Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill against gay couples

People choose to be fags.

The Lord does NOT create them as such.
Sure does

As near as I can tell...neither of you is authorized to speak for God.

In your case, you are full of shit all the time anyway....you'd be doing diety a favor by not standing up for them. It really kills their credibility.
What makes you think I am not authorized to speak for god?

You have any proof of that?
That's because Republicans hate gay people. In fact, it's well known gays are at the top the GOP hate list.

This is the list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Is does occasionally change a little. Where Jews are used to be the poor. But I think the poor has fallen out of the top 10. But when October comes and those healthcare subsidies end, they will come roaring back into the top ten.

Liberals hate:

1. Republicans
2. Christians
3, Jews
4. Hard workers
5. White people
6. Gun owners
7. Guns and bullets
8. The constitution
9. The bill of rights
10. America
Cons are:
1. Stupid enough to believe all that.
You don't even believe in the Lord, so STFU.

And he didn't "create" gays. Just like he didn't create sinners. People choose to sin, people choose to be gay. The Lord creates life, what that life does is up to them.

But homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord. However, it's not my place to judge. That's up to God himself.

Dumbshit comment. People are created as created. You sound like you are parroting some ignorant southern baptist boob or some other pathetic fundie.
I thank the Lord that I was created with the hetero gene.


What "lord"? Yeah, I got the "hetero gene," too. But I don't go around insulting people who got the "other" genes. What's that about? "Hetero pride," my ass. I happen to be female and the only people I've ever been attracted to were male. I never had to "come out of the closet" and stop hiding the fact that I am heterosexual like the LGBTs had to do. If you had any "pride," it would be as a heterosexual WOMAN, who decides which man she will welcome in her bed and which she will not, and stop kowtowing to heterosexual men who want to program us to have sex on their command. Being a "proud" straight woman means that we make our own choices, Sometimes it's "yes;" and sometimes it's "no." If you're so proud, you would understand this fundamental concept. Stand up for heterosexual women for a change.
It's not our fault we're better than you. Nor to our credit. We're still sinners, we're just saved from our sins, that's all.

And I do stand up for heteros of all genders, which is why I'm better than you.



You are serious ? Really ?
Why would that be a joke?

I represent hundreds of millions more people than homo sympathizers in the US alone.
Why are conservatives always such assholes when it comes to homosexuals?

It's really the government they tend to hate. You, of course, love it since it keeps you in clothing.

My guess is that homosexuals would assimilate quite well if they were not so fucking militant about it.

But, nooooooooooo, they just have to have it their way and in the course of things screw up institutions that have been around longer than the gay rights movement.

Most gays I know think all this is bullshit and wish the headline grabbers would move out of the country.

An oppressed minority becomes militant out of necessity . They have that right and a obligation to them selves to fight back against discrimination and marginalization. Bitching about their militancy makes you sound exactly like the racial bigots who complain about uppity blacks who don't know their place.

LGBT people have come a long way but in some ways still have much to overcome. They are still subject to discrimination in housing, employment and, as we see here adoption. The fact is, that in progressive states like New Jersey where I am, they have assimilated quite well. It is not an issue and no one notices or cares that they live among us as productive and responsible citizens and family people . There is no militancy here because there is no need for it, unlike in Kansas and other places. . Ask your self how passive you would be if you were denied the right of full participation in society, and equal protection under the law based on some arbitrary characteristic or membership in a certain group.

Out of necessity ?

What necessity ?

Many groups have assimilated with no militancy.

Now, thanks for the lecture.

Only I lived in California for six years...where things are so progressive. And cities like Concord and Walnut Creek were forced to allow Gay Pride parandes where gay men would wear leather outfits that were simply gross. And women would wear outfits that challenged people to tell them they were sick. So, they didn't assimilate naturally...but they pushed themselves on people in a way that nobody else has.

And somehow you think you can tell others that it's O.K. for them to be militant...but you (being the tolerant motherfucker that you are) can call others bigotted for being militant back.

Kiss my ass.
Geezzzzz dude. It sounds like you're another one here who needs some anger management help. Your the one going all militant now and I seriously doubt if you really have anything to gripe about.

You ask what the necessity for being militant is?? That alone tells me a lot about you. You think that gays folks should just shut up an be thankful for what they achieved, and shut up about the small stuff like employment discrimination, public accomodations and adoption, don't you?

