Kansas: Legalizing Discrimination

Do any of you realize that the wrong doings of Sodom and Gomorrah weren't that they had gay sex, it was rather because of the way they treated strangers?
LOL. Yes, the entire male population in the town raping you is definitely unhospitable. How long have you been at sea?

Actually, the interpretation is that they asked them to send out the strangers so they "May know them".

19:5 And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.

Now, while "to know" is a euphamism used for sex. The Jewish verb, 'yada', for "too know" however, was never used to describe gay sex anywhere else in the bible. It was frequently used in the practical sense of knowing who someone is.

So it is perfectly reasonable to assume that these men weren't looking for gang rape, but just wanted to know who these strangers were. Not a big shock, given in Genesis 15, Sodom and the cities of the plain had just fought a war against a neighboring Kingdom where Abraham had helped.

Another point. Is it specific that these were "Male" angels? It would strike me that Angels would be neither male nor female. It's not like they need to reproduce sexually, they were all created by God.
OP whines about discrimination but doesn't realize he wants to discriminate against religious folks who don't want to do business for fags "weddings"
This is why we need national laws preventing discrimination. The State of Kansas will eventually lose this battle. Gays are going nowhere, in fact, the number of open gays will be increasing significantly over the next decade as more and more acceptance of their pursuit of equality becomes more widely accepted.

The Kansas House has approved a bill aimed at keeping individuals, groups and businesses from being compelled to help with same-sex weddings. The House's 72-49 vote Wednesday sends HB 2453 to the Senate.

Supporters describe it as a religious freedom measure. Opponents contend it will encourage discrimination against gays and lesbians.

The bill would bar government sanctions when individuals, groups and businesses cite religious beliefs in refusing to recognize a marriage or civil union, or to provide goods, services, accommodations or employment benefits to a couple.

Why should this freedom of conscience be protected only for 'religious' purposes?
Why should this freedom of conscience be protected only for 'religious' purposes?

Because you get cults like Jonestown, the Applewhite cult and Waco Texas and LGBT mania happening if you allow monkey-see, monkey-do to spin out of control. Religions are around to take the monkey out of men and guide them to be more angelic. Any random homo sapiens having "freedom of conscience" always degrades to the lowest monkey levels, : idol worship, sexual indulgences and indulgences of every other kind, murder, rape, theft and so on.

Recognized religions are those that don't worship monkey "freedoms of conscience". They are ones that hold a higher power above that freedom that acts as a damper on mayhem and anarchy.

When you have physicians abandoning their hippocratic oath and helping people amputate their own healthy organs, you have a "freedom of conscience" that has run amok. Such as when they help so-called transsexuals either prepare for mentally [see: the American "Psychological" Association] to mutilate their urinary tracts or pump massive dangerous hormones into their blood. Or, when doctors helping clearly mentally ill people mutilate their bodies to play-act a gender they weren't born to, it is getting pretty near the bottom of the barrel of what can happen when "freedom of conscience" is clipped from its moorings of the concept of an idea of "higher than self".

Jude 1 in the Bible gave strict orders to not enable homosexual culture to spread, where what was done to Sodom was given as an example. It said that if christians do not actively contend to reverse that trend, they're going to the pit of fire as "just as guilty" of those who know not what they do in promoting the church of LGBT and its wildfire-like spread via fierce and unreflective evangelizing by its members.
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Do any of you realize that the wrong doings of Sodom and Gomorrah weren't that they had gay sex, it was rather because of the way they treated strangers?
LOL. Yes, the entire male population in the town raping you is definitely unhospitable. How long have you been at sea?

It was because the people were corrupt and ten honest people could not be found in the whole of the City.

The people were corrupt so the angels came to destroy the City. At that point, it had nothing to do with sex. After Lot invited the Angels into his home, the home was besieged by men who wanted to rape the visitors.

This is why no one can learn anything about Christianity from someone who doesn't know it themselves.
It was because the people were corrupt and ten honest people could not be found in the whole of the City.

The people were corrupt so the angels came to destroy the City. At that point, it had nothing to do with sex. After Lot invited the Angels into his home, the home was besieged by men who wanted to rape the visitors.

This is why no one can learn anything about Christianity from someone who doesn't know it themselves.
Yes, I mentioned that the story was mostly about moral depravity. No lucid mind can escape the fact that all the men in the town wanted in on it. So it wasn't all about homosexual rape but it was a big part of the story. And I was a Christian for over 20 years and saw this spin way back when from gay Christian activists. It's as stupid now as it was then.
Do any of you realize that the wrong doings of Sodom and Gomorrah weren't that they had gay sex, it was rather because of the way they treated strangers?
LOL. Yes, the entire male population in the town raping you is definitely unhospitable. How long have you been at sea?

It was because the people were corrupt and ten honest people could not be found in the whole of the City.

