Kansas—a state that Trump won by 15 points 56-41 just 2 years ago—just voted to protect abortion access by a landslide 26 points, 63-37

I get it. You really believed you own dopey propaganda, and now you're shellshocked by reality.

You were told by all the MSM pundits -- the deities that you worship -- that nobody really cared about abortion, that those hysterical pro-aborts would cause a backlash against Democrats.

And the exact opposite happened. You can't process it. In your mind, your MSM deities are infallible, after all.

Also, your deities failed to tell you that _Republicans_ introduced that ballot measure. That's why it was scheduled on the primary day. That's why it was designed with deliberately misleading language.
You're way off base there kid. The only thing I care about is that we run this nation according to the Constitution. Some you win, some you lose. Now we're doing it the right way.
Of course it is a constitutional right that has been taken from all America Women by this egregious decision made by the lopsided Court.

Time for American Women to vote the Neo-GOP out, in all levels, as fast as they can.
Stupid is as stupid does. Glory in your ignorance.
I don't buy it . . . not a chance it went down the way they claim. Hope lives huh? The shining hope of dismembering the child growing within you? A mother's only biological imperative is to protect that child at all cost. How about a different kind of referendum on abortion? Let's all choose between two different uniforms, shall we? Wearers of one uniform shall represent the legal right of women to murder their unborn children. The other uniform is to be worn by all those willing to protect unborn children at any cost. Let's do that and see who is left standing. Myself, I would put on the second uniform this instant and go to war. Would you?

Kansas did exactly what YOU CONS WANTED, the Citizens decided if they want to keep Abortion Safe & Legal and they did.

You do not get to bitch about something, that YOU as a Conservative wanted. You bleat and bloviate letting, "The People Decde" well guess what sheep dip, that is exactly what the people, the voters did in Kansas.

A "YES" on the ballot was keep Abortion in Kansas a Constitutionally Protected Right in that state and that is exactly what happened.

As a Conservative, you should hailing this vote. You got exactly what you wanted, the people decided.

Forcing a Woman to carry an unwanted Pregnancy is just plain wrong. Forcing a 10-Year Old Girl to carry a baby to term is criminal.

No execption for Rape and/or Incest is ugly. YOU were deciding what a Woman can do with her body, which what YOU are suppose to be against...My Body My Choice.

YOU lost...get used to it.
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You would be wrong... Many voters misunderstood the proposal as it was written in a way as to deceive those voting. This thing is exploding in the democrat faces this morning... People are pissed...

Right. It was so confusing.

Or something.

There it is. In black and white. Are you seriously saying that Right Wing Voters are so stupid they couldn’t understand it?
As a Conservative, you should hailing this vote. You got exactly what you wanted, the people decided.
That wasn't what anti-abortion conservatives wanted: they wanted to outlaw abortion. It had nothing to do with democracy or voting. That turned out to be an uh-oh.
That's how detached the GOP is from what Americans want. Vote Them All Out.

/-----/ Wait --- ya mean repealing RvW sent the decision back to the states so the voters could decide?? WOWZA - who woulda thunk it? Baby Killers made it sound like abortion would be outlawed nationwide.
/-----/ Wait --- ya mean repealing RvW sent the decision back to the states so the voters could decide?? WOWZA - who woulda thunk it? Baby Killers made it sound like abortion would be outlawed nationwide.
In a lot of ( red) states it already has been
Of course it is a constitutional right that has been taken from all America Women by this egregious decision made by the lopsided Court.

Time for American Women to vote the Neo-GOP out, in all levels, as fast as they can.
What's funny is conservatives thought Roe would never be overturned, that forever Republicans would have a hot button wedge issue to keep the base frightened, angry, and going to the polls.

The left spent a lot of money convincing voters in Kansas to keep their options about killing the unborn. Does that mean they wouldn't vote for Trump again?
The left spent a lot of money convincing voters in Kansas to keep their options about killing the unborn. Does that mean they wouldn't vote for Trump again?

I fear for humanity when people get all excited over being allowed to kill the most innocent of all

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