Kanye Has Them Shaking In Their Boots

Kanye is about Kanye and any incidental help to Trimp is just lovely.
The fact he keeps calling himself a free-thinker is perfect. At some point, some of his fans will, out of curiosity actually look at the position of the Republicans. That is all that is needed. Curiosity.

10% of the Black community flips Republican and the Dems are toast.

Kanye Has Them Shaking In Their Boots.

First of all nobody is scared of Kanye he's a joke and needs to shut his dam mouth.

Sooo anti-Trump and anti-free speech especially for Blacks who don't toe the liberal line... sounds like typical liberal racism...

Oh.. and welcome to the USMB, you'll have plenty of friendly support... :huh1:
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Kanye West under fire after saying slavery was a choice

An idiot and ignorant A$$ Whole will never convince blacks that slavery was a "choice".
Keep up the hate towards him. Keep proving you only like black people. When they are democrats. Keep it up please!
Kanye was on medication that he took after kim's robbery in Paris..He had a breakdown.. Don't get your hopes up righties, he comment doesn't come from a strong mind..

But crazy Maxine's words do?
The fact he keeps calling himself a free-thinker is perfect. At some point, some of his fans will, out of curiosity actually look at the position of the Republicans. That is all that is needed. Curiosity.

10% of the Black community flips Republican and the Dems are toast.

Kanye Has Them Shaking In Their Boots.

First of all nobody is scared of Kanye he's a joke and needs to shut his dam mouth.

Another liberal trying to silence free speech.....what a surprise.
Kanye West under fire after saying slavery was a choice

An idiot and ignorant A$$ Whole will never convince blacks that slavery was a "choice".
Keep up the hate towards him. Keep proving you only like black people. When they are democrats. Keep it up please!
Kanye was on medication that he took after kim's robbery in Paris..He had a breakdown.. Don't get your hopes up righties, he comment doesn't come from a strong mind..

But crazy Maxine's words do?
Or Hillary's and Pelosi.
Dude's a very brave soul. I hope he doesn't get 'Suicided.' He's also been pretty vocal about the evil secret society pervert Elites that control the Entertainment Industry. Supporting Trump, openly calling out the pervert Elites? Yeah, that's a recipe for death. I'm praying for the dude. God Bless him.
I'm sure if he has an accident, it will be the Clinton's fault.

Well, Bill Clinton certainly is a member of the pervert Elite circle. Him and Harvey Weinstein are very close friends. He's also known to be good friends with Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted pedophile felon scumbag. We'll likely never know how many girls they've raped over the years. They're pure Evil.

Kanye better watch his back. He's been pretty outspoken about the evil perverts who control the music industry. They're some pretty powerful folks. It wouldn't surprise me if he ends up being 'Suicided.' I'll pray for the man.
I dislike West, however he has a right to think and say as he wants and we are all free to dislike it or post our opinions about his comments.

Having an opinion is one thing but being ignorant is another.

You are ignorant it doesn’t seem to stop you.

Hey papageorgio stop living in moms basement get out and see the world lazy ass.

Why did it take you so long to come up with that weak comeback?

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