The people were corrupt so the angels came to destroy the City. At that point, it had nothing to do with sex. After Lot invited the Angels into his home, the home was besieged by men who wanted to rape the visitors.

This is why no one can learn anything about Christianity from someone who doesn't know it themselves.

The SPECIFICS of that corruption [and the punishments for it] are spelled out in Jude:
Jude 1

...3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

5 I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not....

...7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

8 Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities...

...14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,

15 To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

16 These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage.

17 But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ;

18 How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.

19 These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.

20 But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,

21 Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

22 And of some have compassion, making a difference:

23 And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.

24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,
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Why should this freedom of conscience be protected only for 'religious' purposes?

Because you get cults like Jonestown, the Applewhite cult and Waco Texas and LGBT mania happening if you allow monkey-see, monkey-do to spin out of control. Religions are around to take the monkey out of men and guide them to be more angelic. Any random homo sapiens having "freedom of conscience" always degrades to the lowest monkey levels, : idol worship, sexual indulgences and indulgences of every other kind, murder, rape, theft and so on.

Recognized religions are those that don't worship monkey "freedoms of conscience". They are ones that hold a higher power above that freedom that acts as a damper on mayhem and anarchy.

When you have physicians abandoning their hippocratic oath and helping people amputate their own healthy organs, you have a "freedom of conscience" that has run amok. Such as when they help so-called transsexuals either prepare for mentally [see: the American "Psychological" Association] to mutilate their urinary tracts or pump massive dangerous hormones into their blood. Or, when doctors helping clearly mentally ill people mutilate their bodies to play-act a gender they weren't born to, it is getting pretty near the bottom of the barrel of what can happen when "freedom of conscience" is clipped from its moorings of the concept of an idea of "higher than self".

Jude 1 in the Bible gave strict orders to not enable homosexual culture to spread, where what was done to Sodom was given as an example. It said that if christians do not actively contend to reverse that trend, they're going to the pit of fire as "just as guilty" of those who know not what they do in promoting the church of LGBT and its wildfire-like spread via fierce and unreflective evangelizing by its members.

You're describing how the first amendment has been twisted to turn it against its original intent. By giving privileged status to 'recognized religions', we essentially have state sponsored religions - and, by omission, persecution of those not so recognized.
Why should this freedom of conscience be protected only for 'religious' purposes?

Because you get cults like Jonestown, the Applewhite cult and Waco Texas and LGBT mania happening if you allow monkey-see, monkey-do to spin out of control. Religions are around to take the monkey out of men and guide them to be more angelic. Any random homo sapiens having "freedom of conscience" always degrades to the lowest monkey levels, : idol worship, sexual indulgences and indulgences of every other kind, murder, rape, theft and so on.

Recognized religions are those that don't worship monkey "freedoms of conscience". They are ones that hold a higher power above that freedom that acts as a damper on mayhem and anarchy.

When you have physicians abandoning their hippocratic oath and helping people amputate their own healthy organs, you have a "freedom of conscience" that has run amok. Such as when they help so-called transsexuals either prepare for mentally [see: the American "Psychological" Association] to mutilate their urinary tracts or pump massive dangerous hormones into their blood. Or, when doctors helping clearly mentally ill people mutilate their bodies to play-act a gender they weren't born to, it is getting pretty near the bottom of the barrel of what can happen when "freedom of conscience" is clipped from its moorings of the concept of an idea of "higher than self".

Jude 1 in the Bible gave strict orders to not enable homosexual culture to spread, where what was done to Sodom was given as an example. It said that if christians do not actively contend to reverse that trend, they're going to the pit of fire as "just as guilty" of those who know not what they do in promoting the church of LGBT and its wildfire-like spread via fierce and unreflective evangelizing by its members.

You're describing how the first amendment has been twisted to turn it against its original intent. By giving privileged status to 'recognized religions', we essentially have state sponsored religions - and, by omission, persecution of those not so recognized.

Well, OK then. Put that to SCOTUS and tell them how you think the 1st Amendment should be abolished. And then Kansas can plead their case. I think I know where my money is going on that bet.. :cool: You DO realize of course that the only body in government that can change the 1st Amendment is Congress by a 2/3rds majority.

Good luck!
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Because you get cults like Jonestown, the Applewhite cult and Waco Texas and LGBT mania happening if you allow monkey-see, monkey-do to spin out of control. Religions are around to take the monkey out of men and guide them to be more angelic. Any random homo sapiens having "freedom of conscience" always degrades to the lowest monkey levels, : idol worship, sexual indulgences and indulgences of every other kind, murder, rape, theft and so on.

Recognized religions are those that don't worship monkey "freedoms of conscience". They are ones that hold a higher power above that freedom that acts as a damper on mayhem and anarchy.