Why don't you settle down and explain what's really troubling you. I doubt that its just about parades. California has not always been so gay friendly. When were you there to witness these horrific spectacles? In any case, I doubt if that is what this is really all about. I stand by my assessment of your attitude. I want to silence gays for speaking out and demanding their rights, and when they do you bleat about militancy ..JUST LIKE others did - and still do , when complaining about "uppity Negroes "

Why don't you twist things a little harder and maybe they'll just snap.

Yes, I asked what the necessity of being militant was about. Why ? That question comes more from my gay friends than anything else. Know why ? For the most part they have not experienced what you call out. They live the complex lives they have dealing with difficult issues (especially the ones who were married before deciding they were gay) such as loving a woman who has been a great partner while being attracted to men. Oh....and let's not forget that same militancy in the gay community is what has some in the community openly critisizing and condemning gays who WON'tT leave their wives or families to be "really gay". Or freezing out those who don't agree with them in their approach to being confrontational. And we are not talking gays in the closet. These are people who are openly gay and who do their best to simply be part of what's around them without making a big deal about it. Who are openly accepted and contribute as if they were not any different (because they really are not any different).

Actually, it is what it is all about. I could care less about gay marriage (my thinking is that if heteros wouldn't get divorced at 50%, gay marriage really would not be an issue).

California is not gay friendly...so you take to the streets in a parade in a city that does not want you there to start and you rub it in people's faces by wearking things like black leather chaps with no underwear or nun's outfits spattered in red paint.....or...as one guy did....putting a 4 ft paper miche dick in a wheelbarrow and parading down mainstreet.

But you don't see the disconnect.

I could really give a flying fuck about "your assessment". You won't (because you can't) answer why it's so great for gays to shove the worst of their culture on everyone, but it is bigoted to push back. That makes no fucking sense whatsoever.

The upitty comment is just making shit up. Fuck you.

And I'll go the same with those assholes who are so openly hostile towards gun owners. You wanna push...fine. But shut the fuck up whem people push back.
Holy shit! That is one hell of a rachis rant! Again, I recommend anger management. I think that you are full of shit about having gay friends and, if you do, I'm willing to bet that you would not lay this bigoted bullshit on them, or they would no longer be your friends.

maybe your "friends " have been fortunate enough to not experience the discrimination that I described but that does not mean that it is not real. It is all well documented.

I do believe that you have some serious issues with gays and perhaps your own sexuality. You should really consider why you find it so necessary to lash out against gay activism as you do. Again, I seriously doubt that it is about the parades that you find so offensive. It is something much deeper that you are disturbed about,

And then there is this:
Actually, it is what it is all about. I could care less about gay marriage (my thinking is that if heteros wouldn't get divorced at 50%, gay marriage really would not be an issue).

What the fuck is that about? Really bizarre! Heteros getting divorces? Why ? 50% of what? Geezzzz man get a grip!

If you don't understand the issues still facing gays and why it may be necessary for them to be " in your face" about it, that is your problem stemming from your own insensitivity and ignorance, and Jim Crow mentality.
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You don't even believe in the Lord, so STFU.

And he didn't "create" gays. Just like he didn't create sinners. People choose to sin, people choose to be gay. The Lord creates life, what that life does is up to them.

But homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord. However, it's not my place to judge. That's up to God himself.

Dumbshit comment. People are created as created. You sound like you are parroting some ignorant southern baptist boob or some other pathetic fundie.
I thank the Lord that I was created with the hetero gene.

Why else would you have two young chicks as an avi?

All machismo, all the time.....
They're fam, Bart.
So they aren't chicks?
Don't feed the zombie troll bots, The are dead but don't know it. Given the chance they will eat your brains.
Why are conservatives always such assholes when it comes to homosexuals?

It's really the government they tend to hate. You, of course, love it since it keeps you in clothing.

My guess is that homosexuals would assimilate quite well if they were not so fucking militant about it.

But, nooooooooooo, they just have to have it their way and in the course of things screw up institutions that have been around longer than the gay rights movement.

Most gays I know think all this is bullshit and wish the headline grabbers would move out of the country.

