Kansas—a state that Trump won by 15 points 56-41 just 2 years ago—just voted to protect abortion access by a landslide 26 points, 63-37

That quake rumbled across the U.S. political landscape, surprising onlookers who had expected a tight contest or outright victory for anti-choice forces. All of a sudden, the rough political consensus that had formed since the Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade crumbled.

No one really cares about “social issues” like abortion with inflation soaring and a sour public mood, right? Nope. Kansans ended up valuing their constitutional rights a great deal.

Didn’t take long did it. And in Kansas of all places, and during a Republican primary.

See you in November.
This vote shows that is increasingly unlikely. This was a huge turnout for a mid term election and it overwhelmingly went in one direction.

I believe other aspects will still be a huge drag on Democrats but as noted, the Supreme Court tossed the Democrats a huge lifeline. Not that, that should have played any role in their decision but we can already read the November headlines.

Turn out is going to be large come November and the Republican's are going to blame it on cheating.

And as an aside, the current restrictions do stay in place even after this vote.
There is a precedence for a lower court judge to reverse this referendum. Just saying. Also, if people keep voting in Prog crazy agendas, then there will be Hitler types running for office at some point. Progs already trample on people's rights while doling out special rights for privileged groups.
I think this shows that most voters don't want the government involved in abortion, even in conservative states.

The anti-Choice crowd intentionally put this on the primary ballot, knowing Republican turnout would be higher due to robust contests on the Republican side vs. weak contests on the Democratic side, and they STILL lost by a 60-40 margin. .
That quake rumbled across the U.S. political landscape, surprising onlookers who had expected a tight contest or outright victory for anti-choice forces. All of a sudden, the rough political consensus that had formed since the Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade crumbled.

No one really cares about “social issues” like abortion with inflation soaring and a sour public mood, right? Nope. Kansans ended up valuing their constitutional rights a great deal.

Didn’t take long did it. And in Kansas of all places, and during a Republican primary.

See you in November.
I think this result shows that the predicted “red wave” this November is a fantasy.
While this vote is heartening, people are reading the wrong message about this election in November, anyway.

The GOP actually isn't doing that well in the Generic ballot. Right wing Real Clear Politics has the GOP advantage at 0.9%, and they only get there by including Trafalgar and Rasmussen polls.


The real problem is that because of Gerrymandering, and because the 2020 census undercounted minorities, the GOP is going to make gains they probably wouldn't have in the house under normal circumstances... and despite all the problems, nowhere near the gains they made in 1994 or 2010.

When people realize that Biden is all that stands between these people and the crazy, Biden is going to be very popular. Just like Clinton and Obama were after their midterm losses.

The only fly in the ointment is that Biden is too old to run for a second term.
Abortion was on the ballot specifically here. It will not be in Nov in many places. What WILL be? Inflation, the economy, a RECESSION. The border, gas prices, crime!
This is a victory for the right to privacy, for individual liberty, and for advocates of limited government.

As for abortion, that’s an issue separate from limited government and individual liberty.

Indeed, those who oppose abortion remain at liberty to seek an end to the practice; acknowledging and defending the right to privacy in no manner interferes with realizing that goal – particularly given the fact that ‘banning’ abortion will do little, if anything, to end abortion.
While this vote is heartening, people are reading the wrong message about this election in November, anyway.

The GOP actually isn't doing that well in the Generic ballot. Right wing Real Clear Politics has the GOP advantage at 0.9%, and they only get there by including Trafalgar and Rasmussen polls.

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The real problem is that because of Gerrymandering, and because the 2020 census undercounted minorities, the GOP is going to make gains they probably wouldn't have in the house under normal circumstances... and despite all the problems, nowhere near the gains they made in 1994 or 2010.

When people realize that Biden is all that stands between these people and the crazy, Biden is going to be very popular. Just like Clinton and Obama were after their midterm losses.

The only fly in the ointment is that Biden is too old to run for a second term.
Yep, too old. But who are the Democrat possibilities? Shining stars? Who's the Bill Clinton? The Barak Obama? The rock star?
I personally never dreamed that Roe vs. Wade would be overturned


Cuz there is no money in saving infants. Abortion is a billion dollar industry in the US. Also, the majority of women who seek an abortion are doing it for financial reasons. But abortion advocates never aknowledge this. No, instead they ALWAYS defend abortion by bringing up 10 year old girls who are raped. Why is that does everyont think? It is because they know that murdering an unborn baby cuz they want a better house and car is wrong? Hmm? If not, why not be proud of that fact and defend that position?

And being a person of faith, and just observing human behavior in general, you understand that the root of all evil is the love of money which is why we all suffer today in a myriad of ways.

But I still praise the Supreme Court decision for overturning Wade. So instead of SCOTUS taking the blame for 50 plus million babies murdered and standing before God, now the voters will have to do so and live with their decsions.