When you have physicians abandoning their hippocratic oath and helping people amputate their own healthy organs, you have a "freedom of conscience" that has run amok. Such as when they help so-called transsexuals either prepare for mentally [see: the American "Psychological" Association] to mutilate their urinary tracts or pump massive dangerous hormones into their blood. Or, when doctors helping clearly mentally ill people mutilate their bodies to play-act a gender they weren't born to, it is getting pretty near the bottom of the barrel of what can happen when "freedom of conscience" is clipped from its moorings of the concept of an idea of "higher than self".

Jude 1 in the Bible gave strict orders to not enable homosexual culture to spread, where what was done to Sodom was given as an example. It said that if christians do not actively contend to reverse that trend, they're going to the pit of fire as "just as guilty" of those who know not what they do in promoting the church of LGBT and its wildfire-like spread via fierce and unreflective evangelizing by its members.

You're describing how the first amendment has been twisted to turn it against its original intent. By giving privileged status to 'recognized religions', we essentially have state sponsored religions - and, by omission, persecution of those not so recognized.

Well, OK then. Put that to SCOTUS and tell them how you think the 1st Amendment should be abolished. And then Kansas can plead their case. I think I know where my money is going on that bet.. :cool: You DO realize of course that the only body in government that can change the 1st Amendment is Congress by a 2/3rds majority.

Good luck!

I fully recognize the Court has interpreted the first amendment along the lines of what you describe. I just think they've made a grave error, and perverted the amendment to do exactly the opposite of of what was intended. The First is fine as written, but like so much of the Constitution, as been distorted by deliberate equivocation and lawyering. At this point, though, you're probably right - it would take another amendment to correct it.
Well, OK then. Put that to SCOTUS and tell them how you think the 1st Amendment should be abolished. And then Kansas can plead their case. I think I know where my money is going on that bet.. :cool: You DO realize of course that the only body in government that can change the 1st Amendment is Congress by a 2/3rds majority.

Good luck!

Again you demonstrate a lack of basic understanding of the law. Congress (as a body) cannot change the 1st Amendment with a 2/3rds majority vote.

1. Congress and propose a change with a 2/3rds majority vote, that is one method to start the process.

2. A Constitutional Convention can be called by 2/3rds of the State legislatures, that is a second body that can start the process.

3. In the event the process is started by either #1 or #2, then it requires 3/4 of the States to approve it.​

Well, OK then. Put that to SCOTUS and tell them how you think the 1st Amendment should be abolished. And then Kansas can plead their case. I think I know where my money is going on that bet.. :cool: You DO realize of course that the only body in government that can change the 1st Amendment is Congress by a 2/3rds majority.

Good luck!

Again you demonstrate a lack of basic understanding of the law. Congress (as a body) cannot change the 1st Amendment with a 2/3rds majority vote.

1. Congress and propose a change with a 2/3rds majority vote, that is one method to start the process.

2. A Constitutional Convention can be called by 2/3rds of the State legislatures, that is a second body that can start the process.

3. In the event the process is started by either #1 or #2, then it requires 3/4 of the States to approve it.​


Oh, well then I stand corrected.

But again....good luck!
This is why we need national laws preventing discrimination. The State of Kansas will eventually lose this battle. Gays are going nowhere, in fact, the number of open gays will be increasing significantly over the next decade as more and more acceptance of their pursuit of equality becomes more widely accepted.

The Kansas House has approved a bill aimed at keeping individuals, groups and businesses from being compelled to help with same-sex weddings. The House's 72-49 vote Wednesday sends HB 2453 to the Senate.

Supporters describe it as a religious freedom measure. Opponents contend it will encourage discrimination against gays and lesbians.

The bill would bar government sanctions when individuals, groups and businesses cite religious beliefs in refusing to recognize a marriage or civil union, or to provide goods, services, accommodations or employment benefits to a couple.

Negged for being a whiny fag
This is why we need national laws preventing discrimination. The State of Kansas will eventually lose this battle. Gays are going nowhere, in fact, the number of open gays will be increasing significantly over the next decade as more and more acceptance of their pursuit of equality becomes more widely accepted.

The Kansas House has approved a bill aimed at keeping individuals, groups and businesses from being compelled to help with same-sex weddings. The House's 72-49 vote Wednesday sends HB 2453 to the Senate.

Supporters describe it as a religious freedom measure. Opponents contend it will encourage discrimination against gays and lesbians.

The bill would bar government sanctions when individuals, groups and businesses cite religious beliefs in refusing to recognize a marriage or civil union, or to provide goods, services, accommodations or employment benefits to a couple.

Negged for being a whiny fag

You negged Yurt?
Do any of you realize that the wrong doings of Sodom and Gomorrah weren't that they had gay sex, it was rather because of the way they treated strangers?

Lot hung out beside the gates because he wanted to meet new people and learn what they knew.

Sodom and Gomorrah only wanted to exploit those who came to their city.