An oppressed minority becomes militant out of necessity . They have that right and a obligation to them selves to fight back against discrimination and marginalization. Bitching about their militancy makes you sound exactly like the racial bigots who complain about uppity blacks who don't know their place.

LGBT people have come a long way but in some ways still have much to overcome. They are still subject to discrimination in housing, employment and, as we see here adoption. The fact is, that in progressive states like New Jersey where I am, they have assimilated quite well. It is not an issue and no one notices or cares that they live among us as productive and responsible citizens and family people . There is no militancy here because there is no need for it, unlike in Kansas and other places. . Ask your self how passive you would be if you were denied the right of full participation in society, and equal protection under the law based on some arbitrary characteristic or membership in a certain group.

Out of necessity ?

What necessity ?

Many groups have assimilated with no militancy.

Now, thanks for the lecture.

Only I lived in California for six years...where things are so progressive. And cities like Concord and Walnut Creek were forced to allow Gay Pride parandes where gay men would wear leather outfits that were simply gross. And women would wear outfits that challenged people to tell them they were sick. So, they didn't assimilate naturally...but they pushed themselves on people in a way that nobody else has.

And somehow you think you can tell others that it's O.K. for them to be militant...but you (being the tolerant motherfucker that you are) can call others bigotted for being militant back.

Kiss my ass.
Geezzzzz dude. It sounds like you're another one here who needs some anger management help. Your the one going all militant now and I seriously doubt if you really have anything to gripe about.

You ask what the necessity for being militant is?? That alone tells me a lot about you. You think that gays folks should just shut up an be thankful for what they achieved, and shut up about the small stuff like employment discrimination, public accomodations and adoption, don't you?

Why don't you settle down and explain what's really troubling you. I doubt that its just about parades. California has not always been so gay friendly. When were you there to witness these horrific spectacles? In any case, I doubt if that is what this is really all about. I stand by my assessment of your attitude. I want to silence gays for speaking out and demanding their rights, and when they do you bleat about militancy ..JUST LIKE others did - and still do , when complaining about "uppity Negroes "

Why don't you twist things a little harder and maybe they'll just snap.

Yes, I asked what the necessity of being militant was about. Why ? That question comes more from my gay friends than anything else. Know why ? For the most part they have not experienced what you call out. They live the complex lives they have dealing with difficult issues (especially the ones who were married before deciding they were gay) such as loving a woman who has been a great partner while being attracted to men. Oh....and let's not forget that same militancy in the gay community is what has some in the community openly critisizing and condemning gays who WON'tT leave their wives or families to be "really gay". Or freezing out those who don't agree with them in their approach to being confrontational. And we are not talking gays in the closet. These are people who are openly gay and who do their best to simply be part of what's around them without making a big deal about it. Who are openly accepted and contribute as if they were not any different (because they really are not any different).

Actually, it is what it is all about. I could care less about gay marriage (my thinking is that if heteros wouldn't get divorced at 50%, gay marriage really would not be an issue).

California is not gay friendly...so you take to the streets in a parade in a city that does not want you there to start and you rub it in people's faces by wearking things like black leather chaps with no underwear or nun's outfits spattered in red paint.....or...as one guy did....putting a 4 ft paper miche dick in a wheelbarrow and parading down mainstreet.

But you don't see the disconnect.

I could really give a flying fuck about "your assessment". You won't (because you can't) answer why it's so great for gays to shove the worst of their culture on everyone, but it is bigoted to push back. That makes no fucking sense whatsoever.

The upitty comment is just making shit up. Fuck you.

And I'll go the same with those assholes who are so openly hostile towards gun owners. You wanna push...fine. But shut the fuck up whem people push back.

Shoving "the worst" of someone's culture on "everyone"? I'm not sure what you mean by "the worst" of anyone's "culture," but I know that everyone who participates in American society puts what you describe as their "culture" forth to the general public. Merely being visible in society is NOT being "militant." It's known as "living." Look how long that shithead Pat Robertson has been on TV hawking his garbage and nobody has forced him off the air. Didn't we all get exposed to this "values" conference in D.C. some weeks ago? Didn't we all just get exposed to some NRA meeting in the past few days? We are all, every single one of us, exposed to "the worst" of somebody else's culture every damn day. If you don't want to go to somebody else's parade, simply don't go, toots.
Saying republicans hate Jews when its republicans who go out of their way to defend Israel and the liberal left goes out of its way to say Israel is evil....I'm not quite sure how THAT got on the republican "hate" list.
How many Jewish politicians are Republican

Can’t love them that much

That would mean Jews hate republicans, not republicans hate jews.
People choose to be fags.

