Kanavaugh makes history, all of his law clerks are women, left wing hysterics continue...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep....this is a history making moment....Justice Kavanaugh.....allow me to repeat that........Justice Kavanaugh, made history ....all of his law clerks are women...

Kavanaugh's First Action As Supreme Court Justice Makes History, And Dems Won't Like It

On Sunday, Kavanaugh began the process of getting familiar with the arguments the court will be hearing this month, and, as the New York Times reports, he did so by meeting with his historic collections of clerks.

"Justice Kavanaugh met with his four law clerks, all women — a first for the Supreme Court — in chambers that had until recently been occupied by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., who has moved to Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s old chambers," the Times reports.

The Times notes that Kavanaugh stated in his testimony in September that he would continue to take steps to address the underrepresentation of women among law clerks, as he has done for over a decade.

"A majority of my 48 law clerks over the last 12 years have been women," Kavanaugh told the Senate Judiciary Committee in his testimony. "In my time on the bench, no federal judge — not a single one in the country — has sent more women law clerks to clerk on the Supreme Court than I have."
Yep....this is a history making moment....Justice Kavanaugh.....allow me to repeat that........Justice Kavanaugh, made history ....all of his law clerks are women...

Kavanaugh's First Action As Supreme Court Justice Makes History, And Dems Won't Like It

On Sunday, Kavanaugh began the process of getting familiar with the arguments the court will be hearing this month, and, as the New York Times reports, he did so by meeting with his historic collections of clerks.

"Justice Kavanaugh met with his four law clerks, all women — a first for the Supreme Court — in chambers that had until recently been occupied by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., who has moved to Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s old chambers," the Times reports.

The Times notes that Kavanaugh stated in his testimony in September that he would continue to take steps to address the underrepresentation of women among law clerks, as he has done for over a decade.

"A majority of my 48 law clerks over the last 12 years have been women," Kavanaugh told the Senate Judiciary Committee in his testimony. "In my time on the bench, no federal judge — not a single one in the country — has sent more women law clerks to clerk on the Supreme Court than I have."

Lol. That's funny.

Now if he has a dozen current clerks and they could all be Redskins cheerleaders we should ask a few questions.

Otherwise I'm thrilled. I really don't think this is the worst guy Trump could nominate (assuming he didn't rape anyone which it doesn't seem he did).

After reading this I'm wondering about his views on affirmative action.
Yep....this is a history making moment....Justice Kavanaugh.....allow me to repeat that........Justice Kavanaugh, made history ....all of his law clerks are women...

Kavanaugh's First Action As Supreme Court Justice Makes History, And Dems Won't Like It

On Sunday, Kavanaugh began the process of getting familiar with the arguments the court will be hearing this month, and, as the New York Times reports, he did so by meeting with his historic collections of clerks.

"Justice Kavanaugh met with his four law clerks, all women — a first for the Supreme Court — in chambers that had until recently been occupied by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., who has moved to Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s old chambers," the Times reports.

The Times notes that Kavanaugh stated in his testimony in September that he would continue to take steps to address the underrepresentation of women among law clerks, as he has done for over a decade.

"A majority of my 48 law clerks over the last 12 years have been women," Kavanaugh told the Senate Judiciary Committee in his testimony. "In my time on the bench, no federal judge — not a single one in the country — has sent more women law clerks to clerk on the Supreme Court than I have."

Lol. That's funny.

Now if he has a dozen current clerks and they could all be Redskins cheerleaders we should ask a few questions.

Otherwise I'm thrilled. I really don't think this is the worst guy Trump could nominate (assuming he didn't rape anyone which it doesn't seem he did).

After reading this I'm wondering about his views on affirmative action.

Affirmative action would be government mandated racism...his hiring is a private action, the way it should be....
Yep....this is a history making moment....Justice Kavanaugh.....allow me to repeat that........Justice Kavanaugh, made history ....all of his law clerks are women...

Kavanaugh's First Action As Supreme Court Justice Makes History, And Dems Won't Like It

On Sunday, Kavanaugh began the process of getting familiar with the arguments the court will be hearing this month, and, as the New York Times reports, he did so by meeting with his historic collections of clerks.

"Justice Kavanaugh met with his four law clerks, all women — a first for the Supreme Court — in chambers that had until recently been occupied by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., who has moved to Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s old chambers," the Times reports.

