Kansas—a state that Trump won by 15 points 56-41 just 2 years ago—just voted to protect abortion access by a landslide 26 points, 63-37

Would that these hypocritical right wing radicals cared about the results of these forced births once they are in the world.

Sadly the concern goes in the dumpster with the placenta
A whole lot of drama that would be unnecessary if left wing whorepigs would just take a minute to learn how to use contraceptives. It's not even that hard.

On second thought, judging by the intellectual caliber of some of the leftist vermin here, maybe it is beyond their intellectual grasp.
Because when you are talking about a $300.00 abortion vs. a $10,000 live birth and a lifetime of expenses. It is estimated the lifetime cost of raising a child is $267,000... difficult to do if you are only making minimum wage. It isn't about wanting a car, it's about survival.
after 50 years of dodging the child support bullet it was not going to be tossed aside so easily. ;)

I quite agree with both posters above. Abortion ain't about murder, or birth control, or mere convenience. They are about economics. Both posters nail it, from different but complimentary perspectives: It is survival/hardships that urge women to abort; and widely supported by the male partners.

I have always been skeptical of the Anti-Choice/Forced Birth faction.
They all too often wrapped themselves in some sort of religious/morality blanket.....yet, have been notably silent about financially supporting these unwanted babies with an increase in their taxes. They are 'Birthers'. Not 'Lifers'.

My wife ....long past bearing age....said it best in my opinion: He who hath not a uterus needs to shut the f*cketh up.
folks...think about that.

Any WOMAN (because it never happens to a man) who gets unintentionally pregnant is a "liberal whore pig" to these nutters.
What is a woman?

PS -- please work on your reading skills. I did not say "liberal whore pig".

And while we're at it, let me add "satanic" to that description. Any human female who makes a baby just to kill it is owned by the devil and will learn eventually.
That argument is false. The idea that Abortion should be restricted because some abuse it. It is never applied to any other freedom.

We don’t ban music because some swear during their songs. George Carlin was arrested for violating purity laws. He argued that the First Amendment protected his speech.

A Radio Station won the argument in a Supreme Court Case. Freedom of Speech applied to all speech, not just political speech, or whatever.

Someone puts Fuck Trump, or Fuck Biden on the back of their truck. Freedom of Speech, even if it is being abused, it is free speech and must be protected vigorously.

Take the Second Amendment. A madman goes in and kills a dozen kids at a school. Gun Control advocates claim that the abuse by the one must necessitate the restriction of the right for all. The same people who argue that we have to ban abortions because of the abuses argue that nothing would justify the restriction of their Second Amendment Rights.

It doesn’t matter why someone wants to utilize their freedom of speech. It doesn’t matter what reason they have to do so. They have the right.

I believe Choice is the same. I don’t care if they go an have one every couple months, or if they have one in their entire lifetime. It’s not my business. I don’t get to decide if your Speech should be protected because you had a good reason to say what you did. I believe your rights should be defended, period.

I opposed Clinton trying to get Limbaugh off the air, and I opposed Bush and his Free Speech cages.
People were handed their ass for wearing a MAGA campaign hat. If it was not made into an issue by Progs the hats would have receded into history. Free speech exists but is limited depending on the group. The 2nd Amendment must be removed by the globalists. The Liberal World Order. Whatever sense you say about guns, there are always elitists with ulterior motives in human history. The 2nd Amendment has slowed their quest. Using more laws on the mentally insane would help the mass killer situation in a huge way. We closed state mental hospitals. The same killers go to Prog educated schools where diversity in everything is accepted. But there is still bullying even with massive spending on these issues.
A whole lot of drama that would be unnecessary if left wing whorepigs would just take a minute to learn how to use contraceptives. It's not even that hard.

On second thought, judging by the intellectual caliber of some of the leftist vermin here, maybe it is beyond their intellectual grasp.

Odd isn’t it? Your side is complaining that the ballot question was confusing. Not the Left. Perhaps the Right should try reading comprehension.

