Kansas—a state that Trump won by 15 points 56-41 just 2 years ago—just voted to protect abortion access by a landslide 26 points, 63-37

That’s a real load of word salad there.

Mostly meaningless and often outright wrong

Abortion opposition is driven by an unholy alliance between cynical right wing political opportunists and evangelicals with a huge overlap.

It only became an evangelical issue in the early 80s when evangelical leaders saw it as a way to increase political power and drum up money
It is true that most of those who oppose abortion are those of faith, but it is the same reason that those of faith give more of their time and money to the poor than those who are not of faith. But that does not mean the issue is a religious one as there are some who are not religious who are genuinely concerned about human rights and do not want to discriminate against them based on certain phases of human development. Conversely, those on the Left that say they care about the poor sit around begging people to vote for Leftists who say they need more tax money to force them to pay them with the premise and trust that it will actually land in the laps of those in need.

Then all the money goes to fight the air or given to promote abortion or the gender agenda all around the world instead.

In fact, Left wing governments all around the world are restricting farmers from using carbon based fertilizer, so they are forcing them to reduce the food they produce. In places like Denmark and Canada, farmers are protesting as they have a much harder time in trying to make a living. Meanwhile, the UN says about a billion people will starve to death in the world.

So the Left cares about the poor just as much as they care about the unborn baby. In fact, killing both should help reduce our carbon footprints

Isn't that right.

As a matter of fact, should we all be asking if the poor are viable outside the womb? I mean, can't the starving take care of themselves?
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Hey you're the one who said let the people vote on it

So now you have to live with the people's decision
And with a DNC controlled media and education system, all elections should be rigged till the end of time for the murdering left.

Well done
Defending life is not insanity. Murdering babies is morally reprehensible, and is the definition of moral insanity. You are spiritually ill if you think otherwise.
I can assure you, they don't care

Did the Nazis care?


What you do is go to war with them, march into their death camps, and make them care

Otherwise, save your breath.
I can assure you, they don't care

Did the Nazis care?


What you do is go to war with them, march into their death camps, and make them care

Otherwise, save your breath.
This is why I call these Evil Fiends DemNazis because their view of Eugenics comes directly from Adolph Hitler. In fact, the founder of Planned Parenthood based her views on abortion due to her admiration of Hitler and Nazi Germany.

Any Democrat who dares call anyone a Nazi is a liar. They are the Nazis. They still believe in slavery, population control, social engineering, mass propaganda, euthanasia, infanticide and globalism. They have not changed a bit since they rebelled against The Union over The Union's promise to end the practice of slavery in The DemNazi South.

The 4th Industrial Revolution Charles Schwaab and the WEP pushes and The Democrat Party has embraced is nothing more than an attempt at establishing The 4th Reich globally. It is a path to Economic Slavery and Global Fascist Rule. These people are very very dangerous. Never forget that. They have agendas beyond their agendas. And they will not stop until they accomplish it all.

One look at their logo will tell you the type of Evil they stand for. It is a representation of Andrew Jackson's Mule which he used to hang runaway slaves and Native Americans. Ever hear of "The Trail of Tears"?

That is all Andrew Jackson whom The Democrats give Credit to as one of the foundational pillars of their party. Jackson also believed in returning runaway slaves back to their owners. Just like the modern Democrats of today Andrew Jackson wanted to keep the slaves in check and on the plantation going so far as to wanting to control their reproduction and breeding....which is what Planned Parenthood is about.

The most racist symbol in America is The Democrat Mule Logo.
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That's how detached the GOP is from what Americans want. Vote Them All Out.

So, yet again you prove you do not understand the issues at all.

The GOP has always fought to make it a States Rights issue.

Guess what.
As in the voters … specifically in Kansas as an example.

You have a problem with “democracy”. Move to an authoritarian state like Iran
Oh, the belief that y'all have in "democracy" provides those of us with brains a whole lot of entertainment.

Keep thinking about "democracy".
Vote those who are willing to strip American Women of their privacy rights out of office at every level, ladies. Just vote them the fuck out.

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