Kansas GOP Senator Roger Marshall: President Biden can't make electric cars viable, so he's raising gas prices

How would people staying at home make gas prices rise.....do you have any clue as to what you are saying? Talk about brainwashed functional moron..........People not using their cars drives the gas prices up? is this what you learned in Communism Economics 101?
You think The pandemic has not reached oil producing states or those who
transport it or take it in? People can keep driving their cars because they don't have to worry about running into idiotic Republicans and the people they missinform. again, everything that is going wrong in the world is based on the pandemic. Many thanks for telling conservatives around the world it is a hoax the vaccine is dangerous etc etc. You are a catastrophe for the world and the country. Thanks for the corrupt 2008 world depression and the one in 1929 and the great recession of 1989. Keep supporting the corrupt! Because freedom and communism what a load of crap lol.
Crude production plummeted under Trump because of Covid ie lack of demand. Once things started picking up again, there wasnt the supply due to supply chains being broken and there was A LOT of demand, so prices went up. It's pretty fucking simple. In no way was this Trumps fault or Bidens fault.
Chicom bio attack is an anomaly. Using that as a metric is dishonest either by you or the propagandists feeding you that horse shit.
Trump energy policy kept prices down and that impacted the entire economy.
Prices had already rebounded post -chicom bio attack before the election.
Biden energy policy has driven them up to when Obama was president the first time. Obama had done the exact same thing. Democrats are destroying the economy for the working class in order to generate more gov dependence.
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.
Chicom bio attack is an anomaly. Using that as a metric is dishonest either by you or the propagandists feeding you that horse shit.
Trump energy policy kept prices down and that impacted the entire economy.
Prices had already rebounded post -chicom bio attack before the election.
Biden energy policy has driven them up to when Obama was president the first time. Obama had done the exact same thing. Democrats are destroying the economy for the working class in order to generate more gov dependence.
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.
So I guess you dont believe in the Constitution.

Yes, crude production was increasing under Trump. It also took the biggest nosedive in history under Trump. Supply chain issues are the cause of the current situation, which will soon be resolved.
I'm sure gas prices going up around the world has nothing to do with idiots not getting vaccinated so people are afraid to go out. Has nothing to do with the supply crisis or anything else, it's all biden, right, brainwashed functional moron?
Yes it is Biden, he is a demented fool.
So I guess you dont believe in the Constitution.

Yes, crude production was increasing under Trump. It also took the biggest nosedive in history under Trump. Supply chain issues are the cause of the current situation, which will soon be resolved.
We’ve been down this road before. Have an IQ above 75 explain facetiousness to you.
The diminishing production was due to the anomalous virus attack.
The current prices are a result of this cabal reversing all of trump’s energy policies in order to drive up prices.
You should have to personally make up the difference in consumer goods costs for the rest of us who aren’t so dishonest.
So I guess you dont believe in the Constitution.

Yes, crude production was increasing under Trump. It also took the biggest nosedive in history under Trump. Supply chain issues are the cause of the current situation, which will soon be resolved.
Lol, gas is suppose to rise more by predictions and its going to cost 45% more to heat your home this winter. Thank Biden.
We’ve been down this road before. Have an IQ above 75 explain facetiousness to you.
The diminishing production was due to the anomalous virus attack.
The current prices are a result of this cabal reversing all of trump’s energy policies in order to drive up prices.
You should have to personally make up the difference in consumer goods costs for the rest of us who aren’t so dishonest.
So I'm just supposed to guess when you are being serious?

Your doctor needs to up your meds. They arent stopping you from thinking up more conspiracies.
Lol, gas is suppose to rise more by predictions and its going to cost 45% more to heat your home this winter. Thank Biden.

The easy way to solve this question, was what was gasoline prices BEFORE COVID hit, and the economy was humming, like mid 2019!

The Left is making excuses, which is all they really have. Trump got them a vaccine in 9 months. Joe can't even keep the oil flowing.