But hey, out of sight, out of mind. No worries till the infant is born because it is at that time that the Birth Fairy comes down and waves her magic wand over the unborn baby to make it human.

It is then that you have to pay for the damnable thing parents!

Also, I think back to the girl in Ohio that was impregnated by the illegal alien. The mother took her to an abortion doctor in Ohio who did not even bother to report the rape like the law demands. And when they crossed state lines to have the abortion, the rape had to be reported because the abortion doctor in Indiana made it public in order to foster activism against Roe vs. Wade. Problem was, that was also a violation of the law because that violated their HIPPA laws. Nevertheless, once the story broke then law enforcement was faced with having to bring the person to justice who raped the girl, cuz all eyes were on them now.

So the illegal alien, who was the boyfriend of the mother and who also was pregnant with his child, admitted to the police that he raped the girl. Meanwhile, the mother came out and said that he would never do that and did not believe that he did and did not want to press charges. However, what the mother wanted at this point, which was for them all to live under the same roof again so he could continue to rape the child, did not matter. He must face the law now

But none of this would have come to light had SCOTUS not overturned Roe vs. Wade. More than likely, the Ohio abortion doctor would never have reported the rape, just like he did not report the rape when he found out about it, and the mother was fine with her boyfriend raping her daughter. At least now the child won't be taken to the abortion doctor every year for that secret abortion no one dare talks about.
Kansans ended up valuing their constitutional rights a great deal.
True – and exposing the “states’ rights” lie in the process.

The disappointment and frustration among conservatives is palpable; ‘let the states decide’ was the right’s justification for overturning Roe – now that a state has decided, conservatives denounce the decision.
I think this shows that most voters don't want the government involved in abortion, even in conservative states.

The anti-Choice crowd intentionally put this on the primary ballot, knowing Republican turnout would be higher due to robust contests on the Republican side vs. weak contests on the Democratic side, and they STILL lost by a 60-40 margin. .
Yep, too old. But who are the Democrat possibilities? Shining stars? Who's the Bill Clinton? The Barak Obama? The rock star?

who says they need a shining star? How about a governor who has done a reasonable good job and speaks well.

Newsome in California, or Pritzker in Illinois, would probably be fine. Cooper from North Carolina has proven to be a Democrat who can win in a red state.
I’ve been spending a little time reading this, so my understanding may be incomplete. But let me explain what has happened so far, as I understand it. I’m not in Kansas, and have no first hand knowledge.

In 2019 the Kansas State Supreme Court ruled that the Kansas State Constitution protected a Woman’s right to an Abortion.

As I understand it, Anti Abortion forces decided that a Constitutional Amendment for Kansas would overturn the decision of the Supreme Court. So they put forth a ballot initiative to amend the Kansas State Constitution to allow the Legislature to decide if Abortion would be legal in Kansas, or not. All questions would be decided by the Legislature.

For some reason, this decision would be made during the Primary, not during the general election. Anyway, the decision was strongly against the Anti-Abortion proponents. In other words, Voters turned out in record numbers to vote, and they voted to protect a Woman’s right to an abortion.

The Anti Abortion folks aren’t taking this loss well. They plan on going to the Courts to get the decision they want. Their plan now, to oust the Kansas State Supreme Court Justices who made the initial decision, and then have new Judges decide the issue their way, so they can then ban Abortion in the Legislature.

Though the amendment’s failure is a setback for anti-abortion activists the issue has long held a prominent space in Kansas politics and activists signaled they have no plans to give up. As early as November, they’ll have the opportunity to attempt to oust members of the Supreme Court that declared abortion to be a right.

Ousting judges could be a pathway to overturning the 2019 decision.

“I certainly think there’s a pathway with a different composition of judges,” said Elizabeth Kirk, director for the Center for Law and the Human Person at Catholic University. “It could be overturned if a future court thought that nothing in the 1859 state constitution included a right to abortion.”

So Voters in Kansas have spoken, and the RW likes to claim that the Democrats use the courts to get what they can’t win at the Ballot Box, and what do the RW do? Immediately plan on using the courts to get what they can’t win at the ballot box.

Or perhaps we could say that the RW doesn’t give a shit about the Voters, and what they want. In fact, the Anti-Abortion folks think that their own voters are pretty stupid.

The Anti Abortion folks claim that the question was confusing. Apparently Reading Comprehension isn’t a strong trait in the voters on the Right according to their own advocates.

For one, they have expressed concern the ballot measure featured language they argued was intentionally designed to confuse voters. For example, the language used on the ballot said that a “yes” vote on the question would affirm that “the constitution of the state of Kansas does not require government funding of abortion” — even though no such requirement exists — “and does not create or secure a right to abortion.” A “yes” vote would have affirmed that “the people, through their elected state representatives and state senators, may pass laws regarding abortion,” something lawmakers are limited in doing now based on the 2019 court ruling.

