Kamalla Harris says that she and Joe Biden have the broadest coalition of voters ever


Platinum Member
Apr 13, 2020
Hmmm, is having more fat people vote for you really an achievement?
Hmmm, is having more fat people vote for you really an achievement?
To be fair... There are a shitload of fat people in America... Likely more than anywhere else on earth.

Of course... I think she's full of shit, and way more fat people will vote for Trump... But... yeah. Kinda of a partially true thing. We are a fat nation.
Yeah, they have quite a broad and diverse coalition of America haters, terrorists, racists, communists, Islamists, anti semites, looters, arsonists, anarchists, treasonist bastards, deep state actors, and other assorted scum of the world now aligned with the Biden Harris er Harris Biden ticket.
Kamalla Harris says that she and Joe Biden have the broadest coalition of voters ever…

I suppose that's true.
  • Faggots
  • Trannies
  • Baby Killers
  • Illegal Aliens
  • Violent criminals and terrorists, including, but not limited to, gangs such as Antifa and Black Lies Matter
  • Drug Abusers
  • Racists
I'm sure there are plenty of other diverse groups that I've missed; but yes, that does make for a fairly broad voter base.

On the other hand, Trump has mainstream Americans, who surely outnumber all these others by a large margin.
Yeah, they have quite a broad and diverse coalition of America haters, terrorists, racists, communists, Islamists, anti semites, looters, arsonists, anarchists, treasonist bastards, deep state actors, and other assorted scum of the world now aligned with the Biden Harris er Harris Biden ticket.
Trump supporters are the America haters.
The only ones who are on the Biden's train are members of the Deep State.

I believe that Vice President-soon-to-be-elect Harris is correct.

Millions of people have decided to vote for the Dem ticket.

For four years, the Dem media have done an excellent job in sabotaging the agenda of President Trump.

They have convinced many Euro Americans that they should feel guilt for you-know-what and that the only way to prove that they are not you-know-what is to vote in a Dem President with a Dem House & Dem Senate.

Of course, the fatal blow to President Trump was the COVID-19 tragedy.

I feel sorry for President Trump and his family. They will soon be lying on the ground while the Dems (never known for graciousness) will continue to kick them as hard as possible.
I believe that Vice President-soon-to-be-elect Harris is correct.

Millions of people have decided to vote for the Dem ticket.

For four years, the Dem media have done an excellent job in sabotaging the agenda of President Trump.

They have convinced many Euro Americans that they should feel guilt for you-know-what and that the only way to prove that they are not you-know-what is to vote in a Dem President with a Dem House & Dem Senate.

Of course, the fatal blow to President Trump was the COVID-19 tragedy.

I feel sorry for President Trump and his family. They will soon be lying on the ground while the Dems (never known for graciousness) will continue to kick them as hard as possible.
Trump's downfall will be of his own doing. Blame the Republicans for electing such a despicable man as President.
Yeah, they have quite a broad and diverse coalition of America haters, terrorists, racists, communists, Islamists, anti semites, looters, arsonists, anarchists, treasonist bastards, deep state actors, and other assorted scum of the world now aligned with the Biden Harris er Harris Biden ticket.
Trump supporters are the America haters.
Time for your chlorpromazine
Pres. Trump has more supporters than anyone in history. That is why the Dems goes around shooing the crowds of his supporters away. Especially the crowds at the hospital that they didn't like. They just labeled them as White supremacist groups so that they will be targeted.

95% of Democrats constituents are poor, pissed off and dependent on government, just like Democrats want them. The other 5 % are the super rich people Democrats pretend to hate. Dems. are hypocrites
Yeah, they have quite a broad and diverse coalition of America haters, terrorists, racists, communists, Islamists, anti semites, looters, arsonists, anarchists, treasonist bastards, deep state actors, and other assorted scum of the world now aligned with the Biden Harris er Harris Biden ticket.
Trump supporters are the America haters.

Nope. They are the people who love America and want what Trump brought us before Covid.

You wont' get that with Biden.
I believe that Vice President-soon-to-be-elect Harris is correct.

Millions of people have decided to vote for the Dem ticket.

For four years, the Dem media have done an excellent job in sabotaging the agenda of President Trump.

They have convinced many Euro Americans that they should feel guilt for you-know-what and that the only way to prove that they are not you-know-what is to vote in a Dem President with a Dem House & Dem Senate.

Of course, the fatal blow to President Trump was the COVID-19 tragedy.

I feel sorry for President Trump and his family. They will soon be lying on the ground while the Dems (never known for graciousness) will continue to kick them as hard as possible.
Trump's downfall will be of his own doing. Blame the Republicans for electing such a despicable man as President.
What I find fascinating is that Liberals, who are the rudest people on earth, hate Trump because they think he’s rude.

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