Kansas: Legalizing Discrimination

I understand the laws just fine. ThOur merchants, including the baker and florist, have strong religious views against integration. ey apply to all except religious or private organizations, period.
No you don't. That's why you fell back to a gay propaganda op-ed piece instead of citing the section of law you linked to earlier. His first sentence:

"Our merchants, including the baker and florist, have strong religious views against integration."


You didn't read the whole thing did you? Apply this law to interracial marriage. Would it fly?
I understand the laws just fine. ThOur merchants, including the baker and florist, have strong religious views against integration. ey apply to all except religious or private organizations, period.
No you don't. That's why you fell back to a gay propaganda op-ed piece instead of citing the section of law you linked to earlier. His first sentence:

"Our merchants, including the baker and florist, have strong religious views against integration."


You didn't read the whole thing did you? Apply this law to interracial marriage. Would it fly?

There's nothing in the bible outlining interracial marriages as a mortal sin. The behaviors that make up homosexuality ARE outlined as a mortal sin of which merely the crime of enabling those behaviors as they overtake a culture is worthy of the pit of fire forever.

If you want to debate how this issue is a 1st amendment issue Seawytch, a good place to start would be the Bible and Jude 1 and Romans 1 where the directives to earnestly contend to abolish this spread are given...or else...
No you don't. That's why you fell back to a gay propaganda op-ed piece instead of citing the section of law you linked to earlier. His first sentence:

"Our merchants, including the baker and florist, have strong religious views against integration."


You didn't read the whole thing did you? Apply this law to interracial marriage. Would it fly?

There's nothing in the bible outlining interracial marriages as a mortal sin. The behaviors that make up homosexuality ARE outlined as a mortal sin of which merely the crime of enabling those behaviors as they overtake a culture is worthy of the pit of fire forever.

If you want to debate how this issue is a 1st amendment issue Seawytch, a good place to start would be the Bible and Jude 1 and Romans 1 where the directives to earnestly contend to abolish this spread are given...or else...

That's not what the bigots before now thought. They tried to use the bible to justify anti-miscegenation laws and were even sometimes successful in a court of law.

This law will not be successful and will fall like other anti-gay marriage laws are falling.


There's nothing in the bible outlining interracial marriages as a mortal sin. The behaviors that make up homosexuality ARE outlined as a mortal sin of which merely the crime of enabling those behaviors as they overtake a culture is worthy of the pit of fire forever.

If you want to debate how this issue is a 1st amendment issue Seawytch, a good place to start would be the Bible and Jude 1 and Romans 1 where the directives to earnestly contend to abolish this spread are given...or else...

So is eating shellfish and pork, but yet oddly, that's a mortal sin that isn't very big on your list.

Let's be honest why you hide behind selective bible verses. you think the gay sex is icky. Okay. Whatever floats you boat. Two dudes doing it, yeah, not my thing, either.

Also, really, none of my business nor yours or your Imaginary Sky Fairy's.
It doesn't matter how many gays there are. If business people don't want to be enslaved to them, they shouldn't be. There's a difference between discrimination and refusing to participate in a same sex wedding.

Not really. Once they said, "We provide ###### to weddings," then guess what, they have to provide it.

Well maybe you are correct, now.

Until these un-American "public accommodation" laws can be overturned business owners need to learn how to legally discriminate.

Again, I believe business should only be conducted between a willing seller and a willing buyer.
So is eating shellfish and pork, but yet oddly, that's a mortal sin that isn't very big on your list.

Let's be honest why you hide behind selective bible verses. you think the gay sex is icky. Okay. Whatever floats you boat. Two dudes doing it, yeah, not my thing, either.

Also, really, none of my business nor yours or your Imaginary Sky Fairy's.

Nope, venial sins. No cities were destroyed and all their inhabitants sent to the pit of fire forever for eating pork or shellfish.

And, by the way, those are old Testament/Jewish local customs/venial sins. The New Testament mortal sin of enabling homosexuality in Jude 1 particularly gives very explicit instructions to the faithful to remember the example of Sodom and other cities that might be like it. It implores them to actively resist the spread of this cult into the faithful. It directly states that anyone who enables this situation and does not put up an active fight against it will go to the Pit of Fire along with the already damned.

There's nothing in the bible outlining interracial marriages as a mortal sin. The behaviors that make up homosexuality ARE outlined as a mortal sin of which merely the crime of enabling those behaviors as they overtake a culture is worthy of the pit of fire forever.

If you want to debate how this issue is a 1st amendment issue Seawytch, a good place to start would be the Bible and Jude 1 and Romans 1 where the directives to earnestly contend to abolish this spread are given...or else...

So is eating shellfish and pork, but yet oddly, that's a mortal sin that isn't very big on your list.

Let's be honest why you hide behind selective bible verses. you think the gay sex is icky. Okay. Whatever floats you boat. Two dudes doing it, yeah, not my thing, either.

Also, really, none of my business nor yours or your Imaginary Sky Fairy's.

Dude...you have no idea what a nutcase this Silhouette creep is.

So is eating shellfish and pork, but yet oddly, that's a mortal sin that isn't very big on your list.

Let's be honest why you hide behind selective bible verses. you think the gay sex is icky. Okay. Whatever floats you boat. Two dudes doing it, yeah, not my thing, either.

Also, really, none of my business nor yours or your Imaginary Sky Fairy's.

