Kansas GOP Senator Roger Marshall: President Biden can't make electric cars viable, so he's raising gas prices

It sure was. I have a couple of friends who work for the state and they told me plenty of horror stories. You no doubt heard similar stories.
I heard everything up to and including collecting uneeded documents in the AG's office so they could run them back through the printer on the other side. It was nuts. The entire state government almost ground to a halt.
When AOC declared their goal was to eliminate fossil fuel use, turning instead to water, solar, wind, electric, and TECHNOLOGY THAT HAS NOT BEEN INVENTED YET....Democrats and snowflakes thought this was such a great idea.

They have no clue how many products are made from fossil fuel and that there is no substitute that can be used.....

They also had no idea getting rid of fossil fuels and the internal combustion engine would put MILLIONS of people out of work whe destroying the economy....

'Save the planet, save the planet' became the mentally insane babbling of idiots.

Intelligent people already knew you could not turn off using fossil fuels like turning off a night light, that you could not just outlaw the internal combustion engine, that one day we would make cars illegal and the next morning only allow Americans to drive electric cars....

Driving up the cost of gas / fuel is of course the only way to make electric cars 'affordable'....

It's literally 'herding' Americans into accepting their agenda by inflicting as much pain on Americans as possible, driving them with their economic cattle prod...

Self-inflicted madness / pain...who votes FOR this? No one...intentionally. It is FORCED on us by Tyrants who believe they know better than us / who want to control us.

Un-Constitutional quarantines and mask/ vaccine mandates, intentionally created inflation, massive debt-adding spending, supply chain crisis, unbearable price increases, unimaginable gas and fuel costs, tge creation of a new dependent class through open borders that requires higher taxes from the middle class, and forced dependence on govt social programs....

They are all tools, techniques, policies used by Tyrants to destroy independence, freedom, personal choice, ... to turn our nation into a Marxist / Socialist tyrannical failed state like Venezuela....

We are being 'herded' into it by politicians who stopped being servants of the people long ago.

'We the people' run nothing, control nothing, and are at the mercies of our masters....many just do not understand that yet...
The technology to make electric vehicles more affordable to those who want one will be here in five years or so. To those who WANT one. If you don't, don't buy one. Nobody is or will force anyone to go that route. Period.

Ford will be rolling out an electric F-150 pickup in the near future. Think they're doing it because people don't want one, genius?

Ford is developing an electric pickup to take away our independence, right Ace? Go see your shrink & up your meds.
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The rise at these numbers is Biden's fault. All of the infrastructure was there for the start up or restart with heavier production. The infrastructure is still there for all of our products from overseas. And we are doing the Soviet model.
No it isn't. And no matter how many times you make that claim, you will be wrong. We are talking about a global problem, which means other countries are also unable to ship things we use and need.
I heard everything up to and including collecting uneeded documents in the AG's office so they could run them back through the printer on the other side. It was nuts. The entire state government almost ground to a halt.
Yeah, when my friend started calling the state Brownbackistan, I knew things were going very badly. And when top republicans endorsed the democrat when he ran for his second term, I knew things had gone completely wrong.
You're fucking stupid. Oil production plummeted under Trump. U.S. crude oil production fell by 8% in 2020, the largest annual decrease on record - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

If you choose to ignore reality that is your fucking problem. And like I said, this is neither trump's nor biden's fault. It's Covid's fault you dumb piece of shit.

Not sure that is true.
How much delay is there in the oil production process?
From pumping, shipping, refining, to distributing, it seems like less than a month to me.
So then the supply should be able to respond to demand fairly quickly?
Not sure that is true.
How much delay is there in the oil production process?
From pumping, shipping, refining, to distributing, it seems like less than a month to me.
So then the supply should be able to respond to demand fairly quickly?
"Seems". In other words, you're just making stuff up out of thin air.
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The technology to make electric vehicles more affordable to those who want one will be here in five years or so. To those who WANT one. If you don't, don't buy one. Nobody is or will force anyone to go that route. Period.