Abortion rights advocates supported a “no” vote on the measures, which makes no changes to the status quo.

So how does that make you Conservatives Feel? Kansas, a solidly Red State, turned against you on the question of a Woman’s right to choose. And of course, the advocates for your cause think that the voters turned against them because the voters are idiots and too stupid to understand the ballot question. The voters who are supposedly voting for them.
California voted against gay marriage some years ago. A lower court overturned the referendum. Abortion is up to the states. However, when the time it can be performed definitely needs to be reduced to the earlier months. This was always a testy subject due to the length of time from the Roe/Wade decision a half century ago. Like so many other things Americans do, it has been abused.
The crazy of an anti-choice fanatic.

I personally never dreamed that Roe vs. Wade would be overturned


Cuz there is no money in saving infants. Abortion is a billion dollar industry in the US. Also, the majority of women who seek an abortion are doing it for financial reasons. But abortion advocates never aknowledge this. No, instead they ALWAYS defend abortion by bringing up 10 year old girls who are raped. Why is that does everyont think? It is because they know that murdering an unborn baby cuz they want a better house and car is wrong? Hmm? If not, why not be proud of that fact and defend that position?

And being a person of faith, and just observing human behavior in general, you understand that the root of all evil is the love of money which is why we all suffer today in a myriad of ways.

If you want to get down to brass tacks, the Anti-choice nutters always talk about the third trimester abortion, which is just as rare as the abortion for a rape.

Yes, most women who have abortions have them because of economic reasons, because a pregnancy would bankrupt them.

Because when you are talking about a $300.00 abortion vs. a $10,000 live birth and a lifetime of expenses. It is estimated the lifetime cost of raising a child is $267,000... difficult to do if you are only making minimum wage. It isn't about wanting a car, it's about survival.

But I still praise the Supreme Court decision for overturning Wade. So instead of SCOTUS taking the blame for 50 plus million babies murdered and standing before God, now the voters will have to do so and live with their decsions.

But hey, out of sight, out of mind. No worries till the infant is born because it is at that time that the Birth Fairy comes down and waves her magic wand over the unborn baby to make it human.

It is then that you have to pay for the damnable thing parents!

Who says God is against abortion? I would challenge you to find ONE VERSE where God specifically prohibits abortion. Quite the contrary, God is fine with abortion. He drowned every fetus in the world during the Great flood! He was happy stoning pregnant women to death if they got pregnant during adultery. Judah was perfectly happy to burn Tamar for getting pregnant, until he found out he was the baby-daddy.

Then there is this story about the Bible Abortion potion...

Numbers 5:11–28

And the priest shall cause her to swear, and shall say unto the woman: 'If no man have lain with thee, and if thou hast not gone aside to uncleanness, being under thy husband, be thou free from this water of bitterness that causeth the curse; but if thou hast gone aside, being under thy husband, and if thou be defiled, and some man have lain with thee besides thy husband--then the priest shall cause the woman to swear with the oath of cursing, and the priest shall say unto the woman--the LORD make thee a curse and an oath among thy people, when the LORD doth make thy thigh to fall away, and thy belly to swell; and this water that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels, and make thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to fall away'; and the woman shall say: 'Amen, Amen.' And the priest shall write these curses in a scroll, and he shall blot them out into the water of bitterness. And he shall make the woman drink the water of bitterness that causeth the curse; and the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her and become bitter.

Then there is Exodus 21:22-23, which indicates that the

22 If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman’s husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. 23 And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life

Also, I think back to the girl in Ohio that was impregnated by the illegal alien. The mother took her to an abortion doctor in Ohio who did not even bother to report the rape like the law demands. And when they crossed state lines to have the abortion, the rape had to be reported because the abortion doctor in Indiana made it public in order to foster activism against Roe vs. Wade. Problem was, that was also a violation of the law because that violated their HIPPA laws. Nevertheless, once the story broke then law enforcement was faced with having to bring the person to justice who raped the girl, cuz all eyes were on them now.

So the illegal alien, who was the boyfriend of the mother and who also was pregnant with his child, admitted to the police that he raped the girl. Meanwhile, the mother came out and said that he would never do that and did not believe that he did and did not want to press charges. However, what the mother wanted at this point, which was for them all to live under the same roof again so he could continue to rape the child, did not matter. He must face the law now

Actually, you don't understand how HIPAA works. HIPAA only prevents the doctor from reporting the girl's name. And, yes, this is a pretty dysfunctional situation. Still doesn't excuse that this girl was victimized a second time by a state not allowing her to get needed medical care.

But none of this would have come to light had SCOTUS not overturned Roe vs. Wade. More than likely, the Ohio abortion doctor would never have reported the rape, just like he did not report the rape when he found out about it, and the mother was fine with her boyfriend raping her daughter. At least now the child won't be taken to the abortion doctor every year for that secret abortion no one dare talks about.

Wow, what a bizarre argument...

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