The Times notes that Kavanaugh stated in his testimony in September that he would continue to take steps to address the underrepresentation of women among law clerks, as he has done for over a decade.

"A majority of my 48 law clerks over the last 12 years have been women," Kavanaugh told the Senate Judiciary Committee in his testimony. "In my time on the bench, no federal judge — not a single one in the country — has sent more women law clerks to clerk on the Supreme Court than I have."

Lol. That's funny.

Now if he has a dozen current clerks and they could all be Redskins cheerleaders we should ask a few questions.

Otherwise I'm thrilled. I really don't think this is the worst guy Trump could nominate (assuming he didn't rape anyone which it doesn't seem he did).

After reading this I'm wondering about his views on affirmative action.

Affirmative action would be government mandated racism...his hiring is a private action, the way it should be....

I agree in an ideal world there would be none. In practice companies have to do some pretty obnoxious things to get caught.

I could also live with just shutting down corporations which get caught hiring only illegals or hiring only whites or whatever. Being reasonable and telling a corporation that "big government artificially created your corporate entity and big government will "un-create" it if you don't hire some of whoever" is just fine with me though.
Yep....this is a history making moment....Justice Kavanaugh.....allow me to repeat that........Justice Kavanaugh, made history ....all of his law clerks are women...

Kavanaugh's First Action As Supreme Court Justice Makes History, And Dems Won't Like It

On Sunday, Kavanaugh began the process of getting familiar with the arguments the court will be hearing this month, and, as the New York Times reports, he did so by meeting with his historic collections of clerks.

"Justice Kavanaugh met with his four law clerks, all women — a first for the Supreme Court — in chambers that had until recently been occupied by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., who has moved to Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s old chambers," the Times reports.

The Times notes that Kavanaugh stated in his testimony in September that he would continue to take steps to address the underrepresentation of women among law clerks, as he has done for over a decade.

"A majority of my 48 law clerks over the last 12 years have been women," Kavanaugh told the Senate Judiciary Committee in his testimony. "In my time on the bench, no federal judge — not a single one in the country — has sent more women law clerks to clerk on the Supreme Court than I have."

Lol. That's funny.

Now if he has a dozen current clerks and they could all be Redskins cheerleaders we should ask a few questions.

Otherwise I'm thrilled. I really don't think this is the worst guy Trump could nominate (assuming he didn't rape anyone which it doesn't seem he did).

After reading this I'm wondering about his views on affirmative action.

Affirmative action would be government mandated racism...his hiring is a private action, the way it should be....

I agree in an ideal world there would be none. In practice companies have to do some pretty obnoxious things to get caught.

I could also live with just shutting down corporations which get caught hiring only illegals or hiring only whites or whatever. Being reasonable and telling a corporation that "big government artificially created your corporate entity and big government will "un-create" it if you don't hire some of whoever" is just fine with me though.

I agree with only hiring illegals...that is illegal....but if a company wants to limit their skilled and trained hiring pool, foolishly, to only one race, that is none of the governments business....the market will take care of them. Jim Crow was government created racism.....Affirmative action is just a scaled down version...
To the left, this proves he wants a stable of would be rape victims.

If any of those law clerks are democrats the accusations if sex attacks are just waiting.
To the left, this proves he wants a stable of would be rape victims.

If any of those law clerks are democrats the accusations if sex attacks are just waiting.

And for all the love of Ruth "buzzy" Ginsburg....she has one of the worst affirmative action hiring records.....

She apparently doesn't like black people...

In His First Day On The Job, Kavanaugh Hired As Many Black Law Clerks As RBG Has In Her Entire Tenure

ustice Brett Kavanaugh has hired a black law clerk for his new chambers at the U.S. Supreme Court, matching Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s record of African-American clerkship hiring during her tenure on the nation’s highest judicial tribunal.
Ginsburg’s hiring practices have been criticized for decades. During her 1993 confirmation hearings, GOP Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah asked Ginsburg if a court might reasonably conclude that a small business in a majority black city that hired 57 white employees and zero black employees over a period of years was discriminatory. Ginsburg dodged, before Hatch pointed out that was in fact her own record of clerkship hiring in her 13 years on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.