Ford will be rolling out an electric F-150 pickup in the near future. Think they're doing it because people don't want one, genius?

Ford is developing an electric pickup to take away our independence, right Ace? Go see your shrink & up your meds.

Yes, EVs are a terrible idea, very harmful, and will reduce our independence.
They are not cleaner.
A typical EV gets about the equivalent pollution to an internal combustion car that gets 29 mpg.
An EV pickup truck will produce even more emissions.
While internal combustion engine cars can easily get over 35 mpg.
Electricity is still fossil fuel burning, and natural gas electricity production has even more emissions than coal because of the leakage during fracking.

Government is forcing EVs by increasing the gas tax to pay for roads, while EVs pay no road maintenance taxes at all.
And government is subsiding EVs with huge tax rebates, as much as $10,000, which we are all paying for.
I'm sure gas prices going up around the world has nothing to do with idiots not getting vaccinated so people are afraid to go out. Has nothing to do with the supply crisis or anything else, it's all biden, right, brainwashed functional moron?
The US not producing enough gas creates higher demand for the oil/gas that there is worldwide raising prices around the world. If you want lower prices around the world, the US needs to produce like it was under TRUMP---BIDEN the fuck up that he is is pushing up energy prices around the world.
"Seems". In other words, you're just making stuff up out of thin air.

I am just asking the legitimate question of how could the reduction in production during the covid glut, still be effecting us now, when the delay in the pipeline can't be more than about a month, it would seem?
Why would a mismatch in production and consumption last that long?
Electricity is still fossil fuel burning, and natural gas electricity production has even more emissions than coal because of the leakage during fracking.
Not for long. And thanks for admitting fracking isnt a good thing.
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I am just asking the legitimate question of how could the reduction in production during the covid glut, still be effecting us now, when the delay in the pipeline can't be more than about a month, it would seem?
Why would a mismatch in production and consumption last that long?

Explain to us how you arent making things up when you use the word "seems".
Not for long. And thanks for admitting fracking isnt a good thing.

How can we fix the burning of fossil fuel for electricity production problem?
About the only solution is atomic energy.
Wind and solar won't work because they are not consistent enough.
How can we fix the burning of fossil fuel for electricity production problem?
About the only solution is atomic energy.
Wind and solar won't work because they are not consistent enough.
Because of course wind and solar technology will never improve.
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Explain to us how you arent making things up when you use the word "seems".

The word "seems" is exactly what it says, which is asking if the obvious conclusion is actually true or not?
Anyone using the word "seems" is automatically telling the truth because they are stating a perception admitedly.
It is those who do NOT say "seems", who are deliberately lying.
The word "seems" is exactly what it says, which is asking if the obvious conclusion is actually true or not?
Anyone using the word "seems" is automatically telling the truth because they are stating a perception admitedly.
It is those who do NOT say "seems", who are deliberately lying.
How did you get your premise? You know, you could easily get your answer via google instead of random internet users. Which leads me to the conclusion you actually arent searching for a real answer you're just here to either gain sympathy or to bash someone, probably Biden. Why dont you look it up on google and get back to us.
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Yes, wind and solar can NEVER improve because there will never be a way to make wind or solar consistently available when you want it.
I was being sarcastic. Obviously solar panels will become more efficient....more than you and I can comprehend. Same thing happened with the computer. What once filled a room you can now see under a microscope.
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How did you get your premise? You know, you could easily get your answer via google instead of random internet users. Which leads me to the conclusion you actually arent searching for a real answer you're just here to either gain sympathy or to bash someone, probably Biden. Why dont you look it up on google and get back to us.

Well it was my hope someone here already knew, since it is not a trivial search criteria.
But I found it anyway.
From the destination ports they will be sent to distributors, trucks and finally delivered to fuel stations. So, in the best case, it takes about 2 weeks from the well to the station. On the worst about a month, give or take a week.

So then it is even shorter than I thought, with it being only 2 weeks instead of the 4 weeks I allowed for.
Which means the covid surplus can not possibly now be the cause of any shortages or high prices any more.

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