Kansas—a state that Trump won by 15 points 56-41 just 2 years ago—just voted to protect abortion access by a landslide 26 points, 63-37

In a lot of ( red) states it already has been
/'-----/ Ya mean in a lot of ( red) states it already has been banned nationally?
There is a precedence for a lower court judge to reverse this referendum. Just saying. Also, if people keep voting in Prog crazy agendas, then there will be Hitler types running for office at some point. Progs already trample on people's rights while doling out special rights for privileged groups.
How can they reverse a referendum on removing a state constitutional right to abortion?

What is the Kansas precedent, smart ass?
That's how detached the GOP is from what Americans want. Vote Them All Out.

I really don't understand why you would feel the need to draw a link between how the people of the state voted for the presidency two years ago and how they voted in a referendum today.
All brought to you by the response to the Covid pandemic. Who led the response?
Housing prices went insane because of COVID.

They were bound to come back down to earth

Get real
I really don't understand why you would feel the need to draw a link between how the people of the state voted for the presidency two years ago and how they voted in a referendum today.
It's crucial, Michael1985: it shows that in a conservative state, Kansas, women may very well vote their interests as women quite apart from the dominant conservative (male) doctrine.

Something I think a lot of male conservatives ought to consider next time they decide it's a great idea to enslave and bully and control all women.
Housing prices went insane because of COVID.

They were bound to come back down to earth

Get real
The price of wood like quadrupled. My daughter signed her contract right before it hit, and when her house was finished it was already worth 40 grand more than her paid for it.

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