But then again..................lots of you Christians think that the original sin was eating from the Tree of Knowledge. Got news for you all, it wasn't because they ate of it, nor was it because they found out they were naked, it was because they all tried to blame it on someone else.

Adam blamed it on Eve, Eve blamed it on the serpent. Wouldn't it have pleased God if He'd seen that His creation actually took responsibility for the actions they'd done?

Face it..................back then, like much today, when someone fucks up, they don't want to take responsibility for their actions. That was the first original sin.

It wasn't nudity, or eating the apple, it was refusing to be responsible for their actions, because they knew the consequences would be large.

Why do you think criminals (as well as adulterers, thieves, or people who do something that society says is wrong) deny they've done anything wrong?

You want to live in God's light? Own up for your own actions.
Sorry, but the original sin was disobeying God.
Why should this freedom of conscience be protected only for 'religious' purposes?

Because you get cults like Jonestown, the Applewhite cult and Waco Texas and LGBT mania happening if you allow monkey-see, monkey-do to spin out of control. Religions are around to take the monkey out of men and guide them to be more angelic. Any random homo sapiens having "freedom of conscience" always degrades to the lowest monkey levels, : idol worship, sexual indulgences and indulgences of every other kind, murder, rape, theft and so on.

Recognized religions are those that don't worship monkey "freedoms of conscience". They are ones that hold a higher power above that freedom that acts as a damper on mayhem and anarchy.

When you have physicians abandoning their hippocratic oath and helping people amputate their own healthy organs, you have a "freedom of conscience" that has run amok. Such as when they help so-called transsexuals either prepare for mentally [see: the American "Psychological" Association] to mutilate their urinary tracts or pump massive dangerous hormones into their blood. Or, when doctors helping clearly mentally ill people mutilate their bodies to play-act a gender they weren't born to, it is getting pretty near the bottom of the barrel of what can happen when "freedom of conscience" is clipped from its moorings of the concept of an idea of "higher than self".

Jude 1 in the Bible gave strict orders to not enable homosexual culture to spread, where what was done to Sodom was given as an example. It said that if christians do not actively contend to reverse that trend, they're going to the pit of fire as "just as guilty" of those who know not what they do in promoting the church of LGBT and its wildfire-like spread via fierce and unreflective evangelizing by its members.

I think it's kind of bizarre that you are trying to lump LGBT in with three obstensively Christian Cults that committed mass suicide. Obviously all the rules in the bible didn't stop those groups from going nuts.

Now, I think there is an argument to be made that mutliating people in gender reassignment surgery is bad medicine. But compared to Crusades, Witch-Burnings, torture of heretics, suppressing immunization, not teaching people about condoms to control the spread of disease, and other crazy we get from religion, it seems kind of minor.

And again, a God who goes around tormenting ANYONE for eternity isn't worthy of anyone's respect.
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Now, I think there is an argument to be made that mutliating people in gender reassignment surgery is bad medicine. But compared to Crusades, Witch-Burnings, torture of heretics, suppressing immunization, not teaching people about condoms to control the spread of disease, and other crazy we get from religion, it seems kind of minor.

And again, a God who goes around tormenting ANYONE for eternity isn't worthy of anyone's respect.

Your solution for all christians to turn their backs on God because of the warnings of damnation in Jude 1 gets an "A" for effort. But don't look for it to happen anytime soon.

Amputation of healthy organs with the assitance of MDs on recommendation from the APA is not something to trivialize. There is a gross malpractice going on and it's time it was addressed frankly, loudly, head on and without reservation or abate until the practice stops cold in its tracks.
Now, I think there is an argument to be made that mutliating people in gender reassignment surgery is bad medicine. But compared to Crusades, Witch-Burnings, torture of heretics, suppressing immunization, not teaching people about condoms to control the spread of disease, and other crazy we get from religion, it seems kind of minor.

And again, a God who goes around tormenting ANYONE for eternity isn't worthy of anyone's respect.

Your solution for all christians to turn their backs on God because of the warnings of damnation in Jude 1 gets an "A" for effort. But don't look for it to happen anytime soon.

Amputation of healthy organs with the assitance of MDs on recommendation from the APA is not something to trivialize. There is a gross malpractice going on and it's time it was addressed frankly, loudly, head on and without reservation or abate until the practice stops cold in its tracks.

1) There is no God. Living your life in fear of an imaginary sky pixie is truly sad.
2) There are a shitload of "God's Laws" that Christians ignore every day.
3) Slavery and Witch-burning were justified by quoting the Bible. If God couldn't get simple ones like those right, why should we trust "Him" on a fairly complicated one like sexuality?
4) Again, can't get worked up about sex-reassignment therapy when we have boob-jobs, botox injections, plastic surgery and all sorts of really unnecessary procedures for people's vanity.

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