The Lord does NOT create them as such.
And the Constitution protects their right to make that choice.

Please show me the word "homosexual" in the constitution.

People choose to be fags.

The Lord does NOT create them as such.
And the Constitution protects their right to make that choice.

Please show me the word "homosexual" in the constitution.

You can find it here in the Constitution:

“When sexuality finds overt expression in intimate conduct with another person, the conduct can be but one element in a personal bond that is more enduring. The liberty protected by the Constitution allows homosexual persons the right to make this choice.”


You’re welcome.
That's not the constitution. That's case law.

You said the constitution protects that choice to be a fag. Show me where the CONSTITUTION does that.

The SCOTUS was ruling on the Texas law that made it ILLEGAL. That's far different than saying the constitution protects the right to be a fag. You're moving the goalposts because you're losing the argument.

So the answer is.....Um no, it doesn't.
People choose to be fags.

The Lord does NOT create them as such.
And the Constitution protects their right to make that choice.

Please show me the word "homosexual" in the constitution.


Show me the word heterosexual

Show me the word Christian

Show me the word bigoted dumb fuck

They’re not there either but you have the right to be those things too

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
People choose to be fags.

The Lord does NOT create them as such.
And the Constitution protects their right to make that choice.

Please show me the word "homosexual" in the constitution.


Show me the word heterosexual

Show me the word Christian

Show me the word bigoted dumb fuck

They’re not there either but you have the right to be those things too

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Heterosexual is the norm. That doesn't need protection.

Christian is protected by seperation of church and state.

Bigoted dumb fuck is just a good phrase to describe you, so you're losing the argument again.

Why you defending fags? You a fudgepacker? Bend over your boyfriend wants you to TAKE IT IN THE ASS!!
Since the law says gay can legally marry, they should be treated like all married couples. Even single people can adopt.
They can marry, but until Two biological men or two women can create babies thru sex with each other they are not meant to be parents. And they cannot be fit parents to raise a child normally. Don't give me any bullshit about normal couples who are barren are allowed to adopt. The difference is the child will have a father and a mother. The basic unit of a family.
Kansas is a great example to the nation of successful conservatism.
My home state of Kansas is showing the way. And now, just this weekend, our governor of Iowa put the cabash on late term abortions. After six weeks the heart starts beating. Since when a heart stops beating determines when you're dead, a beating heart determines when you're alive and viable.

SCOTUS will agree and that will end Roe v Wade for good.
Since the law says gay can legally marry, they should be treated like all married couples. Even single people can adopt.
They can marry, but until Two biological men or two women can create babies thru sex with each other they are not meant to be parents. And they cannot be fit parents to raise a child normally. Don't give me any bullshit about normal couples who are barren are allowed to adopt. The difference is the child will have a father and a mother. The basic unit of a family.

I could not agree more.

The day that a child is raised in a home to believe that two men ass fucking each other is normal is the day our society will crumble.
People choose to be fags.

The Lord does NOT create them as such.
Sure does

As near as I can tell...neither of you is authorized to speak for God.

In your case, you are full of shit all the time anyway....you'd be doing diety a favor by not standing up for them. It really kills their credibility.
What makes you think I am not authorized to speak for god?

You have any proof of that?

Yes...he didn't personally inform me that he'd hired a moron to speak for him.
People choose to be fags.

The Lord does NOT create them as such.
And the Constitution protects their right to make that choice.

Please show me the word "homosexual" in the constitution.

People choose to be fags.

The Lord does NOT create them as such.
And the Constitution protects their right to make that choice.

Please show me the word "homosexual" in the constitution.

You can find it here in the Constitution:

“When sexuality finds overt expression in intimate conduct with another person, the conduct can be but one element in a personal bond that is more enduring. The liberty protected by the Constitution allows homosexual persons the right to make this choice.”


You’re welcome.


It's not in the consitution.

It overturned Bowers which said the constutiton said something else.

You guys are so fucked up.

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