Nope, venial sins. No cities were destroyed and all their inhabitants sent to the pit of fire forever for eating pork or shellfish.

And, by the way, those are old Testament/Jewish local customs/venial sins. The New Testament mortal sin of enabling homosexuality in Jude 1 particularly gives very explicit instructions to the faithful to remember the example of Sodom and other cities that might be like it. It implores them to actively resist the spread of this cult into the faithful. It directly states that anyone who enables this situation and does not put up an active fight against it will go to the Pit of Fire along with the already damned.

The Bible does not hate gays. Only your sick abused mind does.

I'll repeat what I've told you a hundred times elsewhere and to the religious homophobes on this forum: GOD DOES NOT HATE. TO HATE IN THE NAME OF GOD IS BLASPHEMY.
You can tell me that I have to do business with Gays all you want.

You can even make it the law.

"You need this "Adam and Steve" cake on next Friday? Sorry, I can't do it. Too busy."
You can tell me that I have to do business with Gays all you want.

You can even make it the law.

"You need this "Adam and Steve" cake on next Friday? Sorry, I can't do it. Too busy."

Better yet. An "Adam and Steve" cake is a custom order. Let me give you a quote.

That cake will be $10,000.

Too much. Sorry, maybe you can get a better deal somewhere else.
Dude...you have no idea what a nutcase this Silhouette creep is.

I'll repeat what I've told you a hundred times elsewhere and to the religious homophobes on this forum: GOD DOES NOT HATE. TO HATE IN THE NAME OF GOD IS BLASPHEMY.

In Jude 1, Christians were not encouraged to hate gays. They were encouraged to stop the spread of their culture, firmly, decisively but also with compassion for those that "know not what they do". In fact, Christians were held to a higher standard than those they were to stop because christians knew what they were doing. ie: it is, in Jude 1, considered less of a mortal sin to be reflexively compulsive about gay sex and evangelizing that mindset through the community than it is to be aware of that evangelizing and doing nothing to stop it.

That's exactly how the passage reads. And again, it is a mortal sin. It was not preached that the faithful should hate gays; only that they should stop their advancements of their unreflective cult through the fabric of good christian societies and they should stop them firmly but with compassion, as they failed to do in Sodom.
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You can tell me that I have to do business with Gays all you want.

You can even make it the law.

"You need this "Adam and Steve" cake on next Friday? Sorry, I can't do it. Too busy."

Better yet. An "Adam and Steve" cake is a custom order. Let me give you a quote.

That cake will be $10,000.

Too much. Sorry, maybe you can get a better deal somewhere else.

Good one bro!
This is why we need national laws preventing discrimination. The State of Kansas will eventually lose this battle. Gays are going nowhere, in fact, the number of open gays will be increasing significantly over the next decade as more and more acceptance of their pursuit of equality becomes more widely accepted.

The Kansas House has approved a bill aimed at keeping individuals, groups and businesses from being compelled to help with same-sex weddings. The House's 72-49 vote Wednesday sends HB 2453 to the Senate.

Supporters describe it as a religious freedom measure. Opponents contend it will encourage discrimination against gays and lesbians.

The bill would bar government sanctions when individuals, groups and businesses cite religious beliefs in refusing to recognize a marriage or civil union, or to provide goods, services, accommodations or employment benefits to a couple.

Shut up fag.
Kansas has become so incredibly backward and ignorant.

Its a little old now but read, What's the Matter With Kansas.

Scary that so many in the US are so against equal rights. Damn traitors need to go live with their hero, Putin.

Kansas has already banned gay marriage

So now they feel they need a law saying you can't be forced to provide services to gay marriages in the State of Kansas

Do Republicans have nothing better to do?

Apparently not.

They seem only interested in continuing to lose elections.
You can tell me that I have to do business with Gays all you want.

You can even make it the law.

"You need this "Adam and Steve" cake on next Friday? Sorry, I can't do it. Too busy."

In which case you’ll need to decide whether to perjure yourself or not when deposed by Adam and Steve’s lawyer, as you were able to deliver several cakes to heterosexual customers by Friday.
You can tell me that I have to do business with Gays all you want.

You can even make it the law.

"You need this "Adam and Steve" cake on next Friday? Sorry, I can't do it. Too busy."

In which case you’ll need to decide whether to perjure yourself or not when deposed by Adam and Steve’s lawyer, as you were able to deliver several cakes to heterosexual customers by Friday.

Those orders were already made prior to Adam and Steve's order...

Then I had some cancellations later that allowed me to squeeze in another order or two after refusing Adam and Steve's order.
Those orders were already made prior to Adam and Steve's order...

Then I had some cancellations later that allowed me to squeeze in another order or two after refusing Adam and Steve's order.
Plus, Adam sounded like an overbearing and demanding customer that it wasn't worth working late into the night.
The appropriate answer is "Sorry but I no longer make Adam and Steve cakes or Bob and Sally cakes. I do make cakes for personal friends and family. Oh, I made cakes for Ann and Paul, Lois and Clark. I sure did, they are friends with whom I make private arrangements."

I went through that whole argument three years ago and won hands down. Instantly, on a summary judgment.
It doesn't matter how many gays there are. If business people don't want to be enslaved to them, they shouldn't be. There's a difference between discrimination and refusing to participate in a same sex wedding.

What's the difference? As long as you are getting paid? Anyone else pays for your services. You're not the one getting married.

Why is it always Republicans? And it is. It's always Republicans.

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