Kansas—a state that Trump won by 15 points 56-41 just 2 years ago—just voted to protect abortion access by a landslide 26 points, 63-37

But i thought the SCOTUS left it up to the states...Constitutionally...

The one I was quoting was talking about Congress making national abortion law.

They would need a Constitutional amendment, either way.

Kansas—a state that Trump won by 15 points 56-41 just 2 years ago—just voted to protect abortion access by a landslide 26 points, 63-37​

This is how it's supposed to be. States decide for themselves on abortion issues. All the shrill hysteria from the left seems quite silly in retrospect.
Could this "election" have been stolen by fraud ? After 2020, all elections should be suspect. Kansas has long been a 50/50 state regarding abortion. Suddenly, it is resoundingly pro-abortion ? This might not be passing the small test.

Polling conducted ahead of the election suggested that voters were closely divided over the measure, which was already notable in the predominantly red state. But the actual vote wasn’t close — the referendum was failing by more than 20 points as when the Associated Press called it. Hmmmm.

That's how detached the GOP is from what Americans want. Vote Them All Out.

This is exactly how the Founders envisioned the nation. A laboratory of states. Let the VOTERS decide. Who cannot live with this decision, even if they are not happy with it? The voters--not the court--decided. As it should be.

That's barbaric, and thank God, most people recognize it as such. At that point, it's not really an "abortion". It's a multi-step process of killing the baby in the womb (really), and then birthing the dead baby. At that point, I don't know how you cannot call that a murder.
Like after Republicans take over the whole congress and the presidency + the SCOTUS, "soon" ?

This vote shows that is increasingly unlikely. This was a huge turnout for a mid term election and it overwhelmingly went in one direction.

I believe other aspects will still be a huge drag on Democrats but as noted, the Supreme Court tossed the Democrats a huge lifeline. Not that, that should have played any role in their decision but we can already read the November headlines.

Turn out is going to be large come November and the Republican's are going to blame it on cheating.

And as an aside, the current restrictions do stay in place even after this vote.
This vote shows that is increasingly unlikely. This was a huge turnout for a mid term election and it overwhelmingly went in one direction.

I believe other aspects will still be a huge drag on Democrats but as noted, the Supreme Court tossed the Democrats a huge lifeline. Not that, that should have played any role in their decision but we can already read the November headlines.

Turn out is going to be large come November and the Republican's are going to blame it on cheating.

And as an aside, the current restrictions do stay in place even after this vote.

Abortion was on the ballot specifically here. It will not be in Nov in many places. What WILL be? Inflation, the economy, a RECESSION. The border, gas prices, crime!
Abortion was on the ballot specifically here. It will not be in Nov in many places. What WILL be? Inflation, the economy, a RECESSION. The border, gas prices, crime!

No, it's going to be on the ballot everywhere. It's going to be a huge turnout factor.

Here in WV a legislature that is overwhelmingly Republican couldn't even agree on terms of a ban in their recent special session.
Abortion was on the ballot specifically here. It will not be in Nov in many places. What WILL be? Inflation, the economy, a RECESSION. The border, gas prices, crime!
But i thought the SCOTUS left it up to the states...Constitutionally...
Further proof of the right’s hypocrisy and dishonesty.

A state decided, just as conservatives claimed they wanted.

But the “states’ rights” justification was another rightwing lie – conservatives want more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.
What is the practical result of this?

Can lib women get an abortion any time they choose for any reason at all?
The practical result of this is that there are limits to the authority of the state to interfere in citizens’ private lives – that individuals know best how to conduct their private lives, not government.

The authoritarian right rejects this, of course; conservatives seek to compel conformity and punish dissent, such as forcing women to give birth against their will through force of law.
That's how detached the GOP is from what Americans want. Vote Them All Out.

The reason why the US electoral system is so BROKEN is that Libertarians end up voting for Republicans because they see it as a choice between Republicans and Democrats.

If there were Proportional Representation, Republicans would struggle much more.

Libertarians think it's people's choice. Not the government's choice.
I’ve been spending a little time reading this, so my understanding may be incomplete. But let me explain what has happened so far, as I understand it. I’m not in Kansas, and have no first hand knowledge.

In 2019 the Kansas State Supreme Court ruled that the Kansas State Constitution protected a Woman’s right to an Abortion.

As I understand it, Anti Abortion forces decided that a Constitutional Amendment for Kansas would overturn the decision of the Supreme Court. So they put forth a ballot initiative to amend the Kansas State Constitution to allow the Legislature to decide if Abortion would be legal in Kansas, or not. All questions would be decided by the Legislature.

For some reason, this decision would be made during the Primary, not during the general election. Anyway, the decision was strongly against the Anti-Abortion proponents. In other words, Voters turned out in record numbers to vote, and they voted to protect a Woman’s right to an abortion.

The Anti Abortion folks aren’t taking this loss well. They plan on going to the Courts to get the decision they want. Their plan now, to oust the Kansas State Supreme Court Justices who made the initial decision, and then have new Judges decide the issue their way, so they can then ban Abortion in the Legislature.

Though the amendment’s failure is a setback for anti-abortion activists the issue has long held a prominent space in Kansas politics and activists signaled they have no plans to give up. As early as November, they’ll have the opportunity to attempt to oust members of the Supreme Court that declared abortion to be a right.

Ousting judges could be a pathway to overturning the 2019 decision.

“I certainly think there’s a pathway with a different composition of judges,” said Elizabeth Kirk, director for the Center for Law and the Human Person at Catholic University. “It could be overturned if a future court thought that nothing in the 1859 state constitution included a right to abortion.”

So Voters in Kansas have spoken, and the RW likes to claim that the Democrats use the courts to get what they can’t win at the Ballot Box, and what do the RW do? Immediately plan on using the courts to get what they can’t win at the ballot box.

Or perhaps we could say that the RW doesn’t give a shit about the Voters, and what they want. In fact, the Anti-Abortion folks think that their own voters are pretty stupid.

The Anti Abortion folks claim that the question was confusing. Apparently Reading Comprehension isn’t a strong trait in the voters on the Right according to their own advocates.

For one, they have expressed concern the ballot measure featured language they argued was intentionally designed to confuse voters. For example, the language used on the ballot said that a “yes” vote on the question would affirm that “the constitution of the state of Kansas does not require government funding of abortion” — even though no such requirement exists — “and does not create or secure a right to abortion.” A “yes” vote would have affirmed that “the people, through their elected state representatives and state senators, may pass laws regarding abortion,” something lawmakers are limited in doing now based on the 2019 court ruling.

Abortion rights advocates supported a “no” vote on the measures, which makes no changes to the status quo.

So how does that make you Conservatives Feel? Kansas, a solidly Red State, turned against you on the question of a Woman’s right to choose. And of course, the advocates for your cause think that the voters turned against them because the voters are idiots and too stupid to understand the ballot question. The voters who are supposedly voting for them.

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