Kansas—a state that Trump won by 15 points 56-41 just 2 years ago—just voted to protect abortion access by a landslide 26 points, 63-37

The coat hanger views are known. The modern abortions with modern technologies to prevent the idea of abortions seems to be foggy. Progs and globalists promote women as superior to men. Smarter in all ways. And physically they beat the shit out of 200 pound buffed special forces guys by promotion, endless TV programs and movies. Ask all the Prog TV hosts in all ways. You are smarter. And yet in the real layer of human ways of living you are inferior by your definitions of pure equality. The stupidity of men have allowed this. Mainly because they were stupid before this. The elitists and globalists have picked up on it and have ridden it to near total control of much of the world. People are dying now in poorer nations.

I’m not sure. Perhaps you can help. What the fuck are you babbling about?

People are dying in every nation. Rich and poor. People die. That’s life. Nobody gets out alive.

Now. If you don’t like movies about tough chicks. Don’t watch the damned movie. It’s called freedom. You have it. Exercise it.
You would be wrong... Many voters misunderstood the proposal as it was written in a way as to deceive those voting. This thing is exploding in the democrat faces this morning... People are pissed...
It was then put on the ballot during the primaries, whee turnout is usually very low.

The scheming of the Marxist left was underestimated yet again.
Even the democrats believe in REASONABLE guard rails, for the most part....and some believe in stronger ones than others.
No they don't....A number of them -notably Obama and Northam- have argued in favor of post-birth abortion (i.e infanticide).

There's absolutely nothing reasonable about the Marxist left....Your team will always come back for more.
Isn't it funny how incestuous pedophile approvers reason...lolol

The groomer filth here are especially upset now.


They rigged the question so that "no" meant "yes", trying to confuse people into voting the wrong way.

They scheduled the vote during a primary where almost no democrats were running.

That is, they used all the dirty tricks they had, and they still lost massively. Normal moral people hate pro-lifer policies.
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But i thought the SCOTUS left it up to the states...Constitutionally...
Follow the conversation. SCOTUS did return the determination of laws governing abortion to the individual states.

The post you quoted (#31) was responding to your buddy Synthaholic (post #19) who said "and soon it will be [ ] codified on a federal level."

Carso's response (#31) to post #19 rejected the notion that it will soon be "codified on a federal level" (per Synthaholic) because any such federal legislation would be "flagrantly unconstitutional," for the very reason you stated in your misguided attempt at contradiction.
No they don't....A number of them -notably Obama and Northam- have argued in favor of post-birth abortion (i.e infanticide).
Have you idiot lies ever worked on anyone outside of your fascist sore-loser cult?

No? Not even once?

Sucks to be you, cult boi.

So how do TheParty and TheCCP tell you to respond to that? Go run and check. Do your usual thing where you drop to your knees, lick your masters' boots with gusto, and then beg them for some new lies.
Humans that come with a baby factory as standard equipment.

The Neo GOP Fascists ask the dumbest questions.

Why do you want to strip this right to privacy from American Women?
Until your idiot SC "Justice" can define "woman", it's all off the table.

Nice try.

And you think WE are the ones asking dumb questions! :laughing0301:
You would be wrong... Many voters misunderstood the proposal as it was written in a way as to deceive those voting. This thing is exploding in the democrat faces this morning... People are pissed...

The groomer filth here are especially upset now.


They rigged the question so that "no" meant "yes", trying to confuse people into voting the wrong way.

They scheduled the vote during a primary where almost no democrats were running.

That is, they used all the dirty tricks they had, and they still lost massively. Normal moral people hate pro-lifer policies.
That is the ironic post of the week.
Oh sorry. I have a life. You know something other than home and online to occupy me.

I’m cleaning out the car next.

I posted the link. I proved my point. You pretend it doesn’t exist and also pretend you are relevant. You are free to pretend anything you want. Enjoy yourself. Pursue the happiness that comes from your delusions of superiority.
It was then put on the ballot during the primaries, whee turnout is usually very low.

The scheming of the Marxist left was underestimated yet again.

Uh, the state is controlled by the Right, they chose when to put it on the ballot. They did it because they knew less Dems would be voting, and they still lost.

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