“I will try harder, and if you confirm me for this job my attractiveness to black candidates is going to improve,” Ginsburg replied, to much laughter throughout the hearing chamber. (RELATED: Confirmed: Brett Kavanaugh Is Now A Supreme Court Justice)

At her age RBG has no business hiring a black person to work with her. It's way too dangerous.
Yep....this is a history making moment....Justice Kavanaugh.....allow me to repeat that........Justice Kavanaugh, made history ....all of his law clerks are women...

Kavanaugh's First Action As Supreme Court Justice Makes History, And Dems Won't Like It

On Sunday, Kavanaugh began the process of getting familiar with the arguments the court will be hearing this month, and, as the New York Times reports, he did so by meeting with his historic collections of clerks.

"Justice Kavanaugh met with his four law clerks, all women — a first for the Supreme Court — in chambers that had until recently been occupied by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., who has moved to Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s old chambers," the Times reports.

The Times notes that Kavanaugh stated in his testimony in September that he would continue to take steps to address the underrepresentation of women among law clerks, as he has done for over a decade.

"A majority of my 48 law clerks over the last 12 years have been women," Kavanaugh told the Senate Judiciary Committee in his testimony. "In my time on the bench, no federal judge — not a single one in the country — has sent more women law clerks to clerk on the Supreme Court than I have."

Lol. That's funny.

Now if he has a dozen current clerks and they could all be Redskins cheerleaders we should ask a few questions.

Otherwise I'm thrilled. I really don't think this is the worst guy Trump could nominate (assuming he didn't rape anyone which it doesn't seem he did).

After reading this I'm wondering about his views on affirmative action.

Affirmative action would be government mandated racism...his hiring is a private action, the way it should be....

I agree in an ideal world there would be none. In practice companies have to do some pretty obnoxious things to get caught.

I could also live with just shutting down corporations which get caught hiring only illegals or hiring only whites or whatever. Being reasonable and telling a corporation that "big government artificially created your corporate entity and big government will "un-create" it if you don't hire some of whoever" is just fine with me though.

I agree with only hiring illegals...that is illegal....but if a company wants to limit their skilled and trained hiring pool, foolishly, to only one race, that is none of the governments business....the market will take care of them. Jim Crow was government created racism.....Affirmative action is just a scaled down version...

Man, in an ideal hippie free market world I agree with you.

In practice I see white ppl only going to white ppl places. We had a failed 100 year experiment which ended with a Republican President using the Band of Brothers to hammer a nail in the coffin of states rights.

Big government creates corporations for the benefit of their owners. Big government has to keep them under control.
Yep....this is a history making moment....Justice Kavanaugh.....allow me to repeat that........Justice Kavanaugh, made history ....all of his law clerks are women...

Kavanaugh's First Action As Supreme Court Justice Makes History, And Dems Won't Like It

On Sunday, Kavanaugh began the process of getting familiar with the arguments the court will be hearing this month, and, as the New York Times reports, he did so by meeting with his historic collections of clerks.

"Justice Kavanaugh met with his four law clerks, all women — a first for the Supreme Court — in chambers that had until recently been occupied by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., who has moved to Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s old chambers," the Times reports.

The Times notes that Kavanaugh stated in his testimony in September that he would continue to take steps to address the underrepresentation of women among law clerks, as he has done for over a decade.

"A majority of my 48 law clerks over the last 12 years have been women," Kavanaugh told the Senate Judiciary Committee in his testimony. "In my time on the bench, no federal judge — not a single one in the country — has sent more women law clerks to clerk on the Supreme Court than I have."

Was evil misogynist Trump aware of this when he nominated Kavanaugh?
Yep....this is a history making moment....Justice Kavanaugh.....allow me to repeat that........Justice Kavanaugh, made history ....all of his law clerks are women...

Kavanaugh's First Action As Supreme Court Justice Makes History, And Dems Won't Like It

On Sunday, Kavanaugh began the process of getting familiar with the arguments the court will be hearing this month, and, as the New York Times reports, he did so by meeting with his historic collections of clerks.

"Justice Kavanaugh met with his four law clerks, all women — a first for the Supreme Court — in chambers that had until recently been occupied by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., who has moved to Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s old chambers," the Times reports.

The Times notes that Kavanaugh stated in his testimony in September that he would continue to take steps to address the underrepresentation of women among law clerks, as he has done for over a decade.

"A majority of my 48 law clerks over the last 12 years have been women," Kavanaugh told the Senate Judiciary Committee in his testimony. "In my time on the bench, no federal judge — not a single one in the country — has sent more women law clerks to clerk on the Supreme Court than I have."