Trump was very divisive to say the least, but his economic policies compared to Joes is like night and day.

The Left can drum up all the excuses they want, but it will not work. Americans are tired of their excuses, and most everything they SWORE had happened to give them a reason to impeach Trump, have basically been proven false.

Fool everyone once, shame on you. Try and pull it off again with excuses and lies, watch next November-)
I'm still traumatized by the "red state experiment". It was a huge disaster.
It sure was. I have a couple of friends who work for the state and they told me plenty of horror stories. You no doubt heard similar stories.
The easy way to solve this question, was what was gasoline prices BEFORE COVID hit, and the economy was humming, like mid 2019!

The Left is making excuses, which is all they really have. Trump got them a vaccine in 9 months. Joe can't even keep the oil flowing.

Trump was very divisive to say the least, but his economic policies compared to Joes is like night and day.

The Left can drum up all the excuses they want, but it will not work. Americans are tired of their excuses, and most everything they SWORE had happened to give them a reason to impeach Trump, have basically been proven false.

Fool everyone once, shame on you. Try and pull it off again with excuses and lies, watch next November-)

You guys really need to stop giving trump credit for the economy. Right now, the economy is fine. The stock market is higher than it was during trump. We are in the midst of a global problem that the right is trying to pin on Biden. You do NOT want republican control of congress or another trump presidency. If that happens America as we know it is gone. Now you guys have lied to yourselves long enough. It is time to stop doing so.
Pretty simple, dip shit Biden has shut down just about anything to do oil in this country, Biden is a miserable piece of shit, along with all rest of the democratic party.
The president cannot shut down private companies idiot. Stop reading the gateway pundit.
Chicom bio attack is an anomaly. Using that as a metric is dishonest either by you or the propagandists feeding you that horse shit.
Trump energy policy kept prices down and that impacted the entire economy.
Prices had already rebounded post -chicom bio attack before the election.
Biden energy policy has driven them up to when Obama was president the first time. Obama had done the exact same thing. Democrats are destroying the economy for the working class in order to generate more gov dependence.
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.
Trump left office with gasoline price at 20¢ higher than what Obama left him....
Trump is not why the gas prices were low. Hardly anybody was buying gas due to the lockdowns caused by the pandemic.
The rise at these numbers is Biden's fault. All of the infrastructure was there for the start up or restart with heavier production. The infrastructure is still there for all of our products from overseas. And we are doing the Soviet model.
The easy way to solve this question, was what was gasoline prices BEFORE COVID hit, and the economy was humming, like mid 2019!

The Left is making excuses, which is all they really have. Trump got them a vaccine in 9 months. Joe can't even keep the oil flowing.

Trump was very divisive to say the least, but his economic policies compared to Joes is like night and day.

The Left can drum up all the excuses they want, but it will not work. Americans are tired of their excuses, and most everything they SWORE had happened to give them a reason to impeach Trump, have basically been proven false.

Fool everyone once, shame on you. Try and pull it off again with excuses and lies, watch next November-)
Gas was about $2.20 when Obama handed the Oval over to Trump,

And gas was around $2.40 when Trump left the Oval for Biden.
I'm sure gas prices going up around the world has nothing to do with idiots not getting vaccinated so people are afraid to go out. Has nothing to do with the supply crisis or anything else, it's all biden, right, brainwashed functional moron?

We aren't talking about gas prices in the world. You know that right? We're talking about america.

And no one is afraid to go out if you haven't been outside yourself to notice. Even if they were how in the hell would that raise the price of it?

What supply crisis aside from Biden and democrats not offloading it. You do realize there are record numbers of containers sitting right off the coast dying to be unloaded right? Even during the pandemic shutdowns they managed to unload them and stores like Walmart, Amazon and Target selling record number of products.

Only ones that sounds brainwashed is you because you're not addressing the issue, you're just spewing out phrases that have no bearing at all on things and shows how little you know or thought out into your statement.

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