I quite agree with both posters above. Abortion ain't about murder, or birth control, or mere convenience. They are about economics. Both posters nail it, from different but complimentary perspectives: It is survival/hardships that urge women to abort; and widely supported by the male partners.

I have always been skeptical of the Anti-Choice/Forced Birth faction.
They all too often wrapped themselves in some sort of religious/morality blanket.....yet, have been notably silent about financially supporting these unwanted babies with an increase in their taxes. They are 'Birthers'. Not 'Lifers'.

My wife ....long past bearing age....said it best in my opinion: He who hath not a uterus needs to shut the f*cketh up.
Same here, I trust the religious pro-birth crowd about as far as I can toss them.....It's the same damn bunch that will insist on carrying to term but afterwards deem the woman "unclean" then whine no end about having to support their kid on their tax dime.

Oh and they damn sure won't be cutting them any slack on the daycare cost scam every church is running these days. Be a half-hour late picking up the kid and see what they charge you.

I'm right-leaning but part company with the religious crowd in a hurry when it comes to political matters. In my AO we have to constantly stomp in their shit in a effort to keep them from overly influencing local politics.
That quake rumbled across the U.S. political landscape, surprising onlookers who had expected a tight contest or outright victory for anti-choice forces. All of a sudden, the rough political consensus that had formed since the Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade crumbled.

No one really cares about “social issues” like abortion with inflation soaring and a sour public mood, right? Nope. Kansans ended up valuing their constitutional rights a great deal.

Didn’t take long did it. And in Kansas of all places, and during a Republican primary.

See you in November.
Yeah, turnout was huge. A good sign for Democrats, but there's a long way to go.
The practical result of this is that there are limits to the authority of the state to interfere in citizens’ private lives – that individuals know best how to conduct their private lives, not government.

The authoritarian right rejects this, of course; conservatives seek to compel conformity and punish dissent, such as forcing women to give birth against their will through force of law.
Thanks for not answering the question
That quake rumbled across the U.S. political landscape, surprising onlookers who had expected a tight contest or outright victory for anti-choice forces. All of a sudden, the rough political consensus that had formed since the Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade crumbled.

No one really cares about “social issues” like abortion with inflation soaring and a sour public mood, right? Nope. Kansans ended up valuing their constitutional rights a great deal.

Didn’t take long did it. And in Kansas of all places, and during a Republican primary.

See you in November.
Cool story.

Now let’s see what happens when they vote to restrict late term abortions.
Nice try, vermin.

Please keep it up. This is a fun exercise.

I posted it in the OP. I’ll do so again.

There is the link. Now the quote.

Abortion rights advocates also claimed there were several factors working against them, including the phrasing of the ballot question and the timing of its placement.

For one, they have expressed concern the ballot measure featured language they argued was intentionally designed to confuse voters. For example, the language used on the ballot said that a “yes” vote on the question would affirm that “the constitution of the state of Kansas does not require government funding of abortion” — even though no such requirement exists — “and does not create or secure a right to abortion.” A “yes” vote would have affirmed that “the people, through their elected state representatives and state senators, may pass laws regarding abortion,” something lawmakers are limited in doing now based on the 2019 court ruling.

I know this is probably a new idea. But just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it’s fake.
I posted it in the OP. I’ll do so again.

There is the link. Now the quote.

Abortion rights advocates also claimed there were several factors working against them, including the phrasing of the ballot question and the timing of its placement.

For one, they have expressed concern the ballot measure featured language they argued was intentionally designed to confuse voters. For example, the language used on the ballot said that a “yes” vote on the question would affirm that “the constitution of the state of Kansas does not require government funding of abortion” — even though no such requirement exists — “and does not create or secure a right to abortion.” A “yes” vote would have affirmed that “the people, through their elected state representatives and state senators, may pass laws regarding abortion,” something lawmakers are limited in doing now based on the 2019 court ruling.

I know this is probably a new idea. But just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it’s fake.

Y'all repeat yourselves as if saying it again will make a difference.

But yeah, keep trying. I have a morning full of no plans and this is fun.

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