Was evil misogynist Trump aware of this when he nominated Kavanaugh?

All Republicans and conservatives are misogynists.
Yep....this is a history making moment....Justice Kavanaugh.....allow me to repeat that........Justice Kavanaugh, made history ....all of his law clerks are women...

Kavanaugh's First Action As Supreme Court Justice Makes History, And Dems Won't Like It

Was evil misogynist Trump aware of this when he nominated Kavanaugh?

So that's how admissions of a Christian Nation with a supreme swastika up Uranus court national religion of sexual assaulters for a more perfect union in order to maintain that Islam-Christiananality pedophilia mentality business of "man is God" ensuring by immaculate drug conceptions those that baptize eyes by urinations protect & serve Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount for a second coming thru 9/11.
Yep....this is a history making moment....Justice Kavanaugh.....allow me to repeat that........Justice Kavanaugh, made history ....all of his law clerks are women...

Kavanaugh's First Action As Supreme Court Justice Makes History, And Dems Won't Like It

On Sunday, Kavanaugh began the process of getting familiar with the arguments the court will be hearing this month, and, as the New York Times reports, he did so by meeting with his historic collections of clerks.

"Justice Kavanaugh met with his four law clerks, all women — a first for the Supreme Court — in chambers that had until recently been occupied by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., who has moved to Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s old chambers," the Times reports.

The Times notes that Kavanaugh stated in his testimony in September that he would continue to take steps to address the underrepresentation of women among law clerks, as he has done for over a decade.

"A majority of my 48 law clerks over the last 12 years have been women," Kavanaugh told the Senate Judiciary Committee in his testimony. "In my time on the bench, no federal judge — not a single one in the country — has sent more women law clerks to clerk on the Supreme Court than I have."
That announcement is like a catholic priest proud of heading an all male after school program....we ain't buying it. The man's a liar, a drunk and a coward...perfect fit for white trash americans
Yep....this is a history making moment....Justice Kavanaugh.....allow me to repeat that........Justice Kavanaugh, made history ....all of his law clerks are women...

Kavanaugh's First Action As Supreme Court Justice Makes History, And Dems Won't Like It

On Sunday, Kavanaugh began the process of getting familiar with the arguments the court will be hearing this month, and, as the New York Times reports, he did so by meeting with his historic collections of clerks.

"Justice Kavanaugh met with his four law clerks, all women — a first for the Supreme Court — in chambers that had until recently been occupied by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., who has moved to Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s old chambers," the Times reports.

The Times notes that Kavanaugh stated in his testimony in September that he would continue to take steps to address the underrepresentation of women among law clerks, as he has done for over a decade.

"A majority of my 48 law clerks over the last 12 years have been women," Kavanaugh told the Senate Judiciary Committee in his testimony. "In my time on the bench, no federal judge — not a single one in the country — has sent more women law clerks to clerk on the Supreme Court than I have."
That announcement is like a catholic priest proud of heading an all male after school program....we ain't buying it. The man's a liar, a drunk and a coward...perfect fit for white trash americans
Go fuck your self you ignorant racist.
Yep....this is a history making moment....Justice Kavanaugh.....allow me to repeat that........Justice Kavanaugh, made history ....all of his law clerks are women...

Kavanaugh's First Action As Supreme Court Justice Makes History, And Dems Won't Like It

On Sunday, Kavanaugh began the process of getting familiar with the arguments the court will be hearing this month, and, as the New York Times reports, he did so by meeting with his historic collections of clerks.

"Justice Kavanaugh met with his four law clerks, all women — a first for the Supreme Court — in chambers that had until recently been occupied by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., who has moved to Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s old chambers," the Times reports.

The Times notes that Kavanaugh stated in his testimony in September that he would continue to take steps to address the underrepresentation of women among law clerks, as he has done for over a decade.

"A majority of my 48 law clerks over the last 12 years have been women," Kavanaugh told the Senate Judiciary Committee in his testimony. "In my time on the bench, no federal judge — not a single one in the country — has sent more women law clerks to clerk on the Supreme Court than I have."
That announcement is like a catholic priest proud of heading an all male after school program....we ain't buying it. The man's a liar, a drunk and a coward...perfect fit for white trash americans

Could it be a first with a eunuch having his own harem …...

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