, and anyone who wants help can get it, although there are waiting lists for inpatient and outpatient treatment and counseling.
Yeah, it's awful. So many of my clients were addicts that I can spot one a mile away now.
I lost a buddy to it. He was so smart and ambitious.
He is nothing now.
I'm sorry TN
It was his decision to do it. Itbwas his decision to do it after a year in jail and rehab too.
I dont have sympathy for him anymore.
Addiction is the worst. It's like a cancer diagnosis. Some people are going to make it and some people aren't. "Decision" isn't exactly the right word when you're an addict. I watched parents lose their children forever because they just couldn't stay clean. It's a horrible thing.
I watched a documentary the other day that told about how memphis is turning into heroine utopia because all the crackheads have turned to it. The cocaine kingpin got busted and heroine moved in. Cocaine was too hard to find that wasnt cut up.
Our opiate epidemic here began years before it really hit the rest of Maine. It was oxycodone, right up until probably six or seven years ago. Then as the state found more and more ways to tighten up on the oxy's, the gangs from NYC and Boston started running nice cheap heroin up here. A decade before that happened, the Sheriff told us flat out that would happen. And it did. We have a good methadone program and good suboxone providers, and anyone who wants help can get it, although there are waiting lists for inpatient and outpatient treatment and counseling.
Yeah, it's awful. So many of my clients were addicts that I can spot one a mile away now.
I lost a buddy to it. He was so smart and ambitious.
He is nothing now.
I'm sorry TN
It was his decision to do it. Itbwas his decision to do it after a year in jail and rehab too.
I dont have sympathy for him anymore.
Addiction is the worst. It's like a cancer diagnosis. Some people are going to make it and some people aren't. "Decision" isn't exactly the right word when you're an addict. I watched parents lose their children forever because they just couldn't stay clean. It's a horrible thing.
It was his decision to start doing that mess in the first place. I cared and tried to help him at first but i gave up.
I do agree about addiction being rough though. Its a disease. A horrible mental disease.
Does she think she can repeal a constitutional right by executive action?

And she is a lawyer?

President Obama was a Professor of Constitutional Law and indicated it wasn't the Supreme Court's responsibility to determine whether or not a Law was Constitutional regardless of whether or not Congress passed it*. I'm pretty sure they are just making shit up by now, and the public education system has provided them with people stupid enough to believe it.

* “Ultimately, I’m confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress.” ~ President Barrack Obama, April 2, 2015
Does she think she can repeal a constitutional right by executive action?
And she is a lawyer?
President Obama was a Professor of Constitutional Law and indicated it wasn't the Supreme Court's responsibility to determine whether or not a Law was Constitutional regardless of whether or not Congress passed it*. I'm pretty sure they are just making shit up by now, and the public education system has provided them with people stupid enough to believe it.
As intended.

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